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Detective's Assistant


You don't have what it takes to wear red.
You have just received the opportunity of a lifetime... from the help wanted section of a news paper. Private Detective, Darwin Honeycutt, is looking for a new assistant to help with cases. He needs a genius, who can hack, steal, and act. Will you succeed under the wing of this experienced crime solver, or will you be brought down to a level he was once brought down to. Well, only one way to find out.
Darwin walked around his small house, his shoes making a loud sound that echoed through the whole house with each step he took on the hard wood. He was in thinking mode, hands behind his back and his head tilted down as though he was looking at the floor. His peaceful thinking was suddenly interrupted by a loud knock on his front door. Darwin quickly spun around before he walked over to the door, well it was more like stomping, his face contorted into a slight look of anger. "I'm coming, I'm coming, hold your horses!" Darwin slightly yelled before he took hold of the door handle, swiftly turning it, and swung it open. "Oh.." He said, straightening out his posture. "It's just you, come right on in." Darwin said as he moved out of the way.

Angela was standing up straight and in a confident posture. She was smiling as bright as possible. Her foot steps tapped against the hardwood floor softly. She was pretty light weight so she didn't make much of a sound on the floors. She walked into the house and looked around curiously. "Nice place...My apartment is like half the size of this one room." She laughed a tad bit, her eyes shimmered in the slight light hitting against her eyes. She held her hands behind her back tightly slightly nervous so her palms were sweaty.
Darwin shut the door, locking the three locked that kept it safely secure from criminals. "Ah yes, I was very lucky to inherit this place from my father." He said, his voice tinged with slight disgust, as he walked over to her. "If you don't mind, I would like to ask you a few questions." Darwin led Angela to another room, which had a couch, two chairs, a coffee table, and a small TV. He motioned for her to sit down as he sat down in one of the chair, putting the stack of papers that occupied it onto the coffee table.
"Ask away~" She sat down in the chair across from him and watched him closely. He was a very interesting man and she was very excited to be working with him. Her work had never been seen before at least by others besides her cats... She smiled at him, she had a lot of confidence in her but was a tad bit worried he wouldn't like her style of work.
"Okay, first question.." He paused momentarily as he picked up a note pad and flipped through the pages. "Ah, here it is. Do you have any past record of unexplained medical problems? Also are you allergic to any kind of chemicals?" He asked, the last candidate having an allergic reaction in his work room.
"No I don't, I'm not allergic to anything actually. Completely healthy." She smiled at him and leaned forward resting her elbows on the table in front of her. The questions should be easy...she thought to her self.
"Hmm..okay.." Darwin jotted a few things down in the note pad, then flipped the page. "Okay... Have you ever been to prison longer then four years? Do you know how to pick a lock, or pickpocket unexpected civilians, and do you have any knowledge of self defense, or interrogating?"
"I've been in prison for 2 years before, I know how to pick a lock, I can pick pocket a man in skinny jeans so tight they show the outline of his legs. I can't fight that well but I can scare some one shitless." She smiled and rocked her legs back and forth. "I like these questions, got more?"
Darwin cocked one of his eyebrows slightly. "Ah, a girl with experience, I lie it." He jotted down a few more things then flipped the page. "Okay, last few questions. Do you have any family members that could be used against you as a hostage? Can you tell when a person is lying, and do you can you identify a weapon type just by looking at it?"
She giggled a bit. "no...No family...." She listened to him closely and then answered the last two. "Not entirely no, but I can ease out the truth from them. No I can not." She sighed a bit. Worried she wasn't going to get the job.
Darwin crossed out a few things, then added some. He tapped the pen on the note pad in a quick pace. "Perfect, you're hired!" He exclaimed tossing the note pad on the coffee table. "We'll have to work on those last two, but everything else seems to be in order! Your room is on the second floor to the left, if you have any possessions, you have until the end of the week to get them there."
"I have my bags outside, thats all I have possessions wise~" She went back outside quickly and got her bags, she came back in setting her bags down at the side of the door as she relocked the front door. She pulled her bags up the stairs and into her room. She looked around. "Wow...." Angela smirked as she unpacked her things into the dresser. She pulled out her laptop and hooked the charger up into the wall. She sat the laptop on the bed and then hurried back down stairs to him. "I'm all set up..anything else?"
Darwin looked at her for a few moments before he stood up from out of his comfy chair. "Oh, yes y-" He turned to look at a old home phone that was currently ringing. "Hold that thought." He said before he walked over to it, picking up the phone, and held it to his ear. "Honeycutt household... Who might this be? Oh yes, of course. We'll be there right away, Ms. " Darwin sat down the phone. "I'll tell you later, it appears as though Ms. Nickelson needs assistance with..something.. she didn't specify what."
She followed up right behind him. "So I'm coming with?" She asked quietly as she was still in the initial shyness of meeting a new person. She twirled her hair around her right pointer finger softly.
"Yes, of course, why wouldn't you? You are my new assistant." Darwin said as he re-unlocked the door. He let Angela walk out first before he followed, slamming the door. Darwin walked down the cracked sidewalk. "Let's just walk there. It's not very far, saves gas, and gives us time to chit chat, so our relationship is not as awkward." He said, taking note of her shyness.
"I don't know~ I thought I'd be like a little french maid~" She smirked being a smart-ass about it. She followed right behind him, hiding in his shadow almost but once they were on the side walk she stayed at his right side. "Oh our relationship was awkward? It's not noticeable. " She laughed a bit and then grinned staring off at nothing. "So hobbies...you got any?"
Darwin stayed silent for a moment as he though of an answer. "I enjoy creating explosives, as well as tweak my boxing techniques." He said casually, as though that would be any normal person's hobby. "I assume you enjoy hacking, and maybe the accessional drinking of the alcohol." He guessed as he returned his look to her. "Am I correct?"
"Ah, interesting." She looked at him and checked him out a bit. "Well I enjoy that, the occasional glass of wine." She said in a very up beat tone. "Playing the guitar as well though..." She said almost as if she was embarrassed of her last hobby.
"Oh, really? You don't seem like a person that plays the guitar. Maybe the Cello, but not the guitar. I personally play the piano myself." Darwin commented as the two continued walking. "My turn to ask a question. Why did you go to prison?" He asked, although the answer was quite obvious.
"Actually...I was locked up for killing a man....I was let out after my second court hearing...he..." She cringed at the though of that night...She shook the thoughts away. "Lets just say thats when I started letting more cats in my life than men..."
Darwin's eyes slightly widened, the only sign of his shock. "Oh, I see, sorry for bringing..that..up." The two continued walking for another minute. "I suppose it's fair I tell you why I went to jail..." He said, trying to make the thoughts go away. "The first time was for unarmed robbery, the second time was for assault, the third time was for manslaughter, and the fourth time was for grand theft auto. The only reason I got less time than I should have is because my father was a lawyer, and got me less time."
"Ah...this just got really personal.." She laughed a bit uneasy. She changed the subject. "So how long have you played the piano?? I've been playing the guitar for a while now, bout 9 years." She smiles brightly trying to fix the mood.

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