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Fantasy ๐”ป๐•–๐•ž๐• ๐•Ÿ'๐•ค ๐”น๐•ฃ๐• ๐•œ๐•–๐•Ÿ โ„™๐•ฃ๐• ๐•ž๐•š๐•ค๐•– (Lore)



Two Thousand Club
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A massive city that was built several centuries ago by four powerful demons that had all grown tired of the constant fear that all demons had to live with of possibly being killed by a demon hunter even in their sleep. These four demons are known all throughout the city of Haven as the 'founders', little is known about them unless you were either a child of theirs or were old enough to be alive when they still ruled. The city is highly advanced, although not as much as many of the larger major human cities outside of Haven. The city itself is circular shaped and split into six different sections: Black Rose Clan District, Ravinca Clan District, Bloody Moon Clan District, Serpent's Kiss District, Neutral Zone, and Contaminated/Restricted Zone. When the city was first built it was meant to be considered a safe place where demons could come and live the rest of their lives in peace if they did not wish to kill or devour humans. Years went by and little by little, with enough debate, humans were eventually allowed into the walls of Haven to live as well. Many of the humans that live here to this day were once down and on the verge of mentally/physically/emotionally breaking from their stressful lives in human cities, however, once arriving and having the help from the founders, eventually their lives quickly turned around and have begun to live stable lives. To this day, both humans and demons alike are allowed to enter and leave the city as they wish.

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    The Neutral Zone is the entire center of the city. At the very center lies Sky Reach Sanctum, two massive twin towers that can be seen anywhere throughout the city due to it being the tallest building. The tower holds multiple different uses such as an information center, hotel/apartment complex, and business center. The most important use of the tower however is the fact that it is used as a meeting place as to where the founders and now leaders come to conduct important meetings together. The meeting is held on the top floor and while it may not appear to look as so from an exterior view of the building, there is a large room that hovers in between the two towers that is unseen to normal sight.
    Aside from Sky Reach Sanctum being in the Neutral Zone, there are many different structures throughout the area, such as homes and businesses everywhere. The civilians that live here have either not decided which clan they would like to join or have decided that they do not wish to join any of the four clans and wish to remain 'neutral'. While the protection within this area is still as strong as it might be in any of the other clan territories, it is to be expected that if assistance is required, expecting the same person to help you each time is naive as all four clans protect the neutral zone equally.
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Built, expanded, and advanced over the course of time, the city of Bastion is nearly just as old if not slightly even older than Haven itself. Known throughout the entirety of the realm as the Capital city of the human realm, the city of Bastion nearly has the same size as that of Haven aside from the territory sectioning. However, unlike Haven, Bastion is separated into three different social classes; Lower Class, Middle Class, and Upper Class. Each of these social classes are gated off by a large metallic wall and massive blast door guarded by the governing authorities of the realm. These authority figures are there to guard the gates to make sure that if anyone were to pass through any of the different sectors that separate the social classes, they are not carrying any firearms or anything that could do harm to the public. The case with the Upper Class however, an individual must have a specific Identification Card or invitation to be allowed into the Upper Social Class society.

Aside from being the Capital City of the human realm, Bastion is also best known for the fact that it is the location of the main Headquarters of the Ash Wolves. While their publicly known Headquarters is known to be in the Upper Class sector, their true work is done actually underneath the city within a massive structure. The facility itself is surrounded by a massive dome that within it gives off an artificial sunlight that gives the impression that they are not actually underground. This facility is not known amongst the public nor is it known to the wider World Government either.

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    The authority figures and enforcers of the laws of Bastion. While they are known to be located in every city and some towns throughout the entirety of the realm, their most advanced gear and main headquarters is located in the city of Bastion. The most fully geared up members of the police force are that of those who are tasked to guard the gates between each of the social class sectors. They are instructed to guard the gates and make sure that they do whatever must be done to keep the peace amongst the different sectors, even if it means applying force to those who are attempting to escape into a different sector.

    Those that patrol throughout the different parts of the city variety in their equipment depending on what sector of the city they patrol in. If a specific sector is known to be dangerous, they are adorned with more heavily armed gear similar to that of those who guard the gates, while those who are in the Upper Class sector are usually dressed in casual police uniforms as it is rare to ever have any crimes occur in such a place.
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    Since the beginning, the Black Rose clan have always been known for their healing and medical care throughout the city of Haven. While each of the four clans have their own doctors and hospitals, it well known that one of the largest hospitals throughout Haven is located in the Black Rose territory. The doctors and nurses there have been taught in many forms of medicine that are similar to others in different clans, however, unlike in other clans they are also taught about many medicinal plants that seem to flourish only in the clan's territory. These plants tend to die within the span of an hour or so after they have left the city's walls by unknown reasons.

    Aside from the role of healing the sick and injured, members of the Black Rose clan are also known to be at nearly every entrance/exit of the city. While other clan members are also present at these locations, Black Rose members are experienced as tour guides and informants for new and old citizens coming or returning from trips. They greet new arrives and give them a tour if they wish to explore the city that they are unfamiliar with as well as helping those who wish to make a home in the city find where they must go and what they must do. Those that are returning from trips are given news updates if they wish to know what major or minor events that might've occurred during their absence.

    Special Forces
    While the clan might be known best for these two things, a less known fact about the clan is that they are also the leading force that is the Special Forces of the city. Individuals trained in the Special Forces group are given some of the cruelest missions that the men and women in the other branches of the military may frown upon. These may range from assassinations of high priority targets no matter the consequences or risks it may mean, even if civilians are caught in the assassination, to infiltrating enemy lines in small groups to avoid detection for intel gathering or any other possible reasons

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