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Futuristic Department 7


Yes. Obviously. i was really just using the pic for the idea.

And yes, I see the Dumas pun. She has to be, considering how short the skirt is.
KingTiger said:
What I don't get about anime is...why the short skirts? you want some pervert looking up it?
It's generally for titillation. Sex sells DVD's and most shows that have that sort of thing aren't worth your time anyway.
I cri.

Okay, then again, would those type of boots even be something to be recognized for? We should already have those... Laser Rifle then... High Intensity Variant with 5 charges before needing an hour cooldown.
Laser rifles are rare. Pistols, just coming out as prototypes. Working rifle variants are something that could be useful.
Are you saying too advantageous? Or just right for being recognized? I mean, what we have here is a "I will #rekt you if I hit, otherwise I have 4 shots and then I'm screwed."
This is Ethan's gun.

I'm saying that it is just right for being accepted. That rifle is would begin a whole line of advancements for humanity.
Should I know how to get the cell-phone? Is it CSS or something? Sorry, I'm a bit new to the site.
Alright guys, I want to make a small but important announcement. I will posting soon so that we can move on. If you have not posted, I will leave you behind because I don't want this to just set up then die. For all of you who are still around, thanks for posting and waiting for a reply. I was waiting for others to post but, let's continue. For those that just missed out on posting, the post is going to be written so that you can join. But remember, this is the last chance.
By the way people, if you wanted to experience a cool part of this Universe, check out in quests, The [CLASSIFIED] Incident. The name for the different people might be different but hey, I did it before this one.

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