Deadly Academy- Roxel and Yullen

Rox shook his head a little still keeping the blindfold on, "I want to try again, then if I suck you can show me, one more try okay." He breathed in deeply letting his breath out with a swoosh Trust in my senses okay "Okay ready again."
Rox braced himself letting his ears hear the ball as it zipped through the wind taking a breath, he cuffed his hand and jetted it out the ball smacked into it, but he caught it! Smiling a bit, he did not even mind his palm stinging a bit from the impact, "That worked." He said his light smile still on his face.
As the balls came flying at him, Rox got better with each one at dodging even tossing some back. Rox felt great when training it got his blood pumping, "Okay *pant, pant* do you wanna switch places or move on?" He knew Nichole had more experience them him, but did not want to rob her of the chance of doing the exercise.
Rox grinned watching her put on the blindfold. He tossed the ball up and down, he loved sports his favorite basketball, he sighed inwardly just now thinking about how he would not get to play the sport this year, but the world needed him more, "Ready Coco?"
Rox then hit a few more one towards her head and one towards her feet, he made it tricky since it was very clear she was no beginner. That made him smile, she had so many talents, there is no way she was just weak and worthless as many seemed to think.
Rox watched and even had to dogde a few that came back his way, he laughed once all the balls had been thrown, "I think you got that down, what now?" he ran here and there collecting the balls back.
Nichole untied her blindfold and said"next is flexibility. "Smiling and winked.(ooh should luna and Nichole have a dance off in mew mew power? After Nichole changes and they finish training of course)
Rox nodded and started to stretch he had no idea what they were going to do, but he wanted to stretch first, "Okay what do we do for that?" He thought he was pretty nimble for a high school boy. (With each other? sure!)
Rox finished stretching and watched before doing a few front flips and trying a back flip catching himself on his hands, “I noticed with our powers we are a lot more flexible,” He laughed lightly, “I mean watch this,” He ran to a tree and balanced himself enough to run right up it and gripped a tree branch he swung from it gently, “It’s amazing!”
Nichole chuckled and said"yea. Hmm now lets test you." Twirling her pole and tapped the ground. Poles shot up on the ground and made some sort of maze. "Use what you can to yet through the maze. But only your body no powers. "
Rox continued to look down at her and watched as the maze shot up, he dropped into it," Okay but when I get out of it, my price is to kiss you." With a laugh Rox patted at his red cheeks as he declared that before starting his way through the maze.
Rox was busy shimming up one as she said that, "I know, but I dropped off in like the middle wanted to start at the begining." He was not finding his balance, if you had that you could balance on just about anything. Finding it, he started hopping from one to the other keeping his pace steady, if you stayed on one to long you would fall off and if you went to quick, you would lose your footing, "Don't faceplant at me~" he said this in a mocking angry way,"Now I get to make out with you when I get there."
Rox grinned as he hopped from pole to pole, now and again, he landed on his hands balencing then flipped back to his feet. He even did a few short flips and final landed on the last one, lifting his hands in the air in sucess, "Tada." He said simply before jumping off to the ground, "Not to shabby right? So where is my kiss?" He asked leaning forward a bit.

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