Experiences Does anyone else play non-binary characters?

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This is mostly a “just wondering” type of thread, but I figured it’s a question worth bringing it up.

I have a character who is non-binary and they are one of my prized characters, but I can never seem to play as them much because everyone is looking for male or female characters. I’m just wondering if I’m like the only one or something.
Hiya!~ I don't have any nonbinary OCs at the moment, but there is one canon character from a fandom I often rp. One of my favorite fandom characters is nonbinary (although their "real gender" is hotly debated online by those simple-minded people who won't accept anything but male or female); Kurona Gorgon from Soul Eater. Even so, people tend to portray them as more feminine or masculine than they should be.

You're certainly not the only one, I'm sure lots of people have all manner of characters that aren't explicitly male or female and sadly don't get used often. Although a lot of rps on here will only be accepting male or female characters, there are some that allow and encourage all sorts of characters from nonbinary to genderfluid. I personally take pride in being open to characters of any and all genders.
No but I also don’t care what gender my partners characters are. I think that’s probably part of the issue in 1x1s at least. As people have very specific genders they want their partners to play.

But there are certainly people who are gender neutral. So just keep trying I’m sure you’ll find someone eventually :)
I have cis, non-binary, and trans characters-- but it is pretty hard to find people who are genuinely interested in exploring nonbinary and trans relationships and not just saying they're willing to explore them in order to seem more inclusive. don't give up, though. just keep putting it out there, make some interesting plots to go along with your characters, and you'll find someone sooner or later! group rps are good too! I see a lot more nonbinary characters in grps, actually.
I have a non-binary character that I adore, and I have played some in the past as well, but as a cis (LGBT) person myself I try to tread carefully, because even though I have different experiences with sexuality, different genders are totally out of my personal experience.
yup ! as a non-binary person myself i both play as and against nb and trans characters 🥰
unfortunately, i don’t get to play them very often especially in 1x1s ):
I only play male and female characters. Trans and non-binary I doubt I could do proper justice.
unless it's a romantic RP, does it even matter? If you want to play this character, then just put them in roleplays where gender ID is not relevant if you are having problems with the requisites of being either Male or Female. You need not mention their identification if it isn't pertinent to the story. Simple enough, yeah?

Oh, and to answer the question: Yes. I've played a few androids and creatures and monsters who's gender is null, or "other" due to alien origin
You need not mention their identification if it isn't pertinent to the story. Simple enough, yeah?
I always felt this line of reasoning is a tad silly.

Surely if someone want to play a non-binary character then they want to, you know, actually play a non-binary character rather than one that's functionally cis.
I always felt this line of reasoning is a tad silly.

Surely if someone want to play a non-binary character then they want to, you know, actually play a non-binary character rather than one that's functionally cis.

The only time I could actually see the gender identity being relevant in a story, though, is if the story specifically revolves around the character's transitional experiences or if the character is part of a society with strict gender roles. Like, for example, maybe the character wants to become a skilled warrior and join the warrior's guild but it's males only or something. The character would then have to use other means to convince the guild leaders that they're worthy. It's similar to how Pakku in the Northern Water Tribe refused to teach Katara waterbending until she managed to prove herself.
The only time I could actually see the gender identity being relevant in a story, though, is if the story specifically revolves around the character's transitional experiences or if the character is part of a society with strict gender roles
Cool, don't see how that's relevant to my overall point but thanks for sharing I guess

My point wasn't that gender identity is always relevant in a story but rather that telling people that want to play as non-binary characters that they simply can never bring their characters' gender identity up or not have it affect anything is just telling them to play cis characters with a few more words.
I always felt this line of reasoning is a tad silly.

Surely if someone want to play a non-binary character then they want to, you know, actually play a non-binary character rather than one that's functionally cis.

And how is a non-binary person different from a cis gendered person in terms of functionality outside of romantic encounters? They are literally the same as anyone else.

Ex. The RP is about a colonial ship set out to a distant planet. We need to staff the crew with the roleplayers. The RP will include elements of action and survival against an unknown alien threat. Tell me how a cis or nb or even trans person is any more or less functional than the others in this situation.
For example, if there is a general commanding the army on the battlefield, it doesn't matter if this general is cis or nonbinary. It will still be a general commanding the army.
Now when you get to the part, for example, about how that general became the general, then their gender and identity will matter. Experiences will differ in most cases.

The story doesn't have to be about romance for it to matter either. In character driven stories everything that makes the Character the way they are always matters.
It may not matter for the "functionality" of the character, but will matter for their personality.
^^^ THIS
Make your identity matter in your persona and backstory. That's on you as a creator. But you don't have to make your character's every move pivotal on their gender identity. You don't have to plop it out every time (or any time) you interact, and it doesn't need to be the driving point of their actions. Cis characters don't really do this, why should a NB or Trans need to constantly make examples of their identities? A character should be more than their gender identity
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And how is a non-binary person different from a cis gendered person in terms of functionality outside of romantic encounters? They are literally the same as anyone else.
I feel like we aren't on the same page here. My point was that that telling people that want to play as non-binary characters that they simply can never bring their characters' gender identity up or not have it affect anything is just telling them to play cis characters with a few more words.
I guess what I should have said is that gender identity is just a tiny portion of what a character is. They should play them for more than just that, and not worry so much about it. Make small mentions, have a reflective moment, or a nostalgic memory... add it into the story to allude to the character's identity. But RP the story for the story, and dont fret so much on highlighting just the one aspect of your character. Put the mention in, and move on. Unless you want the RP to focus on it, in which case that's a whole other story that Jannah Jannah was talking about.
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The only time I could actually see the gender identity being relevant in a story, though, is if the story specifically revolves around the character's transitional experiences or if the character is part of a society with strict gender roles. Like, for example, maybe the character wants to become a skilled warrior and join the warrior's guild but it's males only or something. The character would then have to use other means to convince the guild leaders that they're worthy. It's similar to how Pakku in the Northern Water Tribe refused to teach Katara waterbending until she managed to prove herself.

I don't play nonbinary characters as my experiences don't align with that, but I disagree. It's perfectly fine, I think, to have a roleplay in which a character deals with identity expression from time to time even if plot isn't directly involved-- like, it's just a part of who they are. You can be trying to save the world and also occasionally do some soul-searching that is unrelated to that. It's not either/or.
Nope. I prefer to leave that to others. Same with trans characters

I've had androgynous characters or characters where I deliberately try to keep their gender a secret, but never a non-binary character.
Nope. I prefer to leave that to others. Same with trans characters

I've had androgynous characters or characters where I deliberately try to keep their gender a secret, but never a non-binary character.
Most of my characters are pretty clearly male or female, even if they don't fit the stereotypes of their gender. Like, I've written a lot of rough tomboy types.
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