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Fandom [DICE] Just A Chance - Characters



Professional Nom-nommer
This Is The Character Creation Thread Of The [DICE] Just A Chance Roleplay.

I. Character Name and/or Nickname. What Your Character Likes To Be Called.

II. Gender. Male Or Female. (Controversial, I Get It. But Label Them Male Or Female Based On The Pronouns They Prefer.)

III. Appearance. Please Be Fairly Detailed, Describing All Major Features (Height, Body Type, Eye Color, Skin Color, Fashion Style, Haircut, etc.). If You Post A Picture, Still Post A Short Paragraph (3 to 4 sentences) About The Character.

IV. Play Style. How They Treat The DICE System And The Other Players. (Passive or Aggressive)

V. Personality. How Your Character Acts In General. Does Not Have To Be Too Long, But Must Cover Your Characters Main Points.

VI. History. What Your Characters Life Was Like Before The DICE Appeared. (You Don't Have To Be An Ugly, Bullied Loser Like A Majority Of The Characters Were In The Canon)

VII. Desires. (Optional If Covered In History Section) What The Characters Would Want To Change About Their Life Before They Knew About DICE. (I Know It's Easy To Go For The Basic More Attractive, Stronger, Faster, Etc. And That's Fine, But This Is Where You Get To Make Your Character Stick Out. Give Them Goals That Can't Be Changed Directly By DICE, But Dice Can Assist Them In Accomplishing.)

If You Have Any Questions Or Want To Point Out Something I Missed, Please @ Me Either Here Or In The OOC.

Thanks For Your Participation!!!​
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I. Character Name:
Kyle Reyner

II. Gender:

III. Appearance:
Kyle stands at five feet, ten inches tall, and weighs 160 pounds. He has messy, bright red hair and similarly colored eyes. He normally wears his uniform in a casual manner, which he doesn't wear too loose or too neatly. Kyle maintains an athletic build. Outside of school, Kyle tends to wear alot of casual clothing, but from time to time slips into...more "interesting" outfits. Despite his best efforts to hide it, he suffers a limp due to an injury to his left leg.

IV. Play Style: Aggressive
When dealing with other dicers, Kyle's willing to leave them alone or work together, if necessary, but isn't worried about taking them down if they get in his way for any reason.

V. Personality:
Kyle is an energetic-yet-gentle young man. He is nice to everyone that knows him no matter who they are and loves to sing and dance to music. He's a kind, bubbly, and light spirited character. At least, during the day. At night, as Kyle wanders the streets, he becomes very cold and outright hostile to anyone he deems guilty of wrongdoing.

VI. History:
Kyle lived a pretty normal life with his mother and older sister. The three took care of one another as best as they could, and despite not being wealthy, they managed to get by.

Then his sister started to change, suddenly. Staying out late, spending the night at her friend's house more and more often, and overall distancing herself from her family. One evening, She was late coming home, and no matter what they tried, Kyle and his mother couldn't reach her. When kyle went out to look for her, he was horrified to find her body in the street.

The investigation came to the conclusion that the young woman his had gotten involved with a local gang, and her death was related to that in some way. Angry and wanting answers, Kyle went looking for some thugs, looking for the truth. He was beaten and left for dead, and spent a couple of months in the hospital. Eventually Kyle was released, and he tried to settle into a peaceful life once again. However, his anger and desire for answers -and justice- remained.
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I. Character Name and/or Nickname.
Real Name
: Caecelia Dawn
Alias: CL

II. Gender
. Female

III. Appearance.
Caecelia stands at about five feet and three inches tall, she weighs about a hundred pounds and has a petite yet proportional body. She has white-colored long and straight hair adorned with blunt bangs. Her eyes are lilac-colored and normally has a rosy-white skin tone. Caecelia usually wears white with purple accents dresses or skirts and her signature white-rose hair pin.

IV. Play Style. Passive-Aggressive
Caecelia usually lets other dicers handle her problems through her meandering ways. She is not the type to directly confront or fight with her enemies however when forced to such situation she will most likely flee or use her tactics to win. She doesn't play fair.

V. Personality.

Caecelia can often be seen with a wide, innocent smile plastered on her face, always curios about her surroundings and appears to be a playful young lady. She is bubbly most of the time and there are moments when she is shown to be socially-awkward. However, she hides the detachment which her years of isolation brought her. She has a hard time feeling and comprehending compassion towards others and may tend to be very selfish and manipulative in her own ways. She also has a knack for conspiring subtle strategies in order to achieve her goals.

VI. History.
Caecelia is the only daughter of a rich business man and his wife. However, after giving birth, her mother immediately died which made her father bitter about her existence. To make the matters worse, she was born with an extremely fragile health. She spent most of her life stuck inside a gloomy, hospital room with different machines working to keep her alive and sometimes inside their big and empty mansion. Doctors, nurses and their servants were the closest things she can consider as her "friends". Her father remarried when she was twelve and he forgot that she ever existed ever since then. When she was fourteen, her illness worsened and left her legs paralyzed. From then on she spent her whole life inside the four corners of her hospital room until, of course, the DICE arrived.

VII. Desires.
Caecelia wants one thing: to truly live. In order to achieve that, she must be free of her illness which the DICE helps her to. However, the dice doesn't permanently heal her instead she must sustain and repeatedly use them to heal herself.

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