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Futuristic Department 7

KingTiger said:
You know in this one super hero rp I had a robot that was created on earth even that could turn himself and metal objects into nanobots. so technically he has the superpowers of an alien AI. coincidence? I think not! ANCIENT ALIENS!!! XP
Crimrose said:
Oh, you did @KingTiger ?
I see... Well to be honest, no limits were truly set in terms of what we could have. When I don't know what can get in, I tend to just experiment. It seems weapons are fine, but what about more utility? Being different is typically where I head if nobody says otherwise, or it's mentioned in the rules.

@Deltorian Nephran
Lads, lads, let's have this in the OOC.
Yeah, I'm not sure what the limits are, since there were none truly defined to begin with. I don't recall reading anything saying that Earth was too scared to let in aliens, or anything else to be honest... I've seen that most guns are Gauss, Rail, or Gyro, but that's about it. Quantum teleportation is apparently a thing, seeing that it was said that things uncommon today were common now.
Yes, you can, but it would have to be a prototype. It has to be flawed of it is too good, something like very bad efficiency or something. No mecha suits though.
Fezzes said:
All this OOC in the Character Signup Tab is giving me a cardiac arrest. I swear, one more-
You and me both man... You and me both...

Now, @CERBERUS177, I'm gonna do something that I am not meant to do, because it is almost common sense. I'm gonna post on the Overview something that you need to look at. I'll even tag you.
It's fine, I stopped getting upset over stuff like that. Character develops a HI (High Intensity)Laser Rifle, but can only fire 3 times in an hour.

This fine?
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Deltorian Nephran] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33203-vagabond-spectre/ said:
@Vagabond Spectre[/URL], the only that you're missing is correct grammar and punctuation.
Damn... get roasted
Deltorian Nephran] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33203-vagabond-spectre/ said:
@Vagabond Spectre[/URL], the only that you're missing is correct grammar and punctuation. Besides that, welcome to Department 7
[QUOTE="Jack Flash]Damn... get roasted

@Deltorian Nephran

Which of these could likely fit?

A pair of what's essentially long-fall boots and high-jump boots, the limit being only 3 falls before a new gas cartridge needs to be put in,


A laser blade that can only remain active for 3 minutes at a time, having a gap of 30 minutes between cooldowns. However, this blade is capable of instead expending it's 3 minutes with 3 long range swipes.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/__original_drawn_by_fukai_ryousuke__87d791abdd9510d92e69e67db69c8005.png.dd253a8da9c6fe0ec73b770442a71db5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142309" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/__original_drawn_by_fukai_ryousuke__87d791abdd9510d92e69e67db69c8005.png.dd253a8da9c6fe0ec73b770442a71db5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/__original_drawn_by_kai_ootamuno12__sample-7611270fc545f68fa7c04995a13f719a.jpg.15422fb207804da48b18473e68fbe5e8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/__original_drawn_by_kai_ootamuno12__sample-7611270fc545f68fa7c04995a13f719a.jpg.15422fb207804da48b18473e68fbe5e8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • __original_drawn_by_fukai_ryousuke__87d791abdd9510d92e69e67db69c8005.png
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  • __original_drawn_by_kai_ootamuno12__sample-7611270fc545f68fa7c04995a13f719a.jpg
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KingTiger said:
What I don't get about anime is...why the short skirts? you want some pervert looking up it?
Nobody know's. nobody really cares, it's the story, art, and character personalities that matter through out the whole thing...
Crimrose said:
@Deltorian Nephran
Which of these could likely fit?

A pair of what's essentially long-fall boots and high-jump boots, the limit being only 3 falls before a new gas cartridge needs to be put in,


A laser blade that can only remain active for 3 minutes at a time, having a gap of 30 minutes between cooldowns. However, this blade is capable of instead expending it's 3 minutes with 3 long range swipes.

View attachment 314679 View attachment 314680

I'm such an immature person...Dumas industries lol...Sorry, couldn't resist.

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