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Fantasy Dawnmoor School of the Arcane Arts [RP Thread]



spirit crusher
August 24th.

Headmaster Agatha Grimm stood at the helm of Castle Dawnmoor's main hall, 6 feet of willowy elegance and silver, immaculate curled hair towering over the wooden podium before her. Beyond it stood Dawnmoor's seven professors, each tending to their respective myriad of students; though some faces caught her eye as belonging to returning members of the student body present to aid with orientation, first years—fresh blood—composed the majority of the crowd. She hoped they'd been admitted for good reason; after all, the school did have a reputation to maintain. After waiting for the din to die down, not moving an inch out of place as she did so, she cleared her throat and spoke in the clear and commanding voice she'd perfected over her many years in the position. "Welcome, students old and new, to Dawnmoor School of the Arcane Arts. I am your Headmaster, Agatha Grimm, and it is my distinct pleasure to welcome you all to orientation. As you surely know, Dawnmoor is one of the most prestigious magical academies in the world, and merely being admitted is an honor I hope you've come to celebrate. Regardless of the talents that have provided you with the opportunity to attend Dawnmoor, the curriculum, designed to push each of you to your limits, will be challenging; I hope you will rise to that challenge throughout your four years here." She paused, then continued with, "That will be all for now, at least on my end. Your respective professors will lead you in groups around the campus. Returning students are welcome to report immediately to their dorms but are not required to until the first years are released to do so. If you have any questions for me, you can find me in my office."

With that, she turned and disappeared down a corridor into her office.

Grimm pressed her index finger to the rune carved into the drawer of her desk. It glowed a bright silver and slid open; the contents now revealed, she retrieved the green crystal orb. She gave it a slight toss into the air and a sickly, pulsating light emanated from it, casting shadows across the room. "Glad to see you finally have the sense to pick up," she said.


Mordecai sighed, watching as Professor Sylvan guzzled down an entire bottle of wine in a single gulp, finishing with a satisfied hiccup. The aged satyr juggled the empty bottle around a bit before twirling it up in the air; as it reached its apex, it burst into a dazzling display of green and yellow sparks, with oohs and ahs from the first years who didn't know any better promptly following. As a third year, he technically didn't have to be here; however, a small part of him was convinced he was obligated. Besides, what better way to make new friends than helping out with orientation? He forced a smile, surveying the crowd for his sister.


Headmaster Grimm gave the same boring, rehearsed speech every year; if she had to guess, Flannery would say that the esteemed herself found orientation day as much of a chore as she did. She groaned, wanting nothing more than to sneak back to her dorm room and take a nap or out to the garden to find more bugs to add to her collection. But, well, Mordecai wanted to stay, and she couldn't bring herself to leave him alone for more than an hour. It was probably better like that, anyways; she didn't even want to entertain the possibilities of what he might get up to without her around. She caught his gaze from across the room, giving him an exaggerated eye roll, and made a mental note to ask Professor Moonthorn to help her with pinning later.
Shiloh Augustus

Shiloh stood off to the side and against the east wall of the main hall while Headmaster Grimm greeted the large body of students. I could have sworn that Grimm's hair was five feet tall last year...

A look of boredom carved her normally disinterested face as she drowned out Headmaster Grimm and scanned the new and old faces across the room. There were faces full of excitement and determination that made Shiloh want to roll her eyes. These first years do not know what they have coming to them. Then there were the faces sunken with anxiety and fear, which brought a smirk onto her lips.

After Headmaster Grimm finished her speech, Shiloh pushed herself off the wall and made a beeline toward one of the exits. She wanted nothing more than to return to her dorm room and wait for the hoards of newbies to die down. Shiloh caught sight of the Professor of Pyromancy from the other side of the room and ducked her head low. Every year, Professor Illumza would make Shiloh walk with her group as they toured around campus. This year was going to be different!

Shiloh was just about to cross through the exit when she heard Professor Illumza call out her name. Shiloh cursed the gods above and twisted around.

Shiloh stood off to the side and against the east wall of the main hall while Headmaster Grimm greeted the large body of students. I could have sworn that Grimm's hair was five feet tall last year...

A look of boredom carved her normally disinterested face as she drowned out Headmaster Grimm and scanned the new and old faces across the room. There were faces full of excitement and determination that made Shiloh want to roll her eyes. These first years do not know what they have coming to them. Then there were the faces sunken with anxiety and fear, which brought a smirk onto her lips.

After Headmaster Grimm finished her speech, Shiloh pushed herself off the wall and made a beeline toward one of the exits. She wanted nothing more than to return to her dorm room and wait for the hoards of newbies to die down. Shiloh caught sight of the Professor of Pyromancy from the other side of the room and ducked her head low. Every year, Professor Illumza would make Shiloh walk with her group as they toured around campus. This year was going to be different!

Shiloh was just about to cross through the exit when she heard Professor Illumza call out her name. Shiloh cursed the gods above and twisted around.
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=| Judas King |=
Judas looked up at the headmaster, his face lit up with adoration and respect. He was so happy that he was accepted by the school. Looking at the headmaster, to him, was like looking at a new chance at his life; a future. When the Head master broke up the students into their respected schools. Judas was thrilled and became the very first person behind the professor of Animancy, Mr. Sylvan. He impatiently watched the professor chug an entire bottle of booze, Judas' jaw dropped with every chug. When the professor finished, he threw the bottle of booze and upon reaching its apex it burst into colors of yellow and green. His jaw reached the floor, it quickly came back up when the professor patted his head, now he was just blushing. The professor looked at all of his students and began to introduce the class and himself. Meanwhile, Judas was trying to keep his excitement in and not stand out, but that was pretty hard. His light blue overalls and tall stature, was destined to make him stand out.

As Mr. Sylvan began to show the south wing of the campus, Judas was far behind the professor. He was admiring the area, eyes sparkling, he noticed how far behind he was. He freaked out and quickly ran to catch up with the group. Judas was now in the back looking over the students, he sighed realizing his adoration for the school pushed Judas' mind and body behind. Judas now tried to silence the thoughts telling him to wander off. It was hard, but now at least he was listening to the professor.​
- Ashley Thompson -
How fascinating it was that the orientation speech was identical to the years prior, yet was set to last twice as long. All the "we have great expectations for you" and the "we have a reputation to uphold," it was too much. This is the fourth fricken time that Ashley had to listen to the same old speech. The campus wasn't even two hours into the new school year when Ashley's senioritis kicked in. Pulling out a small bag of yellow powder from her inside hoodie pocket, and began walking towards the north wing. Right before the exit, she was stopped by one of the faculty members whose name Ashely never bothered to learn.

"Ms. Thompson, I'd like to ask you why you're leaving orientation."

Taking out the powder, Ashley said, "Oh, Professor Avogadro asked me to bring some chemicals to his lab. Something about a new First Year Presentation. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get here early enough to deliver them before he orientation so I'm just gonna go do that now." She walked away before the staff could say otherwise. Finally out of the main hall, all Thompson had to do was jump a bush, cut through a small courtyard, take a right, up the stairs, across the garden balcony, through the bridge and up a second set of stairs before she reached the dorms. Ah, finally.

Within the next two minutes, the young lady was pushing open her old dorm door. A miniature brewing stand occupied 3/4 of the desk space. Ashley had to take a minute to admire how the stand looked while it was completely unused. As soon as that minute was up, she took to throwing a few powders together and lighting up her brewing stand.
"First potion of the year... what should this one be...?"
Shiloh Augustus

Shiloh trailed behind the group of students and droned out Professor Illumza who spoke animatedly about the history of Dawnmoor. When Shiloh founded Dawnmoor, Professor Illumza took the troubled child under her wing; a person could say that Illumza was Shiloh's mentor and guardian.

Shiloh had her hands stuffed in the pockets of her dark ripped jeans and she kept silent as the group walked through the halls. The new students were like a flock of pigeons, cocking their heads back and forth in order to capture the campus's ancient beauty. She noticed their curious eyes twinkle in awe and Shiloh mustered a snicker. A couple of months into the year, they are going to want to break through these walls and escape this place.

"Hey, keep moving!" Shiloh would grumble when a few students would fall too far behind from the rest of the group. She felt like some shepard herding her sheep. This was how it was every year.

Shiloh trailed behind the group of students and droned out Professor Illumza who spoke animatedly about the history of Dawnmoor. When Shiloh founded Dawnmoor, Professor Illumza took the troubled child under her wing; a person could say that Illumza was Shiloh's mentor and guardian. Shiloh had her hands stuffed in the pockets of her dark ripped jeans and she kept silent as the group walked through the halls. The new students were like a flock of pigeons, cocking their heads back and forth in order to capture the campus's ancient beauty. She noticed their curious eyes twinkle in awe and Shiloh mustered a snicker. A couple of months into the year, they are going to want to break through these walls and escape this place.

"Hey, keep moving!" Shiloh would grumble when a few students would fall too far behind from the rest of the group. She felt like some shepard herding her sheep. This was how it was every year.
Kuro and Bianca listened to the Headmaster's speech, with different expressions. Bianca's pale face was filled with wonder and admiration while Kuro's chocolate brown one was blank like paper. But their reactions were the same when they were separated. They swapped scarves and hugged eachother before they both got separated and waved to eachother as they left. Bianca looked around, becoming overwhelmed by the crowd and pat her sister's scarf. Kuro listened to the teacher with a stone face but touched her sister's scarf because she knew she was lonely. This was going to be a very long year.
Robert looked around excitedly as the headmaster gave her opening speech. From where he grew up in, magic was fairly uncommon as most of the people there were dedicated to developing steam-powered machines. Now, he's at what he assumes to be the center of all magical knowledge here at Skuora. His anticipation and excitement were evident on his face and he couldn't wait for class to start.
After the speech ended, the professors for each class began to lead the students around in groups. Coincidentally, his group was being led by Professor Rusalka Faust, the same person who left the pocketbook at their shop. He hasn't returned her pocketbook yet as she insisted to let him use the map inside it which shows directions to Castle Dawnmoor. He decided to wait a little more before returning it to her.
Just two more years huh. Elyus thought to himself curiously. Frankly, he didn't expect much from a school when he first came here, eager to quickly learn all he thought was neccessary and then leave. But it hasn't been so bad, magic was more interesting than he initially thought. He wondered what he'd learn this year, as he looked over at his teacher, Mr Avogadro. Noticing he was staring at him back, he realized he was supposed to be helping guide the students around and answer their questions. In a hurry, he caught up with the Cryomancy class and stood near the rear, ensuring that no one strayed too far off course. He didn't want to be forced to drink another one of his teachers brews afterall. With a quiet sigh, he remembered the crystal blue badge he was given so that new students could recognize him as a guide, and reluctantly put it on.
| Judas King |

Judas was now mindlessly pacing across the hallways, is what he hoped he was doing. Somehow he managed to lose the entire group, he was on the verge of tears. He then heard loud steps coming from a corridor, and suddenly his face had hope. He ran towards the noise and suddenly he was back with his group. The professor glared at him, and Judas quickly went to go get back in the group. Judas was now pacing across the hallways with a group.
They all arrived at their classrooms, "This classroom is yours, here we will be studying the art of Animancy. To heal and to enchant are two skills we heavily focus on. We will learn much more but, that is for another time," He roared this across the hallway and when it reached Judas in the far back, his eyes lit up with interest and his mind thinking of all the possible spells they will be practicing. From a young age this was his dream and now this was a reality. Although a drunk for a teacher is not ideal. Judas readjusted his overalls as they began to come off, he then saw a small note in his pocket he hadn't seen before. He took out the folded piece of paper and unfolded every creased corner, "Goodluck! I snuck this into your pocket while you weren't looking. Anyways have an amazing week in school! Ill see you soon. Love, mom."
Sophia Hughes

The first day would always be full of anxiety. New faces, new environment, new rules. The sight of her big brother greeting her at the gate this morning really boosted her confidence. She's not alone in this school!

Still, she knew that she shouldn't cling onto her brother too much. 'Expand your wings, Sophia! Talk to random people and ask random question, it might take some time but if you able to make some friends, then your school life would become much better.' was the advice that her brother gave her. It was easier said than done, even though there's plenty of fresh student here walking together towards the campus northern wings.

Professor Rusalka Faust led the group silently while most of the students was drowning in awe at the hall they were in now. How could someone not impressed by all of these awesome structure?? Not only the walls were made by giant aquarium but you could also see many weird or spectacular devices along the way.

Sophia's eyes were locked on a particular pair of lifeform inside the aquarium: two giant crabs bigger than a human. They seemed to be trying to wrestle each other.

"Look, It's spider crabs! I want to try them, big bro-" Sophia was too excited about the crabs that she forgot that she was in a school right now, not taking a vacation in a luxury aqua park, and the boy next to her with the toolbelt that she just poked with her umbrella was definitely not her brother. Realizing her mistake, Sophia fell silent while her gaze was averted deep into the aquarium, as if trying to drown the embarassing event to death.

Interaction: Alias Alias
"What a sweet mom," Mordecai remarked as he peeked over Judas's shoulder, reading the note without any consideration for the other's privacy. "My parents probably think I'm too old for that kind of stuff now, but I honestly kind of miss it. What I wouldn't give to have someone there to cut the crusts off of my sandwiches for me again." He sighed dreamily. "Anyways, first year here? You're gonna love it. I know our professor seems hopelessly ostentatious and all, but he's actually a pretty cool guy once you get to know him. Well, most of the time, anyway." He gave a gentle pat to Judas's back, the music of Sylvan's enchanted fiddles and harpsichord filling the air around them. "My name's Mordecai, third year here."


"Your sister?" Flannery guessed after witnessing Kuro and Bianca part ways. "What school is she in?" She silently watched joint Professors Moonthorn and Whisper—a lycanthrope and a half-vampire, how fitting—lead the group down the corridor to the necromancy lecture hall as she waited for Kuro's response. "I'm Flannery, by the way. My brother's an animancer."


As the pyromancers reached their designated classroom, Professor Dazzle hung towards the back, observing her new crop of students. "Oh, I'm so excited for this year, aren't you, Shiloh? All the first years seem so talented." With a small huff and a flourish of her iridescent plumage, she rested a talon on Shiloh's shoulder. Lowering her voice, she said, "Dear, I have a proposition for a way to break in the new semester. I've been discussing it for quite some time with Professor Avogadro—ah, what a handsome fox he is—and wanted to seek your input." She paused, leaning in close with her eyes flickering from side to side to make sure they were sufficiently out of earshot of everyone else. "What do you think about holding a tournament?"


Professor Avogadro wafted the smoke from a particularly colorful potion in an ornate crystal flask to his face, inhaling deeply. "Almost perfect, but I feel like it needs something else. Elyus, what do you think? More eye of newt?"
Kuro jumped at the new voice, looking over with her uncovered eye, which widened for only about a second before going back to it's emotionless state before nodding at the guess


She then looked at the teachers before looking back at the older girl.

"Nice to meet you..I'm Kuro..But you can call me Noir"

She said as she walked to follow the teachers. She wondered if there would be any mysteries to solve in this school. She knew there would be, there were mysteries everywhere.
Elyus Nestri
Hearing his name, he realized that his professor was calling to him all the way from the front of the group. He heard whispers and confusion at the sudden mention of a name amongst the new first years. 'Why are you suddenly calling me out, is this my punishment for almost forgetting my job as a guide? You're meant to be showing the students around and explaining things!' Keeping his confused thoughts to himself, he sighed at the tall yeti. Slightly embarrassed, he quickly caught up with his teacher scowling slightly.

"Hah, let me see." Shooting his mentor a questioning look, he took a glance at the brew in question. It was quite a nice colour, imbued with the utmost care as expected of his teacher. Sniffing the air slightly, his wolven senses helping him out here, he decided that it could use something a little more potent. "Hmm, another eye of newt would be fine, but I think it needs something like a centaurs horn. I dunno, just something that would increase its strength, seems a little lackluster right now." He tried to give his honest opinion on it, seeing as his teacher was asking him so seriously. "But if you want a better opinion you should probably ask Ashley or something." Although he had learnt brewery as with all the other students, it wasn't really his passion or anything. He personally preferred being out on the field doing practical training, or just being active in general.
Interactions: titania titania
Mentions: OrWangatan OrWangatan
| Judas King |

Judas blushed in a embarrassing bliss, before it was quickly interrupted by Mordecai. Startled, hr turned to face Mordecai,"Oh, Hello there didn’t see you,” he chuckled nervously. He quickly focused his gaze to the professor as he began to enchant the instruments, then refocusing his view back to Mordecai, “My mom is amazing, ever since my first day at kindergarten she gave me notes,” he chuckled, “I thought she wouldn’t give me one this year. I guess I was proven wrong. And Oh, where are my manners, I’m Judas 1st year here.” He gave a look of pride to Mordecai. Realizing the prestigious title he was given by saying he was a student here.

He returned the pat on the back, with a light pat on the top of the head. He then quickly sighed to himself realizing how embarrassing that was. He readjusted his flower crown, being reminded of a memory with his mother.

One day when Judas was very young, his mother and him went to the river. The sunlight kissed the trees and the water, making them sparkle. The flowers surrounding the river, were so beautiful. They managed to bring out the beauty of the lake even further. Judas immediately was attracted to the plants and left his mother to check them out; of course his mother followed him. He brought a basket, and began to put the prettiest flowers in the basket. He then was stranded into a grotto, both him and his mom were lost. Then they came across the most beautiful flower both of them had ever seen.It was a rich blue, with the ends of the petals being pink. The slight crack of sunlight in the canopy of the trees above, set the scenery. So Judas ran towards the flower and plucked it.

They found a way back to the river, and both him and his mom weaved sticks and grass into the flowers, creating a flower crown. Judas put the most wonderful flower in the middle. He put it on his his head, and the same flower he found in the grotto grew all around him. This was the beginning of Animancy for him.

Judas left the memory and focused his attention to Mordecai yet again. “So tell me honestly, how much of a nut job is our professor?”
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- Ashley Thompson -

After a few rough minutes of indecisiveness, Ashley finally decided to kick off the year with some smokes. Perhaps she'd try and invent a new smoke to show the Professor. She began to rummage through her boxes and boxes of loose ingredients.

"Cockatice feet...no... Basilisk scales... blah blah blah... Oh. A Red Peacock Plume. I could make a fascination smoke..."

Now wouldn't that be something. A smoke that leaves the victims fascinated, rendering them unable to do anything other than sit and stare at the bugs crawling in the dirt. Quite the complex order... For something so advanced, a crummy little mini brewing stand wasn't going to cut it. Ashley was gonna need to use one of Professor Avogado's stands. In a small box, Ashley began collecting whatever she might need. Exotic plants, rare insects, nuts. Smokes were easier to find ingredients for, because you don't have to ingest them, so there was a bit more freedom in choosing components.

Once the girl had her box together, she quickly slipped through the halls, and over to the North Wing. Box in hand, she walked into the Professor's lecture hall, where the First Years were getting settled. She gave a slight wave to Elyus as she walked up.

"Hey Prof, can I get the keys to the Brewing Lab?"

Mentions: MiraAutumn MiraAutumn titania titania
Shiloh Augustus

Shiloh folded her arms across her chest and sighed. Despite the room being warm, Shiloh has dressed in an emerald green turtleneck, a leather jacket, and a pair of dark ripped jeans. The half-dragon borne was accustomed to withstand high temperatures. If someone were to push her into a fire, she would simply say in her most sarcastic sneer, "Ooo, chilly!"

The first-year pyromancers skittered around the classroom, looking at all the animals that roamed freely and the exotic plants that clustered around the room. A chameleon crawled on top of Shiloh's boots and she bent down to pick it up. Although she seemed like someone who hates everyone and everything, Shiloh had a soft spot for the animals that resided in the school of pyromancy. She grew up tending to them.

Shiloh felt Professor Dazzle stand beside her. She snorted, keeping a watchful gaze on the young pyromancers. She did not want an accident to occur or a mess to clean up. That would surely ruin her mood. "Excited is far from how I feel, Illumza." Knowing Professor Dazzle, she would have made Shiloh attend the first-years' classes as her righthand. The memories of Shiloh brooding in the corner of the class until she was told to hand out textbooks or act as an example during demonstrations only made Shiloh feel more irritated than she already was. Fortunately, she was able to hide it well.

Shiloh was used to Professor Dazzle's exciting nature. It only increased ten-fold whenever a new year started. Shiloh shook her head. "Talent won't help them throughout the year. They need to be smart- use their heads."

Shiloh felt Professor Dazzle place a taloned hand on her leather-clad shoulder and listened to the Professor's proposition. What could the Professor have in mind now? She cringed in distaste upon hearing Professor Dazzle talk so bold about another teacher. However, what could you expect from someone who you grew up with? Shiloh pushed the thought aside and pursed her lips. "A tournament, you say? And what makes you believe that these first years can handle such an event?"

The thought of first-years going against each other in a tournament was astounding, but she was not surprised Professor Dazzle and Professor Avogadro would come up with such a crazy idea. However, Shiloh did want to see what these first-year pyromancers could do. The pride of the School of Pyromancy did rest upon the young generation. Shiloh respected that much.

Shiloh folded her arms across her chest and sighed. Despite the room being warm, Shiloh has dressed in an emerald green turtleneck, a leather jacket, and a pair of dark ripped jeans. The half-dragon borne was accustomed to withstand high temperatures. If someone were to push her into a fire, she would simply say in her most sarcastic sneer, "Ooo, chilly!"

The first-year pyromancers skittered around the classroom, looking at all the animals that roamed freely and the exotic plants that clustered around the room. A chameleon crawled on top of Shiloh's boots and she bent down to pick it up. Although she seemed like someone who hates everyone and everything, Shiloh had a soft spot for the animals that resided in the school of pyromancy. She grew up tending to them.

Shiloh felt Professor Dazzle stand beside her. She snorted, keeping a watchful gaze on the young pyromancers. She did not want an accident to occur or a mess to clean up. That would surely ruin her mood. "Excited is far from how I feel, Illumza." Knowing Professor Dazzle, she would have made Shiloh attend the first-years' classes as her righthand. The memories of Shiloh brooding in the corner of the class until she was told to hand out textbooks or act as an example during demonstrations only made Shiloh feel more irritated than she already was. Fortunately, she was able to hide it well.

Shiloh was used to Professor Dazzle's exciting nature. It only increased ten-fold whenever a new year started. Shiloh shook her head. "Talent won't help them throughout the year. They need to be smart- use their heads."

Shiloh felt Professor Dazzle place a taloned hand on her leather-clad shoulder and listened to the Professor's proposition. What could the Professor have in mind now? She cringed in distaste upon hearing Professor Dazzle talk so bold about another teacher. However, what could you expect from someone who you grew up with? Shiloh pushed the thought aside and pursed her lips. "A tournament, you say? And what makes you believe that these first years can handle such an event?"

The thought of first-years going against each other in a tournament was astounding, but she was not surprised Professor Dazzle and Professor Avogadro would come up with such a crazy idea. However, Shiloh did want to see what these first-year pyromancers could do. The pride of the School of Pyromancy did rest upon the young generation. Shiloh respected that much.

interactions: titania titania
"Nice to meet you, Noir," said Flannery with a slight grin. "And you'll get used to being away from her, eventually. It's hard not having the same classes together at first, but it gets easier."


Mordecai winced as the tune segued into something more abrasive and incomprehensibly avant-garde. "Well, he's honestly a bit of a fool most of the time," he said, not too concerned with whether or not Professor Sylvan could hear their conversation. He was probably too busy showing off the booze cabinet to care, anyways. "Not incompetent, though, and not mad by any means. He's got a certain charm about him. You want to talk about nut jobs, then you should introduce yourself to Professor Faust. She's harmless, but I think she's got a screw loose here or there."


Avogadro clapped Elyus on the shoulder at Ashley's approach. "Ah, speak of the devil," he said, reaching into his breast pocket to retrieve a ring of silver keys. Avogadro presented them to Ashley without hesitation. "Here you are. Need help with anything?" Before she left for the lab, though, he made sure to offer her a whiff of the potion. "Oh, and what do you think so far? Elyus and I here think it could use a little something more."


A quetzal Dazzle was particularly fond of swooped down to perch on her shoulder, absentmindedly plucking at the professor's feathers, and Dazzle reached a hand up to gently scratch at its head. "Ah, I know orientation day is far from your favorite, but the first years aren't all that bad," she remarked. "Hopefully Grimm was right earlier and she picked out a good bunch. By the way, that speech of hers is always awfully boring, isn't it? It's been the same for decades now. You'd think she'd have the creativity to tweak it at least a little bit." She paused to reach into the pocket of her robe for something to feed the quetzal. "Anyways, Avogadro and I think a tournament would be a good way to transition into the new year. You know, make sure they know what they're getting into and help them get used to everything. It certainly won't be handled with the seriousness that an upperclassmen tournament might, but I still think it'll be beneficial for them."

interactions - MiraAutumn MiraAutumn nios nios OrWangatan OrWangatan ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool The.Witch.Under.Your.Bed The.Witch.Under.Your.Bed
Shiloh Augustus

Shiloh stared at the quetzal with disdain. It and Shiloh never seemed to get along for the past couple of years. She did not remember when their feud with each other started, but Shiloh did remember the bitter memories of the quetzal pooping on her horns and pecking at her scales. Shiloh turned away from the bird and looked back at the young pyromancers. They all seemed to get along with each other. Shiloh envied this; her first years at Dawnmoor were not as pleasant.

Shiloh scoffed; she never liked Headmaster Grimm. Shiloh was glad to be close to a teacher who did not always praise the headmaster. "Whatever you and Grimm say. These first years will always be little troublemakers," she replied. "Y'know, I could have sworn Grimm's hair was shorter last year. I swear, it grows taller every fucking year."

Shiloh placed the chameleon, that had mimicked the black color of her leather jacket, onto a shelf nearby. She scratched the area surrounded her horns before she stuffed her hands inside her pockets. Tournaments for the upperclassmen were always brutal and far more advanced for the first years to handle. Thinking of a first year going against a fourth year sounded cruel, but a sick and twisted part of Shiloh kind of liked the thought.

"Beneficial, indeed. Of course, training would need to be taken seriously if they were to survive a tournament- serious or not." Shiloh brought out her hand from her pocket and a flame lit up from one of her fingertips. "A bunch of novices who can't control themselves is enough trouble as it is."

Shiloh stared at the quetzal with disdain. It and Shiloh never seemed to get along for the past couple of years. She did not remember when their feud with each other started, but Shiloh did remember the bitter memories of the quetzal pooping on her horns and pecking at her scales. Shiloh turned away from the bird and looked back at the young pyromancers. They all seemed to get along with each other. Shiloh envied this; her first years at Dawnmoor were not as pleasant.

Shiloh scoffed; she never liked Headmaster Grimm. Shiloh was glad to be close to a teacher who did not always praise the headmaster. "Whatever you and Grimm say. These first years will always be little troublemakers," she replied. "Y'know, I could have sworn Grimm's hair was shorter last year. I swear, it grows taller every fucking year."

Shiloh placed the chameleon, that had mimicked the black color of her leather jacket, onto a shelf nearby. She scratched the area surrounded her horns before she stuffed her hands inside her pockets. Tournaments for the upperclassmen were always brutal and far more advanced for the first years to handle. Thinking of a first year going against a fourth year sounded cruel, but a sick and twisted part of Shiloh kind of liked the thought.

"Beneficial, indeed. Of course, training would need to be taken seriously if they were to survive a tournament- serious or not." Shiloh brought out her hand from her pocket and a flame lit up from one of her fingertips. "After all, a bunch of novices who can't control themselves is enough trouble as it is."
interaction: titania titania
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- Ashe Larkspur -
Helping the Professor with his potion was the least Ashley could do, since he had placed such trust in her. She pocketed the keys and took in a good breath of the brew.

"Mmmm... I think it would do well with some ground Amethyst and a few Everlilies, if you have them." Ashley took another smell of the potion, "Yeah ground Amethyst should do well in that, and if you're gonna drink it," she smelled it again and gave a small nose wrinkle, "maybe add a bit of peppermint."

She turned away and took a step or two before turning back, "Oh! Say, in a purely hypothetical situation, that one should make a fascination smoke, would Shrike Beak or Willow root serve as a better adhesive?"

Mentions: titania titania
As the professor led the group into a hall, Robert marveled at the various devices found inside. He was especially intrigued by the strange metal armor found inside. Upon closely peaking through the small gaps in the armor, he noticed that there were gears and pistons inside. He also noticed runic symbols etched all over the armor and the words 'GOLEM MK.3' written on its chest. "What's a golem?", Robert muttered to himself.
He was distracted from his thoughts when he felt someone tap him. He turned around and saw a girl holding an umbrella. She was telling him something about trying out spider crabs when her sentence trailed off and gazed back to the aquarium instead. Did she just call me 'Big bro'?, he thought to himself. He shrugged and assumed she just wanted to make friends.
"I don't know, little sis. I've never cooked spider crabs before. Kind of a rarity from where I'm from.", he said as he offered his hand. "My name's Robert by the way"

Interaction: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
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♡| titania titania |♡


He chuckled softly to himself, “I truly hope that our professor is the way you represent him.” He took a glance at the professor and looked at him with adoration, alothough it was slightly weakened since he began to drink another bottle of booze. He sighed and took the area, thinking about this school, his achievements, his life now. His heart grew heavy and a tear was shed. He quickly wiped the tear stroking his cheek. “Mordecai? I have been meaning to ask the professor but, how do we split into our dorms? Do we share them!” He sniffled and looked down at him.

He looked at the wall losing his focus. The light from outside exaggerated his dark skin tone. And his eyes shimmered, although they were slightly blinded. He shook his head suddenly, snapping out of his trance. He reached into the back pocket of his overalls and pulled out a journal. He put the note he held in his hand into the journal. The journal was worn out, the back and front cover wee pealing, the pages had some water damage, but a silver symbol of a flower on the front cover remained shiny. He opened the book and began to enchant it, “My grimore, your purpose is to me and me alone. Keep the wandering eyes from your pages and reserve thy pages for me,” The book quickly closed, and a green light burst from it. When the green light vanished he returned the journal back to his pocket.

“Sorry about blinding you with the light, I have to enchant my grimore. It’s just so people don’t look into it,” he chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. He looked down back into his breast pocket looking for another note, but there were none. He frowned slightly, he oddly expected another one.

Kuro sighed and her grip on her sister's scarf. Bianca didn't know, she would be so scared, the thought made Kuro's blank look be replaced by one of worry. She looked at Flannery

"Can we atleast see eachother?"

Bianca was so nervous, she couldn't stop twirling her white hair or tugging her sister's scarf. She felt like a part of her was ripped away, a small but important part of her. Also the crowd wasn't helping, they were overwhelming her. She really needed coffee or hot chocolate and some space, then the Cryomancy teacher called someone, the prefect. Perfect.

Bianca began to step behind, getting some odd looks from other first years and. She had to get away, she needed some space, she needed her sister right beside her.

MiraAutumn MiraAutumn
titania titania

Interactions: N/A
Sophia Hughes
Sophia's face got a little redder when the toolbelt boy, whose introduced himself as Robert, played along with her mistake and just call her little sis. She opened her umbrella and kept the canopy right above her head, blocking anyone who's taller than her to seeing her embarassed face. Mental defense #5: umbrella shield!

Sophia was aware that she's not the best person at talking with stranger, but still, she shouldn't avoid social contact. She didn't want things to end up like her previous school.

"I'm Sophia....." Come on, Sophia, that's it? At least say nice to meet you or something. No wonder you can't make friends in your previous school. Sophia could felt it, dozens of eyes staring at her, holding their laughter and waiting for her to embarass herself again.

But she should not must not yield to those condescending eyes right? She knew those eyes were tricks played by her own mind. That's what her big brother told her. Yeah, she should at least try. Sophia took a deep breath.

"God made human in His image, human made golems in God's image. Archmage Loew, the first person who made a golem write that in his book Genesis of Regios. Ironically now golems are considered more puppet-like than God-like due to the rapid development of magic around the world. Imagine a world with low-level of magic, and then there's these clay-made giant soldier with enermous strength." Sophia realized that she might looks like suddenly sprouting things without any context.

"Ah. I-I'm sorry. Its just seems you are interested in the golems here so I thought I can share some knowledge....." and now she realized that she looks like someone who thinks other people are stupid so her voice faltered towards the end of her sentences.

Interaction: Alias Alias
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Elyus Nestri
Coincidentally, Ashley walked through the door the moment she was mentioned. Nodding in her direction with a smile, the conversation played out as expected, with the two slowly being absorbed in their brewery talk. Deciding not to disturb them further, seeing as his suggestion wasn't really commented on anyway, he began walking back to his position near the end of the hall. His purplish-red wolf ears perked up at the sound of disorderly footsteps, someone was going off-track already?

Looking in the direction of the odd footsteps, he noticed a dainty girl dressed in only blue and white. To his surprise, even her skin and eyes matched the colour scheme. Catching up with her, he tapped her lightly on the shoulder to get her attention. "Hey, you're heading in the wrong direction, where are yo-" Noticing her panicking expression, he began panicking as well. "Wh-What's wrong? Do you need the bathroom? It's okay to be nervous, just take some deep breaths." He offered advice suddenly, trying to calm her down.
Interactions: ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool
Mentions: titania titania OrWangatan OrWangatan
Bianca closed her eyes and continued stepping away, each step making her calm down some more and each step closer to Kuro. Her walking was then stopped by the sound of footsteps and a tap on the shoulder made the pale girl open her blue eyes with hope.


Bianca's smile dropped and her eyes widened and her expression changed into a panicked one. It was the prefect. Her tugging on the black and red scarf increased drastically while she debated whether to look for her sister or continue with the tour. She decided to heed to his advice, taking deep breaths and managed to calm down but she still missed her sister.

Mentions: N/A
Interactions: MiraAutumn MiraAutumn

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