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Fantasy Divine Games in the Playground OOC (Always Recruiting!)

Also, surprise! Here I am, coming to you from the mountains. I have cell service and will not have to drop out :)
hey everyone! sorry I suddenly vanished. Between the senior´s trip and my teacher´s dumping like 50 essays on me all of the sudden (I´m not even exagerating), things got a little busy for me and honestly speaking, I´m not sure if they´ll get much better soon. In any case, I was wondering if I´ve already gone over my limit (and am therefore kicked from the roleplay, not that I don´t understand given technically speaking I did break the rules , if I did go over the limit) or if I am still in time.

Nameless Author Nameless Author
hey everyone! sorry I suddenly vanished. Between the senior´s trip and my teacher´s dumping like 50 essays on me all of the sudden (I´m not even exagerating), things got a little busy for me and honestly speaking, I´m not sure if they´ll get much better soon. In any case, I was wondering if I´ve already gone over my limit (and am therefore kicked from the roleplay, not that I don´t understand given technically speaking I did break the rules , if I did go over the limit) or if I am still in time.

Nameless Author Nameless Author

Hey man, the end of the spring semester is always brutal. Can't speak for the DM, but I get it anyway XD
I'm back from the week or two of surprise depression (it's the best kind)! I've also been thinking about the game, and have decided to work with different rules now that I have learned what I wanted from this game. Everyone that had a approved character in this game will be allowed to either convert their character's over with the same number of domains, or create a new character application with the same number of domains that their strongest character has. Also, all players from this game will start with a bonus 6 AP (making the total 22 at the start of the game).

If Idea Idea or Hel Hel wish to help me by being moderators I'd appreciate it.

Link to the game.
I wouldn't mind helping out if you need it. It may take me a little bit to fully understand the new combat information/clarifications, though.

So you want us to move our characters over then, it sounds like. Will all of the evens/relationships reset?
I wouldn't mind helping out if you need it. It may take me a little bit to fully understand the new combat information/clarifications, though.

So you want us to move our characters over then, it sounds like. Will all of the evens/relationships reset?
You can move the characters if you want, but also make a new character if you wish to as well. I'm aiming for everyone to just have one godly character. Avatars, heralds, or just heroes can fill the rest.

If you want you can reset your history, but you can keep them if you like as well. It could be fun to have one character remember the other without it being reciprocated.
I still want to participate but... I am currently on a hiatus... my posting will be dumbly inconsistent at best.
So if we want to use the same character, do we just continue posting? And I assume we'll be resetting the world, so rebuilding planes and things?
As Idea said, the rules changes are so major that I decided to re-boot the game. You can keep the same character (or create a new one with the same amount of power/domains), as well as get a nice power boost of 6 AP at the start of the game. I suspect that if not quite the first rollover, most players from the old game should be able to quickly rise to Lesser God.

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