• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


Faction Before Blood

My people skills are rusty...

Erudite Teacher: One hundred years ago, after the war, our founders created a system they believed would prevent future conflict and create lasting peace. Today's aptitude testing, based on your personality, will assign you to one of the factions. While it is our belief that choosing the faction indicated by your test is the best way to ensure success within the faction system, it is your right tomorrow, at the choosing ceremony, to choose any of the five factions regardless of your test results. However, once the choice has been made, there will be no change permitted.


Those who blamed selfishness made Abnegation


Those who blamed aggression formed Amity


Those who blamed duplicity created Candor


Those who blamed ignorance became Erudite


Those who blamed cowardice were the Dauntless


One choice


Can transform you


Welcome to Dauntless!

People, people! Listen up! Initiates! Now that I have your- shut your trap!- ahem... Now that I have everyone's attention, welcome to your new home. You have chosen to join the warrior faction, tasked with the defense of this city and all of its inhabitants. We believe in ordinary acts of bravery and the courage that drives one person to stand up for another. Respect that. Do us proud.


Complete Your Initiation

Score points for your completion of fighting tournaments, knife throwing, target shooting and for showing ordinary acts of bravery

Move up the Ranks

Stay ahead or go live with the factionless. At the end of each round, those who have not reached the right amount of points to progress will be eliminated from the Rp/ will have to join the factioless thread(perhaps even join the Evelyn's Factionless resistance force? Which can be started in this rp if everyone is interested. Ranks will be posted in my signature and updated after all dice have been rolled for a specific event.

Win at all Costs

Pm the Gm(me) if you feel as if you need to attack another player. Perhaps you want to take down the guy or gal at the top of the leaderboard? But be careful, they will fight back if you don't fight hard enough.

Create your Own Initiate

Design your own character with his or her own strengths and weakness. Were they dauntless born? or maybe they're transferring stiffs?

Fair and Just

There No Special Snowflakes in Dauntless! Events such as knife throwing will be decided by the throw of a dice; this will help keep things 'clean.' Rankings will also be determined by the dice you roll for skills or survival.

Eliminate the Divergent

Some new players will be Pm-ed about this status at the start of the rp. As you may expect, this status makes you Divergent, allowing you to do a whole array of suspicious stuff, such as expressing traits from multiple factions, being able to resist serums etc. THERE IS A CATCH, HOWEVER! If your fellow Dauntless suspect your Divergence, you are in for a whole heap of trouble. Your fellow Initiates can: report you to a supervisor(puts you at risk of being removed from Dauntless and sent to the factionless), kill, maim or otherwise humiliate you into leaving the compound, reveal your status to the rest of the Dauntless(The corrupt Dauntless are welcome to lynch you). The number of divergent characters will be determined by a dice role.

What is Divergence?

In this world you are supposed to be one of five things; smart, brave, selfless, kind, or honest. But when you are divergent you can be more than one; smart and brave, kind and honest, or even selfless, brave and smart. If you get chosen to be divergent, that is. And who gets chosen is completely random


(By faction of origin)


@Yunn - Vivian Cruz

@GinjaGen - Viola Silva

@Dtlee31 - Dresden Smith

@Endemic Wolf - Alex Blade


@Zed - Michael Pierce

@Blackrose7 - Alice Knight

@BirdTheWord[ -Henry White


@viska - Satu Ammada

@Ashaficent - Louisa Campbel


@Orihara - June Saunders

@RowdyPotato - Opal Gelland

Jace Anderson

Zephyr Michelson

Hunter Dominique

Amber Stone


@Bazmund - Rickard Holborn

@redfang54 - Lionel Do'keba

Leader Board




















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@Yunn @GinjaGen @Dtlee31 @Endemic Wolf @Zed @Blackrose7 @BirdTheWord @viska @Orihara @RowdyPotato @Bazmund @redfang54

Hearts are pounding, beating against ribcages like a drum kit. Sweat steams down many a forehead. Teeth chatter so quickly their owners can barely breathe. Today is the day. Today you make your choice.

Look around at the buzzing hall that is the Hub, watch everyone take their seats. They all look so calm, so collected, organised like books on a shelf, each where he or she belongs. Belonging. The one thing on most children's minds. Where do you belong? Among the smart? The selfless? The brave? The kind? The honest? How do you listen to you? Your parents? Your faction? Your Aptitude Test? Your heart? Each thought tears at young minds like a starved animal; it's impossible to think.

Take your seat next to your family. Can you really leave them behind? The people who raised you, praised you, moulded you...

All of a sudden the room is silenced by the presence of Janine Mathews, leader of the Erudite Faction. She begins to speak. "The factions system is a living being composed of cells; all of you. And the only way it can survive and thrive is for each of you to claim your rightful place. The future belongs to those who know where they belong". The cold voice of the Erudite leader shakes one very core. It becomes hard to focus with the dominant personality of Janine tearing trough everything and anything that attempts to divert your attention. "And so, they make one of five choices: Amity, the peaceful. Abnegation, the selfless. Candor, the honest. Dauntless, the Brave. Erudite, the knowledgable."

An older man begins to speak. He is dressed head to toe in grey. Without doubt this man is the leader of Abnegation; Marcus Eaton. "Welcome to the Choosing Ceremony. Welcome to the day we honor the democratic philosophy of our ancestors, which tells us that every man has the right to choose his own way in this world.

"Decades ago our ancestors realized that it is not political ideology, religious belief, race, or nationalism that is to blame for a warring world. Rather, they determined that it was the fault of human personality—of humankind’s inclination toward evil, in whatever form that is. They divided into factions that sought to eradicate those qualities they believed responsible for the world’s disarray.

"Those who blamed aggression formed Amity… Those who blamed ignorance became the Erudite… Those who blamed duplicity created Candor… Those who blamed selfishness made Abnegation… And those who blamed cowardice were the Dauntless.

"Abnegation has fulfilled our need for selfless leaders in government; Candor has provided us with trustworthy and sound leaders in law; Erudite has supplied us with intelligent teachers and researchers; Amity has given us understanding counselors and caretakers and Dauntless provides us with protection from threats both within and without…. In our factions we find meaning, we find purpose, we find life." His voice is not as dominant as the Erudite leaders, but just as important. It's his current role to read out the names of all the initiates, letting them know when it's their time to chose.


"Henry White... Dauntless


"Clarissa Wellen... Dauntless


"Amber Stone... Dauntless


"Dresden Smith... Dauntless


"Viola Silva... Dauntless


"June Saunders... Dauntless


"Michael Pierce... Dauntless


"Zephyr Michelson... Dauntless


"Alice Knight... Dauntless


"Rickard Holborn... Dauntless


"Opal Gelland... Dauntless


"Hunter Dominique... Dauntless


"Lionel Do'keba... Dauntless


"Vivian Cruz... Dauntless


"Louisa Campbell... Dauntless


"Alex Blade... Dauntless


"Jace Anderson... Dauntless


"Satu Ammada... Dauntless


Cheering fills room within seconds with near deafening affect. The Dauntless don't receive many transfers; ironically, most factions are too afraid of the tattooed, leaver clad madmen. Law enforcers and soldiers, the Dauntless keep the factions within the city, safe and sound, and have a crazy great time doing it. The cheering swiftly turns to chanting

It is expected for transfers to feel queesy, with regret, with fear, with pride. You listen with your heart. You run towards your new faction, into the arms of your new family, leaving your old one behind.

A dauntless man, only a few years older than you touches your arm "Welcome to Dauntless kid. You won't regret this decision." The ceremony is over now, and the Dauntless start running.

Every dauntless member breaks out into a sprint, ignoring the closing speech at the hands of the amity, ignoring the Tut-tut-ing and signing from the stiffs and charging out the door.

Go, run with your new faction before climbing onto the train track. Don't dread what your old faction would think if you, if you wanted to play it safe you would have chosen Amity.

A train roars around the corner. You have a few minutes to introduce yourselves before you have to jump. Make them count.

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He grab's the Dreamcatcher around his neck and says 'Hey my name is Dresden Smith as you all ready know but you can call me Smith I'm curious to see how the Dauntless operate'. He hears the roar of the train waits patiently
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Wearing a simple gray colored dress, with her hair done up in a neat bun which was done by her mother she still chose to shed her drop of blood on the red hot coals, which had been next to the bowl of plain gray stones. Truthfully it didn't have to be dauntless. *Just any one but there* She thought as she glanced towards the crowd instantly finding her parents shocked looks, the same ones she had seen years ago. Moving onto the next person, she walked over to the members of dauntless, and sat next to the other new initiates. There was nothing on her face which had shouted out anything, no fear, no excitement, no nothing, just blank.

As someone she really didn't see the face touched her shoulder and welcomed her after the ceremony began, all of the dauntless members had begun to run off. *...Wait what about the closing speech??* She thought, looking towards the dauntless running towards the train. She admitted, she lost face and was flustered a bit. But she soon calmed down as she remembered. The Dauntless, they were never the type to follow rules. And this was the faction she had chosen. Noticing she was almost left behind, she too began to run, not the average jog she had always done in gym class, she felt the sudden urge need to sprint if she had wanted to catch up.


Viola stood silently, and walked forward to the bowls, the quiet swish of her simple grey Abnegation clothing the only sound. Without even a moment's hesitation she grabbed the knife, and a moment later there was a sizzle as her blood evaporated off of the coals of the Dauntless bowl. She turned to the cheers of her new faction, not even looking to see her parents' faces. She knew they most likely were a bit sad. They might even miss her - in their own strange way. But not surprised. Her entire family had known this day was coming. She was never going to remain in Abnegation.

As she walked to take a seat among the other initiates, she reached up and let the end of her carefully fastened bun out of its tie in public for what was probably the first time in her entire life, leaving her hair up in a somewhat messy ponytail, sitting defiant and straight. From this moment on, she wasn't bound to the restrictions of Abnegation.

Still, try as she might, she wasn't entirely unaffected by the choice. She felt numb, and almost faint. A feeling of general disbelief and fear washed over her as she watched a kid from Candor choose Abnegation. She couldn't turn her head. She couldn't look that way, see her family, her neighbors, the people who she had practically betrayed.

Then another kid chose Dauntless, and cheers and thunderous applause broke out. Viola's hair stood on end, feeling the energy and enthusiasm. She felt adrenaline rush through her, and found herself smiling and clapping as well.

Screw it. She thought, and she joined the cheering, even adding a loud whistle - a skill a factionless had once taught her.

She was quickly lost in the sound, and the energy of the other Dauntless. This is awesome! She thought.

And it only got better when the Dauntless got up, whooping and yelling, and started running towards the outdoors. Caught up in the energy she joined in, adding her own shouts to thoe chaotic noises surrounding her.

She loved it.

More importantly, she belonged.
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Noticing the grey dress's that two lady's are wearing I walk up to Ms. Cruz first hand extended 'Hey am Smith nice to meet you'

Hunter Dominique

Hunter leaned back in his chair, his arms and legs splayed out in the dominant fashion that absolutely everyone that knew him expected from him. He was content - cheering, somewhat sarcastically, with the rest of the Dauntless as the new blood was added, joking with his friends as the weaklings were lost. Hunter himself knew where he was going to go... or, more accurately, where he was going to stay.

He had a while to wait for his turn, so he spent a majority of the time observing the new females joining the faction. He was relieved - he liked the energy and toughness of the girls in Dauntless, but he'd known most of them for his entire life, and they knew all of his moves - and more importantly, how to resist them.

Finally it was his turn. He walked up to the bowls, giving some of the Amity girls a smooth nod and a wink before turning his attention towards the bowls.

Despite himself, he suddenly felt frozen with terror. Her couldn't help but feel the eyes on his back as he looked at the bowls - specifically the harsh eyes of his parents.

He recollected himself and picked up the knife and cut his hand, and carefully dropping his blood into the Dauntless bowl before turning around and giving his faction a mock heroic stance, feigning like he hand never had any problem.

The moment of terror had felt like an eternity, but had truthfully only been a second. He was in.

He joined his friends in the initiate area, high-fiving and laughing. He took his seat, though he knew in a moment they would be getting up and running to catch the train.

Sitting in the stands she sat up straight, and held both of her hands together on her lap. Unlike some others she did not stand up and cheer, only clapped as more people have chosen their factions. Though the girl next to her had also been in Abnegation, the difference between them were universes apart. She wondered if it was normal to do so. But sticking with her own methods she continued to just clap dully, as she did not really care who choose which faction. When another had chosen Dauntless, she saw a hand stuck out in front of her and looked up, seeing a boy in gray abnegation clothing like her. From her memory his name was Dresden. Just for politeness sake she shook his hand, but didn't say anything. She only has scooted to make room for him to sit in between herself and the overly excited Abnegation girl, Viola if she remembered correctly.


As usual she had on a loose white tank with a black leather jacket along with her ripped up skinny jeans. Black Beanie covering her short blue hair she didn't hesitate to join her fellow friends as she cut the ceremony short with no suspense at all. Simply flicking the knife against her hand, let the blood drip onto the burning coals, smoking, and then ran towards the stands to participate in the cheering, and greeting the other members she knew giving them high fives, fist bumps, and blowing kisses at an extra few for the hell of it.

She had taken a seat in the back to where all her Dauntless friends were. There had been a distinct line between the dauntless born and the new initiates.


she was in the middle of it, in front of 3 stiffs. Seeing as one of the abnegation girls take off her bun, and losing it, she felt the girl was the same type of animal she was and decided to talk with her.

"Hey Stiff! I see that you're having fun! Couldn't wait to get the hell out of Abnegation, could you!!"

She shouted so she could be heard through all the cheers.
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I sit down in between the two taking in all the excitement that's going on I noticed the other girl letting here hair down and doing the whistling I was curious on both the actions she made I lean in saying ' I see you have adopted to the Dauntless ways all ready but even more curious were did you learn to do that jester'
Satu Ammada was one of the last Dauntless to be called.

when it came time for her name, she almost didn't rise to it.

After an awkward pause, she stood up with a sneer, before adopting a blank expression.

As she slowly walked down to the bowls there was little cheering.

only a few who were swept up in the spectacle of it all cheered and whistled for her.

It became clear that she had no real friends there.

She never made an effort to make any, but she still felt an empty feeling inside when she heard the almost embarrassing drop in volume.

Once she had the knife, she gripped the blade rather then slicing to draw her blood.

she squeezed it and though she tried to hide the pain, tears began to roll down her cheeks.

after the drops had boiled away she somberly walked off stage to join the others.

Many tried to high five her, or make her feel welcome, but she just walked past them.

One over zealous boy even hugged her, only to be shoved away.

"Jeez, what's her problem?" he asks as he regained his composer.

Trying to talk to her again he asked " Hey, Satu isn't it? what's the deal, this is our big day. shouldn't you be celebrating with us?"

She turned to him and said " The Name is Sen... and I don't give a damn about you, or this day. it is simply a means to an end; to get me to my next phase in life."

She then walked off into the vale of steam made by the train

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.92788e13a1310fa28b9fa126c3be3b36.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73167" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.92788e13a1310fa28b9fa126c3be3b36.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When Zephyr's name was called he walked up to the bowls rather somberly. He knew dauntless was the hardest place to live but he couldn't imagine life without its chaos, without his family. So when he cut his hand he let his blood drip onto the dauntless coals. The sizzling sound his blood made was an almost satisfactory sound, sealing his fate. He would be dauntless or die trying.

He sat with the rest of his faction until it was time to head to the trains. He swung up easily to the platform when the group reached it and waited for the train to come around the bend.



Jace was very self confident as he walked towards the bowls when his name was called. He easily cut open his hand and let his blood drop into the coals. The boy basked in the shouts and cheers of the other Dauntless as he made his way back to his seat. He chatted with his friends and poked fun at the transfers sitting in front of him until it was time to go.



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Outwardly, Henry looked no different than any of the other initiates as he sat in his seat next to his parents. Inside, Henry was absolutely shitting himself. He'd been rebellious his whole life. He'd talked about the need for people to fight, he'd talked about the need for something other than complacency, he'd talked about men carrying guns being the only thing that allowed people to wax poetic about the futility of men carrying guns; but that was just what it was, talk. He's only talked. This was his first action. This is how it finally became more than talk, and Henry was never more unsure of himself.

Before he knew it, Henry's blood was on the rocks, and he'd pledged Dauntless. It wasn't a surprise to anyone in his family, he'd made no secret that his choice would be Dauntless. None of them approved of course, being Amity, but it was Henry's choice and he'd made it. Anyone behind the podium might as well have been speaking Latin. Not a single word registered in Henry's mind. It was all a fog until his eyes caught the mass movement of the Dauntless initiates around him. They were running.

Without a moment's hesitation, Henry sprinted full force towards the door in the middle of the pack. His heart was already pounding and his legs pumping him along through the crowd made it bang harder against the inside of his chest. Everything was still hazy as he hauled himself up on to the tracks. He stood, looking around and slowly surveying his surroundings; or at least that's how it appeared. He looked as if he was trying to create calm in himself and keep apprised of his situation, but the truth was if the train was 5-feet away he wouldn't know it. Nothing was registering. The first thing Henry heard was Smith's words.

"Smith.." Henry parroted. At least his voice wasn't shaking. Not that he could tell. "Name's Henry. I'll be the last one off these tracks."

And just like that, Henry had something to prove. If you weren't off these tracks before Henry, you were going to miss the train.

((OOC: Small edit to fix a misread on my part. Sorry!))
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Louisa could feel her heart beat fast against her chest when she heard her name being called. She slowly stood up, not daring to glance at her parents and elder brother. All three of them strongly believed that she was in Candor. But what would their reaction be when her blood dripped on the burning hot coals of Dauntless? She would be finding out.

Louisa took the knife, and pressed it against her palm. It created a thin yet slightly deep line. The pain was something she wasn't used to. For a frozen moment, her hand hovered uncertainly in front of her. Then she held it over the coals, and the blood dripped down, sizzling as it touched the burning stones.

Chaos erupted as the Dauntless started to cheer, and Candor gasped while Amity, Abnegation and Erudite simply either clapped politely or shook their heads.

Louisa glanced at her parents and brother to see them looking at her like she had just grow a second head. She quickly focused her attention on Dauntless, and jogged over a grin on her face. I'm one of the Dauntless now.

A random girl asked her what her name was. She had been expecting this, and replied without a moment's hesitation. "Adrianne Jacob."

"Welcome to Dauntless, newbie."

As others were called to the stage, Micheal held his mothers hand. She had leaned over and kissed his cheek several times throughout the proceedings, giving him courage. He could smell the earth on her and the citrus in her hair, it was a scent that always reminded him of home and as his name was called, she gave him a knowing look, they were saying goodbye. She smiled warmly and held her tears, folding her hands in her lap, not wanting to appear distraught in front of her son.

Standing to his full height, he was imposing, with lean musculature and broad shoulders. Micheal kept his brown hair buzzed quite short, it was easier to work in the fields without having to worry about his hair getting in his face. He wore brown leather work boots and green trousers, belted with brown leather. His shirt was an orange cotton long-sleeve which he pushed up to his elbows and he wore a green vest over it. It was common wear for Amity, he had several different color variations at home. As compared to the other factions, it seemed like Amity had a wide wardrobe, with freedom to wear their hair as they chose and everything was made for comfort.

He almost ran down the stairs, he knew what he wanted and it wouldn't take him long to choose. He took the knife and dragged it across his palm, cupping the pooling blood in his hand. Hovering over the smoking coals, a small part of him seized up, he was abandoning his mother. No, he reminded himself, she wants this for me as well.

Quickly he turned and let the blood sizzle over the Dauntless bowel. His faction choice was announced and the rest of the rowdy boys and girls cheered for him. He smiled, a big goofy grin as his heart started to beat out of his chest. Down the stage he went, into the crowd, pleased to receive a pat on the shoulder and laughing happily with the others. He looked over his new faction, his new family, black they all wore and Black he would become.

As the ceremony finished, the Dauntless ran down out the doors, out into the sunshine and free. They sprinted past Erudite's and Candor who were quietly walking down the street, causing a few to skitter out of the way. Cheers and whoops went up as they all ran together, jogging up towards the train tracks. Micheal watched as the Dauntless started to climb and he couldn't wait to climb too. Easily he found his handhelds and pulled himself up, looking down to see the other Amity he knew following their lead.

"Let's go guys!" he shouted down to them, they knew it in their hearts too, this is what they were made for. Climbing onto the track, he swayed slightly and caught his balance, peering up and down the track. He looked over at the nearest person and shoved out his hand, "Hi, I'm Micheal!"
Lionel Do'keba

Leon sat quietly in his seat, next to his mother. With each name being called the hand resting on Leon's arm tightens in anticipation for "Lionel Do'keba" to be called. He sits with his left leg up to his chest, the position he always sits in to think. Staring at the floor that is all Leon can do, think about what he is going to choose once his name is called, he knows that is only a matter of time and he still hasn't yet been able to decide where he wants to spend the rest of his life. This question has been plaguing his existence for over a year now. His eyes darting all around on the floor, looking to each spec of dist and dirt to give him answers or hints onto the correct choice about his destiny.

Leon closes his eyes


"Lionel Do'keba... Dauntless


He forces his eyes open. Wide eyed he whispers,
"What?" Leon frantically looks around in front of him, seeing 5 bowls that where once seemingly an eternity away from himself right in front of him now. Hand gripped around a knife, blood now streaming down his hand and into one of the bowls. *sizzle* Leon looks in terror as his blood hits the coals. "So I guess I made my mind up after all, even without my own knowing..." A pit in his stomach began to grow as he then realizes what this means that he has done, he turns and his eyes lock to his mother, tears streaming down her face. Leon couldn't tell if it was disappointment, or fury in his mothers eyes looking back at him. The cheering my as well not have been there, Leon couldn't help but to tune it out, the only thing that was going on in that eternity was the conversation between him and his mother. He then turns towards his new family and walks over and sits down, now realizing that tears have been flooding his face this whole time, he wipes them away and continues staring at the floor, knowing that he has just left his mother alone, now without son or husband.

Leon is then so inside of himself he is basically running on autopilot and just follows what others are doing, giving fake smiles to anyone who talks to him and just keeping pace with the rest of the runners. Did he make the right choice...

Opal sat quietly beside her parents throughout this special event, a small smile plastered on her face. Every time a new initiate joined Dauntless her Faction released a sound that made the air around her vibrate. There was no question of which faction she would choose, it was obvious. She was born into the greatest Faction of all, why would she choose to leave it?

"Opal Gelland."

When her name was finally called her bird heart fluttered inside its cage of bone. Her parents gripped her hands tightly, their own hearts threatening to beat through their chests. She rose, holding herself with the grace and pride that Dauntless has taught her over the years. She approached the bowls filled with items that, once her blood drizzled into it, would seal her fate. Her slender fingers curled around the knife, subconsciously testing its weight and balance as she stepped towards the Dauntless bowl. Her bird heart was flapping hard against her rib cage now, because even though she knew what she wanted she couldn't help but wonder if it was the right choice. She sliced horizontally down her left hand, across the center of her palm. Dark red blood beaded and gushed up through her new wound but her hand wavered just over the Dauntless bowl.

'No. This is what I want. I am Dauntless.' With that final thought she allowed her blood to drip onto the smoldering coals. Excitement flared in her, not just because she selected her Faction, but because the heat from the coals sparked that familiar rush inside of her. Cheers from her past and future Faction filled the stadium and she couldn't help but let a grin take over her face. She sent a wink to her relieved parents and rushed into the open arms of the Dauntless welcoming her.

It only took a few more minutes until her whole Faction leaped up from their seats and rushed out the door, paying no mind to the closing speech. Opal had dreamed of this moments and before she knew it she was just behind the leaders of the sprinting pack. Her auburn hair fell from its bun and danced behind her like newly ignited flames, hungry for the world. She threw her head back and yelled out to the world. 'This feeling, this is Dauntless!'

When they reached the tracks she didn't hesitate to climb up the sand colored metal pillars. She whooped again, her usual stormy gray eyes now shimmering a light gray color. When she reached the top she looked down at all of the people that now called themselves Dauntless. She recognized a few faces, though most of them were strangers. The clacking of metal on metal reached her ears. The train was coming. "Lets do this." She cracked her knuckles, a smirk spreading across her face.
Alex sat with his faction watching as all the others chose their fate. When finally they called his name. He stood up and walked up there slowly. His faction members looking at me in confusion not really knowing who he was. The only ones that did was his parents who thaught he was a perfect abnegation child. Little did they know what his choice would be.

He stood in front of everyone and looked at his choices. He was nevous, but knew what he wanted. He cut his hand and let his blood drip on the hot coals. He then looked at his parents who were in utter shock. He felt a surge of emotion go through him, but didn't show it. Then he walked to his new faction and sat quietly waiting for it all to end.

When the closing ceremony started the dauntless kids got up and started running outside. He followed his new faction not questioning what they were doing. Before he knew it he stood watching a train near them and his new faction members getting ready to jump on it. He was a little nervous, but knew he could do it. The part he was really worried about was talking to everyone. He already knew Vivian, Viola, and Dresden, but he knew they didn't know him most people didn't.

He pushed the butterflies away and stated with slight excitement,"I'm Alex Blade, but you can call me Blade." He tried to speak loud because the train was near by, but he was unsure if everyone heard him.
Still holding his dreamcatcher he hears you and walks up to you hand extended ' Nice to meet you Blade I'm Nightingale'

The Train

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.bc0703bbf7c302b7870e17cbbc89d678.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.bc0703bbf7c302b7870e17cbbc89d678.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The train's horn could be heard before the train was actually seen, a warning to let passers by know the train was almost there. The two ton electric run train came around the corner and headed for the platform. It slowed down but not by much, it certainly didn't stop.



"All aboard who's comin' aboard! Anyone who fails will be factionless!" Damon shouted as the train came around the bend and by the platform. Damon ran to keep pace with the moving train and after a moment of running jumped, clinging to hand holds on its side. There was a wild grin on his face as he hit a button that opened all the doors on the train cars "welcome to dauntless" and then he slipped inside. Those that didn't make it were one less rat to train for him. He would be happy if no one made it, then he could take this year easy. But he knew that wouldn't happen.


The boy was on the train shortly after Damon, not one to be left behind. Once on he joked around with the older man and his friends and other dauntless borns when they made it on.


Zephyr would get on with the middle of the pack, not really wanting to stand out or be anything special. He just wanted to get initiation over with. The sooner he was done the quicker he could get back to hanging out with his family



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I see what's happening in front of me I touch Blades shoulder and say quickly ' We have to continue this talk later' I look for the nearest door to get in to and I go inside of the train wondering what will happen next thinking to myself ' So this is the start of Dauntless interesting' I rub my dreamcatcher again

"Ah I guess we can talk later Stiff."

Amber said as it was already time to get on the train. Racing with the other Dauntless born she easily caught up in the front, and not listening to Damon, without stopping she jumped onto the electric train, laughing with her peers.


Realizing she was behind the group she started to sprint, though it hadn't really helped, she was still far behind. Even she did not want to become factionless. As the train was almost leaving, she had managed to jump into the last car on all fours panting as there was never a time in which she had to run so much. But as strange as it was she didn't hate the feeling of her heart that was beating hard and fast, as if it was about to jump out of her body. During the process of jumping onto the train, the hair tie which held her bun together had fallen off, and left her hair down, and disheveled by the wind.

Opal sucked her teeth as the train stormed past her, blowing its mighty horn and sending a gust of wind to whip her hair around her face. She wanted the other Dauntless to know that she was capable and not a force to be reckoned with. She raced with the clacking train, pushing and shoving other initiates out of her way if they ran too slow. She still felt that lively energy blooming inside of her chest, making her feel invincible for these few moments. She kept running, one foot slamming into the metal of the track after another, until she was at the first door. Once she was a short distance away she decided to give in to her instincts and to trust the body she had been building for sixteen years. She leaped, her arms held out as far as they could reach and her palms open wide. It felt natural to move like this, and committing fully to her actions paid off. Her hands gripped the bar beside the door and she swung her feet into the doorway. The force of which she swung held enough momentum to bring the auburn haired girl fully into the train. She slid across the floor and into a few people before coming to a complete halt. She got up quickly, wide eyed and breathing hard from the adrenaline pumping through her veins. She flashed an ecstatic grin and chuckled. "Sorry about that."
I see the others jumping on the train and quickly follow jumping in behind Nightingale. Then quickly tell him,"Nice to meet you." Then I look around at all the people,"this is going to be fun....I hope."


Zephyr, being a walking bleeding heart, helped Vee to her feet once she was in the train. He had watched her struggle to keep up, almost wanting to help her in, but he knew she had to do that on her own, what with his older brother watching him. He could do this tho, help her stand, be friendly until they had to jump again. "For a second I thought you wouldn't make it, not bad for a stiff." He ment it as a complement but was aware not all stiffs liked the slang term for them, but it was too late to take it back. "My name's Zephyr"

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