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Futuristic (Closed)Defenders of Earth - Superhero RP

Sour Diesel

Tears wash away easier than a concussion

In a world much like ours, a rift appears in the sky one night, dispersing radiation into the cosmos. This radiation had an effect on humans and animals alike. Some attained amazing powers, while others became ill. It was a gift or a curse depending on what form the mutation took. The world was thrown into chaos.

Decades passed, and from the chaos, the Unified Earth Project emerged. Weakened nations came together, and banding together teams of trained super professionals they restored order under one world government.

A research team sent to investigate the mysterious rift never returns, and nobody knows why. While this is happening, a fresh young group of super powered individuals are brought together, and this is where our story begins.

If you are still reading then I hope I have your interest. I am interested in what type of heroes people would make with this in mind. The radiation could make anything happen. Whatever you want to do with it, go nuts. I’m looking for some classic comic book fun, so nothing too depressing or inappropriate/edgy. We should want to work together as a team, even if we have personal hang ups. Let me know what you think
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I’d love to hear some ideas. I was thinking the team would have their own secure base. Also the existence of different dimensions would lend to more supernatural adventures. I’m thinking fey and holy/evil dimensions crossing paths with our world
I’d love to hear some ideas. I was thinking the team would have their own secure base. Also the existence of different dimensions would lend to more supernatural adventures. I’m thinking fey and holy/evil dimensions crossing paths with our world
Is the government going to be corrupt, stinky and interfering like in Captain America Civil War
Certainly interested in this! Mind if this ole skeleton throws his hat into the ring in order to join in?
Is the government going to be corrupt, stinky and interfering like in Captain America Civil War
Like the real government? LOL

i feel like trust is a necessity for this type of thing, and in the spirit of keeping things fun I don’t want too much moral ambiguity. There could be bad actors within the world government. I was thinking with so much opportunity for fantastical adventure we’d abandon the trivial politics
Like the real government? LOL

i feel like trust is a necessity for this type of thing, and in the spirit of keeping things fun I don’t want too much moral ambiguity. There could be bad actors within the world government. I was thinking with so much opportunity for fantastical adventure we’d abandon the trivial politics
We can definitely abandon it, a bad actor could be fun for some tension but I'm all for more wacky stuff.
You mean like a living skeleton? Spooky! 👻
Oh no, not a literal skeleton (although myself am one), but I do have an idea. Although I do want to know, just how much individuals on the planet have actual superpowers? That and what happened to those who got ill? Because I do have an idea in regards to alongside the super powered folk, I could make a sort of ‘traditional’ soldier (well, outfitted with far better gear due to the likely advances in technology after the decades that had passed), who relies more on their gear instead of actually having powers. Mainly with them intending to have been sent as a scouting force in a small group of other soldiers (at around the same time as the super powered folk) only to get lost when moving into the rift and ended up with the rest of the super powered group. Will they not be as strong as the others? Possibly, but I just enjoy the thought of someone who is a bit weaker still being able to help out when the time calls for it.
Fresh 'young' group of superheroes. Should I be concerned enough to ask how young you mean?
I meant 17-18, wanting to start young because a time skip is intended at some point. You’re new heroes in training.

sorry I didn’t see notifications. I still want to put this together
Nobody has submitted a sheet yet so it’s still first come first serve
Okay nice. Well not nice that nobody submitted anything yet, but nice for me as I can still join ^^ I‘m currently a bit busy but I should be able to have it done by tomorrow
I should get started working on a sheet now, but should ask, how many folk are you intending on accepting?
I am interested. It's been a while since I have RPed anything so I may have a bit of rust but if you'll have me, then I have one question.

Can I play more than one character? I usually post better when I have a wider range of reactions that I have to give over time, example: "this person says does this, then the other person over here does this thing" than if I have to say "he looks and says this" for one individual. my writing style is a bit less glamorous when it's One character centric

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