Dobutsu Academy


Junior Member
Welcome to the role-play, make sure you follow this thread. I will, again, call you out.
@gaywes@Vurien@Anime King Kaleb@TrippyVirus@Idea@Nenma Takashi@Kira Times@Plutia@RoxasTheExalted@Obscurity@Mitchs98@kidwombat @Fazy
Remember, at least one paragraph, and please only post one time; until I say otherwise. I'll let everyone know a little bit more about posting rules, once I gauge how many people we actually have.


The boat’s movements had finally come to a stop, resting in a sea of misty blue waters. Overhead was a view of Dobutsu Academy, a large georgian architecture towering in the sky, and casting a shadow over the students who awaited eagerly. With a movement of the hand, the water on the bayside of the boat was parted, revealing a carved land path, walked by those before them. It was decorated with sea shells and led straight to lower-level shore of the island, where the students would enter through the cavern and take ascending stairs up to the residential level, which was raised much higher into the air as a precaution of ferocious waters.

“It seems we have finally reached our destination,” A scruffy-faced man says, with a curled tail poking out from underneath his coat, “I suppose I should take count of all of you.”

He lazily picks up his clipboard off his table, as all of the students and himself have been in the lower part of the ship, awaiting its safe arrival to the school. It varied, from instructor to instructor, how the departure would go, with some instructors allocating the time to get to know their students, and others eliminating the ones that they wanted nothing to do with right off the bat.

“From this point, you will all be receiving a number, this number may be different from that of your entrance exam, but keep in mind it is still relative to your worth. This is what I will be personally using to identify you, as I cannot be bothered to remember names, so starting off: 

Number one, Takashima Suyoki, the scorpion from Tencentra. Noted to have a… fiery temper. 

Number two, Hajime Osamu, the Shika from Ono forest. Could be written off as tall on paper.


Number three, Sunada Sawa, the Shika from the City of Issho. Her family created the shawl that I am wearing today. 

Number four, Akihiko Nakamura, the Neko who probably still isn't listening to me; since his headphones are still in.

Number five, Wes Rikuta, the Kitsune from Hikko. The, like most Kitsunes, crybaby. 

Number six, Maria Jones, the Neko sister of Elizabeth.

Number seven, Elizabeth Jones, the Neko sister of Maria. 

Number eight, Gei Dansei, the Inu from the only place I’m no longer allowed: Kaninia. 

Number nine, Kazuhiko Tsukiyama, an Inu from Mikazuki. Has the opportunity to cook me meals for extra credit. 


Number ten, Domoto Masashige, another Inu from Mikazuki. Broke his pencil several times during the written entrance exam.

Number eleven, Kaede Haruna, another Inu from Mikazuki. I’m beginning to find a connection between Inu's from Mikazuki being placed in red.

Number twelve, Keiko Kashuryu, also an Inu. I remember your one hit wonder, it is nice to see you doing something productive.”

The instructor scanned the classroom once more, comparing his list to those who are present, “It seems that we’re missing a couple people, who are probably on one of the late boats. I hate tardiness, so they’ll all receive numbers following yours. Late people are not useful. With all that in mind, you can call me Zero, I will be your instructor. Collect your luggage, if you have any. Meanwhile, I will also list some additional information.”

He pauses, looking at the solid colored pins plastered on each student's clothing, “That color was once used to help sort you into dorms, however, with all the dorms being identical; that is no longer the case. Now it is simply a notion to let you know which of you are better than the rest. So, with that in mind, our whole class will inhabiting the yellow floor, while the two classes that are not mine will be on the red and blue. As for your dorm partners:

One & Three

Four & Five

Six & Eleven

Seven & Twelve

Eight & Nine, this is going to be interesting...

Two & Ten.


The gender mix was intentional to keep you from having intercourse, but… people have gotten more creative, so please refrain from doing that in the dorm. Thank you.” he finished in a monotone voice, exiting from the room and going up the boat-stairs; where he began route to the school, and shouting distantly, “Now get the fuck off my boat!”
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Takashima was watching the group seeing who was here who seemed like obstacles and who were nothing more than bystanders along for the ride. Thankfully everyone was color coded she decided only those in blue and some yellows were worth looking out for. The rest would simply be punching bags if she fought them hearing she was number one was no surprise she faced little challenge in her entrance exam. Numbers two and three though were people Takashima decided would be best kept in the back of her mind. 'They could prove useful sparing partners.' Picking up her bag she listened in on who her dorm mate would be.

She was somewhat satisfied to have number three as her dorm mate, it was now clicking who she was as well. The girl was in fact Sunada Sawa the very member of the very family who made the clothing Takashima wore all the time. 'Not only skilled in making clothing but also in combat as well she's talented. I'll have to get her on my side.' Takashima approached Sunada holding out her hand to shake. "Takashima Suyoki I shall be your room mate from now on. I do hope we get along." Takashima put on her best smile she knew being at the top some might think to knock her down. So she would need allies who would support her if push came to shove.





[SIZE=11pt]Perhaps, Osamu had heard that last bit wrong but given the lackluster introduction and presentation of the class, not to mention, the short handed comment regarding his height, he was feeling a little bit bewildered. Bewildered at the prospect that this was their instructor, and that [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]this,[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] was the rest of the class he would have to be dealing with. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Truthfully, he’s never met any other species aside from his own kin. So, to say he wasn’t[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] at least[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] a bit intrigued was an understatement. He did, however, have himself side-eyeing the small little fawn at the end of the row, Sunada Sawa. She was the only other shika in the group, and he couldn’t help but feel comforted under the pretense of another kin being apart of the class.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]After the ship’s docking, Osamu choose to linger behind for the sake of not getting in the way of others, he was aware of his antlers being one-third of his height, and choose to await for his dorm-mate to settle off the ship, before stepping forwarding and introducing himself, “Hello, I’m Hajime Osamu, … apparently, we’ll be rooming together.” He says with a side glance over towards the open waves, and absentmindedly picking at the fur around his neck, “Please take of me,” He finished with a curt bow.[/SIZE]

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For the duration of the boat ride, Domoto had been crouched up in a corner, struggling not to vomit. While a dislike of the ocean was a trait more closely associated with Nekos, and their cat counterparts; it was true of him as well. He didn’t mind water, there was nothing more relaxing than sensation of hot water on your skin, assuming it was from a shower-head, there was just something about the vastness of the ocean that scared him. Truthfully, he couldn’t swim, and when the water was parted to make an entrance outside, he was relieved. He sat through the informational session, took his friendly insult, and then was one of the first to the stairs and off the ship. He stared with intensity at the oceanic walls decorating their path, quickly trying to make his escape to shore.

“Hello, I’m Hajime Osamu, … apparently, we’ll be rooming together,” he hears quietly from behind him, “Please take of me.”

He turns to look at the deer-boy behind him, nodding his head in dismissal and continuing to walk, “It is good that you say apparently, because I don’t know how you’re going to get through the door… how do you even sleep!?”

Sunada wasn’t surprised to hear that her family had crafted the instructor’s shawl, consider it brownie points, as she was sure that it was probably the best piece of clothing he owned. However, she was almost disgusted at the fact that he, a monkey, thought he was privileged enough to wear their clothing line. She wondered how he could afford it on the miniscule salary that they probably provided here at Dobutsu Academy. This idea was dismissed entirely though, at the sudden hand that gestured to her, “Takashima Suyoki, I shall be your roommate from now on. I do hope we get along."

The fawn gave a weak smile, and rather than shaking the hand, stared at it briefly; resonating that smile. “Right, you’re the scorpion…” she says, looking behind the girl and inspecting her tail, “Perhaps they’ll be providing some extra roommate options, in light of the aforementioned late boat, as I don’t associate with your kind. Or any of the Arachnid family for that matter. Perhaps you’re more suited for... well, any of the Inu.” she says with a chuckle, dismissing their conversation and pursuing the distancing antlers.
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Wes was excited most of the boat ride, the other part of the boat ride, he was concerned for Dotomo. Yes, he liked Dotomo, he didn't care what people thought. Anyway, he was roomed with Akihiko, interesting. "Hi!, I'm Wes, so nice to meet you Akihiko! I hope we come best friends!" Wes said as he turned to him, and winked. Wes looked over at Dotomo again. 'One day... I will tell you how I fell Dotomo, but for now, we need to become friends first...' Wes thought to himself.

"Um... Akihiko, what would you like to know?" Wes asked Akihiko. Wes was a sensitive person, but he was also tough, how else would he be able to live live alone and have no friends. He just wanted to make a few friends, maybe even a boyfriend. He just hoped that he could show how strong and useful he was in the academy. Wes began thinking. 'Why did Domoto do bad? And why was the conductor so mean? He was rude to most of us... Anyway, I hope our dorm is near Domoto's..." Wes thought as he started to pay attention to Akihiko.
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Gei Dansei

Gei was excited and nervous at the same time. 

The good news was that he had gotten his wish. He had seen more of the world than he's ever in his life, just from riding the boat. He smiled out at the blue water, feeling an eerie calmness, but he didn't mind.

The bad news was that he was a little sad because the only people he knew were his parents and they were thousands of miles away.

" Number eight, Gei Dansei, the Inu from the only place I’m no longer allowed: Kaninia."

Gei wondered what he had down to get blacklisted. He was lost in thought until the monkey stated that he would be in the same dorm as Number 9.

"I guess I should try and introduce myself ..." Gei told himself.

He walked up to Kazuhiko and bowed, " H-hello ... M-my name is G-Gei Dansei. It's a p-pleasure to meet you"

"Nice ... besides the stammering I didn't completely make a fool of myself, I think ..." Gei thought to himself, face turning red.

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Kazuhiko was excited for most of the trip, looking around their surroundings as they went to the academy. He'd adjust his glasses occasionally. At he end of the trip, he was staring at the view of the large building of the academy towering the sky and wondering what it might look like in the inside. The voice of the instructor was the only thing that brought him back, to which he turned around to face him. At the comment about how he could get extra credit by cooking meals for the guy, he didn't react much. Only gave an extremely quiet chuckle. From the introduction, he'd know that this is a place which he would really like.

After the end of it, he'd gotten up and grabbed a small bag that he'd brought with him which he considered his luggage. After which, he turned to look at the large building where he would be staying for a while now. He adjusted his glasses again, then noticed what he could only assume is his room mate. Number eight, Gei Dansen if he remembered correctly. The person who was above him by a single number. Something he didn't care about whatsoever. Kazuhiko turned to face Gei, who greeted him rather shyly. In turn, Kazuhiko greeted him as well. "It's a pleasure to meet ya too, Gei. I'm Kazuhiko, Kazuhiko Tsukiyama. Though you can just call me Kazu," he said then extended an arm to shake his.

Misaki Sato



Although Misaki is generally a calm person, she was genuinely excited about attending Dobutsu Academy. In fact, it made her restless. So restless, that when the day finally came, she fell asleep at the bus stop. A kid who decided to stomp on her feet woke her. Misaki just watched as the little inu ran onto the departing bus with what seemed to be his mother. Before she could figure out what was going on, Misaki watched the bus leave without her. Not being able to think straight, she chucked her bag at the bus doors that stood just ten feet away from her. The bus stopped, but all the bus driver did was give her the finger and race off into the distance. Misaki picked up her dirty bag from the ground and looked at the rip on the bottom. It was the size of an ant just a few hours earlier, now it was on a rampage, ripping with the slightest touch. Misaki went to the nearest convenience store and got duct tape to patch it up. Soon, Misaki made it onto the next bus.



With her rotten luck, the boat with her classmates on it left without her. She had to persuade another boat that was running behind schedule to let her hitch a ride. It was a long morning for Misaki, yet she still managed to make friends with a cute neko and a unique-looking uma. They were so talkative that they didn't even realize that Misaki was dozing off half of the way to Dobutsu Academy.


Once Misaki reached the port, she parted ways with her little friends and made it onto shore. The teacher on that boat pointed out her monkey-sensei, who was leading someone into what seemed to be the residential area. Tardies weren't exactly rare for Misaki, however she didn't feel awake enough to deal with any mad teachers at the moment. Plus, she didn't want to make a bad first impression, automatically being labeled as that one girl who couldn't handle getting onto a boat.

Misaki approached her new teacher straightening her bed-head with a stroke of her hand. She came to a stop and looked up at the man. Instead of waiting for him to ask for an explanation, she went right to the point as to why she was late, "I fell asleep..." It came out a bit more careless than she meant for it to sound, but it was the truth. Now all she could do was hope that she wouldn't get chastised on the first day of school.

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Kaede Haruna

Mentioned: @Vurien @Catnip @Mitchs98

Watching the boat part the beautiful waters as it sailed towards its nearing destination, Kaede peered through the small circular window in the lower part of the ship. She exhaled, letting her thoughts wander. She allowed herself to zone out a little bit, wondering what her life at the school would be like. Although she had distanced herself from the other hybrids on the boat, she'd used the time to observe their actions. Some in particular stood out.  A boy with threateningly intimidating antlers caught her eye first. Had she ever mentioned that she felt inferior to taller people? Kaede made a note to self as to stay out of his way, then quickly reprimanded herself for having thought such things when she knew better than to judge people by their appearances. Upon closer inspection, he seemed almost... shy. Huh. Another point of interest was another boy. Inu, definitely; the ears said it all, as did the body language. It was best if he found a way to control his sea sickness, though she couldn't blame him. Contrary to the popular belief, nekos and inus weren't all that hateful towards one another. Only some cared, but she was not one to find faults in other people. A pair of what appeared to be twin neko girls interested her greatly, as the two seemed rather interesting. Perhaps she'd be able to make friends with them. She was hoping to use their similarity in species to her advantage, though she knew that wouldn't always work.

Before she knew it, they had docked at the port... or wherever they had seemed to have stopped. She looked toward the instructor who had been calling out names and numbers. She discovered the name of the antlered boy, Hajime Osamu, and the other inu, Domoto Masashige. He and another inu named Kazuhiko Tsukiyama were from Mikazuki as well, though she didn't quite recognize them. Finally, her name came up - 

"Number eleven, Kaede Haruna, another inu from Mikazuki. I'm beginning to find a connection between inus from Mikazuki being placed in red." 

First off, had this piece of shit called her an inu? Of course, she had no complaint against being called one, as she didn't find it insulting, but had he really no professionalism at all? He could at least have gotten her species right! She was about to approach him, but then, she registered the second part of his statement. Oh, he'd insulted Mikazuki itself... and perhaps inus, in a sense, as well. There was no helping him. She calmed herself down and went back to listening to this man, who she now saw as partially crazy. He called himself Zero. She paid no mind to his comment on ranks. She took no pride whatsoever in being placed in red, but she was happy to even have made it here. Kaede heard the number of her partner. She'd picked up on the names of the two neko girls, but she was confused as to which was which. Was it Maria or Elizabeth who shared her dorm? Shrugging, she decided to ask them herself. 

"Hi!" she started, approaching the two girls cheerfully. Make a good first impression. "I'm Kaede Haruna. It's nice to meet you." 
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Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria and Elizabeth were more or less running around the ship looking at the ocean and pointing out various things the entire time they were on it, or rather Maria was and to a lesser extent Elizabeth followed, The ocean fascinated them greatly and looked very beautiful  when the sunlight caught it, the seagulls swooping down to attempt catching fish was pretty fun to look at as well. Really the day was perfect and for the sun to be out on the open ocean it wasn't to hot at all. Once the island came into view however the twins went to the front of the boat, nearly pressing past the railing to look at the island in sheer excitement. "Woah! It's so big and pretty!" Maria cheered, her tail twitching in excitement.


When the scruffy man named Zero spoke up the twins quieted down, listening to him as he spoke with both curiosity and serious intent. After all, he could say something important! And so he did, that important information being their roommates. They had hoped to room together...but they didn't expect to be able to. Before either of them could go out in search of their roommates Kaede walked over, her rather cheerful demeanor causing Maria to perk up. "Hey!" She replied, waving swiftly at the girl. "I'm Maria! Guess we're gonna be roomies." She told her. "This is my sister Elizabeth, nice to meet you." She said, gesturing to her sister who smiled slightly and waved.
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Gei Dansei

Gei sighed a sigh of relief and smiled. Gei grabbed Kazuhiko's hand and shook it, happy that so far his roommate was okay. 

" Well, Kazuhi-- I mean Kazu, it's nice to meet you. Wait ... I think I said that already ... Uh, sorry ... I'm really not use to  ... talking to people other than my parents ..." Gei explained, blushing more deeply.

Gei glanced over at the scenery in front of him. The school was a large building, larger than any building Gei had ever seen. Then again, he hasn't seen many buildings before.

"Wow ... I've never seen something so huge!" Gei exclaimed to himself. He looked at the nature surrounding the building. He took in all he could from the environment, noting all the different types of trees and flowers, and the multiple paths on the ground.


"I fell asleep..." @Obscurity

"Misaki, yeah?" Zero greets with lazy eyes, "Congratulations, as if you didn't stand out enough as the only bat here at Dobutsu Academy, you've managed to be late, entirely mess up my numerical system and create an odd number of students; resulting in even more of a headache. Your going to be number thirteen, regardless of how you ranked during your physical entrance exam... and—" 

He stops to scan the area, taking notice of the conversation between the three girls: Elizabeth, Maria and Kaede, "You're going to be rooming with six and eleven." he says with a leading gesture, aware that Misaki had missed the briefing of number and student correlation, "Hopefully they'll make appropriate accommodations for you in their dorm."

He parts with those words, following the moving herd of students towards the Academy, and progressively migrating back to the front, "Listen up, you aggregation! Go settle into your rooms, drop off your stuff and change into clean clothes. Meet back here on the shore in an hour, as we'll be taking our first trip to the human realm: tonight."

The students are led to a speck of gray across the sandy shore, a narrow cavern, where they enter and are greeted with an ascending stone staircase. It is lengthy, for sure, towering the height of the island itself; a passage way for entry, "And don't get trampled by the Centaur, they're impatient, whether student or teacher."
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[SIZE=12pt]If Akihiko was seasick, he didn’t show it, instead he busied himself with the apps on his phone, and scrolled listlessly on the large expansion on his musical choices. He long continued far after the ship had docked, and long after the professor had so splendidly uttered something about Akihiko not paying attention, which to put plainly, was the truth. Although, that didn’t mean he couldn’t lipread.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He staggers off the boat after a moment of subtle [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]courtesy[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt], he likes to think, it’s an exchange that’s handled with the abnormally large antler boy, and it has him wondering if this was a moment of unnecessary chivalry for both of them. They were awaiting for either of them to step off the boat first, and truthfully, Akihiko didn’t mind going first, but he couldn’t help the wordless provocative stare he received from the deer. Perhaps, it was his eyes, or maybe his stance —He never found out. They were cut short of their stare down, and kicked out by the professor, who gave them equally long exasperated stare and kicked them out. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]That deer is a[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]—"[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Hi!, I'm Wes, so nice to meet you Akihiko! I hope we come best friends![/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The interjection had him taken back, and he takes a moment to eye the neko with a questionable brow, before rasping a curt, “Hello,” and flicking his ear in annoyance, “nice to meet you too.” he says after the professor chooses in that moment to scream out, “Let’s dip.” He mutters with a turn of his heel, and makes his way towards the dormitories.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12pt]“[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]It is good that you say apparently, because I don’t know how you’re going to get through the door… how do you even sleep!?[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Hajime disregards the first question with a question of his own, “Is that paint on your cheeks?  Or perhaps a birthmark? Tattoo?” He hums with subtly in his tone and follows duly behind. Although, he doesn’t manage far before his ears catch the loud clanking steps of heels making their way over towards their general direction. He turns with a curious eye and catches sight of the fiery, fair fawn striding over towards him. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Oh.[/SIZE]

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Takeshima put her hand to her side at Sunada's comment she didn't stop smiling though. "Oh I see that's fine I understand, we scorpions can't seem to control our tails sometimes. Why just the other day at the entrance exam I was thinking of out to get for dinner, before I knew what was happen I had already passed the exam." She titled her head at Sunada a sinister intent hidden behind her smile her words coated in thick poison. "I do hope nothing bad happens to you while asleep, it'd be a shame if you awoke to find my tail in your chest." With a quick laugh she waved her hand to her as if what she said was a joke. "But as a blue I'm sure you must be skilled even if you are number three, I'm sure you must make your family proud Ms.Number three."

More resentment filled her words each time she said the number three. Takeshima clearly had no interest in masking her true feelings for the girl with each word she slowly peeled back the mask she had set up. "You might not like my kind but I can promise you no one hates them more than myself." She was talking about her sister yet to anyone else it would sound as if Takeshima hated her own species all together. Her tail moved around to rest on her shoulder she tapped her stinger. "A nasty thing isn't it I do hope I never must use it on you Ms.Number Three." She smiled again this one for a brief moment had some form of joy as if she was actually hoping for the chance to use it.

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Kaede Haruna

  Mentioned: @Mitchs98

Kaede looked at the pair of girls, excited to have met them.  "It's nice to meet you both, too. Don't... please don't mind me at times, I just want you to be aware that I might act a little stupid, but that's just me. Just, don't take me seriously, okay?" she said, laughing awkwardly. Kaede glanced at the other neko girl, Elizabeth, who had not spoken yet. Maybe she was just shy. That was kinda cute. Glancing around herself, she noticed that some of the others had slowly began to enter the dormitories. It would be best to settle in early. This... Zero, whoever he was, seemed like he was in anything but a good mood, and she didn't want to get involved with him. "So, where are you from? I'm... I'm from Mikazuki. You might've heard it. W-why don't we get to know some of the others before we get to the dorms? You can come, too, unless you'd prefer to introduce yourself to your dorm mate," Kaede added, gesturing to Elizabeth. After all, she may prefer to acquaintance herself with the person she'd be staying with, so as to feel more comfortable. Kaede waited for a response, nervously picking at her nails. God, how she hated introductions, in spite of how smoothly this one seemed to be going...
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(Keiko´s POV)

I found myself recalling the stages were I usually performed, the way their lights were composed and artistically placed to create a certain mood or highlight particularly impressive parts of the stage. The way that pretty floaty colors were often project and span around, and the way the audiences would sometimes sing and dance along, waving glowing sticks, all the joy one could feel in a moment such as that, and all that could felt as I faced something more beautiful than any stage, the marvelous academy to which we headed. As I took a bite off my bread (not much, but we were on a boat, so what can you do?) I wondered what kind of things, what oh so many things, we would be taught within those prestigious walls... Sure, it would feel a little caging, but it wasn´t like I had never been able to rest in a cage before, and this one at least was meant to help us grow and do so safely. Well, ever since I became an idol things had become a lot safer for me, but well...


"Miss Kashuryu, miss Kashuryu! Over here!" The reporters shouted. This might as well be a mountain with the way those words were echoing, even as my body guards tried to keep the reporters at bay. It was clearly being very difficult though, as they couldn´t even give me enough space to finish my icecream properly.

"Miss Kashuryu, what is your favorite song among the ones you sang?" One inquired.

"I don´t really know, that´s such a hard question! Maybe "Love antena"?" I responded chuckling nervously.

"Is it true you had an affair with Keller´s former CEO Gary Trueman?" someone else asked.

"What´s an affair?" One of my guards looked at me like I just said that babies came from swans... again...

"They say your next liveshow  will feature a moment where you will be singing on top of the empire state building, can you corroborate this?"

"Yep, yep! It is gonna be awesome to sing in such a famous place. Besides, I love Paris!"

The crowd silenced and stopped. I tilted my head.

"Could you say that again?"

"I said I love Paris. It´s gonna be amazing to go to such an amazing French monument to sing live."

*flashback over*

Suddenly, I felt a little sick. It was hardly just that one time. I had said things like the heart was on the belly, I had persistently misunderstood the meaning of raising numbers to the power of other numbers, all in all there was hardly an academic standard I had succeeded in not proving myself an idiot to the public. My bad directions had droven people into swamps and got them to feed chocolates to their dogs for breakfast. In the end, my sponsors forced me to make a choice: attend an academy to prove I did know more than it looked or they would end their sponsorship. Not that I hated this place or anything. In fact, it was probably one of the best academies in the world for me, with the fact that it had my kin as the student population and all that. Nor was I annoyed that they bossed me around, I mean, they were my bosses in essence, right? So, it was perfectly natural. No, the real problem was something else, something that really got under my skin: It was so embarrassing! Like, what if someone asked me why I came to the academy? What could I answer to those giants around me? Would I take it, them just looking down at me like that? Just the thought of it made me blush, the idea of them just looking down and patting me on the head like some kid... I shook my head. No! No! Not thinking about that! Not thinking... just eat! I took another munch of the bread and turned towards the place we were to gather on the boat. Our names were numbered and called with a comment for the most part. I excitedly waited to hear what they would say about me, maybe they were a fan, maybe they would talk about how well I did on the exam despite how I usually was, but no...

"Hey, it wasn´t a one hit wonder? What were in an islan...I´ll shut up." I protested, and despite how it ended, I still pouted and turned my head while my arms crossed in front of me. I didn´t say anything else until we had all begun to disperse at which point I headed towards the neko who would be my roommate. A little line of drool escaped my mouth as my teeth half clenched in a smile. I wanted to chew on her! It would be so nice, and squeaky and, NO! What was I thinking? She wasn´t a toy, I couldn´t do that... But she looked so tasty... So yummy ... Just a little munching? No! But even if I resisted biting, I had already started waggling my tail and running towards my to-be-roommate with excitement and I jumped for a hug (though at best I would be suspended by the neck or just end up hugging her breasts or belly).

@Catnip @Mitchs98

Wes got done putting all of his stuff in his room, and was going to the cafeteria. While walking, Wes began thinking about Domoto when he bumped into Domoto. "Oh, I am so sorry Domoto! Please don't be mad! I've had a lot going through my mind..." Wes said looking down. 'It is true... even though it is about him...' Wes thought as people began to look at him. Wes began to blush as he looked into Domoto's dark deep eyes. "Um... I can make you some lunch to make up for bumping into you..." Wes said as he blushed.

Wes could feel Akihiko looking at him weirdly from a distance. 'Akihiko... when I get my hands on you... I will show you who can give glares!' Wes thought as he realized he wasn't good at comebacks. 'I am so lame... Domoto probably thinks I am weird by now...' Wes thought as he looked all cute and innocent.

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“Is that paint on your cheeks?  Or perhaps a birthmark? Tattoo?”

“It’s a tattoo,” Domoto responds, lifting his hand to his cheek and lightly patting, as if reassurance that they were still there; not that they were distinct enough in texture to be felt. However, he quickly makes his way through the paved path, to shore, abandoning the deer entirely for his own safety. 


"Listen up, you aggregation! Go settle into your rooms, drop off your stuff and change into clean clothes” It is then that they abandon their instructor too, the group traversing the cavern themself, and taking the stone staircase all the way to the top. From what it is basically a hole in the ground, the enter the Academy level to the sight of luxurious green grass, and a beautiful blue sky full of clouds. 

The academy itself was grand, full of beautiful architecture and swarmed with bustling students, who seemed all but interested in the new people. As expected, most were Inu and Neko, but there was an occasional sighting of the more abstract species; like Naga (Half-Snake). Truthfully, in this world, there was a natural hierarchy that fell amongst species, more so based on how common or uncommon they were. Inu and Neko’s were amongst the most common, so their social status was… notably bad. History states that many of the species were enslaved, by these less common species, and bred continually for labor.

Domoto wanted to know more about the human realm, their lack of advancement and their history. There was only so much that textbooks could teach someone, at least someone like him, and he had to see it for himself. So the announcement, that they would “be taking their first trip to the human” was thrilling for him. Enough to keep his thoughts wandering, and allow him to clumsily bump into Wes, who too seemed to think he was at fault for the encounter.  "Oh, I am so sorry Domoto! Please don't be mad! I've had a lot going through my mind...Um... I can make you some lunch to make up for bumping into you... “ 

The Inu shook his head dismissively, “We’re in the cafeteria, I don’t need lunch.” he says, and truthfully he isn’t hungry, beginning to make his way to the dorms instead. 



"A nasty thing isn't it, I do hope I never must use it on you Ms.Number Three." 


Sunada stopped in her tracks, upon hearing this, and turned back once more; with a rather comical expression on her face, “I’m sure, as number one, you must of performed very well in your entrance exam. Yet, I can’t help but wonder just how well you would of done without your tail. I mean, my antlers don’t serve any particular use, and somehow I still managed to place as third. Face it, you’re only as good as that tail of yours.” she says before once again continuing forward, chasing after Hajime. 


She managed to catch a glimpse of the conversation that the boy was sharing with the Inu, only making her entrance as he came to leave, “It’s nice to see another Shika,” she greets, “You know, we have to stick together, especially since it was announced how high we performed. People are…” she pauses, “spiteful.” 


"Listen up, you aggregation! Go settle into your rooms, drop off your stuff and change into clean clothes.”


“Your antlers are beautiful,” she adds, placing a gentle finger on the base, and dragging it lightly across, “-We should get going.”
Wes looked curiously at Domoto. "Why did I act stupid?" Wes thought out loud. Wes began looking around and nobody saw what happened. 'Why did Domoto push me away?' Wes thought as he went to his dorm room. Wes made his famous Rikuta-bowl. "I might as well go to the roof... Maybe someone might like this..." Wes said as he went to the roof and enjoyed the view.

Wes looked at the whole campus. "This is so beautiful..." Wes said as he sat there and ate some of his Rikuta-bowl. 'Hm... I winder why no one is up here?' Wes thought as he looked at the sky. "Not as beautiful as Hikko..." Wes said as he continued to eat alone.
Mangetsu arrived via the late boat casually strolling forward off the boat carrying his luggage, getting stopped by someone named Zero , casually listening to what the monkey has to say as he waits to be dismissed to his room, after being dismissed to his room with the number and a warning for being late which he brushed off a bit, making his way to his room.

Upon arriving he noticed two of the room already taken so decided to just claim the third room placing his luggage in the room then grabbing his magic earbuds from his backpack and putting them on , he decided to take a walk around the campus so he can be somewhat social.
Kaede Haruna

  Mentioned: @Mitchs98

Kaede looked at the pair of girls, excited to have met them.  "It's nice to meet you both, too. Don't... please don't mind me at times, I just want you to be aware that I might act a little stupid, but that's just me. Just, don't take me seriously, okay?" she said, laughing awkwardly. Kaede glanced at the other neko girl, Elizabeth, who had not spoken yet. Maybe she was just shy. That was kinda cute. Glancing around herself, she noticed that some of the others had slowly began to enter the dormitories. It would be best to settle in early. This... Zero, whoever he was, seemed like he was in anything but a good mood, and she didn't want to get involved with him. "So, where are you from? I'm... I'm from Mikazuki. You might've heard it. W-why don't we get to know some of the others before we get to the dorms? You can come, too, unless you'd prefer to introduce yourself to your dorm mate," Kaede added, gesturing to Elizabeth. After all, she may prefer to acquaintance herself with the person she'd be staying with, so as to feel more comfortable. Kaede waited for a response, nervously picking at her nails. God, how she hated introductions, in spite of how smoothly this one seemed to be going...

(Keiko´s POV)

I found myself recalling the stages were I usually performed, the way their lights were composed and artistically placed to create a certain mood or highlight particularly impressive parts of the stage. The way that pretty floaty colors were often project and span around, and the way the audiences would sometimes sing and dance along, waving glowing sticks, all the joy one could feel in a moment such as that, and all that could felt as I faced something more beautiful than any stage, the marvelous academy to which we headed. As I took a bite off my bread (not much, but we were on a boat, so what can you do?) I wondered what kind of things, what oh so many things, we would be taught within those prestigious walls... Sure, it would feel a little caging, but it wasn´t like I had never been able to rest in a cage before, and this one at least was meant to help us grow and do so safely. Well, ever since I became an idol things had become a lot safer for me, but well...


"Miss Kashuryu, miss Kashuryu! Over here!" The reporters shouted. This might as well be a mountain with the way those words were echoing, even as my body guards tried to keep the reporters at bay. It was clearly being very difficult though, as they couldn´t even give me enough space to finish my icecream properly.

"Miss Kashuryu, what is your favorite song among the ones you sang?" One inquired.

"I don´t really know, that´s such a hard question! Maybe "Love antena"?" I responded chuckling nervously.

"Is it true you had an affair with Keller´s former CEO Gary Trueman?" someone else asked.

"What´s an affair?" One of my guards looked at me like I just said that babies came from swans... again...

"They say your next liveshow  will feature a moment where you will be singing on top of the empire state building, can you corroborate this?"

"Yep, yep! It is gonna be awesome to sing in such a famous place. Besides, I love Paris!"

The crowd silenced and stopped. I tilted my head.

"Could you say that again?"

"I said I love Paris. It´s gonna be amazing to go to such an amazing French monument to sing live."

*flashback over*

Suddenly, I felt a little sick. It was hardly just that one time. I had said things like the heart was on the belly, I had persistently misunderstood the meaning of raising numbers to the power of other numbers, all in all there was hardly an academic standard I had succeeded in not proving myself an idiot to the public. My bad directions had droven people into swamps and got them to feed chocolates to their dogs for breakfast. In the end, my sponsors forced me to make a choice: attend an academy to prove I did know more than it looked or they would end their sponsorship. Not that I hated this place or anything. In fact, it was probably one of the best academies in the world for me, with the fact that it had my kin as the student population and all that. Nor was I annoyed that they bossed me around, I mean, they were my bosses in essence, right? So, it was perfectly natural. No, the real problem was something else, something that really got under my skin: It was so embarrassing! Like, what if someone asked me why I came to the academy? What could I answer to those giants around me? Would I take it, them just looking down at me like that? Just the thought of it made me blush, the idea of them just looking down and patting me on the head like some kid... I shook my head. No! No! Not thinking about that! Not thinking... just eat! I took another munch of the bread and turned towards the place we were to gather on the boat. Our names were numbered and called with a comment for the most part. I excitedly waited to hear what they would say about me, maybe they were a fan, maybe they would talk about how well I did on the exam despite how I usually was, but no...

"Hey, it wasn´t a one hit wonder? What were in an islan...I´ll shut up." I protested, and despite how it ended, I still pouted and turned my head while my arms crossed in front of me. I didn´t say anything else until we had all begun to disperse at which point I headed towards the neko who would be my roommate. A little line of drool escaped my mouth as my teeth half clenched in a smile. I wanted to chew on her! It would be so nice, and squeaky and, NO! What was I thinking? She wasn´t a toy, I couldn´t do that... But she looked so tasty... So yummy ... Just a little munching? No! But even if I resisted biting, I had already started waggling my tail and running towards my to-be-roommate with excitement and I jumped for a hug (though at best I would be suspended by the neck or just end up hugging her breasts or belly).

@Catnip @Mitchs98


Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria listened to Kaede curiously, slowly nodding at the girl and smiling. "Of course! Don't worry we wouldn't make fun of you anyway...maybe tease you sometimes~" She replied jokingly, laughing a little herself. Elizabeth was indeed shy, still not having said anything. That and well, she was just a quiet person in general. Boring really, or Maria says so anyway. At the question of where they lived and mentioning if they'd ever heard of where the other neko lived she shook her head, however smiling brightly when offered to meet everyone else with her. "We're from Jukira, it's a fairly small place. Really nice though!" She told her. "I've never heard of your place though...and I'd definitely want to meet everyone else with you!" She added, very happy. She waited on her sister to answer who was going to, until she was pounced by an Inu.


The small girl screamed in fear...even if the Inu was currently dangling by her neck. "GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" SHe whined, squirming in the Inu's grasp. She was terrified of people suddenly latching onto her like that, also having a small fear of Inu. Primarily Inu suddenly attacking her. Maria just laughed though Elizabeth looked about to cry.

Misaki Sato


As Misaki stood there listening to how she inconvenienced others, her eyes fell into a squint, attempting to remain awake. Her straight posture gave out, making her slightly slouch. Listening to all the trouble she caused wasn't exactly.. fun. When he finally concluded the list with his increasing headache, disregarding the bat comment, Misaki thought that this school would probably be exactly like the others if she continued to mess up.

Assuming that the number thirteen was a ranking from the physical exam, as he had just mentioned, she had at least twelve other people to make good impressions on, as well as surpass.



Misaki watched as his eyes wandered about. Trying her best to follow them, she soon found her eyes landing upon a group of nekos. The Komori stood there as her teacher parted with his calm, yet rough-sounding, words. Misaki had made yet another bad first impression.

Putting that aside, Misaki didn't predict any problems with befriending her new roommates. They appeared to be nice, especially compared to the scorpion and fawn going at it in just the other direction. However, Misaki had learned by now that looks can be more deceptive than words when looking with the wrong eyes.


Misaki hoped that her new roommates wouldn't be too troubled with the extra-person. Cramming their things all in one room wouldn't be a problem, for she honestly didn't have much. But, assuming that there were only two beds to a dorm, she didn't mind taking the floor if she had to.

Misaki stood there staring down the group of nekos from afar, not realizing how creepy she must seem. Due to the fact that they were mid-conversation, she didn't want to intrude. Instead, she watched as her new teacher told the surrounding students to drop their stuff off at their dorms. At the sound of his voice, she straightened herself out and took note of his advice on centaurs. Excitement took over any trace of fatigue left on her face; she didn't realize they would be visiting the human realm so soon.

Her eyes wandered to the surrounding students, who seem to be in a conversation with someone or walking to their rooms. Misaki followed some of the "aggregation" and started towards the dorms. Soon, she came across the squabble between a scorpion and a fawn who terminated the conversation by saying, “I’m sure, as number one, you must of performed very well in your entrance exam. Yet, I can’t help but wonder just how well you would of done without your tail. I mean, my antlers don’t serve any particular use, and somehow I still managed to place as third. Face it, you’re only as good as that tail of yours.”

Seeing this as an opportunity to make a friend, Misaki walked up to the scorpion once the fawn departed, "Harsh..." The impetuous Komori spoke, not considering whether the scorpion was mad enough to point that anger at Misaki. She didn't realize until after  that the white-haired girl had called her number one. If the tailed-girl had been somehow offended by Misaki's comment, or maybe not in the mood to speak to others, Misaki could be destroyed in seconds. All Misaki could do was hope that she wasn't stupid enough to start a fight on the first day of school. Shrugging off her regret, Misaki awaited a response.


@Nenma Takashi
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Takashima watched Ms.Number Three walk away to flirt with one of her own she simply stood there covering her mouth with her hand. She heard someone mention how what Three had said was harsh Takashima could only laugh. She laughed so hard she had to hold onto her stomach she wiped away a tear. Turning to the girl she had to ask. "You hear her? Wouldn't be number one without my tail I suppose she'd be number three without her arms then? How stupid can you get?" She stopped laughing and figured she was aiming far too high for an ally. She needed people who didn't view themselves better than her people who she could hands down beat if it came to it.

She turned to the girl a smile on her face. "Misaki right a shame you ran late. But a pleasure to meet you none the less. I'm Takashima I do hope you and I might get along." She hesitated for a second to do so but she extended her hand to shake once more. Takashima wasn't sure what to do if her attempt to make an ally was turned away once more. For a moment she remembered her sisters always going on and on about how no one would be friends with her. Her tail curled up she now seemed just a tad embarrassed by it now. 

Kaede Haruna

Currently Interacting with: @Idea @Mitchs98

Kaede looked towards Elizabeth, laughing at the inu who had come seemingly out of nowhere. Elizabeth proceeded to panic as the inu pounced on her. Hmm, this inu must've been one of the many she'd heard when Zero announced the names. Out of all of the inus, the only girl had been her... oh, yes, her name had been Keiko... something that started with a K... Keiko Kashuryu! The name sounded oddly familiar, but Kaede couldn't put her finger on where she'd heard it before. Shrugging, Kaede decided to leave Elizabeth and Keiko alone. She'd chosen to assume that Keiko was Elizabeth's roommate. Looking towards Maria, she smiled and said, "I think it's best if we leave these two to sort out their... issues." Kaede noticed that the antlered boy and the seasick inu had disappeared, presumably having gone to settle into their dorms. Sighing, she picked at her fingernails; she'd been looking forward to meeting those two, in spite of being slightly afraid of either. Of course, there were other intriguing individuals, but were there any who appeared to be open for interaction? Kaede looked back to Maria. "I'll let you decide who we should talk to," she added, cheerfully.
Mangetsu continued strolling around the courtyard, listening to some music in his earbuds as he looked around casually with his hands stuffed into his hoodie's pockets, whistling calmly to the rhythm of the song "Where to go, where to go." He mumbled after a few more seconds of whistling causally, then noticing some other students nearby decided to turn off his earbuds and walk off with a smile to introduce himself with a wave, "Finally I found some people" He said with a smile "Name's Mangetsu, I sorta just arrived" he added quickly "Pleasure to meet everyone, finally"

@Fazy @Idea @Mitchs98

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