Destiny Court: Guardians of the Arcana

Er...I need to re-do my question. I wanted to ask if the powers of one Arcana differ from Guardian to Guardian? Example from the ex-Guardian to the currrent? Sorry.
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Hardly, Ayl. Dropped Wuya and Lord Jaraxxus the other day, and a couple people have dropped out already. :P
*whirls around in wheeled chair and waits*

This is all making me think of a Knights of the Round Table type thing, now. 'Cept maybe the Council doesn't sit at a round table...maybe they sit on a long, fancy rectangular table so that they can stare at each other and feel uncomfortable.
Like a GIANT stadium! And then if it was like, court in session, the actual court people hang out in the center, with all the Acrana court guys standing in the stadium all cool like, Ya know?
I think a table where Mosath has a REAAAAAALY big chair that let's him look down on all the fools beneath him is a good idea.

Just my two cents.
I'd like to inform you bastards that Father Gigantor has not 'bit the dust' or quit in any way. He's uh...preoccupied with various things. He doesn't visit the site TOO often, since he has some semblance of a life to lead.
It's gotten substantially colder over time, Elle. Do not worry about your notifications being all over the place. I promise not to spam!

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