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Death, The Disease That Spreads (Check Sign-Up Regularly For Openings)


Junior Member

"Why are you here?"

The old, probably delusional innkeeper looks at you with a curious expression on his face. You avoid eye contact with him, not wanting to encourage this interrogation that has clearly become a habit for him. "I'm on my way to Kilsh." you say, proud and clear. That was partially true- you were planning to travel through that town, even if you didn't plan to stay there. It seemed however, that your plans (whatever they are) had been foiled by a blockade that was supposedly in defense of this village. Almost all the villagers, save for the soldiers that were off fighting, hid inside the mayor's large house, and being under orders from the mayor himself, built a tall tower of horrible, disgusting trash around the village that- when they ventured outside- always added to. It had gotten to a point where it was hard to walk outside without becoming weak from the horrendous stench, which was why the innkeeper called this village "The City of Trash and Cowards." You wanted to point out to him that it was a village, not a city, but you kept your mouth shut. (For some of you, that was probably a first.) You decide that whatever may be causing this blockade has to be important, so you set about finding the answers... in whatever way you tend to get information. You're not the only one interested though: three to four other people have caught your eyes, or maybe you caught theirs. Either way, you have an uneasy feeling about what your stay at this inn is going to be like.

@thnksfrllths @MrSquid123 @NekoChanBo @SayHELLOgalacticgay
@thnksfrllths @SayHELLOgalacticgay You two come in at the same time, but besides a quick glance, the two of you don't interact. Maybe it's because you're both half-elves, (If you even recognize each other as half-elves) or maybe it's just because you're both strangers to everyone here, but you two sit at opposite ends of the inn and look in opposite directions. Even I, as a DM, don't know if you turned your heads even once to look at the massive Goliath outside the inn window! Seriously, tell me what you confusing half-breeds are doing!
Quirin immediately notices the other half-elf, hoping that they don't recognize him for what he is. Usually when other Half-elves notice him, they immediately see it as their right to ask things of him, and to treat him as a long time friend. While he wouldn't mind the company, he simply isn't in the mood. He takes a seat wherever there is one available, and quickly jots down a note that there is another half-elf in the inn. He turns his head at a gasp, and his eyes widen as he sees the Goliath through the window. He huffs, jotting down a note of the Goliath as well, sketching a tiny size comparison of the Goliath to the house. He scratches his wispy beard and grunts, waiting for the innkeeper to approach him, and slightly hoping he wouldn't for the time being, as he poured over previous notes from the day before.
Inaria instantly freezes upon hearing the words coming from the human from inside the inn, she knew what the words stay put meant after all she wasn't that dumb. The putrid air entered Inaria's lungs after every breath it was sickening even to the goliath who used to be around people who didn't bathe for days if not weeks. Inaria looked through the window once more and watched as the being that told her to stay put was either making her rounds or trying to get out and talk to the goliath herself. Inaria's greataxe was placed right beside her it was almost being used as a walking stick to the goliath despite its size being about the height of the common person.
Zen sat, and after a quick glance, saw the other half-elf. He rolled his eyes, and stayed where he was. He had bigger things to worry about, and another one of his kind, while reassuring, was not of any importance right now. What was important was finding a way to get money legally. He sipped his ale and sighed, glancing around once again. When he caught sight of a huge creature outside, he blinked twice, and tried to return to his previous business, but stole a glance at the creature every so often.
The lively halfling known only as Tibin was doing what he does best in inns, causing a scene. One large gulp of the foul smelling liquid, and he was already up in everyone's face. Anyone who passed him by and spared him a glance in turn got a challenge, a challenge that everyone turned down. Once everyone stopped even remotely going near him, he started going to them. Table to table calling out anyone who dared make eye contact with the scrappy man. Out of the corner of his eye he could have sworn he spotted a giant creature right outside the inn through the window, but that was probably just caused by the strange drink, I mean everyone is a giant to him.
Tibin drank the foul ale! Is he going to be okay?! (Roll 1d20 + CON) + (Roll 1d4 if roll is under 15)

The old innkeeper didn't seem like an easily frightened old woman, (Yes, I know I keep changing her gender.) but at the sight of Goliath she definitely looked like she was doing everything except shaking in her boots. Still, after summoning up her courage, she marched her way out to the... behemoth. "What can I do for you?" she asked in a cheery, all-too-sweet voice while plugging her nose. She tried to seem friendly, but it was clear she wasn't happy to have that... thing outside her inn!

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Inaria watched as the old lady finally made her way outside and to her in response Inaria just stated not saying a word, she listened but still gave no response or any sign that she was going to respond. Instead she just stood there staring at the old women. It must have been about two or three minutes before her mouth even opened."Food,Drink, Sleep."Inaria said she spoke she placed three fingers in front of the women and as she spoke brought one down it was almost like she was using the fingers to ensure she remembered everything. She picked up her axe and swung it over her shoulder she isn't the type of person to take no lightly.

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