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Michael had followed, wide eyed and intrigued, trying to remember everything but there were no landmarks to note so it became difficult. As this tour guide had left a tote bag, many seemed to scramble for it, ripping into the clothes. He just stood by and watched for the time being, apologizing when someone else had pushed past him. Waiting until he felt it was his turn, the young man stepped forward and reached into the bag. He found some pants that fit, but was a little disappointed to find no fitting shirts. The closest thing to his size was a medium black tee, but it was just too small.

He looked around, seeing if he could trade with someone. Uncertain, he put the tee back and rubbed his arms. Looking down at the sleeves of his own shirt, he smiled to himself and pulled the orange long-sleeve over his head. Unceremoniously ripping off the arms then the collar, he put it back on, finding the dark orange tank top suited him better. Changing his pants, he slipped the belt back in through the loops and managed to tie his shoes before jogging to catch up to the last person heading to the dining hall. He was famished.
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June tied a spaghetti stand around a chicken strip, in the spot where a neck would be. "You'll pay for your crimes against society, Sir Divergio." Her old nemesis, Sir Divergio, was at his old tricks again. "You think I don't smell the sweet deception on your lips? It smells like chicken, yes, but under that, the putrid stink of a guilty conscience. Any last words before your fate is sealed?" The chicken strip now had a face, drawn on it with mayonnaise. It had a monocle and a moustache. "Nothing? Not even an apology? Well, then you know where you're going. The bottomless pit." She raised the chicken strip by the spaghetti noose, letting it hang for a bit, before eating it. "Why must evil taste so good?"
Rickard smiled a waxy little smile, getting into a black shirt and combat trousers - ignoring any looks sent his way at stripping off in the middle of a crowd - as he spoke.

"Well - Jace, right?" Rickard smiled as he walked into the cantina. "I'm ex-Erudite. I have both an interest in finding things out, and something of a special skill to do it. And although I'm not quite entirely without a moral compass, I can be quite the bastard too - as I'm sure you can already tell."

"But despite all of this, I do like to know things. Maybe I should have been born Candor, because there's certainly an element of 'truth seeking' behind it all. What exactly are these rumours about, might I ask? If you're really looking for answers, I might just be the guy to find them."
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Aerinne looked over at the tables of Dauntless, picking a few initiates out from the crowd that was atop the roof entrance. She smiled a bit. Every year she'd watch new initiates make their way into the Dauntless family and stand their ground. Ever since she'd been little she'd study them. What to do, what not to do, what REALLY not to do. She watched as some just barely stayed, some pushed through to the top, and some got carted off to the sidelines before their first week was up. Every year she'd watch them blossom into butterflies or get crushed like ants. But this was different. This was her year. This was her chance to shine. And she knew exactly what to do.

She stood up, leaving her tray on the table. First, she needed to change. She was wearing a standard black tee and dark grey pants. "You don't want to make a bad impression," Her mother had said. But she wasn't going to exactly make a good impression either, looking like a stiff. So she headed to her room, Well, I guess it wasn't her room anymore. To embrace the true Dauntless life, she had been grouped with other members in a co-ed room. She had her stuff at the end of her bed, and once she walked in she pulled open the satchel, pulling out three items. She pulled the t-shirt off, smiling a bit when some of the boys whistled. She winked playfully at the group and cheers emerged, following the smacking of heads from their girlfriends. She pulled on the tank top, which was ruffled on the sides, and then stripped herself of her grey pants. She slipped on the ripped black jeans and buttoned them, adding a leather jacket to finish. She slipped on the spiked combat boots, pulling on some wristbands to finish. She teased her short blonde hair a bit, the whole outfit giving off a kind of 'badass' vibe. She threw the standard clothes in the laundry bin, heading back to the lunchroom. She finished her food in contentment, a slight smirk on her face.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Clary.gif.5d1d2d4e5419c00b5ee9c13494fc91b7.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74598" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Clary.gif.5d1d2d4e5419c00b5ee9c13494fc91b7.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sirius was right but... Ouch. That had to sting.

Clary reached up to put her hand on Dresden's arm but then he turned, nearly knocking her over. She stumbled a little but righted herself pretty quickly. The daze from the jump seemed to wearing off. Thank God.

"It's ok. That's what I get for standing behind people, right?" she said with a small laugh, pushing hair back from her face.

Clary supposed that she had a habit of doing that; sneaking up behind people.

"I-" she began but Dresden beat her to her question.

She bit her bottom lip as a smile spread across her face. "I was just going to ask you that."

She turned and began walking towards where she smelled food but stopped when she heard Dresden compliment her on her new clothes.

Clary looked down at herself a bit self-consciously. The clothes were tight in all the places that she didn't want them too be; her chest-or lack of one-her waist, and her hips, outlining the spots that were horribly underdeveloped. In Clary's opinion, the clothes were less than flattering.

"Oh... Thanks." she said hesitantly. "You look good, too."

She grabbed his hand then, turning to the door before he could see the blush staining her nearly white cheeks.

The mess hall was dark like every other part of Dauntless seemed to be and as they stood in line to get their food, Clary felt the overwhelming need to vent. If she didn't she might burst.

"Ya know, Dresden, I've never been that mad before. I didn't know I could get that mad. He's just such a..."

She paused, her eyes tired as she stared up at him. "Do you even know what I'm talking about?"



  • Clary.gif
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Somehow she had talked her way out of the tour. Her mother already honed the place into her brain. GOD MUM. She thought. WHY DID YOU, I CANT HAVE FRIENDS NOW.

Since the tour she had just been blankly looking around, showing no reaction whatsoever. As the were taken to their so called 'rooms' she stood still, looked at the bag of clothes and looked towards their room again. *...Is he serious?* She thought, obviously quite disturbed by sharing a room with others. She had also wondered *What are hamburgers?* Unable to fight back curiosity, she looked through the contents of the bag and snatched the clothes which seemed to be her size. She had no problem putting the black pants over her dress, but the shirt was more of a problem. But due to her curiosity of hamburgers she managed to hide inside the blanket on her bed and changed into her shirt there. She remembered where the dining area was, but she decided to wait on a few others, and follow them so she wouldn't feel to out of place.
'That he was a jerk?' I grab two drinks hand one to Clary ' I think it was bit much with the...mother part' I stare off for a little bit and shake my head 'Let's found a good spot to sit we can talk about it more if you like'. Dresden looks around the dinning hall like he's looking for someone she's not in here I think he shrugs I hope she doe's not show up I don't want to cause a scene he sighs a little
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After taking all the dauntless born to the mess hall and fixing up his own plate of food, went to sit with his sister and her youngest child. Upon seeing the child Damon gave a look of distaste and grunted at the kid causing his sister to laugh "what is it that you have against children?" To which Damon answered "all they do is poop and cry. I want nothing to do with a kid unless I can give it back." "Then why did you volunteer to train the initiates?" "I was bored."



"Ex-Eruidite ... Keep this up nose and I will personally ensure that you are factionless. Look it's personal ok, it's about my family now buzz off." Jace sat at a table with only one empty seat so that maybe this kid would leave him alone. He would table hop latter if he saw someone else he would rather sit with.
Sen eventually found her way to the mess hall, and found herself an empty table where she could eat.

She looked down at the questionable meal she had been given, sneering at how greasy and unhealthy it all looked.

She looked over to see another initiate pretending to kill her divergent chicken strips.

While she chuckled at this at first it reminded her of the dangers of being divergent, and her responsibilities if she found one.

she thought to herself, *what if that Smith boy turns out to be one?*..

She was always taught that they would bring ruin to the very life she was now sworn to protect.

But the idea of killing him made her stomach ache.

She decided it would be best to just shake the thought of it from her head.

after all, there was no proof, just a dumb kid who kept old habits for too long.

heaving a heavy sigh, she began to eat. "At least this day can't get any worse" she complained.
June noticed that Sen had sat at a spot near her, also alone. She blinked and decided to move a little closer to the girl. "Hey, you're the one that passed out right? Don't listen to what any pest has to say. As long as you can do what they tell you, you'll make it through just fine." She looked down a bit sheepishly and picked at her food. "Y-you didn't happen to overhear the execution of Sir Divergio, did you.." That would have been so super weird.

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"Hello. Are you a Dauntless born or a transfer?" June started decorating the next chicken strip with a face.

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"Good on you then." She had a picture of a nerd in glasses on her chicken strip. "You don't need them, they're snobby." She gave it to Jaida. "Here you go. Devour your old faction."

She wondered if the girl would take her metaphor seriously.
Jaida shrugged. She took the chicken strip, lifted it into the air and said. "To being dauntless!" And ate the chicken strip. She knew it was a metaphor but it was fun. And delicious.
[QUOTE="Faction Before Blood] snip

"Ah. I see. Well, forgive me for prying. I meant no offense - but... do tell me... that man, 'Damon', he would be your brother, yes? I can see a certain resemblance - and I'm rarely wrong." Rickard grinned.

He was an exceptionally handsome young man.

And yet so easy to hate. At first. In reality, he was a character with more depth than most people assume - and most of his politics and cruel intriguing was borne more out of genuine curiosity than manipulativeness than he'd like you to think, too. He'll always have Erudite tendencies. The class, the refinement, the wine... Not quite enough to make him a divergent. Because he wasn't.

But it would stay with him.


"Well it looks like you're wrong here; my family is dead." Jace growled his patience wearing thin. If this kid didn't watch himself he will end up in an early, shallow grave. "I have no idea how you even came to that, I didn't even have a brother. Damon wasn't even the one who took me in... That was Sirius. Damon took in my sister, who appears toy didn't like him considering she disappeared."
Sen Finally perked up and spoke. "sorry.. I kinda lost myself in thought for a moment.. it's been a long day.. I'd prefer to put it behind me.."

Noticing another girl, she found herself feeling strangely comfortable.

At least for now there wasn't any competition, or struggle, just some girls enjoying a silly meal.

She let out a sigh, with an uncharacteristic smile as Jaida held up her chicken in a toast.

So much was changing for sen, and all so fast.

she expected as much from a day like this, but nothing could prepare her.

Finally she spoke again- " Sen.. My name that is.. It's Sen. nice you meet you."

She offered an uncomfortable smile, and she picked at her food.
Rickard smiled a thin smile.

"Not wrong. Just lying." He said as he left, making a beeline for...

The food. He would begin conversing with Damon tomorrow, in their time between trainings. It wouldn't do to be seen prying any more just now - not with the eyes of some of the more senior Dauntless (he could feel them not see them but it made no difference) on him from above.

No. Until then, he would enjoy the good food.

And wait.
"My name is June," She introduced, "you two seem alright, a lot of our peers seem to be nosy this year."
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Sen nodded her head in agreement and added "Nosy yes, and loud, and hyper competitive.."

Sen found herself slipping into cynicism again, so she tried to put a more positive spin on things.

"At any rate, I'm glad not everyone here like that. "

Sen then held up a bottle of water looking through the bottle at the distorted lights and shapes she remarked " I wonder what tomorrow will be like"

She spoke as if she was talking to herself, but then looked to the other girls for their opinion.

It was clear Sen didn't have very much social grace.
"If what I heard is true, we'll have to fight eachother," June said. "I have a bit of experience, but you two should bone up because I won't pull any punches no matter who I'm against."

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