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Detective's Assistant

"Let me think.... I first started playing when I was six so...about twenty one years." Darwin said, picking up his pace as they rounded a corner, near their destination. "I find it strange though, you didn't have a guitar in your possessions, did you misplace it, perhaps?"
"I don't play anymore....I broke the last one I had over some guys head~" She laughed but she wasn't joking she did do that. She looked around as they turned the corner. "I like it around here."
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"I have to agree, it's the good part of this city. Less litter, less factories, and less stupid residents." Darwin commented before he came to a stop six syps later. The house he stopped in front of had two stories, was painted white, and had a porch, which was protected from rain by the balcony, which was held up by four white poles that were over taken by vines. He walked up the three steps and walked over to the door, knocking on it with his knuckles. Footsteps could be heard from inside a few moments before a lady, most likely in her mid thirties open the door. "Oh, it's you two. Come right on in." She said, nervousness laced in her voice, as Darwin walked in, along with Angela, before the lady shut the door.
She was curious about the lady, she seemed so nervous and fidgety. She walked in with Darwin after checking around outside a little bit. She didn't trust situations like this..not one bit. She looked around the house on the inside and waited for Darwin and the woman to begin talking.
"Um, just take a seat, excuse the mess." Ms. Nickelson said as she sat down on her floral pattered loveseat, holding her sweaty hands together. Darwin sat down beside her. "So, what's this problem you mentioned over the phone, Ms. Nickelson?" He asked, sitting in a choir student like posture. "W-well, my daughter-" She picked up a framed photo, handing it to him from shaking hands. "Mary, hasn't been seen in the last two days. I would have gone to the police, but I'm afraid her father, who works in the police force, took her." Darwin examined the picture. It was of a ten year old girl with long, straight, auburn hair, wearing a short baby blue dress, sandals, and a white over-jacket. He handed the photo over to Angela.
Angela held her head... "Do you have some thing of hers?.....theres a stuffed animal she really loves...may I have it please?" Angela spoke softly and then looked back at the picture again. It was like her head was pulsing. She had those moments where she started seeing things and having visions. Her visions were usually always right.
"Um, yes." Ms. Nickelson said as she got off the couch, and walked to another room. She came back a minute or two later with a medium sized giraffe plushy, covered in dried up mud on it's side and leg's. "Here it is." She said, handing It over to Angela before she sat back down. "She never went anywhere without it."
Angela held it close... She stood up quickly. "Hes got her some where with lots of kids around...shes on the bench next to him.. Is there a place around here like a park thats wooded??" She looked at Darwin.
Darwin sat there for a moment, running the knowledge through his mind like a towel in a wringer. He soon gave a nod. "The only place I can think of is 'Teeter Totter Daycare' on the other side of the city." He said, since there wasn't much wooded areas in the city.

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