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Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization

Meanwhile I'm making random comments at 1 am and laughing at the fact someone googled 'what does loli mean' in that exact phrasing on another thread.
Mitchs98 said:
Meanwhile I'm making random comments at 1 am and laughing at the fact someone googled 'what does loli mean' in that exact phrasing on another thread.
Oh dear . . . I'm sorry for the poor soul that did that. (And sincerely hope that wasn't an image search xD )
KageYuuki said:
Oh dear . . . I'm sorry for the poor soul that did that. (And sincerely hope that wasn't an image search xD )
It wasn't, I don't think. But he did get GameFAQ's definition. Lmao.
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]The fact I KNOW you by now. Given we're in a lot of the same threads xD

Wha-? I'm innocent, I have no idea what you're talking about. (':3)
I've been a little busy, but I've been quiet partly for the reasons you all have said, but also because I didn't want to be THAT PERSON who makes a billion posts in a single conversation. Sorry @stepherz345 . I'm probably gonna wait until the story post goes up.
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[QUOTE="A Guileless Fable]Sorry guys, been busy with the
universe. Will be posting soon.

Universe, eh? Sure is hard being God, innit?
Well since the site's once again cooperating with my computer, I think I can knock out a post of some kind.

@GasMaskie Any plans on time flow here? Will it be the one minute in real world equals one day in the digital world like most of Adventure 01? Or is time going to be synced up between the two?
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Renamon: Hey look, Serena, It's Pagu-Patamon! *has tied them together and tosses them to her as a distraction*

Legit. xD

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