Other Does anyone else have messed up dreams? If so, this is the thread for them. >:)


Tomato Goddess

I've had <em>sooo </em>many dreams, I could write a book about some of them. I even name some of them. O_O If anyone wants to hear any, I've got a few worth sharing. There's -The Bubble -1000 Year Beef -Three Cows (it's worse than you think!) -The Tunnel there's probably more, but I'm slowly starting to forget them. <img alt=" :( " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" title=" :( " width="20" /> If anyone would like to share their dreams, or hear some of mine, post down below!

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I had a dream...

A dream where my children will not be judged by they're skin color and weight.

But rather they're stupidity and [WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY DO TO THE WORLD?!?!?!]
I once had a dream I had to rescue a hot dog being held captive by giant bees from an alternate dimensions using mechasuits while my spunky sidekick hacked into a giant brain.
I need to reply to this... O_O

Okay, so for that first person *is too lazy to scroll up* The Bubble was NOT a cute dream.

In a nutshell, scientists found a hole in the atmosphere. Anything that was living under it sustained massive mutations and basically turned into this brown gooey mess.

The hole started over Alaska, but it soon grew bigger and bigger. Scientists realized that they needed to do something, so they built an atmospheric bubble to protect themselves.

While the earth's atmosphere dissolved, the scientists remained safe within the bubble. But the bubble was small... only a few people were saved. The people outside the bubble became horribly mutated. In incredible agony, the mutated people gathered around the bubble, trying to find away to get in and save themselves.

The scientists realized that they needed to find another inhabitable planet- earth was screwed. So they made a rule that said that no one could bear children while inside the bubble- there simply wasn't enough room.

Of course, that rule was broken and many children were born- including myself.

We all grew up living fairly protected lives in the bubble. It wasn't perfect, however. In order to be fully protected from the mutations, we had to have daily injections as well as remaining under the bubble. Other than that, life was good... until the day the bubble burst.

The mutated people swarmed the bubble, killing everyone they came across. They were angry at the scientists for not saving them.

There were escape pods in the bubble. My boyfriend and I ran for the escape pods, but there simply weren't enough of them. The bubble's population had grown too much. The escape pods had all been taken, or were not working (because why would they work? That would be too easy).

So we ran and hid in this cave. But with all the mutated people running amok and killing everyone, we weren't able to get our injections, and we started to succumb to the mutations.

We found this house to hole up in (I don't know why we left the cave- dream logic, I guess), but the mutated people caught onto us and started banging at the windows and doors. As we huddled in the house, waiting for our inevitable deaths, we saw a single escape pod shoot off into space. They had found an inhabitable planet!

But just as the escape pod made it off the ground, a meteor shower came out of nowhere and hit the pod, causing it to explode. Human kind's last chance just died. Then I woke up.

The Tunnel was a lot more sinister.

There was a murder in this small town near to where I live. This man (just gonna name him Jim for the sake of it) was murdered. Jim's family wanted to investigate the murder, and for some reason, my friends and I decided to help.

We suspected Bob (random name) to be the murderer, as Bob had been part of this crazy cult and had really gone off the deep-end over the last few years.

So we went to confront Bob, but when we arrived at his house, Bob was already dead. Confused, we decided to check out Bob's house.

Riley (Jim's daughter) needed to use the restroom, she she went to the basement to do so. She came running upstairs a little while later, however, excited because she'd found something in the bathroom. We were skeptical at first, but Riley had been right.

In the tiles under the bathroom floor, there was a hole leading to a large dirt tunnel. The tunnel was a big spiral that looked like it burrowed deep into the earth.

I decided to be smart, and I got a backpack, ropes, and a flashlight for everyone before we entered the tunnel.

We entered as a group, and started making our way underground. The tunnel was large- wide enough for our group to walk side by side, and it was lit with torches- the old fashion fire kind.

We walked for what seemed like several hours, descending deeper and deeper into the earth. We'd packed water and food, but it wasn't long before we started to run out- the tunnel's end nowhere in sight.

But Jim's family wanted to continue. They wanted to avenge Jim's death more than anything- so we kept walking.

Hours turned into what felt like days... then weeks.

As we ventured further into the tunnel, we expected it to get cooler, but we soon found ourselves stripping our outer layers as it got increasingly hot.

Then, after what seemed like an eternity, we reached a door. Was this the end of the tunnel?

I opened the door and stepped inside. Jim's family followed close behind. The first thing we noticed was that we were in what seemed to be a replica of Bob's house. The second thing we noticed was the smell. It smelled... bad, to say the least- like sulfur and roadkill mixed with smoke. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up- instantly feeling that something was very, very wrong.

Then Chris (Bob's friend) entered from a room on the right. He was dragging something behind him... or more specifically, someone. What was left of Bob's torso, hung limply from Chris's hand, dragging along the ground as Chris approached.

Chris then smiled, revealing a mouthful of blood as he said

"Welcome to Hell."

And I woke up. X_X

The Tunnel may not seem that scary to anyone else, but I knew people in the dream (Jim, Bob, and Chris), and some of them (Bob and Chris) were actually my worst enemies in real life... so to meet them in hell, is an absolutely terrifying thought!

@Deadkool and that is a strange dream, indeed! :o The things our brains come up with!
one time i dreamed i was a wealthy pigeon (top hat, suit, etc.) and i was in love with this hippo wearing a tutu, and i got her a fancy ring but she said she couldnt marry me bc she was in love with the mailman. so i found the mailman while he was doing his job (he was a flamingo) and flew in and pecked his eyes out and killed him. then i went back to the hippo who was crying bc she found out her flamingo was dead and i was still rly pissed so i pecked her to death too. it was basically like an animal crossing hell dream

i also dreamed a sith lord ate my mom
My dreams are never normal.

One time I found Daniel Radcliffe on the end of my gran's bed, but instead of hugging him like a normal guy I had a nosebleed on him.

Another time I was riding through a Mario Kart track on the back of a giraffe with a retractable neck. I discovered the giraffe could fly, rode it all the way to the Roman colisseum and got off. The colisseum flooded to the top with water, and then I evolved into a Blastoise.
I once had dream where i was laying in bed, and suddenly a butterfly flies into room through my window. I try to get out of bed (because bugs freaked the ever living fuck out of me when i was younger) and then i see myself struggling in bed, the duvet was acting like a web or something, cause i couldn't remove it or anything. and then more butterflies come in, i then they lift me out of the bed and through the window, then i wake up or so i thought. i go out to my kitchen and i see my mom with my aunt, and their talking to one another, then they notice me and my mom asks me, if dreamed anything. i attempt to lie to her about my dream (i don't know why) by saying i had dream that i was a jedi or some shit. but somehow my mom knew that dreamt about butterflies and then i don't remember anything more
Usually my dreams involve amusement parks and airports, not exactly sure why besides the fact I used to be rather fond of both when I was younger, but it sure is nice going to imaginary places and not getting motion sick.
I had a dream that i fucked B.J. Blazkowics from the Wolfenstein games.

Did i just fucking admit that?

Aside from that embarrassing dream, I once dreamed i was a Stalker from the Metro Games and walked up in to the surface and was immediately picked up by a Demon that had the Troll face and dropped to my death.

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I had a really bad dream yeeeears ago that was so bad I still remember it vividly.

I was hiking up this snowy mountain, and I come across this guy who was in some kind of accident, and he's just hacking away at his leg. And occasionally he would look up at me while cutting himself. And that was the entire dream, just that on a horrible loop.

Why is the human mind so messed up
I had a dream that trump was winning the elections *laughs* that was a dream right?
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FrostRaven said:
I had a dream that trump was winning the elections *laughs* that was a dream right?
I hope so :D

Or if it's not, you still have a while longer before it comes true. :D

I haven't had a dream in like, 7 months. No joke. I don't forget I had a dream, I remember I didn't have a dream. There's a good reason, I swear, but yeh it's pretty weird when you haven't been living with it.
I had a dream where the room was all black and endless with a single white girl standing far away from me. I couldn't move, trying to at least wiggle my fingers when I looked back up to see that white girl's face almost touching mine. I thought she was white because she was pale, but no. She's white because she had bright white maggots wiggling against each other on her whole body. Her eyes were sunken in and her lips was sewed loosely. I freaked out, blinked and she disappeared. I thought I was safe...until her arms wrapped around my shoulders and I felt her tongue on my ear!

I woke up to find my cousin sleeping next to me and licking my ear...I laughed so hard.
I once dreamed The Empty Child from Doctor Who broke into our house. My mom pulled a rifle out of nowhere, and The Empty Child then proceeded to ask for a grilled cheese sandwich. ...So yeah that's pretty much my life...
PuppehDoge9999 said:
I once dreamed The Empty Child from Doctor Who broke into our house. My mom pulled a rifle out of nowhere, and The Empty Child then proceeded to ask for a grilled cheese sandwich. ...So yeah that's pretty much my life...
I had a doctor who dream really recently! The guy from Lazarus Experiment(?) was chasing me through my old school corridors xD terrifying
I had a dream where there was a burglar on the loose in my house, then when I saw him it teleported me instantly into a forest with evenly spaced out trees. Then into a endless void filled with colors. 

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