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Futuristic Department 7

Nexus Placater

Department 7 Director
Hello everyone. Feel free to ask me questions in this Tab. I don't mind what is in here (except for blatantly rude stuff) in this tab. Write what you want in here.

Note: The reason why you can do as above is because this must be the only place I find any diarrhoea of the fingers, brain and mouth. Gets me riled up when other tabs are used for other purposes.
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AyyyLmao said:
Posting to watch
You do know that there is a button, just under the tabs list which says, "Watch Thread" or for you now, "Unwatch Thread". You could have just pressed that....
Deltorian Nephran] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18168-fezzes/ said:
@Fezzes[/URL], make sure to look out for the interest check for the link next time.
Eat a dick. But cheers for tagging me. I'll start making a character now.

Note, I can talk to him like that because I know him well IRL. It isn't license for you to do the same.
I'm not going to post a CS for a while, I'm just about to go on holiday for a couple of weeks with an unknown internet connection. So I don't want to join in and then have to go AFK so I'll try to catch up and join in when I get back if it is still possible.
Did anybody but me read the lore? if so please add a little something to your character sign-up sheet.
Ah, son of a... I figured I already knew the lore, but I didn't realise there were extra stipulations in there. I'll change that now.
[QUOTE="Jack Flash]Full Name: Benito Torres
Aliases: Dr. Teorías


Age: 32

D.O.B.: July 17

P.O.B.: Barcelona, Spain

Country of Occupation: Spain

Faculty of Occupation: Personal security of government agents

Specialization: Medic

Previous Events of Mention: Benito was working at a hospital in Madrid when I high-profile government official was injured in a car accident in the city. While said official was staying at the hospital, Benito uncovered an assassination plot and stopped it almost singlehandedly. Due to his work, he was offered a job by the government official and became part of the official's private security force as well as providing medical aid when necessary.

Personality: Benito acts paranoid and extremely nervous towards those he comes into contact with. He believes that everyone is out to get him and is overly-cautious about sharing information even in casual conversation. His mannerisms are jittery and nervous, giving the initial impression of low self-confidence and inexperience. However, when put under pressure, he becomes much more focused and cooperative than he would be otherwise. As a result, he is a surprisingly adept doctor, being focused and effective at treating wounds and performing complex surgery with ease.

Hobbies: It can accurately be said that Benito is a part-time doctor and a full-time paranoiac. He has strongly believed the government is out to get him and spends much of his free time planning out ways to resist surveillance attempts and reading articles online about the supposed corruption of the world council. He also collects guns, and has built up a "resistance arsenal," as he would like to call it. In fact, the reason he was able to overthrow the assassination plot in the first place was because of the gun he illegally brought to work with him. The only reason he took the private security job was because he wanted to gain an opportunity to learn more of the government's secrets. Other than that he enjoys reading fantasy novels and listening to copious amounts of punk rock.

Morbid Fears and Dislikes: Benito especially hates feeling tricked or deceived and is very defensive and careful about avoiding that. He also hates it when people try to correct him, especially in medical matters. Although he claims to fear government conspiracies, what he really fears is losing his identity. His ramblings and conspiracy theories are more for the sake of giving more adventure and meaning to his life.

Other stuff to note: His favorite drink is Horchata and his favorite color is purple

I appreciate the attempt to create some friction with Valentine but... uh... Department 7 is a government thing, not a Private Security Group.
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Fezzes said:
I appreciate the attempt to create some friction with Valentine but... uh... Department 7 is a government thing, not a Private Security Group.
I honestly did not read your CS before posting this. That's kind of a weird coincidence and I guess I can change it if you want. Also I was under the impression that the characters were supposed to be working for some kind of PMC or other security company before joining Sector 7. I gave him a job that would put him on the government's radar and I felt like it would have been reasonable to assume he would be in consideration for being recruited. Is there something I'm misunderstanding?
Am I the only one who made a male (at least programmed to be) character that got accepted?
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KingTiger said:
Am I the only one who made a male (at least programmed to be) character that got accepted?
I'm still not sure if my character was officially rejected or not. Hopefully GM can give me a little more to work with.
[QUOTE="Jack Flash]I honestly did not read your CS before posting this. That's kind of a weird coincidence and I guess I can change it if you want. Also I was under the impression that the characters were supposed to be working for some kind of PMC or other security company before joining Sector 7. I gave him a job that would put him on the government's radar and I felt like it would have been reasonable to assume he would be in consideration for being recruited. Is there something I'm misunderstanding?

Ah, I see. Yeah, that makes sense. You don't need to change it if you don't want to.

Yeah, I'm not a power in this RP. I know Del personally, but I'm not going to try and reach above my status because of it.
GOOD NEWS! I believe that we have enough people to begin the RP tomorrow. Bad news, though, is that I am currently in a hotel with questionable internet and I have 25% battery with no charger. Other GOOD news, I will be back to a place with better internet and a charger by the end of tomorrow so, be ready.
YAS!!! NOW I CAN LAUNCH MY MASTER PLAN to marry an alien robot...oh wait she wasn't accepted cause she's too op? ;-;

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