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Futuristic Deep Under [Open]

Ben had switched on the Auto Gun feature of Rocky Junior. He concentrated his sights on the rocky skin of one of the buggers aboard the train. After managing to single out one without risking the health of his co-workers, he managed to paint the walls with some grey matter, easy peasy.
By now, Jette really wished he had bothered to pay attention to those instructors. Shakily aiming his gun, Jette fired at one of the Golems (as he started calling them) and somehow managed to blind the creature. Several mediocre shots later, and the Golem was dead. He really needed to improve his shooting abilities...
As the creature he had just maimed tumbled to the floor, he finished it off by ramming the ME-X1 through its gaping mouth. He recovered the Drill before another Stoner had the possible opening to attack. But now, he could make out about a few still left. It appeared the others managed to take out the rest.

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