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Realistic or Modern Don't Die; A Zombie Apocalypse

I do like everyone's characters but that snark really burns... so right now Gray took the cake. Sorry. But Riley seems like a plushie bear compared with that comment.
Lol I don't even know. To be honest I think Riley would lose in a fist fight against Blake. Sure he's capable of a fight but he definitely isn't one of the best at it.

I bet if Riley tried to start an argument against Blake, they'd both just get bored and forget about it xD They both kinda don't have nothing to lose so they'd find it pointless.
Honestly, I think everyone will hate my other character's guts.
Poor kid. Watch how he develops into some ruthless jerk xD

BTW, if anyone wants to develop some sort of history or establish the relationship your character has with Dawn, send me a message! (:
True... Watch Vin like get really hurt or die and everyones just like. "Thats what happens when you take our medicine.
I guarantee that is not how people will react. Sure, he done fucked up, but that doesn't mean they hate him.
Nope. Even he'd feel bad. I mean, he's being a prick because he's a little mad about the medicine incident. He isn't completely heartless.

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