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Fandom    ♕. descent —fire.emblem [ooc]

Yunn said:
Oh, just wondering since if there was some who wasn't I could drag them in with me x3
Eagleye415 said:
Hm.. do you to be in the rebel group? I mean I'm gonna join. But, I want to be recruited.
^ potentially draggable person found? O.o

then, roan isn't gonna recruit him tbh. cause he's not gonna drag or wait for people to come to him.
If your character is going to be difficult, I'd rather you suggest to us straight up what to do because none of our characters have the patience to court him into joining. o /

We're honestly not gonna expend like 4 posts just trying to talk Dez into it.
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In other news, should we have a head canon thread? xD Also please, feel free to plot with me and my baby, Gailardia/Gai/Golden Dark Mage
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I said he wouldn't easily be dragged as in physically not that he couldn't be dragged to jointhe group at all..
Eagleye415 said:
I said he wouldn't easily be dragged as in physically not that he couldn't be dragged to jointhe group at all..
Nah I'm not gonna physically drag him.

I'll just first make him so angry that he would chase Jace.
I was referring to his motivations. If he doesn't have a reason to join the group, frankly said, he doesn't have to.

Our characters aren't going to force him in any sense of the word, because Roan doesn't want anyone who doesn't want to be with them.

You need to make one for him, or create a plot point with someone that drags him into the group.
If the group helps out, let's say a group of civilians, then my character would stick around. My character is looking for purpose and he might think he could find one with the group.
Yup! This is what I was looking for. Then you can have him in the nearby village for now, as I have plot point that involves it. o /
So far, we know that Claire, Jace (who's stalking Claire), Dez, Khiel, and Essie (who won't be joining until much later on) are not in the barn house at the moment...anyone else?

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monopoisoner said:
who's there
in other news: writing a xiu post!

hope you don't mind him butting in on the conversation
@Birb @Nano :'>
That's perfectly fine! Elise just needs an answer from someone patient =v=;
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Stop please and thank you. Or I will throw a book at you? >×>

And I feel like I made Aren too analytical and observant. I mean I guess that comes with being a tactician. >^> Thank god he keeps his mouth shut though. Or he would be asking too many "too close" questions. That and his opinion of Roan is okay but not "he is prince material" good opinion. Lel

Question, did Vos finish their character sheet?
Try a potato, they hurt more. /can verify because she's been legit hit with both.

It he isn't analytical/observant as a tactician he wouldn't be making the best decisions now would he? LOL

it's fine there's nothing princely about him rn anyway. LOL Xiu's a better prince than he is rip

I derped and forgot to like vos' post, but I already told her she was accepted in skype.

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