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"Oh, I'm extremely knowledge able in the art of fighting." She points to her head. "Erudite, remember?"
"just the snobby ones. Lemme count. Aviary, Mark, LILO, Peter, Mary," she counts each one off her fingers.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Clary.gif.2cd8b5cb2597207bbc25f3cce45961f1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Clary.gif.2cd8b5cb2597207bbc25f3cce45961f1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Yes, a jerk." she said as she took the bottle from Dresden, gripping it so hard that the plastic crackled. "Such a jerk."

Jerk wasn't really the word for what he was but Clary was too tired to think of a better one. Conceited, maybe?

Snatching a tasty looking cupcake from the food line, she followed Dresden to a table. "I'm not even hungry anymore." she muttered mostly to herself. She thought it was probably more from nerves than anything else-just the stress of the day-but she liked blaming it on him. He deserved it.

Clary poked at her cupcake almost absently as she sat across from Dresden. "Have you ever had one of these?" she asked before biting into the treat.

Sugar sweeter than anything she'd ever tasted exploded in her mouth. Her head buzzed than her whole body and it seemed to seep into her blood. She swore that she could feel her irises expanding.

"Oh... God. This is... good." she said, eyes wide.



  • Clary.gif
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'You really don't like him I see' I look at the food I grab I have one of the cakes I think its called I look up at you Clary ask me that ' No never' I watch her take a bit hear what she says I wonder if this cake is good to I look up 'do you want half of this cake thing Clary' I point at it
"Fight each other eh?.." Sen asked rhetorically.

She had fought her whole life to get by, but she had never been in a real *Fight* per-say.

She turned to the other girls and asked " Do you..have any advice? "

Sen was a proud young woman, but she wasn't stupid.

She knew she was out matched, and wasn't going to embarrass herself two days in a row.

And as much as she hated to admit it, she was afraid.

She didn't even know if asking for help was against the rules.

Everything leading up to her getting here had conditioned her to be paranoid of everyone, and everything.
"Watch the other person's movements. Get a keen eye for their weaknesses and strengths, learn how to use both against them before they get the upper hand." June finished her food. "Don't be afraid to approach them and take the first blow either. They're not your friend, or your comrade, they're your enemy, and you must do everything you can to destroy them because they intend to destroy you. Don't get reckless, and don't get cocky, because the second you underestimate your enemy, you've already lost. If you have to, pretend it's someone or something you hate enough that you would stop at nothing to end them." She took a sip of water. "And watch some martial arts videos, you'll be surprised how much it helps. If you don't have form, you'll get sloppy and slip up."
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Musicomar4 said:
"Yea, and the amity kids fight hardest." Jaida knew this fact off by heart.
Ok you didn't read my post in the oc. I'm shutting this down because it's too hard to keep track of people and one liners like that kill souls, both mine and friends. Sorry. Also Amity are peace-loving tree-huggers most of them would not fight to save their lives.

If you have a problem with any of this feel free to pm me

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