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Futuristic Dome Lore/Locations



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(Note: All images you see are to give you a simplistic idea of what features the aliens have, not what they actually look like, they are merely to give a visual idea of the aliens and help with face claims. Your alien does not need to look exactly like them.)

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[Inner planets]: Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Earth.
(Planets closes to the SUN)

[VENUS] (Data Complete)
Venus is the solar systems hottest planet, despite not being the closes to the sun.
Its citizens adorn cloths such as scarfs and head pieces to protect themselves from the heat and their royalty flaunts their planets minerals and wears large headdresses resembling EARTH's Khat/Nemes worn by Egyptian kings known as Pharaohs.
Their culture is based on relationships whether platonic or romantic. Holidays and traditions based around gift giving and showing a multitude of ways to love.

(Desert safari, Abu Dhabi) (Jawa from Star Wars)

[MERCURY] (Data Complete)
Despite being the closest planet to the Sun, Mercury's temperature tends to rapidly fluctuate so much so it's atmosphere split in half causing one side of the planet to be hot while the other to be cold.
Its citizens are adorning a mix between furs and quilts or fashion similar to the citizens of VENUS across the way.
There are two rulers to dictate both sides to keep them at equals, so a home war doesn't occur.
The planet is the solar systems biggest rest stop for traveling aliens with very lively large group gatherings and a bit of a crime rate with thievery.

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(Black sand beach, Iceland) (Kaminoans from Star Wars)

[MARS] (Data Complete)
Despite how much the humans joked, there were in fact not any organisms living on Mars or so they think. All of Mars citizens actually live underground, the lack of water on the surface of the planet is merely because they do not require it. They know the most about humans, at least from a technological standpoint.
The citizens are adorning uniforms similar to EARTH's sub fashion known as 'Steam Punk' with mechanic worker accents.
Similar to ants, they have a queen and very particular, strict roles.
This planet is the most tactical and threatening in the solar system.

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(Red desert, Wyoming) (Chantho from Doctor Who)


[Outer planets]: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
(Planets farthest from the SUN)

[JUPITER] (Data Complete)
Being closes to the sun in the outer ring, Jupiter is similar to EARTH's spring vacation with showers and nice breezes, so it isn't too hot.
Citizens here wear more skin open clothes with vibrant patterns and designs with occasional over coats in case of sudden rain.
They have one ruler who they see as a deity.
While the citizens aren't 'stupid', they do have a go with the flow type attitude making them seem not very serious.

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(Zuma Beach, L.A) (Diva Plavalaguna from Fifth Element)

[SATURN] (Data Complete)
Saturn is the most advanced planet in the solar system, both in architect and technology.
The citizens are adorned in their technology and tight thermal suits,
They have a round table of rulers, each one assigned to different areas of the planet.
They are recorded to be the longest living race (so far).

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(NYC) (Tallest from Invader Zim)

[URANUS] (Data Complete)
Uranus was the first race to invent galactic travel and are the planet that host ships that EARTH's humans refer to as U.F.O (Unidentified Flying Object), it is also the coldest planet, making it impossible for most races to visit.
They have an alignment with the planet SATURN, being the fuel to build their ships and distribute them across the solar system.
They have one ruler who has ruled them since the dawn of time and the citizens are often wrapped up in large cloaks.

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(Moon peeking over mountains by Sergey Zabelin) (Big chill from Ben Ten)

[NEPTUNE] (Data Complete)
While little is known about Neptune, researchers say it is a city completely submerged in ice water.
Its citizens are similar to EARTH's fish and are the biggest variety of alien race (so far) of different sizes, appearances and colors. The only thing that all have in common is a single light above their heads to see within the dark. But this race is only able to breath water.
Their citizens wear little to no clothing and their rulers are determined by the biggest alien.

(Underwater wallpaper by Zairi) (Ripjaw from Ben Ten)


[Pluto] [Data Complete]

Though no longer considered a planet it houses tiny lifeforms that are, dare humans say, 'cute.' They only reach up to an average size human's knee or shorter.

ufo.png (Artwork by peppermintpopuk)
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