• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Division (Ic)


I am the truth. Deal with it.
Right now, it is the year of 2029 in Hightron City, USA. The city seems to be like any other, except for one thing: Metahumans. A decade ago, an accident occurred in Horizon Co., a research lab facility, that caused a particle explosion across the entire city, which resulted in a few citizens receiving unnatural abilities. Many of these people were unsure what to do with their new identities. Over a month later, it was found that the particle explosion mutated several creatures into giant monsters. It was then several people decided to use their new gifts to fight against the monsters and bring them down. After that they were regarded as heroes, and celebrated by everyone in Hightron as well as the rest of the world. These heroes than joined together and formed the Dawning league a group of superheroes who swore to protect the world with their new gifts.

After that, the new stories that sprung only got more strange and more unnatural. More people affected by the explosion came out of hiding, choosing to either use their new abilities for justice or for crime. Some other metahumans appeared that were not even affected by the explosion at all. The world was never going to be the same again, and people could only wonder what would happen in the end, if there was ever to be one.

Brad Shaw was waiting in the parking lot of the Hightron Airport. He was supposed to be picking someone up at the airport. Well, it wasn't actually just someone. It was his nephew Judah. He was staying at the parking lot since he was one of the several members of the Dawning League who's alter ego wasn't much of a secret to the public. If he walked in the airport, he would probably be swarmed with a mob larger than the ones Micheal Jackson ever had. Probably best to stay in the car and wait for his nephew. He should know what his plate number was anyway. He did tell his sister after all.

Soon enough, out of the crowd walking through the exit doors, a young boy in a grey T-shirt dragged a somewhat large suit case behind him, with a filled backpack strapped to him. Brad then came out the truck and waved to him, and the boy, though hesitant at first to make sure he was his uncle, came over to his direction. As he hauled the suit case towards him, Judah came up to his uncle.

"Good to see you Judah," Brad said as he stretched his hand out. Judah immediatly shook when he reached him, his hand almost dissappearing under his uncle's.

"High Uncle Brad," Judah said respectfully.
"Has been a long time since I've seen you. You were only a small kid when we met last."
"Yeah, I wonder how much changed here in the city," Judah wondered.
"Probably a great deal," Brad said. "Like more people running around in tights here."
"I have seen the pictures," said Judah. "Aren't you one of them?"
Brad jokingly rolled his eyes as he took Judah's suitcase and effortlessly put in the truck.
Brad then opened the passenger's side of the truck and motioned for Judah to hop inside. Once he did, Brad got inside the truck himself, and drove off from the parkng lot.

(Hightron City Bank)
As usual, there was a long line at the Hightron city bank, full of people who were just waiting in line to deposit or withdraw money in their accounts. While many adults there were bored out of their minds, you could just imagine how the kids felt. So they tried to take their minds off of the bordem and discuss things every kid talks about in everyday life: TV, Movies, games, toys, and which hero can smash the most bad guys.

But then, the air filled with inactivity was suddenly distrupted. Silence was replaced with panic, and peace was destroyed by fear. At the front of the door stood a mob of large angry thugs who either pulled up guns, or had hands the glowed in fire. It was the Hot Wheel gang. They were supposed to be in prison, but somehow they were able to escape. No one was sure how they got out, but now everyone was in danger.

"Alright everyone! Here's the deal!" The leader of the raid spoke."You either let us get to the money quietly, or there's gonna be a fire tonight! You decide!"

Everyone was frozen in their place. In fear for their lives, no one was able to do anything. They could only hope someon would arrive to save them from this dire time.

ReverseTex ReverseTex , SP3CT3R SP3CT3R , Aero Aero , The Comet The Comet , Matryoshka Gal. Matryoshka Gal. , Spacing Out Spacing Out , rennuelaw rennuelaw , lalas181 lalas181 , A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba , The DoomyFish The DoomyFish , DankWaffles DankWaffles , Shagranoz Shagranoz , Super Villain Nova Super Villain Nova , N Nope Nope , Pavan Pavan
Lukas Hart
The screeching sound of tires hitting the runway jolted the man from thought. Lukas and his man, 23, just arrived from the Big Apple, to deal with the pesky buissness of these metahumans. The W.E.A was stuck with the task of keeping them in check, switching from espionage to babysitting. Which made the Director quite upset. But, when the Secretary of Defense tells you to do something, you kinda have to...
Lukas pulled a pair of sleek Wayfair Raybans from the inner pocket of his suit, which was grey with a black tie. Fixing his cuffs as he exited the plane, a black SUV awaited him on the runway, with two large men in black suits. He ducked inside, sitting to the far left to make room for 23. Once the man was inside the two men took their spots up front, and began the drive.

Kiche stood within the place known as a kitchen. Currently, the alien stood near the place known as the sink, twisting the faucet on an off. Chuckling ever time the water miraculous turned on, then once it hit the metal bottem, he turned it off. Deciding to find something new to tinker with, Kiche chose the stove. Turning the knob all the way, watching the gas flicker on, and rise into a huge flame. He jumped back, astounded by the flame, before walking towards it. Placing his hand on the fire, allowing his marble-like skin to be heated by the fire.
Agent 23
Climbing out of the plane just behind the director 23 emerged with a goofy looking grin. "I don't see how people sleep mid flight. Flying is exhilarating." He commented as he stepped down the stairwell from the plane. He was wearing his usual identity, that of agent Lance Crowley. Complete with a pair of blue jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and combat boots. His standard issue Pistol sat in a holster on his left side easily visible. He watched the director climb into the SUV and made some subtle changes to his form shedding a few inches and about a dozen pounds to fit more comfortably in the vehicle.
"So Boss , do we have a plan of action? Or do you want me to go all butcher shop on em." He said as he plopped lazily in the seat beside Director Hart. He had been in the WEA long enough to know that there was always a plan. It was rather obvious that he was just trying to push buttons, while common for him to do so, recently it had gotten a bit more frequent than most would like.​
ReverseTex ReverseTex
Katherine had been putting her telekinesis to good use all night. Cash, IDs, even entire wallets had been floating into her purse. She stopped at a park bench to check her progress. Fifteen hundred dollars, and half a dozen driver's licenses to sell. Not bad. Her superiors in Phoenix would be pleased. Supervillain gadgets didn't buy themselves, and she was able to get her goods with minimum risk of discovery.
Lukas Hart
"I thought you were more intelligent than that, of course we have a plan. I'm not in the damned city for the kicks!" Leaning back in the charcoal-colored seat, crossing his legs to be more comfortable. "I'm checking in on the factions here. My main focus is the Young Dawn. Mostly due to the fact they're harboring a foreign life force, and Mr. Shaw wants me to check in. We might take a peak into the Phoenix, just to assure they aren't ranking up civilian kills." Now that he heard his words about the Phoenix faction, and how they wee told to handle them, sickened him. They let dangerous people run rampant, and only checked in on their body counts? Lukas hated politics, even though his job relied heavily on them. "This trip mostly in tales affairs, but to have a mutant agent beside me in a mostly human-ran organization paints a pretty picture. But trust me, i've got work for you to do." The sly sentence at the end make him smirk, the thing about 23 was he was a great spy. His abilities did help greatly, but Lukas saw something in him. Probably what his mentor saw in him...
The DoomyFish The DoomyFish
Elena looked her reflection in mirror up and down with an appraising eye, her hands reaching down to adjust her gray blazer before moving on to her matching pencil skirt. Once she deemed herself fit for the world to see turned away, grabbed her handbag and strutted out of the bedroom. "Blaine, are you ready. Hurry up or you'll be late?" She called out, walking into the kitchen and grabbing the keys off of the counter.
"Yeah, I'll be right down," Blaine called back, adjusting his shotgun gauntlets in it and walking out the room. Exiting the house and seeing his adoptive mother in the car looking somewhat impatient. He could feel the woman's calculating eyes on him as he walked towards the White Audi RS 7 and got into the passenger's seat. "When will you ever wear something that isn't so tight. " She asked, looking at his ripped skinny jeans in distaste.
"Isn't it the Dads who should be worrying about their daughters. Besides, you have no room to talk considering that skirt you are wearing is not that loose. " He said, rolling his eyes as he put on his seat belt. Scoffing, Elena started the car and began pulling out the drive way.
"You are just as liable for any wandering eyes just as much as girls and i'm the adult here thank you very much." She said, eyes on the road as Blaine imitated her scoff and an eye roll from earlier but silent as Elena started to make her way towards the WEA headquarters to drop Blaine off. The majority of the ride was silent but comfortable, with Elena keeping her focus on the road while Blaine played around with his smartphone. Stopping the car in front of the headquarters, Elena looked at Blaine seriously. "Don't start a fight with anyone because we both know you have a problem with holding back." She said, glaring.
"Come on, he was basically asking to get his fingers broken. " Blaine said in an attempt to defend himself though Elena didn't look impressed. "Get out of my car and play nice. " She said, while Blaine rolled his eyes and got out of the car.
"I'll try momma dearest." He said sarcastically, closing the door and entering the headquarters. while Elena watched him go before driving away.
"So how is your mother doing?" Brad asked as he drove.
"Oh, well, she's ok....." Judah said. "You mean besides the wheelchair?"
"Yeah, I heard about what happened last month," Brad said. "You should consider yourself blessed that you are able to get the training you need here."
"Yeah, it sure is," Judah said, as he drew his hands near each other and caused a spark of dark blue energy to emit from them.
"Whoah whoah, not in here," Brad said, pushing down his nephew's hands. "This lady's brand new, just got her last week. You bust it and I'll make sure it comes out of your college fund."
"I don't have a college fund," Judah said shrugging.
"Then you have a problem," Brad said smirking.

Judah rested his head on his hand as he leaned against the door. He looked out the window to see what changes were made in his old home. He saw new buildings and new resturaunts. The ones he barely recongnized seemed to have been expanded or renevated. He also saw that the old Stake N Shake he and his mother used to go to was missing. Aparrantly it was replaced with another McDonalds. So now the city's got three of them. Sad.

"So where are we going?" Judah asked.
"Well what I'm going to do is drop you off at W.E.A so you can start your training. I already got you signed up with Young Dawn so you.."
"Excuse me," Judah interrupted. "What is the Young Dawn?"
"Its a new program for young metahumans like yourself," Brad said. "We are hoping that maybe these guys could take our place when we are unable to fight against the super crimminals."
"That sounds nice." Judah said. "Though do I need a costume cuz I don't have one."
"Gotchya covered," Brad said. "I already had a friend of mine make one for you. She should be dropping it of today."

"Wow, well ok." Judah said.
"Do you have a name thought of already?"
"Well, no not really...uhm...maybe, Young Lion...?"
"Dream on, "Lion"'s copyrighted."

After a rather long drive, The two finally made it to the W.E.A. Brad then walked out of the car along with Judah to head inside the headquarters. Along the way, he saw a boy walking out of a car, which he recognized as Elena's. Guessing he was one of the new Young Dawn students, Brad then walked up to him with Judah walking behind.

"Hey kid, how's it going today?" Brad asked.

rennuelaw rennuelaw

Blaine paused and turned his head to peer over his shoulder at the two males behind him. He contemplated ignoring them or making a sassy comment but he recognized the man as the Blue Lion and it was probably a bad idea to get on the man's bad side so he took a deep breath and turned around fully. "Kindly don't call me kid, my name is Blaine. So far my day has been well, how about yours." He asked, mentally gagging at his formal way of talking but it was as close to polite as he could get without outwardly cringing. "I'm assuming you know who I am, and that kid behind is your son or something?" He asked, an eyebrow raised in question as he looked past large man towards the lanky boy who looked to be about his age.
Truthblade Truthblade


Eyes focused on the road, Elena sent her course for the Hightron City High School, She had a few minutes to get there as her homeroom class was going to start soon. Noticing a crowd starting to form around the bank she stopped her car and got out before locking the door. "What the fuck is happening now." He muttered, approaching the crowd and seeing the armed gang and their hostages through the large glass window the majority of the front of the bank was made of.
"My apologies Blaine," Brad said. "I'm Brad Shaw, and this is my nephew Judah Walters." Judah smiled at Blaine when Brad mentioned his name. "He is joining Young Dawn, and I guess I can assume your doing same?"

A few of the crooks were starting to step out of the bank, when they saw that policemen had already arrived with their guns out. When the leader of the raid noticed, he gave the minions orders to throw whatever fire they got at the cops. And soon, the several biker thugs came out and started hurling blazing balls at the police.
rennuelaw rennuelaw
Agent 23

23 chuckled a bit at Director Hart's response. "Damn Boss, You must be an expert on foreign life forms by now." Sitting up straighter he Morphed into a German Shepherd curling up in the seat letting the seat belt hang loosely off of him. "At the very least The peek in on Phoenix sounds fun." He said his tail wagging happily for a moment. "By the way are you sure I'm the only mutant here? Chuck from accounting can squirt milk out of his eye, maybe he's a mutant too?" Again 23 wasn't being serious, but his shifting when he heard about the foreign lifeform was a tell of his. He usually only shifted pointlessly when something made him uncomfortable.​
ReverseTex ReverseTex
Kora Wilson [The Magistrate]
Kora's footsteps echoed through the fairly bare hallway. There was no pictures on the wall, no flowers on useless tablets, not even a rug on the wooden floor. The boards creaked in distress as she approached the door that was slightly cracked. Her knuckles knocked gently against the door. "You decent?" She called in. Had the nurse left yet?

"Come on in hon," A warm soft voice called from the room. Pushing the door open Kora stepped inside. She smiled at the woman in the hospital bed.

"Hey mom," Her voice quiet, almost like she was afraid to speak. Her hand reached out, grabbing her mothers and squeezing. "How ya doin'?"

Her brown eyes, almost mirroring her own, looked at Kora. She knew what was going on. She had read all of the doctors reports and talked to all the nurses. Her mother was dying. There wasn't much she could do. "Today's been a fairly good day," Her statement truthful. She mover her head slightly towards the closed curtains. "Could you open the blinds, I like the natural light. Don't forget to open the window too."

"Of course," Kora quickly moved over to the window. She pulled back the light green curtains to see the view. The house that the two shared was on the edge of the city on a high hill. The view was beautiful. Being able to see the city and all its glory was one perk of allowing a crazy genius experiment on you. She opened the window, allowing the cool breeze to rustle some papers on the desk. The view and the beautiful day almost distracted her from the heart monitor, the IV drip, the ventilator, and every other life support system in the room. Almost. She turned back to her mother and pulled a chair up on her right side. Kora carefully lifted her mother's hand to her lips, giving it a kiss, then rubbing her thumb on her aged skin. "I love you," She told her, setting her arm back into it's place.

"I love you too," Her mother's eyes sparkled. She was so brave, braver than Kora could ever be. A beep of her watch told her it was time to go. She gave her mother a kiss on the forehead before getting up and shutting the door behind her. The next nurse would be here in a few moments. Kora opened the fridge and grabbed a sandwich. She waved at the nurse who just walked in before heading out the door.

Kora jumped onto her motorcycle and slid a helmet over her silver hair. Her hair had never turned back to its original dark brown after what the man exposed her to. She pulled a leather jacket over her arms before speeding off to go to work. Or course work didn't mean 9 to 5 job. No, it meant fighting in the alleyways and backstreets in the bad areas of town. Protecting women, men, and children alike. All normal. She wasn't exactly the type to go after supervillains.

"Speak of the devil," She whispered to herself as she passed the Hightron city bank. Supervillains. Maybe the Dawning members or some agent of whatever acronym they were would save all this innocent people. A little part of her said 'go help' as she zoomed passed the group of thugs. Guilt filled the pit of her stomach. Why did she have to have such a need for justice? Her wheels screeched as she turned around to go play hero. She jumped off her bike as soon as it came to a stop. She grabbed her trusty trident while throwing off her helmet. She pulled her hood up and slapped on her mask to cover her eyes. She could see the cloud of thoughts around the tugs. Thoughts of greed and pain. Her left hand stretched out to pull the energy to her fingers. She could feel the buzz in her veins, her eyes almost aglow with power. A shockwave pushed the doors open.

"So," Kora's voice nonchalant, "Just out of prison and go rob a bank in my neighborhood." She looked around the now chaotic bank, "You guys must be geniuses!" Her tone filled with mock excitement. She lifted the large weapon just to let if fall back into her opposite hand. "Easy way or hard way? I'll let you guys pick," She offered them the first move even though police seemed sceptical.

Location: Down the street from Hightron city bank.
Thoughts: "Someone else go save the bank."
Interactions: Hot Wheels Gang//Open ( Truthblade Truthblade )

coded by @lorde
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Blaine nod, a subdued, neutral expression on his face as Brad spoke. "Yes i am, Elena suggested I join." He said in an even, almost quiet tone. Soon he turned his attention onto Judah, looking at the boy appraisingly. 'He is kinda cute but doesn't look that strong.' He mentally noted. Realizing he might be staring too long, he tried for a small smile which failed slightly. "It's nice to meet you Judah."

Her armor appearing, Elena pushed through the front of the crowd as the thugs started stepping out. Growling when she noticed the projectiles, she put out her hand to summon a wall of energy to block the lethal objects. Glaring at the thugs, she could particularly feel the stares she was getting from onlookers. "Don't you know it isn't nice to shot people. " She said as her sword appeared in her hand. Raising it above her head she smirked.
"I'm going to enjoy sending you all to prison." She said to thugs before she swung her sword down and sent a large arc of energy barreling towards the criminals while the shield disappeared.
Truthblade Truthblade
Lukas Hart
"I'm just the puppet for the government man." Lukas said lazily as the compound came into view. It wasn't actually a compound, more so a skyscraper with the added benifit of having a few underground floors for the training of metas. Originally it had been built for if ever there was a nuclear threat, but the W.E.A took control now. A light smile escaped him as he saw 23 was now a dog, "I better not need a leash Fluffy?" Teasing the man with the nickname, as he stepped out of the car. Tapping the door once he shut it to signal they could leave. Lukas turned his head to the building, to see that a pair of guards had anticipated his arrival. He never was left alone with his job. Rolling his eyes from under his sunglasses, he made his way into the building. Looking down at 23, he spoke. "We'll wait in the lobby till Shaw comes. Put on a show will you?"
The DoomyFish The DoomyFish
Judah nodded somewhat awkwardly. He probably wasn't much of a social butterfly.
"Well, I gonna take ya too where the Young Dawn quarters are. A few of the others should be there. But first I will have to take ya to someone." Brad said. He motioned the two boys to follow him inside the facility. Brad had to ask a few of the agents where Lukas was. He was told that he was in the lobby. Soon enough, The leader of the Dawn League arrived at the lobby.

"How are you doing Hart?" Brad said to the director.
rennuelaw rennuelaw ReverseTex ReverseTex

(I have to go, I'll continue the robbery when I get back. Go ahead and beat them to your hearts content till then since they're pretty much just npcs).
Blaine inwardly breathe a sigh of relief at the boy's response.Looking at Brad he listens intently before nodding. "Ok." He said shortly, following the older man without resistance. Walking into the Lobby, his eyes locked onto Lukas as he immediately started to appraise the man which is something he tended to do with everyone. "Incredibly handsome but also look like he could be an arrogant ass." He muttered out loud as he stood next to Judah.

Elena smirked as she took down more and thugs with the blunt side of her sword. "Spare me or i'll kill the girl." The leader of the thug said, holding a knife to a little girl's throat. "Kill her and i'll make sure you die a slow and painful death." She said, sharp eyes glaring at the cowardly man. "First you're going to lose the fingers, then the toes, maybe an eyeball or two then I'm going to remove that tiny dick of yours." She growled out as the man gulped before dropping the knife.

Truthblade Truthblade ReverseTex ReverseTex
Lukas Hart
Lukas was slightly surprised 23 decided to stay a dog, which was quite alright with him. Looking down at his watch, frowning that Shaw and his teens were slightly tardy. But sure enough, the sound of footsteps drew his attention. Shaw had two young boys, one who appeared to be a relative, maybe nephew? The other was dark-toned, but quite strong looking. "Doing well Shaw." He replied as he gave the man a solid handshake. But was distracted by the darker boy muttering. "Thanks for the compliment, and you can't look this good without an ego." Lukas said as he removed his sunglasses, his icy eyes revealed. "Glad you all could make it today, now there's a board room waiting for us upstairs. 23? Lead the way."
The DoomyFish The DoomyFish Truthblade Truthblade rennuelaw rennuelaw
Agent 23

"Put on a show" 23 thought repeating the phrase Director Hart had uttered as the people made their way over to them. While it wasn't really his style his brain already churning up ideas. When the kids came in accompanied by the leader of the dawn league Silver Lion. He was busy sjzeing each of them up playing scenarios of conflict in his mind as he tried to guess their abilities. He couldn't really help it, force of habit at this point. Luckily he was snapped out if the thoughts by Director Hart asking him to lead the way. Wagging his tail he responded "Yes sir Director Hart." He hoped the talking dog would keep them on their toes, guessing what would come next. He led them the stairs to the balcony and straight to the Room on the Eastern corner overlooking the lobby. He looked back to the director waiting for the nod to indicate he was at the right door before he "put on a show."
The German Shepherd that led them to the door fell apart into a giant writhing mass of tiny spiders that crept under the crack of the door with several of them scattering in random directions. The spiders gathered together again in the chair forming back into The Form of Lance Crowley waiting for the door to open.​
ReverseTex ReverseTex rennuelaw rennuelaw Truthblade Truthblade
(Hopefully no one has arachnaphobia.)
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"A talking dog?" Judah said in bewilderment? "That's not possible."
"And you shoot blue energy out of your hands?" Brad said.

The two followed the dog into a room, and Judah stared in amazement when the dog shifted into a flood of spiders (thank God his mom wasn't here) and then into the form of a man. Brad didn't seem very dazed at the sight, sense he had seen similar sights before.

"I don't believe I've met your friend here?" Brad said.

The DoomyFish The DoomyFish , ReverseTex ReverseTex , rennuelaw rennuelaw

"We've got what we need, let's burn this place down and roll out!" The leader yelled! With that the crooks that could escape ran off with sacks of money, shooting balls of fire at the Bank to burn it down, all the while getting on their motorcycles, attempting to speed off.
rennuelaw rennuelaw A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba
Considering he had seen a good bit of magic and other strange happenings in his lifetime, Blaine wasn't particularly fazed by the dog speaking let alone transforming but the sight of the spiders made a rather feminine scream emerge from his mouth as he jumped back. Blushing bright enough that light tints of dark red showed up on his dark skin, he avoided eye contact with anyone. "Sorry." He muttered, mentally berating himself for screaming in front of people who he wanted to see him as strong.
The DoomyFish The DoomyFish ReverseTex ReverseTex Truthblade Truthblade

Glaring at the thugs that tried to get away, she ran forward while sending arcs off energy after them to destroy the wheels of the motorcycles. "You ain't getting away you little fuckers." She yelled, disregarding any kids in the area.
A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba Truthblade Truthblade
Kazareth, upon hearing the slam of the doors on the ground floor, put his book down and went straight down to see what was happening. Literally straight down. Kaz jumped from the nearest catwalk to the first floor, and managed to strike and hold a cool pose for half of a second before his knees buckled and he fell.
Kaz got back up and brushed the rubble off of his clothes to look at who came in. It was two members he recognized as well as some teens his age. Biologically, at least. Putting two and two together, Kaz asked, "Hey, sorry yo interrupt, buuut are you guys here for that Young Dawn program as well? I'm Kaz, by the way."

(Note: Kaz is currently in human form.)

rennuelaw rennuelaw Truthblade Truthblade
Kora Wilson [The Magistrate]
Kora watched as a, what she assumed was, Dawning League hero come in and steal her fight. Can she never do anything without someone crashing her party? Before she could grumble a ball of fire came flying towards her. She was barely able to escape its heat. She turned to the tug in front of her. "Okay then, hard way," She whispered, cracking her knuckles. Both of her hands jutted outward towards the robber. Energy came flowing down into her body. She close her hands into fists, watching as the pyro in front of her forgot what he was thinking about. That tended to happen to most of her opponents. Of course she got less of a charge from this guy, but that would to be expected for these numbskulls. Her took a step closer. Kora came running at the guy. She launched her self with a shockwave before blasting the tug with one. He was knocked off his feet. Made his chest and easy target for her three pronged weapon.

Kora watched the lowlife underneath her loose conciseness. She pulled what little energy she could out of the dying criminal and was set to make short work out of the rest of them.

Except the Drawing hero had chased them away, letting the bank to burn with innocent people inside. Why did she have to clean up all the messes? Kora quickly shockwaved a nearby fiery hydrant so that water gushed from the sidewalk. She used up all the left over engery to push the water onto the fire. Most of it was cleared. She ran in to help coughing citizens, other hurt in the hysteria. She decided to run out the back into the alley to avoid the police outside.

Location: Hightron city bank
Thoughts: "Man, I hate Drawing heroes."
Interactions: Hot Wheels Gang//Open ( Truthblade Truthblade rennuelaw rennuelaw )

coded by @lorde
Lukas Hart
A light smile escaped Lukas when Shaw's nephew was surprised by 23. He liked to amuse himself with sort of thing. Then once he turned into a pile of spiders, he couldn't hold back a laugh at the teens girlish scream. These would be the people helping to protect this city! Stepping into the board room after 23 took his usual form, he stood at the front until everyone was seated, including a newcomer. Clearing his throat, Lukas began. "My name is Director Hart, and I am in control over the W.E.A, where you teens will be doing most of your training. I am an asset to you, as well as your worst nightmare. There is currently a new set of laws and amendments in our government for you people, so we are operating under a strict set of guildlines. Minimal damage to the city, and minimal causality counts."
Beginning to slowly walk around the board room table, studying each individual as he passed. "Now Mr. Shaw here will check in occasionally, as well as handle most of your inner problems. If anything gets out of line, bring it to me or 23. Now, are these rules clear to everyone? Before I get to the next topic."
The DoomyFish The DoomyFish Truthblade Truthblade rennuelaw rennuelaw and whoever else is hete
Blaine sets his glare on Lukas after the man laughs at his scream. 'Don't shoot him, Blaine, Don't shoot him.' He thinks to himself before he rolls his eyes and looks away, deciding to stay silent while the man talks. 'Damage I can handle, causality on the other hand,' He thinks, looking thoughtful before turning his attention back to the Director, nodding in response to the man's question.

Growling as the thugs get away, Elena turns back to the bank to go and help the unknown woman with the trapped people in the building. Noticing the woman was now gone she raised an eyebrow as she put the last civilian on the ground near the police before running to a nearby Alleyway to change back. (Kora can be in that alleyway if you want)

Truthblade Truthblade The DoomyFish The DoomyFish ReverseTex ReverseTex A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba
Irene Petrov

"Good Morning." A husky voice greeted in an effort to wake up the woman beside him. Irene hesitantly opened her eyes to return the gesture with a smile. She mouthed a hello before sitting up on the bed. The room was foreign to her but seemed quite alluring in it's own little way.

"What happened last night?" She asked, shifting her attention back to him. The man shrugged. "We got a couple of drinks at the bar after work , You got really drunk, So I brought you back here." He paused for a moment, Her face turning red as if he suddenly realized how twisted his statement could sound to her. he decided to go on. "I -I mean nothing happened. You crashed on the bed as soon as you made it to the bedroom."

She chuckled at how tense he suddenly became. "Well, thanks for letting me stay the night."

"We should get ready to go to work soon. Don't want to be late."

"No David, Let's stay in today." She groaned before tugging at him playfully."Plus, You still have a little hangover, you can't go to work in this condition...I promise I'll make it up to you."

He perked his brow, Assessing the situation, then sighing in defeat. David pulled put his phone and began to dial in the number. After a few fake coughs and sneeze, He managed to coerce his Superiors to let him get the day off. "You owe big time, Claire. " Claire Watson was the alias, she established two weeks ago. She didn't want her identity to be known, especially for what she had planned.

"I know...Come here." She teased. Pulling him close to place a kiss on his lips. It was a matter of seconds before her toxins began to take effect. What remained after was a lifeless body on the bed with a body covered in blisters. "Thanks again." She commented before getting to business.

Irene went to the bathroom to refreshen up. Her short blonde wig still in place, her blue contacts covered her dark brown hues. She then placed on her lab coat prior to commencing in scavengerinf through his possessions until she got what she was looking for: His Work I.D. David Sanders, Top scientist at Horizon CO. Which meant that had more access than majority of the staff, something that would come in great use to her.

She managed to enter into Horizon's premises with ease following a quick joke with the security guard. She was an official associate scientist to the company for two weeks after all. She performed her usual routine: making small talk to various colleagues including Rebecca Shaw (Being the wife of Silver lion made her an interest for future endeavors), Made herself a coffee with creamers and three packs of sugar..

In a casual manner, She maneuvered her way to the restricted area in a with a scan of David's I.D. She was in. As the door closed behind her, she finally noticed five scientists still premises. One of them, looked towards her in distress. "Claire, You're not all-" before the woman could finish, a throwing spike was in her throat. "I'm very much aware of that Linda. Don't worry, I'll be out of your hair soon enough." Irene replied in a nonchalant attitude. She then pulled out a gun, Cocked it, and aimed it at the remaining four. "Now, if you don't want to end up like her, I suggest you get yourselves in the closet." She commanded. One by one the entered into the chemical closet, when they all were accounted for she locked them in from the outside.

Irene then pulled out her phone to take pictures, as well as a hard drive to download whatever was in their computer data. When she was satisfied with her work, she deleted what was left in the computer.

Irene pulled the nearest fire alarm to enable. The gushing water from the sparklers and the wailing of the alarms were an effecient way to make everyone evacuate. Exiting the building along with the other workers of Horizon, she pulled into an alleyway to throw away her disguise. To her delight, There were two women already there. One of them she identified as The hero, Elena Ghost. The other was completely random, perhaps another wannabe viligante. She nodded in their direction as she pulled off the wig from her hair as well as took off her contacts, dumping both in the trash alongside the lab coat.

'"Hope you have a great day ladies, oh and thank you for the save. I'm a big fan." She spoke, beginning to walk herself to the Phoenix HQ (Perhaps even making a detour to get a quick snack).

rennuelaw rennuelaw A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba
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Roman Tatum
Roman had been stalking the group ever since he'd arrived, exactly two hours earlier than the rest. He'd given himself some time to explore the W.E.A. building, as well as meet a couple of the employees before meeting them all back. He'd been silent the whole time, and chose not to interfere with Blaine and Brad's conversation as they walked into the meeting room. He nodded and respectfully listened to what Director Hart had to say, but could only think kne thing: I'll be director someday.

"Yes sir, I understand." He replied in a nonchalant voice, glancing at the others who probably hadn't noticed him from before. He broke the stares with a grin as he turned back to Lukas.

The silence would soon be broken at the entrance of Kaz, as even Roman himself turned to analyze the girl. Quite the impression. He thought to Ian, his A.I. who also had a mind-link link with him. Y'don't say. Ian replied in Roman's thoghts.

rennuelaw rennuelaw ReverseTex ReverseTex The DoomyFish The DoomyFish SP3CT3R SP3CT3R

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