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Realistic or Modern Dead Field Trip[Horror RP]

Trevor walked a little bit too far away from the bus. He walked around and when he found a nice spot, secured and unable to be bothered by someone, he let it all go. He let out a sigh of relief as he went on. Trevor scanned the area. It was a very forested area. A lot of green and the beautiful sounds of nature. Birds singing, wind blowing through his hair, him getting relieved. It was a good feeling.

Before he finished, he noticed that there was a small cliff in front of him and from a distance, what seemed to be a house. Or maybe a cabin? He titled his head as he looked at it from the distance, unsure of what it was. Then, he zipped his pants and buckled his belt. He was just about to turn around when suddenly, something pushed him off the cliff. It was a powerful push, like someone pressed their palms on his back and pushed him as hard as they could.

Luckily for Trevor, the cliff wasn't high enough to injure him, as he felt on his stomach, flat on the ground. The only injury he had was that he bit his lip in the moment of impact. Between grunting and swearing, Trevor slowly got up. Massaging his chin, as well as his lip, he turned around. Relaxed, but yet, feeling a little bit of pain, he said, "I swear, if this is one of your jokes, I'm seriously going to make this year a living hell--" he muttered as he turned then froze completely. He didn't moved, he didn't made a sound, hell, he didn't even blinked. He just stared.

In front of him, a horde. A horde of little children. It wasn't the fact that there was a horde of children in front of him. It was that all were pale. Their skin was extremely pale, their clothes were all white and dirty, some, little girls, were holding their messy stuffed toys, while the boys were just standing there. Their eyes had no iris. Completely white. And they were staring at Trevor. He couldn't tell, from the lack of irises, but he knew, by the way their heads were, that they were looking at him.

He didn't flinched. He didn't moved. His heart was starting to beat like crazy. His breath, heavier, faster. His legs, shaking. His hands were shaking. He kept telling himself, inside his stupid head to move, to turn around and run like hell. He yelled at himself, but his legs weren't listening. He yelled more and more and from his internal yelling, like they knew he was yelling, the kids opened their mouth, revealing nothing but blackness from their mouths and yelled. A high-pitch yell that could get you deaf. That type of yell that if you would hear it from a distance, you would run anywhere but in that direction.

Trevor fell down, on his butt and crawled while looking at the children screaming at him. His breath was more heavier, faster. You could even hear him gasping desperately for air. He couldn't take it anymore.
It's a dream, he told himself. I'm in the bus, sleeping. I'm sleeping, I'm sleeping!

"Hey, teach! You okay?"

Trevor looked up as he heard the voice, what appeared to be a student. But then, the sight of horror came back to Trevor and he looked down, fast. But nothing was there. Nothing. Trevor's eyes were wide with amazement. But not the good type of amazement.

"I saw you fall down from the cliff and I rushed in to see if you're okay.", the student told him.

Trevor looked up at him as he slowly got up, brushing off the dirt from his clothes.

"Are you alright, teach?", the student asked, worried.

"I'm. I'm fine.", he said, his voice, shaking a little bit.

Wasting no more time, he got up and accompanied by the student, they went back to the bus, where Evelyn was waiting for him, her arms crossed around her chest, her face, red from anger.

"The keys! Now!", she yelled, without noticing his injured lip.

Trevor pulled out the keys from his pocket and gave it to Evelyn, his hand, shaking like crazy.

"Oh my God Trevor! Why are you shaking?" she asked him, worried. "Trevor! Your lip! What happened?". She got closer to him and gently pressed her fingers around his injured lip, inspecting it.

"I'm--I'm fine.", he said. "Here, you got the keys. Ready when you are.", he told her and walked towards the bus. Walking wasn't the right word to describe his movement. More like running. Once inside the bus, he quickly sat down and crossed his arms around his chest, looking throughout the window into nothingness.

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"Actually, Lucy, he-" Esme shut up when she saw that weirdo teacher approaching the bus again, "What happened to him?" She stood up to get a better look, "He's cut his lip. He looks pretty shaken up too."

"I bet it was mermaids!" Blaze said, sitting up properly to get a better look, "I've played Mermaid Swamp. The mermaids always pick off the weakest ones first. He's gonna swell up and start complaining about being how cold he is, I'll bet you anything!" He looked excited, the same way he always did when mermaids or ghosts or witches or anything along those lines came up.

"He probably just fell over or something." Esme sighed, "I told you those weird indie horror games would turn you steadily crazy. Every time something goes wrong, you blame freaking mermaids! I've not read anything about the site around here being haunted, by mermaids or anything supernatural. It will soon be haunted, however, by a girl who dies of BOREDOM!" She kicked the chair in front of her and sighed. This trip was so dull.
Bobby sat behind Jackie and Lucy, "If its this beautiful here, I wonder how awesome its going to be once we're actually there." He smiled and looked at Mr.T when he walked in, "Man, he must have had a tumble." He looked out the window, "So Jackie, wanna come sit next to me and share those Munchies? Cause Im starving."
Bobby smiled and took a handful of deliciousness from the bag. "Thats about as far as my seduction skills go I guess, Ive gotten you to sit next to me, so that basically means we're dating, right?" He winked and sat back, eating the munchies one piece at a time, "I might as well sit back and relax now." He laughed a little and looked at her.
Jackie snorts slightly as she eats some. "I suppose so but at least take me to dinner or ask me out first." She said while grinning and leaning back.
( sorry guys reply when off work this cow girl is working on a ranch )

Irish Ice Queen
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"Oh, I thought this was our dinner date." Bobby smiled and looked at her, "I mean, this really cant get any classier." He laughed a little, "Or is the Bus Restaurant not your style?" Bobby sat back as well, snacking a little bit more, "Or do I have to pay for the munchies? Because Munchies are a little outta my price range, you're gonna have to cover the check."
Jackie snorts slightly before laughing a bit, her laugh was rather nice sounding and didn't seem to fit with her whole bad girl attitude. "Oh no what was I thinking." she said in amusement while eating some more Munchies. "Totally the bus restaurant." she said and grinned.
Adelaide got back on the bus. she had snapped good photos, but half were gone or ruined. Adelaide sighed and went to delete the ruined ones. She stopped as she did. She thought she could see forms on the image. Adelaide put it away and looked out the window.she finally brought her Camera up to the front."Mr.T are you okay. I want you to look at something I swear I am going crazy."Adelaide said and bit her bottom lip as she watched her teacher.

Traci had gotten back on and looked around. She stopped on Trevor, dude was spooked but why. She saw Adelaide come up and went back to her work on her schedules.

Irish Ice Queen
Lilith sat next to Eustria, both of them busy observing the going ons of the cramped bus. Eustria rolled her eyes at the teacher once everyone got up to give him their phones.

"Time for a quick selfie!" Lilith exclaimed quickly, grabbing her phone out and leaning into it.

Both girls flashed the 'duck lips' right before the flash. They both peered into the screen to view the amateur-shot photo. The picture frame tilted slightly in Lilith's hand.

"Good enough." She sighed with a shrug before handing it to Trevor.

Once the bus pulled over, Lilith happily crawled out of the bus with Eustria trailing behind her. They both knew better to not use the restroom before embarking, so they spent most of the time outside admiring the view of the fields out in the distance.

Lucian's head hung lazily against the cool windows as everyone else filed out. As much as he wanted the fresh air, he wanted the few minutes of quiet inside the empty bus slightly more. Sitting up, he could see a dark house out in the distance. His face sunk in on itself at the thought of someone possibly living there. He hadn't noticed Trevor fall down the cliff due to his position on the bus. He peered downwards to see Alexander mingling with his other classmates, a warm grin plastered his face. Instinctively, Lucian mimicked this action with a small grin. He then debated going outside before his opportunity to say hi vanished.
Not long after the long bus ride started, the mellow rumbling of the vehicle lulled Jarek to sleep. He would maybe rustle in his slumber if the bus hit a pothole or a bump, but otherwise he slept right through the banter and drama of the younger occupants. It was only when the bus stopped for a quick bathroom break that the teacher awoke from his nap.

The brightness of the midday sun coming through the window next to him made Jarek squint his pale blue eyes. ‘Damn, that sun is bright. I wonder where the heck we are…I hope we’re close. I’d kill for a sandwich right about now.’ Jarek thought to himself as he sat up in his seat, trying to shake the remaining tiredness from his body.

A quick scan around the inside and outside of their transport vehicle indicated that they were in the middle of nowhere, confusing the man for a moment or two. ‘Nah, this can’t be the place. Maybe Evelyn finally gave in and gave the kids a break to stretch their legs. Nothing else makes much sense.’, he continued as he stood up and stretched his cramped legs. Jarek’s head barely cleared the roof of the bus as he maneuvered over to Trevor and asked rather off-handedly, “Hey, what’d I miss?”. His voice was a bit deep but smooth, rather baritone in pitch. A moment after he questioned the fellow teacher, the sight of his busted lip caught his eye. “What the hell happened to you?” he gestured at Trevor’s mouth, his voice now taking on a concerned tone.

Trevor sat inside the bus, his heartbeat slowing down slowly. The image still pierced his mind. And the scream. It was awful. It was something he never heard in his whole life. He knew that such a scream would hunt him in his nightmares for the coming days. He didn't felt secure anymore. Hell, he even wanted to turn the bus around and go home. But then, what would others think of him? Who would believe him? Why would they believe that a horde of children appeared out of nowhere in front of him and crippled the man completely. If it wasn't for that student, he might have had a heart attack or piss his pants for sure. But he didn't seemed to have been bothered by the scream. Did he even hear it? Did anyone heard that scream? Or was he hallucinating and losing his sanity? What the hell did he saw!? How could he explain it!?

In his thoughts, looking through the window, spacing out, he didn't noticed Adelaide approach him. The approach startled him a bit, jumping from his seat a bit. He looked at the girl confused and curious. She wanted him to look at some pictures from her camera. Curious, Trevor looked over the pictures, in amazement and horror. Strange forms seemed to have appeared in the pictures. Trevor slowly began shaking again, without him knowing it. "Are," he began, his voice, shaking a little bit, ",sure that there isn't something wrong with your camera, Adelaide?", he asked. Of course nothing was wrong with her camera. He looked over the, normal pictures, and they were perfectly fine, but he decided to play the confused and idiot guy, not wanting to talk about the forms in the pictures nor what he saw. "You should get it checked once we go home.", he told her as he gently dismissed her back to her seat.

He looked at his hands, to find them shaking again. He watched them shake, like it was some kind of show, his hands were the performers on stage, he was the spectator in the seat. His eyes easily spotted it. His breath. He saw his breath. But, how could he? It had to be--cold. Like it was getting now. It was getting cold, but why? And how? Winter was way far away. Confused, Trevor looked over at the other students. He couldn't see their breath. They didn't seem to be bothered by any cold. What was going on?

He returned back to his seat and looked out the window. And then he saw them. Again. Looking at him, with their big, white eyes. Trevor froze, like he did earlier. This time, he wasn't shaking, but his heart was starting to beat like crazy. Ba-thump, ba-thump, ba-thump.

"Hey, what’d I miss?"

Trevor instantly turned around only to find Jarek sitting next to him. He quickly turned to look on the window. There was nothing. Again.

"What the hell happened to you?" Jarek asked.

Confused, Trevor looked at him with wide open-eyes. He stood like that a little. Then realized he was asking about his lip. He touched his injured lip, like he was trying to analyze the damage without looking in the mirror, but soon returned back to Earth to converse with Jarek.

"I'm fine," he said, "I just fell down and bit my lip...". He wasn't sure if he should tell him about what he saw. He wanted to, but feared that he might think that he lost his mind.

"Have you, by chance," he pointed towards the window, "seen something?". There was absolutely nothing through the window, nothing but a big forest and the road, if you looked down. "Also," he paused, ", have you heard anything? You know, a scream?"

"I'm telling you, Esme, it's got to be mermaids. He's shaking, look at him! That's because he's cold!" Blaze said, pointing at Trevor, "The mermaids got him!"

"If anything, brother, it'd be ghosts." Esme said, "And you shouldn't point at people, then he'll know we're talking about him."

"Ghosts." Blaze scoffed, "Ghosts don't give you the shivers, moron!"

"Ghosts can do a great number of things!" Esme said, her voice a little louder than usual, "Did I ever tell you about the time I saw a ghost, Blaze?"

"That was just the light reflected on the mirror, remember?" Blaze said.

"Oh, yeah." Esme frowned, as she remembered, "But this is definitely ghosts, brother." She paused, "I'm going to write this down."

"Me too." Blaze agreed, "In Corpse Party, people always use notes to figure out what's going on! My journal will be useful when we get attacked by mermaids!"

"GHOSTS." Esme insisted, scribbling words down in her journal as fast as she could.

Trevor Davies: showing signs of paranoia, coldness, fear and physically injured- has a cut lip. Blaze has decided that it is the work of mermaids. I disagree. It is more likely ghosts or demons. Unlikely to be the work of a witch, but not uncertain.

"We could just ask him what happened." Blaze pointed out, as he wrote.

"... That's an excellent point." Esme said, standing up, "Sir!" She raced down the aisle to the front of the bus, her brother on her heels.

"Davies!" Blaze said, "Was it the mermaids? Did the mermaids get you?"

"It wasn't mermaids, was it? It was ghosts, right? Or was it demons?" Esme questioned, "Was it witches?"

"Was it Ellen from The Witch's House?" Blaze said, "Don't swap bodies with her!" They exchanged looks, realising that they weren't making much sense.

"What attacked you?" Blaze summarised.
Sam awoke with a jolt, he'd fallen asleep on the bus, and it was stopped... Why had the bus stopped? "What the hell... Where are we? Why isn't the bus moving? Did the battery die?" He mumbled, the only thing seeming truly alive were his bright eyes, whose colors showed that he was now well rested and ready to go. He tapped his bag with his foot, yep, still there, now what was... What was that out the- "Ahaha! What the fuck guys, not cool, not cool, not cool!" He pulled his knees up to his chest, looking around with paranoia painted on his cool cheeks. "Someone gonna tell me what the hell in your minds made it a good idea to prank whe... Whe... Um... Never mind..." He looked back out and whatever it was had disappeared, in its place was nothing, around him people looked as if they were speaking but there was only silence in the air. "Get out, boy... Get off of my-"

"You okay there, buddy?" Richard Spender, the boy's least favorite person spoke, those stupid sunglasses still hanging on his equally stupid face. The man glanced over his shoulder, calm but if anyone could see his eyes they'd know he was panicking, how could he not be? "Everyone okay?" He called out, voice shaking ever so slightly as the words left him and he rose to his full 'height', if you could call it that, he wasn't the tallest guy for his age. The blue eyes athletics coach turned his head, everyone looked okay but... But something felt wrong.

(Sorry for the short post, gotta go to school!)
Adelaide took the camera back. She knew there was nothing wrong with her Camera. She took pictures and they showed up fine. She shot pictures of her teacher and stopped. This was mad. She went and took a few more of him then a few more of the other students. She stayed put puzzled. Something was there and it wasn't right. It didn't feel right. She shivered slightly she put on a jacket and went to Mr.T.She tapped him

"sorry if I freaked you out, but nothing is wrong with my camera and look at the pictures I just took of you and the other classmates. "She says. She looked at the other teachers and looked at Traci she was writing not really paying attention.

Adelaide shook her head and when her teacher didn't say anything about it she sighed. "Look I promise you thats not my camera. "She says. She takes it back gently and walka to her seat. She noticed sone of the others. She shook her head, she had an odd feeling, but couldn't place a finger on it. She qas hoping they get there soon. She would put in a new SD card.

Irish Ice Queen

As he was waiting for Jarek to speak, when Esme and Blaze showed up, from where he believed to be, the back of the bus. He looked at them a couple of minutes confused as they asked him all sorts of questions like he was in an interrogation. Frowning to them and giving them a look, Trevor opened his mouth to speak.

"Its mister Davies, mister Blaze! I'm not a person of your age, okay?", he said, his tone, a little bit harsh. "You might behave like that with people your age, but with those much older than you, you can't.", he told him.

Then, he stopped talking. After the heat went down quickly, he processed the series of questions they asked him. "I don't know what you kids are talking about, but there are no mermaids, ghosts, fairies or dragons around. They are just fictional creatures each serving it's own purpose. And nothing attacked me," he lied, or so he believed since he was unsure if he was attacked or just pushed. ", I fell down and bit my lip in the process." he continued.

"Listen, I know you guys don't want to be here, but this is just for a week. So please, just, hang in there for a week and then you can do whatever you want to do."

"... The unbelievers are always the first to die, Sir." Esme said, solemnly, "I'm afraid to tell you but... You just doomed yourself." She looked down, shaking her head in sadness, as if she was already attending his funeral. She sighed.

"And just because you can't prove that mermaids exist, doesn't mean they can't. It means you're a narrow minded fool!" Blaze snapped, turning away, "Fictional creatures..." He shook his head, "There's plenty of proof that mermaids exist." He walked back to his seat, his sister trailing behind; she still looked a little dismayed.

"That poor idiot. Mermaids or not, he just signed his own death warrant." she pressed her hands together as if praying, "May his soul burn in hell for all the dull lessons he has taught. May he be eternally tortured for not listening to us. May he-"

"You can't feel bad for him. It's his own fault for not believing in mermaids. There's plenty of proof and-" Blaze glanced at his sister and saw the smile she was trying to hide, "And you're just looking forward to attending his funeral, aren't you?" He sat back down, snatching the window seat before his sister could get there. She sat beside him, crossing her ankles.

"Very much so, Blaze. I intend to recount this moment and laugh at his stupidity." Esme said, "Why wouldn't he believe us?" She picked at her nail polish, frowning.

"Nobody ever believes us." Blaze said, "Just shut up before you draw more attention to us."
Lucy currently looking out the window, thinking slightly as she looks at the forest around them. She sighed and pulled out the the two notes the twins threw at her. Jackie currently sitting and eating Munchies with Bobby while talking to him about their favorite topics such as movies, music, books, and bands. Alexander finally gets on the bus, currently talking to Bryan about what they are going to do when they got there, smiles a bit and chuckles a bit while listening to him.
(A repost but slightly edited)

Lilith sat next to Eustria, both of them busy observing the going ons of the cramped bus. Eustria rolled her eyes at the teacher once everyone got up to give him their phones.

"Time for a quick selfie!" Lilith exclaimed quickly, grabbing her phone out and leaning into it.

Both girls flashed the 'duck lips' right before the flash. They both peered into the screen to view the amateur-shot photo. The picture frame tilted slightly in Lilith's hand.

"Good enough." She sighed with a shrug before handing it to Trevor.

Once the bus pulled over, Lilith happily crawled out of the bus with Eustria trailing behind her. They both knew better to not use the restroom before embarking, so they spent most of the time outside admiring the view of the fields out in the distance.

They both walked around in the tall grass for a bit until they got too hot and decided to get back on the bus. Eustria noticed that Lucian hadn't left his seat yet; she frowned before sitting down.

Lilith observed the little exchange between Mr. Davies and Esme and Blaze, stroking the black part of her hair. She internally scoffed at the idea of mermaids being the cause for his busted lip.

"Amateurs." She lipped with a quick eye roll.

Her eyes shifted towards Trevor, who was desperately hiding the truth of what he saw; from personal experience, she could just tell that there was more to it. Her eyes wandered on him a bit before she made up her mind to speak to him again.

Lucian's head hung lazily against the cool windows as everyone else filed out. As much as he wanted the fresh air, he wanted the few minutes of quiet inside the empty bus slightly more. Sitting up, he could see a dark house out in the distance. His face sunk in on itself at the thought of someone possibly living there. He hadn't noticed Trevor fall down the cliff due to his position on the bus. He peered downwards to see Alexander mingling with his other classmates, a warm grin plastered his face. Instinctively, Lucian mimicked this action with a small grin. He then debated going outside before his opportunity to say hi vanished.

Everyone began filing into the bus after a while, only taking notice to Alexander stepping on with that same toothy grin. His eyes shot in the opposite direction to avoid looking like a stalker and then proceeded to zone everyone else out once the sound of voices became overwhelming. He moved to turn his phone off, deciding not to give it up earlier when he was asked. He personally felt handicapped without his music to calm him down.
Sam had been asleep the whole trip. When the bus stopped he got out and went to the bathroom then came right back. He saw Adelaide taking pictures. When they got back she went up to Trevor to show him what was wrong with the pictures. Sam shook his head and yawned. He settled back into his seat. When Adelaide came back and sat in the seat just infront of him. He pushed himself up."Hey I am Sam don't believe we have met or even talked before."He says.

Adelaide looked up suprised. She bit her bottom lip."oh yeah um hi." She says."I am Adelaide nice to meet you m"she says in her odd accent.

He smirked," so mind if I join you and take a look at your photos." He asks.Adelaide shrugged and nod. He sat by her and they started talking about themselves, just kinda getting to know each other. Sam thought she was a very interesting girl. I mean her background alone had Sam riveted. His wasn't as great a back story as hers. But at least he still had one.

Traci looked about. "Were they almost there" she thought to herself. Her lessons plans for the year were done along with a lot of choreography.she put her things away and sat back. She listened to her music as she closed her eye's. She felt like someone was watching her so she looked around and no one. So she went back to her eye's closed. She still had an odd feeling.

Irish Ice Queen
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Gilmoregirl12 said:
Sam had been asleep the whole trip. When the bus stopped he got out and went to the bathroom then came right back. He saw Adelaide taking pictures. When they got back she went up to Trevor to show him what was wrong with the pictures. Sam shook his head and yawned. He settled back into his seat. When Adelaide came back and sat in the seat just infront of him. He pushed himself up."Hey I am Sam don't believe we have met or even talked before."He says.
Adelaide looked up suprised. She bit her bottom lip."oh yeah um hi." She says."I am Adelaide nice to meet you m"she says in her odd accent.

He smirked," so mind if I join you and take a look at your photos." He asks.Adelaide shrugged and nod. He sat by her and they started talking about themselves, just kinda getting to know each other. Sam thought she was a very interesting girl. I mean her background alone had Sam riveted. His wasn't as great a back story as hers. But at least he still had one.

Traci looked about. "Were they almost there" she thought to herself. Her lessons plans for m osteoporosis of the year were done along with a lot of choreography.she put her things away and sat back. She listened to her music as she closed her eye's. She felt like someone was watching her so she looked around and no one. So she went back to her eye's closed. She still had an odd feeling.

Irish Ice Queen
Lizzie stayed on her seat throughout the entire trip, her earphone plugged on as she listened to Katy Perry's 'Prism' album. She nodded her head with every catch beat and sometimes whisper along the lyrics. Unfortunately for her she had to take the Bus and travel along with some other random she students she doesn't know. Where were her pose'?

Since she pretty much didn't know anyone she decided to just sit still and mentally judge other people's sense of fashion taste. Next to her was a vacant spot, why? Well everyone knows why. No one dared talk to her knowing she'd just flip them off or completely ignore them. Deep down lizzie felt like something heavy within her chest, like something bad is gonna happen. Can the others feel it too? Or is it just really her being all paranoid?

She quickly shook of the thought and pulled off her earphone and started listening to conversations, some were audible. Some were nothing but mumbles to her. To her right were two other students who seem to be looking at photos on a camera. She took a peek and smiled seeing a cute guy talking to the girl next to her. "Ugh, boys this days. No taste." She whispered to herself bitchily and fixed her hair before looking straight ahead again. 'When are we gonna get there?!' she thought impatiently.
When Jarek questioned Trevor about his injured lip, the look the fellow teacher gave him was unnerving to say the least. Clearly something was wrong. ‘Just fell down and bit your lip…suuuure…’, he thought as a look of confusion formed on his face. He was just about to poke and prod him for a better answer before the Brooklyn children rushed on over. Their rambling questions about supernatural creatures slightly irritated Jarek. There were no such things as mermaids or whatever they were going on about!

With a look of distain and minor irritation, Jarek only half-listened to the children, paying more attention to Trevor’s shaking body. The poor guy looked more like an autumn leaf than an instructor right now. With his colleague distracted by the rambunctious siblings, Jarek looked out the window and carefully pondered what he had asked earlier. ‘Something’s out there…’ Jarek thought to himself, ‘…I’ve never seen him this shaken up. And screaming? I didn’t hear anyth-’ his thought process stopped in its tracks as something white flashed in and out of his peripheral vision. It was only there outside the window for a fraction of a second, but it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

Soon afterwards, there was a lull in the conversation between Trevor and the Brooklyn children. Maybe Jarek could finally get a word in edge-wise. “Uh, Trevor?” he questioned, poking his shoulder to get his attention, “The thing that you saw…was it white in color?”. His eyes now resembled Trevor’s from earlier: wide open and filled with uncertainty and a touch of fear.

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