Chitchat Dealing with mental health and trying to find a job?

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Another personal question for y’all. So I struggle quite a bit with mental health, it started out in my late teens like sixteen, seventeen. And now I’m nineteen still trying to cope with these issues. And my question is, how do you guys who have depression whether it be bi polar type II or otherwise, and anxiety deal with life. Finding a job, getting by in school? I for one have some days, where I’m just extremely tired and unmotivated. In my mind I know, I want to find a job, and succeed. However, my mental setbacks tend to make me suffer quite a bit. Feeling rather aimless and lost in life. Though on reddit they coined this as a “Quarter life” crisis for people approaching their twenty fives and late twenties. From what I’ve read though for some bipolars their mental health gets worse the closer to twenty five. And I want to ask, for those of you out there struggling how do you manage it?
Everyone handles their mental health differently. I see a therapist weekly, just it discuss how I’m feeling and what I can do to improve my mental health. I also take my medication as instructed. That doesn’t mean some days it doesn’t get bad. On days like that, as much as it sucks, I practically force myself out of bed and so things I enjoy (reading, running, getting a meal with a friend). I’ve been dealing with depression and anxiety for 7 years now, and it took me a long time to figure out how to manage it. Talking to someone and asking for help worked best for me.
I spent a really long time deciding whether or not I should respond to this; but you seem like you're struggling, so I want to give you a good response. I've also struggled with these issues a lot in the past (as well as currently), though that's not something I really want to get into on a public forum. As for how I manage, though, I'm happy to share that if it helps you out at all. Like CharmedRed said, everyone handles their mental health differently; personally, I like to look at things other people do and apply them in my own life, or just apply things I've heard from youtube/mentors/professors/friends and just try them out. There are hundreds of approaches to the problems of depression/anxiety- the only thing that doesn't work is doing nothing.

I know it's really hard, but to overcome your mental setbacks, it helps to keep moving forward. I found some great advice on reddit a long time ago about this issue specifically. What I took away from this post was two things, the first one being "No more 0 days."

Basically, a 0 day is a day where you accomplish absolutely nothing - 0 - towards your goals or dreams. What the advice suggests is that you don't need to bust your butt every day pursuing your dreams, you just need to put in any amount of effort, no matter how little it seems, every single day. Let's say you have a post you want to do for an rp, but several days go by, each day you feel to tired or unmotivated to finish it; the advice that I got from this post was that you don't need to finish it all at once- just tell yourself that you'll sit down and write a single sentence, even just a single word, towards making that post. And if you do that every day, you'll have your post done in no time. Heck, you might even get motivated from writing that single sentence and get the whole goshdarn thing done- and that's great for you! But even if you don't, or can't do that, at the very least you accomplished something- because something is better than nothing- and that's still great for you! The second thing I took away was that you have to forgive yourself. There are going to be 0 days, where you do nothing, or accomplish nothing- and that's ok. It really helps to learn to accept that it happened, and forgive yourself. This is because you don't gain anything by hurting/tripping yourself up over your failures. When you do that, you only set yourself further back.

Tl;dr - do even the tiniest bit of work towards what you want to do every single day, no matter how small it is. And if you fail to do so, forgive yourself- it's not the end of the world, because you'll pick yourself up the next day and keep going. I believe in you; you can definitely do what you set out to do, and you're awesome! Let me know if you need any more help or advice, or even if this advice wasn't the kind of help you were looking for. I hope you have an awesome day <3.
Go to the gym, meditate, spend time outside, clean your room, stay busy, let go of the past because it doesn't matter. Cut off negative people because fuck them. Prioritize yourself but not at the expense of others. Eat healthy and cut the junk out of your diet. The gut-brain connection exists, it's proven scientifically that proper nutrition balances the mind; oh and take a multivitamin. It sounds ridiculous but all these elements congregate. The mind suffers with the body, it's all one ecosystem. If you improve your physical health, mental health will follow.

Finding a job is about mass applying to everything. You'll land something decent. I just landed a job after sending 60-70 applications. Got three interviews out of it, got two job offers and picked the one I liked most.

Most of all refuse to pity yourself, on your worst day you live like someone on their greatest. Don't be a "doomer" (another phrase for people dealing with this kind of crisis). Be hard headed, fake confidence until it manifests.

Best of luck to you, hope you can beat this thing.
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You have to just do it. I adapted.

My first job I didn't even want to get. I had to encourage my bf to get a job by beating me at job interviews. (I got two job offers after applying two 5 places. Had three interviews.) Ended up with a job and he got one for three days before they fired him. He wasn't even anti social or depressed. Lol. I liked working at Chipotle. I learned a role and I say the same things to every guest. Which makes it a lot easier then small talk as cashier.

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