Chitchat Do you have any Allergies?


I have pollen allergies and oral allergy symptom

I basically get a severe rash around my mouth if i consume usually a raw form of

- melons ( tHE WoRST )
- mangoes
- most apples
- some lettuces
- kiwi
- apricots
- soy milk
- any nut milk
- sometimes almonds
- Avocado
- blueberries
- cranberries
- raspberries
- and a whole lot of other stuff...

I just want to enjoy delicious fresh fruit T_T

Sincerely, a sad vegan​
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Aw, that's rough!!

I was allergic to cats, dogs, and sunscreen growing up. I outgrew the allergies to dogs and sunscreen and forced an immunity to cats, so aside from maybe pollen, nothing really bothers me now.

I did find out over the summer that I'm likely allergic to cashews, but I don't like them anyway, nor any other tree nut, so no real loss. Since it never came up before, I can only assume it's eating the whole nut that bothers me, not eating something that may have traces of nuts.
My friend and I were having a discussion a little while back about allergies. He, like you Soulless Soulless , has a myriad of fruit/food related allergies. All of my own allergies are medication-related. We were debating if it was worse to have allergies to food, or to medications that could potentially save your life and/or reduce severe pain.

Personally, I believe that food--being an everyday constant in our lives--is the worse option. Being restricted on what I can eat because of an allergy must be hellishly annoying. My friend, on the other hand, says he has learned to deal with his allergies but should he need specific medications to keep him alive, drug allergies may kill him. He does have a point, but most of my allergies have alternatives (which may or may not be as effective as the original) with only a few exceptions.

What do you think, is it worse to have food or medication allergies?
My friend and I were having a discussion a little while back about allergies. He, like you Soulless Soulless , has a myriad of fruit/food related allergies. All of my own allergies are medication-related. We were debating if it was worse to have allergies to food, or to medications that could potentially save your life and/or reduce severe pain.

Personally, I believe that food--being an everyday constant in our lives--is the worse option. Being restricted on what I can eat because of an allergy must be hellishly annoying. My friend, on the other hand, says he has learned to deal with his allergies but should he need specific medications to keep him alive, drug allergies may kill him. He does have a point, but most of my allergies have alternatives (which may or may not be as effective as the original) with only a few exceptions.

What do you think, is it worse to have food or medication allergies?
That is an interesting question! I also am allergic to some medications. Sometimes, I wonder if it would be more worth it to trade my food allergies but obtain more allergies to medications and vise versa. Though, it is annoying not being able to eat greens raw for iron. Cooked greens are my best option.
Yeah it's a genetic thing *sigh* My mom used to have it as well. My white and red blood cell count is good now though :D

Yo, I had an allergy to corn. And guess what's made of corn (syrup included): ABSOLUTELY MOTHERTRUCKING EVERY FOOD IN EVERY AISLE!

So, we went to an allergist and after some piss painful shots and a blood drawing, we determined all my oral allergies and began to cure them.

If you look at it an allergy is the following: Your body attacking things it doesn't understand but aren't dangerous at all.

The way to cure allergies is this: Expose your body to it little by little over a long period of time and slowly increase the amount. How my allergist did it was I had to drop a few solutions under my tongue every day. It worked.

Also, regarding seasonal allergies, like pollen or other shite, it may not be allergies at all.

During certain seasons back in a valley in Iowa, we commonly had stuffed and overproductive sinuses. Move somewhere else with the same seasons and climate, BUT no allergies. I have NEVER had stuffy nose night since moving to where I am now. That crater in Iowa (because it as a meteor valley) was surrounded by farmers and the allergies always came during the planting/growing seasons. Nice to see modern agriculture with pesticides and all their fancy synthetic BS has such a lovely health affect when it can stream down and trap itself into a valley city.
Nearly died a few times eating nuts lol

Even funnier when you are un a foreign country with no epi pen or health insurance information lol
Penicillin, and that includes all of it's brothers, sisters, and cousin meds.
I actually have the most random allergy ever. I am allergic to ranch dressing. Other than that I'm allergic to animals with fur and grass.
I'm allergies to peanuts and cod. I remember trying cod when I was 7 and ended up with an itchy throat. I'm also allergies to cats as well.
The full list of my allergies could probably fill a dissertation, honestly.

Let's start with the basics, shall we? XD
- Cats and dogs (will cuddle anyway, of course)
- Wool
- Lanolin
- So, basically, sheep
- Pine oil
- Alfalfa (worst allergy to have when living on a ranch, btw)
- Roses :(
- Probably every other plant in existence

These all come with the classic sneezing, rash, hives, and "please dear God just rip my eyes out so they stop itching."

I also found out after having my wisdom teeth pulled that I'm (most likely) allergic to amoxicillin. Let's just say while it didn't kill me, the rash and itching made me wish it had. >~<
Seasonal and dry grass such as hay. I break out in hives due to the latter! >_<

Also, not sure if it counts but I've been noticing that benadryl (used to be my primary go to medication) knocks me out for HOURS. Also contact dermatitis makes my hands and legs flare up for no dammed reason at all.
Every plant that makes pollen + grass
Every mold
Basically anything living
Any animal with fur
And fruit
I can’t eat fruit without everything itching

I get 3 allergy shots a week just so I don’t die in a wheezing coughing heep on the floor, I live in a frickin desert and I still //suffer
Oh!! Also, not me but my brother is allergic to all the same plants + animals as me but he’s also allergic to poltry
Thought that’d be interesting since it’s a slightly uncommon allergy

Boi can’t eat chicken nuggets

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