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Realistic or Modern Dead Reign

Kirito Kei

One Thousand Club
Dead ReignThe WaveBefore life as we knew it came to an end, people started to get sick. The media called it "the Wave". A Wave of illness, death and destruction that swept the world.

It started out as some kind of sickness. A flu or plague that spread across the globe afflicting millions of people.

In a matter of days after the first reported mass outbreak in Hong Kong, hospitals around the world filled up with sick people. So many sick people that they lined the floors of the hospital halls, waiting areas and even tents in parking lots and parking structures.

The Zombie ApocalypseIt was amazing how fast human civilization came apart. Though when I think about it, it makes perfect sense and there was nothing anyone could have done to stop it.

So, imagine all the hospitals, clinics, police stations, schools, gyms, government buildings and sports stadiums filled with sick people with the Wave. That's millions of people in every state, province, or country in the world. Nobody knows what it is, why it's happening, or how to stop it. More people are getting sick every day.

Now imagine after one week, these sick people start to die. They die in droves, one after another. Millions of them perish withing the next 48 hours.

Panic reaches new heights as work of the deaths leaks out to the public. Streets and highways of many cities become clogged with people trying to flee to anywhere. Most don't have a plan. They don't know where they're going. They just know they need to get out. Accidents jam roadways and create bottlenecks of mass congestion, and freeways turn into parking lots. Some communities experience rioting and bloodshed, but mass violence is the exception, not the rule.

Surprisingly, most people refrain from violence. Instead they raid stores buying bottled water, food, gasoline, batteries, generators and other supplies before sealing themselves up tight in their homes. Some even cover their windows in plastic and tape the cracks of their doors to the outside world with duct tape. Locked down, closed up inside, they huddled together, watch TV for the latest news and/or surf the Internet for the "real truth and by the minute stories" around the world. And they pray for deliverance.

In the next ten hours there are so many reports of people dead in the streets and in their homes and apartments, that the Police and Fire Department stop responding. Hospital and police morgues are filled with corpses piled from floor to ceiling, as are entire hospital wards where the dead are being stockpiled like kindling wood.

Then the dead rise. Unlike today, where the dead rise only a few minutes after a person dies, during the Wave it took several hours for the dead to rise. But when they rose, they rose all at once and by the tens of millions. Living Dead. Zombies like out of a horror movie. I'm told the living dead ignored people sick with the Wave and went straight for the healthy people. As for the sick, they would die in a couple days and rise from the dead as well, adding millions more to the legion of zombies already spilling onto our streets.

Zombies, however, aren't the only peril you'll have to face. Bandits, death cultists, traversing the shattered landscape, wildlife and loads of other unspeakable dangers stand in your way...

And this, my dear roleplayers, is where your story begins. If you like extremely detailed descriptions and a variety of zombies and things wanting to kill you, you've found the right place!

If interested, don't be afraid to post down below.

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