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Futuristic [DISCONTINUED] Astral Fulcrum OOC

Do we have an active count on which characters have been actively posting? And yeah, as much as I dig conversation, plot progress is always good :)
Welcome back, Commander.

Probs for the best. Feels like we hemorrhaged a quarter of the cast during the exercise to lunch transition.
Aye. I kinda want to get to the action as well. Still figuring out how to pace this in RP format, so please bear with me. 🙏

Overall plan is to get thru the flight training, graduation ceremony, and then throw y'all into Crimea.
Really speedrun the school life, eh? Can't wait for Rel-Taren to go through a whole two animes worth of relationship drama in the span of three posts.
"Remember that time we defeated the Demon Lord and barely got back to school on time?"
Average isekai protag.

I don't mind the school segments, I think it's a neat way to build up relationships before the slaughter starts in earnest. But yes, big pew pew, need my mech to use a giant shotgun loadd with mech-sized Dragon's Breath rounds for maximum funny.
Insert false advertisement about how I will make a lewd drawing for characters that say something good about the Farbanian government or head figure.
Farbania is like the coolest place to live yo, it's got clean water and green energy and a cool Empress so you should like, join the army yo.
If the lovely Marian decides she wants to room with a lizard, a mosquito, and a rock, this would truly be complete 🧐
If the lovely Marian decides she wants to room with a lizard, a mosquito, and a rock, this would truly be complete 🧐
Gonna have to think about that, chief. It would be funny, but I was thinking that Marian would room with other peeps she hasn't interacted with. Put a little difficulty into it.

Might even allow for cross room interactions.
Gonna have to think about that, chief. It would be funny, but I was thinking that Marian would room with other peeps she hasn't interacted with. Put a little difficulty into it.

Might even allow for cross room interactions.
That’s what I was thinking to be honest. Been trying to think of ways to force people to interact lololol.

Rakh and Fion are rooming together for plot purposes but the other two are free game.
That’s what I was thinking to be honest. Been trying to think of ways to force people to interact lololol.

Rakh and Fion are rooming together for plot purposes but the other two are free game.
I'll have to put some thought into it, but it seems like some people are suffering from writer's block or dropped out quietly...

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