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Futuristic [DISCONTINUED] Astral Fulcrum OOC

> Aeoun and Rel'Taren's rivalry was not something she bothered to understand.

Smh, Warhammer 1 is Odessa, not Aeoun.
I'm gonna be busy with DnD today so I'll work on Odessa's post tmrw!

EDIT: I must be blind because I do not see where squads were posted?
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Enjoy Baldur's Gate.
I was playing it only to get cold feet and smashed out Marian's post before clocking out :V

As far as armament goes, anything within the 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3 sections of the Mobius Manual in Lore Thread will work. I kinda forgot to specify, and will do so next time. Thanks for the reminder!

Alright, thanks. I'll give Marian's ride a look over in a bit. Are we gonna be able to tailor it further to our liking later on?
Alright, thanks. I'll give Marian's ride a look over in a bit. Are we gonna be able to tailor it further to our liking later on?
Reminder, in case you are talking about customizing the capacity, the AWS has a 2-slot limit. Regarding making your own weapon, you may do that later on when your BoA is due for an upgrade. Just check in with Dr. Loxley, and you'll be given a side quest to fetch stuff, process some data and then build it. Ya know, JRPG stuff.
Reminder, in case you are talking about customizing the capacity, the AWS has a 2-slot limit. Regarding making your own weapon, you may do that later on when your BoA is due for an upgrade. Just check in with Dr. Loxley, and you'll be given a side quest to fetch stuff, process some data and then build it. Ya know, JRPG stuff.
We're lieutenants. We can order our subordinates to do the fetching. ;3
We're lieutenants. We can order our subordinates to do the fetching. ;3
"Nooooo. You can't do thatttt. It ruins der spirit of role-playing games!!! Reeeeee."

On a serious note, that works, though lower chance of higher quality procurement.
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Question, are the Cruisers doing the attack, ocean going or space fairing vessels? Also yes, I know the drones are what our focus is on, plus taking back the AA batteries, more wanting to know for thematic effect.
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goddamn i better get posting

time to swat some drones out the sky with a big ass sword???
have an incredibly uninspired post.

wake me up when I get to start chopping up enemy mechs

will be grinding out warframe in the meantime.
Sorry for being so late, but I will be posting soon! medschool starting hit me like a brick
Just as a note; Aeoun's callsign is gonna be HOPLON, because why bother with anything but the classic.
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 , so, I have a fun(tm) story question/idea.

The soiree was a few days before the attack, yes?

What are the odds that any of those prominent attendees were still on the world when the attack started?

I was thinking that as an optional objective I could include one of the associates from my backstory, being a prominent noble, still being on-world and protecting them being a thing that unlocks more resources or something like that.

Just add some more fun considerations to the RP
There, lemme know if there's anything else I should change, I tried to catch up on everything that has happened but I may have missed some mentioned stuff.

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