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Fandom Destny Island


Based off the game of Kingdom Hearts. All characters start out on Destiny Island and are befriended. Together they go through the same adventures as Sora did in the Game.





Appearance: (anime)

be original and have fun.

Lexi sat on the Poupu tree and looked out at the ocean. She sighed, such a boring day. She jumped off and started to walk the bridge. She put her hands in her pockets, She wanted to fight some one to pass the boredom. She jumped down and looked around on the beach. "Where the hell is everyone?" She asked
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Sienna could here Lexi calling to everyone. "Hey, I'm at the Falls. Be right there!" She finished obtaining drinking water from the falls and began to race towards Lexi, all the while hold the canteen up and waving her hands wildly.
Lexi puts her hand on her hip and leans. "Haha I guess going to the Paupo tree was a bad idea." She playfully pushed her and flops onto the sand.
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Zeno heard them calling out but ignored them to interested in his book. It was a recipe book. A book of poisons was it really that surprising? Zeno was flipping through the book but slightly annoyed at the falls because of there noise. But, got use to it eventually it actually made a nice sound whilst reading the book. As if people were drowning in it.

@CrimsonBanchee @Sugar and Spice @Kattz @HatsuneNeko
Denzel walked past Sienna, Lexi, and Zeno with his hands in his pockets, with his dark black hair in his face. He didn't seem to talk to anyone at all nowadays, ever since the incident happened. He was on his way to get some ice cream but the others probably wouldn't want to go with him, at least that's what he thought.

@CrimsonBanchee @Sugar and Spice @Kattz @Orion
Denzel rolled his eyes at Lexi's joke and turned around and took a seat next to Zeno and Sienna. He started picking at the grass bored and waited for something interesting to happen.
Zeno still with his book open, got up and began walking to go get himself some ice cream. It didn't really matter what the others were doing as they were mostly boring anyways. Zeno finally got himself ice cream but was unable to pay. It occurred to him to just walk off without paying for the ice cream. So, that's exactly what he did. The man selling it was angry and started coming after him. But, he sat down beside his group of friends licking away and reading.
Denzel walked up to the ice cream man who was chasing Zeno and gave him some money and watched as he walked away. When Denzel went to take a seat on the rich green grass, the grass around him started dying, becoming shriveled black pieces of dust, which Denzel didn't really pay attention to.
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Zeno went over to Denzel pulling out an Ice cream bar from his shirt and offering it to him. Though, not directly looking at him still paying attention to his lovely book of poison. One part definitely interested him but to make it. Someone had to be drowned unfortunately.
Sienna laughed at all the noise and rowdiness of the group. She saw the cover of Zeno's book, "What are you reading something like that for?" She chuckled.
Aya sat off to the side, not quite sure how to interact with the people she saw before her. They seemed interesting but she wasn't sure what she should do or say so she did the one thing that always made her comfortable. She drew the scene before her.
Lexi groaned. "Man you guys aren't fun." She said dropping her sword and looked out. "Lets get out of hear off the Island!" She said jumpin up
Zeno looked at her. "Weak..." he said looking towards Lexi. Tired of waiting for Denzel to accept his offer he dropped the ice cream bar onto his lap. Zeno began reading his book again.
Zeno walked straight up to her almost directly in her face. "You're an idiot...but true..." He said not even taking his eyes off his book. But, then he finally put the book down and looked her directly into the eyes.
Aya set her pencil to rest on her sketchbook at the mention of other worlds. "Do..." Her voice sounded soft even to her own ears so she spoke up. "Do you really think there are other worlds out there?" Aya asked as her mind already began to wonder about the possibilities of all the different worlds that could be out there.
Zeno looked at Aya for a brief moment. "Don't be dumb." he said and walked over to her taking the sketchbook from her and walking away with it sitting down. "Nice..." he commented looking through it. This wasn't as interesting as his book but it still looked nice. Though, he wasn't entirely sure how'd she would react with him taking her sketchbook.
"Don't be dumb." She heard Zeno say. Aya opened her mouth to say something, but losing her words, instead her face turned red with embarrassment and she looked down. It was a silly thought, but even his scolding didn't stop her mind from continuing to wander. She was finally snapped out of her mini daydream when she felt her sketchbook being taken from her grip.

"H-hey!" Aya reached for her sketchbook on a reflex. She didn't exactly care that he had taken it since she doubted that someone who cared for books as much as him would mistreat her own. Even if it was filled with her drawings rather than an author's words. Trusting Zeno not to manhandle her sketchbook, Aya put her arm down. What she hadn't expected from him, however, was the compliment. "Oh!... Um... Thank you."
Zeno kept flipping through it but in a matter of second he was done with it. He slowly and carefully closed it. If there was one thing he hated being mishandled it was books...even if they were just pictures. Zeno got up and walked over to Aya. He handed her back the Sketchbook and sat down next to her whispering into her ear. "Maybe....you can show me how to draw? You know...in your spare time if you want." Zeno was trying to keep quiet about it cause he didn't want everyone else to hear. It was the first thing to interest him other than his dark activities.
Zeno had fulfilled her earlier expectations by treating her sketchbook with care, but again, he shattered the picture of him she had drawn in her mind. She was a bit shocked when he sat beside her and whispered in her ear, but she was more curious as she leaned in to listen. "Maybe....you can show me how to draw? You know...in your spare time if you want."

Aya stared at him for a while, clearly shocked. She soon realized how rude that was and snapped out of it. "U-um okay. Sure!" She gave him a bright and sunny smile.
Zeno gave her a weird look when she gave him the bright and sunny smile. Though, his eyes flash a brief moment when she did accept his request. They quickly went back to their normal endless state. Zeno got onto his back and looking at the clouds that were floating buy. But, realized this all could have been a dream. Zeno offered Aya a ice cream bar, it was starting to melt though. So, if she wanted it she had to eat it quickly.
When Aya smiled widely her eyes were shut so she didn't notice the look he gave her or the way his eyes flashed. As her bright smile died down to its normal softness, her yes opened to see him lying on its back and offering her an ice cream bar. She stared at it for a bit as she continued to alter her mental picture of him. Aya snapped out of her thoughts again as she saw that the ice cream was melting. "Th-thank you." She took it in her hands and began to eat it.
Zeno pulled out a vial of green liquid and kept tossing it up and down catching it. "Boring day." he said sitting up and opening the vial, carefully sniffing it. "It seems ready." Zeno said putting the top back on and hiding the vial somewhere on his body. Then, he began watching Aya eat the ice cream. Zeno couldn't help but notice she had a mustache made of ice cream. But, he said nothing.

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