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Dirty Paws (Closed, with Pillow)


( ´_ノ` ) venatori
The Inn was quiet; its only sounds coming from the fireplace as it crackled, and the soft murmurs from a few patrons. Even the weather outside was calm and quiet; insects chirping and wolves howling far off in the distance.

Inside one of the many rooms, however, something unanticipated was happening. No one thought there was an assassin among them, dwelling in one of the comfortable rooms. She had waited in the closet 'til her prey was asleep. Then, slowly creeping out, she had stealthily crouched by the man's sleeping form. Her dagger raised in preparation to strike... Until she was interrupted by a beam of light. For a moment it blinded her and glinted off the dagger. With her own safety in mind, the shadowscale quickly sheathed her weapon.

Her large black eyes stared at the stranger.

She was definitely unhappy.

Hissing, she waved a hand in their direction; silently begging them to leave so she could finish up the contract.
The Khajiit didn't normally stay in inns, preferring instead to stay in a tent outside, away from people. And she would have, but it was bitterly cold outside; too cold for her to stay in a tent. So she sucked it up and paid for a room, hefting her pack further up on her back as she set down ten gold and did her best to ignore any looks she was sure she was receiving.

Without waiting for direction to her room, she turned and made her way to the first door she laid eyes on, opening it without thinking to knock or anything. Quick eyes caught the flash of light bouncing off of metal, watching in silence as the weapon was sheathed and the stranger turned to stare at her. The hiss was ignored as narrowed eyes flicked from the assassin to the person in the bed, sound asleep and oblivious to the danger.

Knowing she should turn right around and leave, pretend she hadn't just seen what was happening, she stepped further into the room instead, shutting the door behind her and leaning against it. Blame it on curiosity, she decided, she wanted to know who this assassin was and why the target was.. Well, the target. From where she stood, they didn't look like anyone special.
Maahei eyed the stranger with narrowed eyes. Why didn't she leave? Was she stupid? Did she really want to die that badly?

Glancing at the stranger on the bed, the assassin sighed. Okay. If the stranger didn't mind..

She stood up, then, and unsheathed the dagger. Without a word or any flicker of emotion, her target's throat was slit. He gargled up at her for a few seconds before gasping a last breath. The entire time, Maahei was simply staring at the Khajiit. Irritation was evident in her gaze.

When he had finally stopped making noise, she spoke.

Dark, striped tail twitching slightly, she watched without flinching as the assassin performed her job, silver eyes narrowing further as the coppery scent of blood drifted to her nose. It was a scent she was used too, living as she did, though she'd be lying if she said she liked it any better for that fact.

Nose wrinkling slightly at the smell, her eyes flicked back and forth between the dead man on the bed and the Argonian for a minute before deciding she should either leave without speaking or answer the question. Straightening up, Naerra adjusted her hood and fiddled with her mask as she thought of how to answer.

What. Such a simple question, and yet loaded with so many others.

Maahei snorted.

Then she got an idea.

If she fled and left this sodding Khajiit here, she would be blamed.

With a crooked grin, the Argonian stepped back towards the room's single window.

"Well, I suppose the cat will be killed by it again."

She winked. Without another word, she twirled around; screaming as she yanked the window open and fled.

That would get the other patrons' attentions.

Boot-covered scaly feet carried her over earth.

The moons were shining bright in the sky, nearly drowning out the stars that surrounded them; casting a blue light over Nirn.

Poor fool.

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