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Fandom DC's Titans of Tomorrow (a post Teen Titans RP)


The Happy RP Salesman
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

As the picture indicates, this is OC Titans of Tomorrow. What does that mean? Basically it means you can be a Teen Titan, but you have to have origins from a former Titan like the ever popular Rob-Star, Rae-BB, Kid Flinx or Cy-bee. and here's the kicker. you can use honorary titans as your parents too. Maybe Star found BB attractive when Robin started ignoring her? I don't judge. Maybe Raven finally had it with BB's jokes and left, coming back with child and not telling anyone who the father was? Now that I think about it she'd probably do that in canon... Maybe Aqualad and Terra got together because of earth and water powers??? heck, maybe Mas e Menos started dating...

Point is this is after the Titans are now in the Justice League, and some of their kids are up and coming heroes. New laughs, new crimes, new bawl your face holes out moments!

This will remain open until I have 4 interested RP buddies other than me, to round us out at 6 Titans of Tomorrow. Why six? because there's a slot for twins. I know... Who should have twins? Depends on who wants them really...

Thanks! if you want I can start a convo with the other person who showed interest? build up some ideas?
Sweet. We added you to the PM and I will most likely have a character up tomorrow

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