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Futuristic [DISCONTINUED] Astral Fulcrum OOC

Ngl after watching anime, I feel like the best way to find a significant other is blowing each other up and space.
Exactly! That's why we're in a scifi mecha anime!

Explosives out the wazoo and all the space of, well, literal space!
Shipping? In my super serious war drama RP? Sure I guess. <3
Day 54:
The Shipping Wars have been devastating to my battalion, only a few squads remain... Christ, why did this happen... it all started from a simple arguement that has devolved into chaos, and most of my men are already dead,

I think I'm going home in a bodybag.
Day 54:
The Shipping Wars have been devastating to my battalion, only a few squads remain... Christ, why did this happen... it all started from a simple arguement that has devolved into chaos, and most of my men are already dead,

I think I'm going home in a bodybag.
Day 60:
Another week passed, another squad decimated. It's truly a miracle that I'm even still alive, though I'm sure it's only borrowed time. The Husbando legion has advanced their forces further into our territory. Not much longer now I'm sure....
Zufaix Zufaix - what are you cooking on Vranitra >_>
I was just using it as a refugee planet, my character was going to be located on a planet closer to the front lines that was ravaged by the war, causing them to flee to Vranitra since you mentioned refugees heading there. I thought about including something about the great houses, maybe having their family having some passing relations with one of the lesser ones, but haven't fully decided yet.
I was just using it as a refugee planet, my character was going to be located on a planet closer to the front lines that was ravaged by the war, causing them to flee to Vranitra since you mentioned refugees heading there. I thought about including something about the great houses, maybe having their family having some passing relations with one of the lesser ones, but haven't fully decided yet.
Oh, that's sweet. Full approval :closedeyessmile:
Day 62: The last anti-shipping holdouts still think they can resist. Unfortunately, High Command has authorized the deployment of a Polycule.

God have mercy on our souls.

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