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Fantasy -=|Demon Dynasty|=- (OoC)

I'll be getting my characters up sometime tomorrow

I'm thinking of either doing two humans and 1 demon or doing one human with two demons. If I do end up making two demons though, I was thinking that one would be the muscle, a large beast of some sort while the other was more of a tiny, cuter demon, a beast still, but used for spy work or tracking down human settlements for much larger and scarier demons.
I'll be getting my characters up sometime tomorrow

I'm thinking of either doing two humans and 1 demon or doing one human with two demons. If I do end up making two demons though, I was thinking that one would be the muscle, a large beast of some sort while the other was more of a tiny, cuter demon, a beast still, but used for spy work or tracking down human settlements for much larger and scarier demons.

Sounds good!
I noticed the demons CS don't have a gender role necessary, would it be okay to make a demon that shifted between genders?
I don't want to reply until more people get their characters into the roleplay and start interacting or doing something, that way we're not just going back and forth.

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