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Fandom Destny Island

Denzel watched the ice cream on the ground melt into the warm sand. "The worlds that they speak of, they're gonna be gone soon." Denzel said as he listened to the conversation. He could sense something bad was going to happen, and could feel the darkness peeking through the light, as if it was waiting for something to release it from it's chains. Denzel stood up and turned around to Aya, Zeno, and Lexi. "It's even gonna take our world."
As she finished off her ice cream Aya turned towards Denzel, not even noticing her ice cream mustache. "What do you mean?" As always, the curiosity took over her mind and Denzel's answer was the only thing she was currently focusing on. "What's going to take our world?" She couldn't imagine anything happening to a place as peaceful as Destiny Islands. The worst that ever happened was the occasional fierce storm!
Zeno got back up and looked over at everyone. "Well...I'd love to stay and chat, but I have utter mayhem to make." he said walking away from them. "Call me up when our world is devoured." Zeno had begun taking off. Maybe I can put the poison in the towns water supply? he thought to himself.

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