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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Derika - Land of the Gifted [Open]

Adrian waited as he used his illusions to allow himself to get through security perimeters on the ship, as he fell asleep, his gift inactive while he slept, as a couple hours later, He got out of the boat, looking around "Hmm... interesting!" He brushed himself off, He sighed "Where re my documentation records..." He muttered grabbing them from his bag. Walking around, forgetting his illusions were inactive at the moment...
Lacey Banks
“Four years! You’ve been stuck like that for four years? It’s incredible you were able to survive that long. You must be one heck of a survivor.” Lacey said with an impressed tone, thinking about if she was stuck like that she would’ve probably died in an hour just doing something stupid. Dan must’ve also been someone of immense willpower to continue wanting to live, Lacey had no doubt that a life like that was probably nothing less than torturous at its best times.

“Anyway, Dan, I kinda want to get this faction thing done with as soon as possible so I have somewhere to sleep and I can eat my favourite type of food- free food. So if you wouldn’t mind, I’m probably going to have to bring you into the building with me. Unless you want to be left out here.” Lacey said mostly just speaking her mind, her volume had increased from the whisper she had initially spoke at. Lacey had been sitting there holding a shoe to her face for long enough for it to become normal in her mind, so she no longer really cared if anyone saw. It took a while for Lacey to realise Dan wasn’t responding. At least definitely not as quickly as he did before.

Slowly, she moved her shoe over to her line of sight again. He wasn’t there. Lacey had a sinking feeling in her stomach, she put her boot down and stood up, looking for a body around where she was sitting. Nothing. “Damn it, Dan! Dan?” Lacey started calling out. “Oh yeah he can’t hear me...that sucks.” She said somewhere between frustrated and worried, before wondering if she should just walk away from it all and try to get this off her mind. After about two minutes of looking around where they were, deciding there was pretty much no where else he could’ve been, Lacey thought it was best to just try and forget about it and leave. Emphasis on try because it certainly was not the easiest thing to forget about. Still half looking around for him, Lacey very slowly put her foot into her boot, her toes making contact something small and fleshy in there. Lacey’s heart jumped out of her throat as she stopped what she was doing instantly. Luckily she had proceeded so slowly.

Immediately she pulled her foot out and directed a weak glow of light into the boot, bright enough to let her see but not so bright it would blind Dan without warning. Luckily she was able to spot him rather quickly in her shoe.
“Dan! Haha, Oh good I found you. I was getting paranoid. Okay don’t worry I’ll get you out of there.” She said almost panting with relief. She would not have had a clean conscience had she just walked away, Lacey thought about a way to get him out for just a moment before she turned her boot so that it was laying sideways on the ground, allowing him to walk out.

“I am so sorry. I didn’t hurt you or anything right?” Lacey asked very obviously worried. She moved her ear just over to the shoe’s entrance so she would be able to hear him. She hoped he wasn’t knocked out or anything, that would’ve been a real issue.

WhipDing WhipDing
Ayane Katou-

"Cool! Thanks, Esther, we owe you one. I guess we'll go now, maybe we'll see you around?" Aya asks. She seems like a cool person. If I have any questions I'll have to go to her! Maybe I'll even tell her that I'm one person instead of two too... Aha, we'll see.

"Good luck! I'm glad I could help." Esther says, big smile on her face as she waves the pair goodbye.

Leaving them to find their way, Esther continues her walk around the square of the entrance. Another similarly dressed officer comes within sight of her, prompting Esther to quickly re-position. There's no way she's intentionally avoiding other police officers, is there? Unlikely.
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Dan Ryder

No no no no no. This can't be happening. There's no way that just happened. Oh god.

Recovering from his tumble, Dan lept to his feet, looking at his new surroundings in horror. It was too dim to see much, other than the shaft of light that was coming the single opening that was above him. What was immediately apparent, though, was how disgustingly warm it was in here. And the ground seemed slightly damp, likely with... well, he didn't really want to think about it.

This was bad. Really, really bad. He'd been in this situation once before, and it hadn't exactly been a pleasant experience. He didn't see sunlight for a over a day that time.

He desperately clawed at the sides, trying to get any kind of grip, to no avail. What was worse, though, was that he could hear Lacey still talking to him, voice eventually tinged with panic as she presumably realised he was missing. He'd been close, so close, to actually making contact with another person. But once again, his physical state had dragged that all away from him at the last possible moment.

Of course, things were about to get worse.

Everything suddenly went dark. Looking up, he saw the one thing he didn't want to see right now. A foot, sliding ominously down, blocking out all light and hope as it did so. He started backing off, deeper into the shoe, but there was no way he'd ever outrun it.


His cries were soon muffled as toes, each much larger than his entire body, passed over him, pressing him into the ground. This was it. This was how it ended for him.

...but then it stopped.

The toes wriggled slightly, as if feeling his shape, pummelling him in the stomach. They paused for a moment, as if thinking, and he could audibly hear a gasp from outside. After one nerve-wracking second, the foot quickly receded, disappearing back out into the outside world.

A bright light shone down on him from the sky, soon followed by a familiar looking eye. He was even more relieved than she was, although he was too winded to immediately respond. Soon enough, the whole world tilted over, and after a brief tumble, he found himself back at the opening, this time choosing to sit on the edge, legs hanging over some grass. Just like that, he felt... well, perhaps not safe, but at least feeling like things were moving in the right direction again.

"I-I'M OKAY," he replied, still slightly shook. "DON'T WORRY, IT'S N-NOT YOUR FAULT." It wasn't worth thinking about what had happened there too much. Near-death experiences were kind of an everyday occurrence for him now. "BUT, UM, YEAH. I DON'T MIND COMING WITH YOU TO DO THE FACTION STUFF." The last thing he wanted right now was to go back to being alone.

Dooplighost Dooplighost
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Lexa Gilliam

Lexa walked off her bus, having arrived later than most of the newcomers. The first thing that she noticed was just the sheer variety of people here. Within a few minutes, she'd already walked past what looked to be a walking pine-cone, a man with no head, and a girl who was just floating effortlessly through the air. Huh. Back home, she'd only met a few Gifted across her entire life, yet here there seemed to be swarms of them.

Perhaps this was the right place for her after all.

She strolled casually through the streets, rucksack slung over her shoulder, doing her best to try and pick out landmarks. If she was staying here, it was worth to know her way around. At the very least, making sure she knew where she could eat, so as to stave off her... cravings.

It didn't take too long to find the Immigration Department - she had considered joining a faction, but for now, she just wanted to make sure she had somewhere to stay for tonight. It had been a long journey, and she was already starting to feel fatigued from all this travelling. She opened the door in the building, not too sure what to expect.
Adrian ran into Lexa, as he was now on the ground, in a hotel entrance "Oh gosh... I-I am so sorry!" He quickly got up covering his now unbandaged place where his left eye would normally be, witch his left eye is on his left palm, Adrian sighed "Are you alright?" he asked, his gift is Apperance Delusion, Which allows him to make others see illusions of people, or objects, in place of himself (It only works in a 5 mile radius). He looked at her, with a worried look, "I didn't harm you? D-did I?" He stammered. WhipDing WhipDing
Bobert's Bread

As Elias exits Bobert's Bread, his surroundings rapidly spiderweb with cracks. Reality pinches together, then twists, taking Elias with it. Where the teen stood, not a trace remained. Across the street, a man walking his dog grimaces and shakes his head. "Ah well, he'll be back soon enough. Probably..." The man mutters and moves on.

Ayesha seems genuinely grateful and happy about the job, which causes Vivian to experience warm fuzzy feelings. It sounded like Ayesha has had some pretty rocky months for her to call this a 'good stroke of luck'.

"I'm glad I could help you," Vivian says sincerely, "And I think I don't secretly work for a criminal group, the Factions have a good reputation around Brinkhaven."

Her food seems a lot tastier than before-- it seems good company really did make the food better. Even though Ayesha is technically her employee now, it almost feels like she made a new..friend?

When Ayesha asks about potential roommates though, she frowns and scratches the back of her neck, "I wish I could tell you, but I'm new myself."

always_confused always_confused


Alice considers Verik's question for a brief moment, then brightens up, "I have a better idea."

A pile of petals at the base of the nearest tree rise up. If one looked closely enough, they'd see tiny wings attached to each petal. They collect overhead the Factions recruiters and form into a giant arrow pointing towards the Factions recruitment building.

"There!" Alice says proudly, "Now no one will need to ask me where the building is anymore!"

Ryik Ryik


Haku examines herself in her bedroom's mirror, frowning when she notices a tear in her jacket. Time to get a new set of aether clothes. My jeans have also been getting worn out.
She slips her ID into her pocket and looks around her room for her Z-Watch. It was a relatively spacious bedroom complete with a double closet, a queen-sized bed, a desk, a nightstand, and a dresser. She had her own bathroom, kitchen, and living room too. Faction housing was pretty comfortable, and Haku had no intentions of finding something else. She spies her Z-Watch sitting beside the lamp on the nightstand and puts it on, tapping on the BRB app. Seems like she had a package--the one she had acquired yesterday, to deliver this afternoon to room 302 of the Elemental Faction. Hefting the package, Haku decides to deliver it first and then shop around for some new clothes. It could be pertinent that she take it to her client as soon as possible. She isn't sure exactly what it was, but the request specified her to treat it as if it contained something fragile. As she leaves, Haku glances back at her abode to double check if she has everything and exits, the door shutting behind her with a click.

She knocks on room 302's door, waiting a minute before the door finally creaks open. A nervous man peers out from the crack.

"Delivery," Haku states, holding out the package.

"O-Oh, thank you!" the man hurriedly opens the door completely and accepts the parcel.

"Payment?" Haku queries.

"Ah yes, I'll get to that in a second," the male taps his own Z-Watch several times and Haku's Z-Watch beeps, alerting her to a money transaction.

Haku bows slightly, "Pleasure to do business with you."

"And you too," the man nods and closes the door.

Now that that was over with, Haku starts to walk towards the end of the hallway, lost in thought of where she would go after to buy new clothes. Vilks Silks? They were pretty reputable and boasted quality clothing. Perhaps they'd last lon--
Haku crashes into someone, a guy who seems somewhat older than her.
She turns to the man and apologizes, "I'm sorry, I didn't really look at where I was going."

Y Yuki no Yue
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Haku examines herself in her bedroom's mirror, frowning when she notices a tear in her jacket. Time to get a new set of aether clothes. My jeans have also been getting worn out.
She slips her ID into her pocket and looks around her room for her Z-Watch. It was a relatively spacious bedroom complete with a double closet, a queen-sized bed, a desk, a nightstand, and a dresser. She had her own bathroom, kitchen, and living room too. Faction housing was pretty comfortable, and Haku had no intentions of finding something else. She spies her Z-Watch sitting beside the lamp on the nightstand and puts it on, tapping on the BRB app. Seems like she had a package--the one she had acquired yesterday, to deliver this afternoon to room 302 of the Elemental Faction. Hefting the package, Haku decides to deliver it first and then shop around for some new clothes. It could be pertinent that she take it to her client as soon as possible. She isn't sure exactly what it was, but the request specified her to treat it as if it contained something fragile. As she leaves, Haku glances back at her abode to double check if she has everything and exits, the door shutting behind her with a click.

She knocks on room 302's door, waiting a minute before the door finally creaks open. A nervous man peers out from the crack.

"Delivery," Haku states, holding out the package.

"O-Oh, thank you!" the man hurriedly opens the door completely and accepts the parcel.

"Payment?" Haku queries.

"Ah yes, I'll get to that in a second," the male taps his own Z-Watch several times and Haku's Z-Watch beeps, alerting her to a money transaction.

Haku bows slightly, "Pleasure to do business with you."

"And you too," the man nods and closes the door.

Now that that was over with, Haku starts to walk towards the end of the hallway, lost in thought of where she would go after to buy new clothes. Vilks Silks? They were pretty reputable and boasted quality clothing. Perhaps they'd last lon--
Haku crashes into someone, a guy who seems somewhat older than her.
She turns to the man and apologizes, "I'm sorry, I didn't really look at where I was going."

Alexander Cyphre

I had managed to fit my meagre possession in my new apartment - and wasn't that a strange way to think of it - before I found myself with nothing to do.

There wasn't anything particular that I needed to do, except...

"I need to find the high school. Where did I put the papers..."

After a quick search, which came up with three unrelated objects that I managed, somehow, to misplace, I finally found the papers I was searching for. Transfer papers, previous records and so on.

"Now, how do I...?"

I got out of the door, fiddling with the Z-Watch, trying to see if I had money, how to put a direction in it, the basic functions.

Then someone crashed into me, making me almost fall, before I recovered.

It was a girl, shorter than me, long black hair and blue eyes.

"Oh, no, it was my fault I wasn't watching where I was going, sorry."

A beat of silence passed, before I remembered my manners.

"I'm Alexander Cyphre, I'm new here."

"Hi, I'm Haku Sasaki, I've been a faction member for several years now," Haku replies.

She takes several moments to examine Alexander. He appears to be tall and decently in shape, but there was no visible indication of what his Gift could possibly be. Not that that was unusual when it came to most people. In any case, it's something under the nebulous umbrella of 'elemental'. Not that cat manipulation seemed remotely like any 'element' she's heard of.

She supposes she should be polite and offer a handshake at the very least, "You look like you're having trouble, need any help?"
It was pretty important to be welcoming to new members. Even if it does mean I have to delay getting new clothes, Haku grumbles to herself.

Y Yuki no Yue

"Hi, I'm Haku Sasaki, I've been a faction member for several years now," Haku replies.

She takes several moments to examine Alexander. He appears to be tall and decently in shape, but there was no visible indication of what his Gift could possibly be. Not that that was unusual when it came to most people. In any case, it's something under the nebulous umbrella of 'elemental'. Not that cat manipulation seemed remotely like any 'element' she's heard of.

She supposes she should be polite and offer a handshake at the very least, "You look like you're having trouble, need any help?"
It was pretty important to be welcoming to new members. Even if it does mean I have to delay getting new clothes, Haku grumbles to herself.

Y Yuki no Yue

Alexander Cyphre

"Only if I'm not imposing or anything like that."

I shook her hand, before showing her my new Z-Watch.

"I'm having a couple of problems with this. I'm trying to understand how to see how much money I have, how to select a GPS destination, things like that. It' a bit more advanced of what I am accustomed."

Let's hope I am not causing her problems.
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Lexa Gilliam

Lexa had only just walked into the building when something slammed into her from the side. The force was enough to cause her to stumble backwards, something she would normally have easily recovered from. However, someone else happened to be walking past at the same time - some woman with an odd-looking mask on - who Lexa promptly tripped over, smacking her head hard onto the ground.

She wasted no time picking herself up, glaring at the guy who'd ran into her.

"Hey, idiot," she snarled. "Watch where you're going!"

His face was partially obscured by a bandage, although that wasn't an excuse for anything. She just wanted to rip it off his face, and stuff it into--

She took a deep breath. Don't get into a fight on your first day, Lexa. This is the kinda stuff you're here to avoid. This was supposed to be a new start for her. It really would help if she didn't mess that up this early on.

"I mean..." she corrected herself through gritted teeth, brushing some of her bright red hair out of her eyes. "I'm fine. How are you? How's your day been? I'm just fine..." Maybe not the most natural, but at least she was trying.

At this point, she remembered the other woman who she'd been knocked into. Lexa looked behind her, checking to see if the masked one was okay.

Hexxy Hexxy Sinsystems Sinsystems
Adrian looked at Lexa, "... You ain't really fine with what I did." He wrapped his bandage back up. "I can't read minds but I can tell by your facial expressions..." He looked at her, with a large grin. Adrian thought to himself God Damn it... Messed up again, this sucks... He got up, "You have any questions about me kid?" with closer inspection, Adrian looked like a 13 year old, but acts like a 42 year old. Adrian waited WhipDing WhipDing

Problems navigating and using a Z-Watch? Haku could handle that, piece of cake. She peers at the Z-Watch and points to an icon with a symbol similar to a '$' but instead was two vertical lines going through a 'Z', "That's where you can check your money as well as send and receive payments to others--all you need is their phone or Z-Watch number."

Hovering over another icon with a giant 'BRB', Haku explains, "I know you didn't ask about this, but this is the Brinkhaven Request Board. Since you're part of the Factions now, you'll probably use this quite a bit to earn money and Faction points. There are general requests and Factions requests-- Faction requests give you Faction points that you can later redeem for things such as a bigger apartment, gear, and other luxuries."

"As for the GPS, it has voice recognition so you can simply say where you want to go and it'll be able to guide you. This icon in the top right brings up the keyboard so you can manually type where you want to go," Haku continues.

"The entire Z-Watch has voice recognition so you could basically ask it to do anything, and it will help you," Haku further clarifies.

Hopefully he followed all of that. She's still curious as to what his Gift is though...

"By the way, what's your Gift?" Haku questions, "It'll heavily affect what kinds of requests you can take."

Y Yuki no Yue

Problems navigating and using a Z-Watch? Haku could handle that, piece of cake. She peers at the Z-Watch and points to an icon with a symbol similar to a '$' but instead was two vertical lines going through a 'Z', "That's where you can check your money as well as send and receive payments to others--all you need is their phone or Z-Watch number."

Hovering over another icon with a giant 'BRB', Haku explains, "I know you didn't ask about this, but this is the Brinkhaven Request Board. Since you're part of the Factions now, you'll probably use this quite a bit to earn money and Faction points. There are general requests and Factions requests-- Faction requests give you Faction points that you can later redeem for things such as a bigger apartment, gear, and other luxuries."

"As for the GPS, it has voice recognition so you can simply say where you want to go and it'll be able to guide you. This icon in the top right brings up the keyboard so you can manually type where you want to go," Haku continues.

"The entire Z-Watch has voice recognition so you could basically ask it to do anything, and it will help you," Haku further clarifies.

Hopefully he followed all of that. She's still curious as to what his Gift is though...

"By the way, what's your Gift?" Haku questions, "It'll heavily affect what kinds of requests you can take."

Y Yuki no Yue

Alexander Cyphre

The explanation was pretty clear, concise and, more importantly, understandable. It was really that easy.

"I guess Derika is more advanced that the rest of the world, uh..." I said, while tapping around the watch. I was mucking around the money app, seeing if I could transfer my money from the USA to here.

"My gift? Oh, it's sweet creation. And manipulation. Nothing really fancy."

I demonstrated casually, a flowering motion of my hand, like a magician making a trick, making a lollipop appear. The stick was made of hard liquorice, obviously.
Lux Avispon
Lexa Gilliam

Lexa had only just walked into the building when something slammed into her from the side. The force was enough to cause her to stumble backwards, something she would normally have easily recovered from. However, someone else happened to be walking past at the same time - some woman with an odd-looking mask on - who Lexa promptly tripped over, smacking her head hard onto the ground.

She wasted no time picking herself up, glaring at the guy who'd ran into her.

"Hey, idiot," she snarled. "Watch where you're going!"

His face was partially obscured by a bandage, although that wasn't an excuse for anything. She just wanted to rip it off his face, and stuff it into--

She took a deep breath. Don't get into a fight on your first day, Lexa. This is the kinda stuff you're here to avoid. This was supposed to be a new start for her. It really would help if she didn't mess that up this early on.

"I mean..." she corrected herself through gritted teeth, brushing some of her bright red hair out of her eyes. "I'm fine. How are you? How's your day been? I'm just fine..." Maybe not the most natural, but at least she was trying.

At this point, she remembered the other woman who she'd been knocked into. Lexa looked behind her, checking to see if the masked one was okay.

Hexxy Hexxy Sinsystems Sinsystems
Lux glared daggers the girl as she brushed some dirt off her clothes, which was there because she brushed up against the girl and not because she'd fallen when they had ran into each other. Although she did have to remind herself that this probably wasn't going to be a fight, mostly this was just to allow herself to move her hand away from her Needle Sword.

"It's no issue," she said in a carefully measured voice, devoid of any emotion "Although do you or your....boyfriend ( Hexxy Hexxy )? Happen to know where the computers are located? I have business I wish to conduct."

Sweet creation and manipulation? Did she hear that ri--

Haku's brain almost short circuits at the presence of a sweet. If there was something that could break her calm, almost apathetic demeanor, it was sweets. And food.
Sure, her Gift basically allowed her to "eat" anything but... nothing compared to real food.

"May I have the lollipop?" Haku tries to restrain the excitement in her voice, but still perks up noticeably.

Y Yuki no Yue

Sweet creation and manipulation? Did she hear that ri--

Haku's brain almost short circuits at the presence of a sweet. If there was something that could break her calm, almost apathetic demeanor, it was sweets. And food.
Sure, her Gift basically allowed her to "eat" anything but... nothing compared to real food.

"May I have the lollipop?" Haku tries to restrain the excitement in her voice, but still perks up noticeably.

Y Yuki no Yue

Alexander Cyphre

"Sure. Here you go. It's the less I can do for the help you gave me."

And I gave her the lollipop. I had created it with combo strawberry/cherry flavor. I mixed and matched the various flavor as experiments, so I started doing it subconsciously.

"Hope you like it."

Now, it seemed like I could transfer part of the money, I just needed to input the card number and... okay, the PIN goes here... how much...

Wow, how many forms. Well, I did have time while I walked.

Wait a second.

"Uh, could you direct me toward the Brinkhaven High School? I need to consign my transfer papers."
"I'm Not her boyfriend or her friend, Though I know where the comptuters are..." He paused, "Why?" He stood up looking at Lux with Death stare.
"Consider your self luck you ain't on the floor..." He grinned Sinsystems Sinsystems WhipDing WhipDing

Haku gleefully takes the lollipop from Alexander and starts eating it slowly. To her surprise, it seemed to be a mix of two flavors rather than just having one flavor.

"YouhavethebestGiftever," Haku blurts out.

When he asks for help getting to Brinkhaven High, Haku readily agrees. Getting aether clothes could definitely wait now.
Briefly concentrating, a miniature metal statue of Alexander appears through Haku's left palm. It floats towards Alexander, waiting.

"My Gift is matter manipulation," Haku explains.

Y Yuki no Yue

Haku gleefully takes the lollipop from Alexander and starts eating it slowly. To her surprise, it seemed to be a mix of two flavors rather than just having one flavor.

"YouhavethebestGiftever," Haku blurts out.

When he asks for help getting to Brinkhaven High, Haku readily agrees. Getting aether clothes could definitely wait now.
Briefly concentrating, a miniature metal statue of Alexander appears through Haku's left palm. It floats towards Alexander, waiting.

"My Gift is matter manipulation," Haku explains.

Y Yuki no Yue

Alexander Cyphre


"Wow. Sounds really useful. You can manipulate any matter?"

I took the statue and started looking at it, while walking towards the main exit of the building. The streets out the Faction Residence was busy, full of people walking.

It was a really nice statue, very detailed. It showed an attention to details that not anyone had.
Lux Avispon
"I'm Not her boyfriend or her friend, Though I know where the comptuters are..." He paused, "Why?" He stood up looking at Lux with Death stare.
"Consider your self luck you ain't on the floor..." He grinned Sinsystems Sinsystems WhipDing WhipDing
Lux tilted her head in amusement at the boy, "Was that supposed to be intimidating? As for my business I wish to see what bounties are available as I'd rather not have to live in this place." she said, her mind already sizing the boy up and taking not of how the boy stood along with the area around them from the shape of the hallway to the shadows cast by the lights above them.

"Yeah," Haku replies, warming up to Alexander, "I have to eat it first though. I can tell you that metal is not tasty."

Haku further demonstrates her Gift by releasing an orb of water from her palm again, freezing it into ice, melting it back into water, and then evaporating it.
She follows Alexander to the main exit, savoring the lollipop the entire time.

Once they're outside, Haku points to a red and blue bus, "That loops around the heart of the city, you can get to any major location with it such as the marketplace, the restaurants, Brinkhaven High, and the Faction buildings of course. They run every 10 minutes and Brinkhaven High is the fourth stop. I'll come with you if you'd like."

Haku gives Alexander a rare smile.

Y Yuki no Yue

"Yeah," Haku replies, warming up to Alexander, "I have to eat it first though. I can tell you that metal is not tasty."

Haku further demonstrates her Gift by releasing an orb of water from her palm again, freezing it into ice, melting it back into water, and then evaporating it.
She follows Alexander to the main exit, savoring the lollipop the entire time.

Once they're outside, Haku points to a red and blue bus, "That loops around the heart of the city, you can get to any major location with it such as the marketplace, the restaurants, Brinkhaven High, and the Faction buildings of course. They run every 10 minutes and Brinkhaven High is the fourth stop. I'll come with you if you'd like."

Haku gives Alexander a rare smile.

Y Yuki no Yue

Alexander Cyphre

"It's interesting." And a bit strange, but then I can create sweets from nothing violating the fundamental law of the universe, so who am I to criticize?

"And I would like very much if you came with me. I don't want to get lost accidentally." I smiled back, before starting to walk towards the bus stop.

"Maybe you can tell me a bit more about the Board? I was thinking to taking some small job to gain some money."

"I like your Gift better though. It's probably easier to make friends when you can just make sweets appear out of thin air," Haku comments, "Unless they have diabetes. Then that gets pretty awkward I'd imagine."

"Hmmm as for the request board... Anyone can submit or take on requests. So there's a wide variety of requests and almost an infinite number of them too. There are different categories of requests you can look at and you can manually search in the search bar for specific requests as well," Haku informs.

The pair get on the bus and find two empty seats. Haku takes the window seat and turns to face Alexander. The bus starts moving shortly after and Haku continues where she left off.

"I'm not sure how good your Gift is in terms of combat, so I'd probably stay away from those. Although, if you ever need an escort I can help you in exchange for some sweets. I'd recommend looking at the culinary requests for you though. The requests where everyone can do tend to be taken pretty quickly and don't pay as well as a more specialized request," Haku remarks.

Y Yuki no Yue

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