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Fandom DCU Roleplay!!!


Professional Klutz

Hey there!

So I have noticed that there are not many DCU roleplays hosted on THIS site. And after reading Titans, I was inspired to make one. However that of course means finding participants and agreeing on an arc. For instance, JLU universe or Titans Universe? Comics or animation? Or both who knows. A few things that will not be budged.

The rp will be SFW(safe for work) aka PG-13. Swearing and things is okay, as in the comics even supers lose their cools. Just remember heroes are role models.
Try to play the Character accurately, head canons are fine provided we know about em first. OCs are a thing we will need to vote on having or not, however OCs cannot be things like Kryptonians, Speedsters, or anything overly powerful unless there is a consensus within the members about allowing it.

Keep in mind that every hero has weaknesses. Now! Onto the question bit!

Would you be interested in participating in this event? If we can at least get 5 people onboard and active, then we can do something like a small Titans thingy. We can do role claims after the story and stuff is handled, as we will need to discuss character versions. Trust me Im making it sound harder than it is. This will be a semi-literate role play meaning I want at LEAST a paragraph(four sentences), with some semblance of grammar(i don't really care just as long as we can understand it and don't all die from reading it) So there we are! Comment your thoughts, questions, concerns or if ya just wanna be in the fun!!

Dont know what Titans is? Check out the comic here!: Read Titans (2016) comic online | Readcomicbooksonline.net
I'd love to give this a try, if you'd have me!
Totally! If you know any other people, tag em in. Seriously I don't mind so long as word gets out about this. But onto a more precise matter, any ideas for the universe it should happen in? JLU Titans, JL, whatever. Rattle off ideas and we can bounce em around for a bit while this slowly and hopefully picks more people up for the ride.
I'm hooked! Could barely read it over my jumping and constant fanboying!
Sweet. We have four people now, which means we technically could do a sort of Titans rp if you all wanted. Its up to you whether we do that or something else. Anyone have any ideas so far? Titans by the way is the teen titans as adults. Read the comic it's super good. But anyway, id need to see if thats something you'd like to get started already while we have decent hype.
I'm definitely in to begin right now. I think first we should decide whether or not we're going to be using OCs or the canon. What do you think? Everyone else?
Alright. In my honest opinion, Id rather we stuck to canon characters mainly. Ocs can be like small villains or side characters if its like checked with the others, but I will let you guys put your own two cents in on the situation.
Alright so now that this is settled, we can decide on what route. Have any of you read Titans? Or like watched Teen Titans. Not go. That is just a mockery of the thing XD
lol, Go just confused me tbh. Anywho, I finished watching the series so I have a general idea (finished watching it like a year or two ago). I just started reading Titans when you mentioned it though, lol
lol, Go just confused me tbh. Anywho, I finished watching the series so I have a general idea (finished watching it like a year or two ago). I just started reading Titans when you mentioned it though, lol
Mhm. So I was thinking we could do the Teen Titans route, maybe when they start out as a small team?
Alright, but I still want to go with the idea that they're adults. Maybe they split up but some threat had them all coming back together? Dick would probably be the one calling them together. What this threat is could be figured out ICly or pre-role play.
Alright, but I still want to go with the idea that they're adults. Maybe they split up but some threat had them all coming back together? Dick would probably be the one calling them together. What this threat is could be figured out ICly or pre-role play.
Ooo I like that. Then we'd need to decide roles.
I'd like to be Kid Flash/Flash/Wally. Also holy jimminees he has alot of names n this. Anyway, what part are you guys wanting to play?
Alright, if we're doin' this now, I'd like to call Roy Harper/Red Arrow.
Alright then. So since we dont have a Nightwing yet, we'll edit who calls back the team. Ill probably have Wally do it, and in the first post ill explain the situation if that's alright with you guys?
Is it going to be the same situation as in the comics? As in Abra Kadabra removing Wally from history and all.
BTW what if we all just play two characters for now? That way we'd have all/most of the roles filled already.
Brilliant. I can take on Lillith(omen) as my second muse. You guys decide yours as well, and if we have new people joining then we can have them OC, or give up our secondaries depending on our opinions at the time.

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