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Dedicated Partner Search


New Member
Hi there! I am Panda! I have been doing RP's for a long time and I tend to take little breaks after a good RP has come to an end. Then I get the itch again and am ready to get a new one started. I am looking for a few 1X1 partners. I usually do more than one at a time. It keeps me busy. I have a few rules for what I am looking for in a partner,

1. Someone who is willing to continue the RP for as long as possible.

2. Someone who will progress the story line and not leave that all on me.

3. Someone who communicates with me and lets me know if they are going to be gone for a few days or is getting bored with the RP.

4. Someone who can post at least once a day or every other day.

Now a little bit about myself

1. I like to get to know my RP partner.

2. I like to build the plot and story with my RP partner (it makes to RP stronger).

3. I don't really have any limits, so please let me know if you do.

4. I am 22, so I prefer people around my age.

5. I primarily play females, I can play males but they aren't as strong.

6. I have romance in all of my RP's. But no fall in love at first sight kinda stuff.

7. I don't post ten paragraphs each post. I do one maybe two. If I wanted to write a book I wouldn't be roleplaying. On that note I don't like one liners though.

Alright now that all that junk has been covered here are a few of the ideas I have. Keep in mind I am open to suggestions and I am not picky.

employer's daughter

best friend x best friend's sister

zombie apocalypses

slave x master

rich x poor

Something like 50 shades of grey

Titanic (they both live)

Beautiful Creatures


Those are just the ones I can think of right now. But as I said before, I just want a few new partners so if there is something not on the list that you want to do, just let me know. We can work it out.
Would an FxF roleplay be fine? If so, here's what I can do:

  • best friend x best friend's sister
  • slave x master
  • Beautiful Creatures
  • Fantasy

I can send you my full list of characters too if it'll help you decide ( :) )
I don't do any same sex relationships kinda things (sorry but its just one thing i have morals about) but im open to anything else. Epecially romance! pm me if its ok
glitterbug said:
I don't do any same sex relationships kinda things (sorry but its just one thing i have morals about) but im open to anything else. Epecially romance! pm me if its ok
Um... Are you talking to me or Panda?
Same question on the FxF thing, if so I like these:

employer's daughter

best friend x best friend's sister

slave x master

rich x poor


If you don't I might be willing to do a MxF or something :)

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