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Captain's Favorite
MJ's father was God only knows where and her mother was working every weekend. With MJ sick she spent the weekend at Petra's. Aunt May & Uncle Ben took care of both girls. They both spent the majority of their time in bed asleep, if they weren't asleep they were alternating from being burning up to freezing cold, not to mention the vast quanties of puke that came out of their mouths.

By Monday both girls were feeling better, better than ever actually. They went to school, attended their morning classes like usual. "Petra has your wrists been itching lately? Mine just won't stop, I had to go to the nurse earlier because of all the scratching." Petra showed off her wrists. "I scratched mine raw, nurse said I was the second to stop in about it. It must be left over from whatever it was we had over the weekend." They grabbed their food and set down to eat and wait for their friends. "Do you think anyone else from the field trip got sick MJ?"
Jack had been sick all weekend, not like he was gonna go anywhere anyway, his parents did their best to get him what he needed when they were up, but they both worked night shifts so they couldn't stay up very long, he could take care of himself, he wasn't THAT sick.

By Monday he was already feeling completely better, heck he felt better than before he had gotten sick.
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Isabella Rodriguez

Isabella's weekend was terrible she was terribly sick in bed and her cat refused to cuddle to make her feel better. Today she felt a lot better though a bit itchy at the wrists. For some reason she noticed she was seeing a bit better with her glasses off after she put them on in the morning. She kept her glasses on just assuming she just needs a new subscription for her glasses since eyes don't just magically get better after you get sick. Her mom offered to let her skip school today because of how sick she was the last couple of days but she decided to go anyways.

The morning classes were pretty normal nothing interesting really happened but it was a bit of a struggle not to scratch her itchy wrists at times. After grabbing what the school considers to be good food for student lunches she spots her cute friends who she secretly suspects are dating each other talking about also getting sick after the school trip. "So I wasn't the only one that was throwing up in bed over the weekend. Hopefully the itchy wrists thing goes away soon because I don't know how much more I can last before I start scratching them hard then Kimmy goes after her scratching post." She sits down and starts eating the food. "I think a new trailer dropped for the new star wars movie over the weekend it sucks we were all too sick to see it". (Officially since it was stated the year is 2015 in the RP it's for Star Wars the Force Awakens not this years the Rise of Skywalker)

Kaztastrophe Kaztastrophe
Princess Fisk
Location: Cafeteria, Horizon High


The weekend had not been good with Princess, she had plans on heading out and things to do but instead, she was confined to her room in more ways than usual emitting all manner of fluids with the concern of her father thankfully being abated by downplaying the entire event. The cacoon of silken sheets, medications, AC and a multitude of other luxury brought by the various suited monkeys her fathers had assigned to watch her did little to abate the feelings, with the looming Monday morning seeming to be even a worse prospect than before if this illness maintained its hold.

Thankfully however when the morning and the light hit her face it seemed to wash away the sickness, in herself at least the ones on the floor had yet to be dry cleaned, replacing it with a rested bliss, being the best she felt in...well forever really as she gracefully rolls out of bed in her sleep-addled state. As the hot water of the ensuite shower washed away the final traces of the sickness from her body in a steamy mist she could not help but stretch a little, noting even the tinge of discomfort she had been getting in her lower back was gone for the moment and the normally slick tiles seemed far simpler to remain balanced upon than before, then when she finally emerged to stare into the mirror she noticed several other changes as well.

While not as vain as some would think she could still not resist the urge to pose as she looks herself over, however Terrible to go through the entire ordeal made everything look firmer in addition to more visible muscle with a tense? ok might be just some residual swelling from the fever but she would be lying if it wasn't an ego boost. Still, in the corner of her mind, she had the feeling something else was different but had little time to dwell on it lest she is late or worse unprepared.

After a quick series of routines, the girl was walking out the front of Fisk tower prim and proper to the car that would escort off to the halls of the school, bag bouncing lightly on her back before slipping into the black estate to be rushed through the crowded streets. The trip was usual for the most part, starring through her reflection and the tinted glass to the hustling commuters that packed the streets, they were packed so tightly the storefronts and alleys behind were seeming more like an old stop motion. It was through this lens that her eyes were drawn to a scene as the car idled in traffic, something all too familiar if one lived in the city long enough, between the crowded street, was a group around a man on the ground seemingly haven take exception to him or merely had a desire for his property as their feet laid into him all while the rest attempted to pretend nothing was happening. Someone should probably help out, but it's not like would take the risk and even if she had wanted to get involved to cut across traffic and through before they headed off? no she had places to be, the thought finishing in her mind as the laughing group were heading off from the fetal one on the floor to parts unknown, its simply how this city was she supposed.

The rest of the day went as intended though with the same strange feeling as the morning in the back of her mind, partially listening to the gossip of those in her little circles but otherwise distracted by the feeling something was just not right like it had been before. A slight soreness from her fingernails, second-guessing certain actions, feeling good and off at the same time was starting to become irksome that she could not pin it down and it wasn't merely the residual effects of the earlier sickness but something more she knew that, just not what. It was now she found herself casually looking around the lunchroom with some bored expression, idly picking at the ornately packed lunch yet even when done with its contents her stomach still yearned for more...another item to add to the list as such would normally be filling. The odd word over the cacophony of voices in the room seem to catch her attention as lunch rolls on, the cheerleader's voice who had been mentioning some new clothing line is drowned out in favor of mention of a weekend of sickness? so it bad maybe been a bug going around? she would have liked to hear more however the rest was lost in the abient lunchroom noises, she did, however, manage to spot where it had come from the area now having her eyes upon it.
MJ was never into those dorky scifi movies that Petra & Isabella loved. MJ excused herself and went to the bathroom.

Petra pulled out a tablet, she wanted one of those fancy Stark Industries one but they couldn't afford it so she got some shitty offbrand one. The screen resolution was not horrible, it wasn't good either, it at least served it's purpose....barely. She pulled up the trailer. She started geeking out on it. "That BB-8 is so frakkin cute. I'd love to be trapped in a room with Finn, I bet I could ignite his Lightsaber." ((Not sure what names were known on 10/19/2015 the release date of that trailer.))

MJ was in the bathroom when the one female bully in the school came in. She began sprouting off the same old bully nonsense. MJ was not in the mood for it and shoved her into the wall. The bully became enraged. She felt a tingle on the back of her skull. Just then the bully punched her in the gut, it barely hurt. MJ punched back breaking the girl's nose. The bully ran out of the bathroom screaming, crying, and bleeding. MJ went back to her friends. "Anyone else ever feel a strange tingle on the back of your skull?"
During lunch Alex was watching the new star wars trailer outside, he preferred to be alone and there was usually no one out there to bug him, when he suddenly felt a tingle at the back of his skull, that's when his bully showed up, talking his usual crap, calling him gay, making fun of his clothes, calling him a nerd (even though pretty much everyone is a nerd now) he was done with it so he just walked away. He felt that tingle again, and he felt like he should duck, he did so almost automatically as he nearly dodged the bully trying to clothesline him. 'what the crap' he thought as he stood back up,more confused about how he did that than the bully trying to hit him, he felt the tingle again and saw the bully coming back around to punch him in the face. He dodged to the side and countered with an elbow to the side of his head, knocking him to the floor. "man, screw this." The bully walked off with his tail between his legs, 'did I just friggin do that?' he thought to himself. He wasn't worried about the bully telling anyone, he was one of the bigger bullies at school, so if he told anyone who could do anything, they either wouldn't believe him or they'd think he got what he deserved. He was just wondering what the heck happened, was that just luck, or something else?
David Thomas - Interactions: PlusUltra PlusUltra
The weekend had been incredibly interesting for David. While he had been sick, he did the usual tests to see what’s going on. He noticed something he had never seen before swarming through him to change him. It was scary at first, but as time went on, he felt himself getting better and better.

Fast forward to present day:
David hit his alarm for the 5th time that morning, but this time, his alarm broke.
Got to get another alarm, He made a mental note before drawing out of bed.
“Good morning Doug,” David smiled at his dog. Doug smiled back. Jumping off David’s bed, Doug ran downstairs to get food.
“Bye Doug,” David laughed. His watch was the next thing he noticed. Late. Very very late.
Eyes wide, David jumped up, quickly
Changed, them headed out the door, riding his skateboard as he always did. The sidewalk blurred by as he gained speed. A hot dog was stolen as he zoomed down the street.

Heart beating faster as he saw the school
Come into view. Grades wouldn’t suffer, but he would have to have some form of detention with the stupid jocks, but he could make them look like fools.
That one moment of distraction made David flip over a car and crash into the road. Cars swerved around the bloodied boy.
Of course, David sighed in pain. Brushing himself off with the bruised hands, he picked up the skateboard and walked to the school.
The cafeteria was open, soDavid headed there first. As soon as he entered, a tingle happened, making him look at a girl. The Princess. Why her?
David approached the woman.
“I don’t think we have formally met. I’m David Thomas. You know the smart guy who everyone tells to shut up in class?”​
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Isabella Rodriguez

Isabella watched the trailer with Petra smiling as her friend was geeking out a bit. "BB-8 is one of the cutest things ever agreed and gross. The Rey girl is kind of cute though but she is probably straight". She takes a sip from her milk carton and attempts to put it down like normal, but somehow the carton gets stuck to her right hand. She feels a sticky feeling in her hand as makes a second attempt at removing the carton from her hand.

She begins to move her other hand towards the carton before she stops when she hears MJ's question. "Strange tingle? No, but do your hands feel sticky? I can't get this milk carton out of my hand and I really don't want to accidently spill any milk on someone." She tries to lightly pull the milk carton out of one hand with the other hand, but the carton continues to refuse to leave her hand. "Can I get a little help with this?" She is feeling a little annoyed about being unable to get that milk carton out of her hand.

Kaztastrophe Kaztastrophe
Jack decided he might as well just go wait for his next class to start since he had nothing better to do, he tried putting his phone in his pocket but when he let go and pulled his hand out, his phone was still there, “what the heck?” He grabbed the phone with his other hand but it wouldn’t budge, then his other hand got stuck on it “what is going on?!” He tried pulling both hands and successfully managed to unstick his right hand, ‘ok jack think’ then jack got an idea, he got his phone in his pocket, then put his fist down on it while he pulled his hand away. It worked, his hands were no longer stuck, luckily for him, he had actually brought gloves from home just in case. He put one glove on, pulled the other one off of his hand, and then put it on as well, ‘these’ll be a pain to pull off, but at least I won’t have to worry about it until I can get this whole sticky hand situation under control.’ He then proceeded to his next class.
Petra looked at her friend MJ. "You might want to go see a doctor like pronto, could be something serious." She turned to Isabella. "More than likely those idiot jocks put some stolen experimental ahesive..." She continued on speculating using lots of big words. "I carry solvent around just in case, it breaks down just about every adhesive known to man. It might break down the cardboard of the carton. Better get a cup first." She got up to go get one the only one was not quite within arm's reach. She stretched as she did she felt something weird under the bandages the nurse put on her arm where she scratched it raw. One of the lunch ladies saw what she wanted and passed it to her.

Petra returned to the table. "Here's a cup for the milk." She handed set the cup and solvent down. "I need to check on something." Petra clamly walked to a secluded area and peeled off the guaze the nurse put on. She pulled at this weird substance. "Is that spider webbing? Did a spider get trapped in under it?" She pulled at it more until she realized it was coming out of her arm. "What the frakk?" She yanked it loose and threw it away. She put the guaze back like the nurse had it. She returned to her friends like nothing happened. Something was wrong and it was freaking her out.
Princess Fisk
_Exodus_ _Exodus_ (Open)
Location: Cafateria, Horizon High


Princesses eye shifts from the source of the sickness conversation to the new arrival at the table, the popular circles starting to silence for a moment at the audacity of one of the nerds approaching them with a few snide whispers and chuckles from some of those presence all while the girls eyes seem to almost glare for a second at the interruption.

Her gaze now slowly traveling over him she does take not of his clothes and the injuries scattered across his form, letting the silence hang for several moments before she finally responds "I would clearly question the former given your reluctance to follow the later" looking slightly disinterested towards the sore nails of hers as she raises to look underneath for the source of the pressure presuming something had gotten stuck within "Though its likely the reason we haven't been "formerly introduced"...id state my own name but i think we both know that would be redundant, so instead i can only question what it is you sought to gain by approaching?" further snickering from the rest of the table as her eyes are now locked firmly upon his once more.
Flash was one of those guys who, even when sick, 'walked it off' as if admitting to his own sickness somehow lowered his masculinity. But this weekend hadn't allowed the young man that option. There was no ignoring the copious amounts of vomit escaping his throat, mouth and nose nor was there any way Flash could have stayed on his feet for more than a couple minutes at a time anyways. It was the only time he'd skipped his personal workouts consecutively. There was no choice, he was barely conscious enough to realize he'd missed them, let alone to head downstairs to the weight station that he and his father shared.

Monday morning rolled around and Flash's eyes opened at 5. He hadn't remembered to set the alarm the night before, assuming he'd be too sick to go to school anyways, but now, even without an alarm, Flash was awake at his normal time. He rolled onto his back and stretched, his whole body felt much better than the last few days. 'One of those 24 hour bugs, I guess' he thought to himself, despite the fact that he'd been in bed for nearly 50 hours. Sitting up and swinging his legs off the bed so his feet were on the ground, Flash stood up. Being an athlete, he was pretty in tune with his body and he could tell something was off. He ignored the feeling and headed to his basement to get some weight lifting in before school.

He set the weights, almost as if on autopilot. He laid down and put his hands on the bench press bar. He pushed upward, before letting the bar and weights come down to his chest, but as he pushed the weights upward, he realized that he hadn't put enough weights. He placed the bar back on the rack and stood up, moving to see what he'd done wrong. Using his hands, he added up the weight, doing it two times to make sure he'd gotten the correct sum. 'That's the right weight... what's going on?!' He questioned, unsure of what to do next. Of course, after a few moments of thought, he realized that there was only one thing he could do, so he started adding more weight. Every 50 pounds, he'd stop and try it out. About 5 minutes later, Flash was doing a one handed bench press with all of the weights on the bar that they owned. Honestly, it wasn't even that difficult. His mother called from upstairs, reminding him he only had an hour till school started.

"Right, like I'm going to school... I've got super strength, who needs school?!" The boy mocked aloud as he headed upstairs, leaving the weights to be discovered by someone later. As the boy went about his morning routine, he thought about what kind of fun things he could instead of going to school. 'I could call Johnny and show off or I could go grab an ATM and rip all the cash out of it! Could rob a convenient store, get some beer. I can do almost anything!' But the jock finally settled on something a bit less illegal, he threw a grey hoodie and an old Halloween mask into his book bag, hiding his books under his bed and headed out the door.

Instead of heading left towards his school, he turned to the right, rushing off down the street. There were, of course, other kids heading towards school and Flash just ignored them as he went the wrong the direction. It's not like this was the first time Flash had skipped school. A few blocks up, he hopped on a bus and headed out of town a bit. He got off at a stop, and booked it up a couple more blocks. He arrived at a junkyard, a place with heavy stuff that no one would mind if Flash broke it. For the next four hours, while his friends and peers went through classes, Flash tested his strength with broken down cars and out-of-date refrigerators. He didn't even realize that it was lunch time as he squatted a Volkswagen Bus.
David Thomas Interation: PlusUltra PlusUltra
David couldn’t help but let a snicker come out.
Of course of course. Princess Fisk. I know your story everyone does. So why don’t we skip over the formalities. Your nails been bothering you? Been sick all weekend? A sort of scratch at the back of your head? Do these things sound familiar to you?
He knew it was a long shot, a very long shot, but perhaps the thing that was happening to him happened to her as well. Whatever it was hadn’t manifested yet. Little did he know that his bruises and cuts were slowly healing as he spoke. The pain subsiding as the healing kicked in.
David boldly took a seat opposite of
Princess. I may be a nerd, but I got a good feeling about this.
David placed his hands palm down on the table and tapped lightly; something he did when trying to think.
Princess Fisk
_Exodus_ _Exodus_ (Open)
Location: Secluded Hallway, Horizon High


Pushing the remains of the tray neatly and slowly to the side with the back of her hand without saying a word, the girl stands up to her full height while keeping passive expression for a moment. With a quick glance to the others at the table, she finally states bluntly to the table "For a change, I think I will handle this personally, it should not take long" her hand seeming to flash forward in a flowing motion, diverting course in an instant that surprises even her somewhat to latch onto the ear of the new boy and start to drag them away without ceremony nor request from the cafeteria. The snickering and calls from the table would fall away as she made her way to a more secluded area of the hallways and finally released, or at least she attempted to, her hand yanking the lobe several times before detaching and being brushed against her outfit.

"Now you are going to state precisely why you asked those questions, and then I a going to decide what to do next. Simply announcing such and setting down at a taken table is not something that is commonly overlooked so you had best ensure whatever comes out your mouth is both accurate and relevant" while not verbally confirming his queries it doesn't take much to realize they struck a chord, the words coming out as more of a command than anything else, folding her arms to bear down on him with her gaze awaiting a response. There was interest in her tone though also mixed with annoyance in her usual manner of speaking, the implied threat may or may not have been credited as it was unusual for the girl to get hands-on herself in general.
David Thomas Interation: PlusUltra PlusUltra
Makes a lot of sense once you think about it. Do you remember the field trip to the lab? Getting bit by a spider? That did much more than you know. It gave he the ability to heal if you haven’t noticed. You might want to be nice to me. If we’re going to get into a fight, it will be very destructive. What I’m saying is this; you got powers just like I did. Didn’t you?
David stood tall. Humiliation in front of others was an old friend. This time, he would let it slide because he had bigger matters to figure out. His hands clenched and unbeknownst to him, slowly heating up. The woman in front of him was tall indeed, but he managed to be almost
The same height looking her right in the eye. He wouldn’t back down. Hopefully if the powers he described were real, then he could protect himself from any harm.
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Princess Fisk
_Exodus_ _Exodus_ (Open)
Location: Secluded Hallway, Horizon High


The same expression and growing sensation, the slow vibration in the back of head increasing and flowing downwards towards the hands of the boy for a moment to notice the distortion in the air from them which combined with the implied threat told her more than enough with her mind starting to connect the dots. There were stories here and there of individuals with unique abilities that had started to become slightly more common in recent years, the sensations over the weekend was her body adapting to changes such as a fever is the swelling and heat from metabolic changes, nausea from digestive changes and more. The catalyst must have been a loose spider on the field trip, she should at least be grateful it hadn't just given her cancer but it would be important to look for detrimental changes none the less, perhaps just not as openly.

Now to the idiot in front of her, there had been a large number of individuals upon the field trip yet he approached her openly with such comments, tact like that made him a liability in general and perhaps any others whom such happened to, at least until she knew more. Sighing with a shake of her head, a bored expression covers her face "So you don't know anything of worth, I have no idea what you are blathering about in general..." taking a few steps out into an opposing corridor and glancing idly down for something seeing it clear and turning back to face him from the new position, casting a hand to the side"I may have had a slight queasiness and headache yes but spider bites had nothing to do with it, not that you would know of the variety of parties that take place in the school, furthermore I have all the power I need and some idle fantasy has nothing to do with that, If you are trying to threaten me you sadly came very under-equipped...but I will allow you leniency just this once for the sheer audacity and humor in such a concept. So do yourself a favor and cease embarrassing yourself further....as you have already confirmed why the class states what it does in grand abundance. Should you continue with false prattle and claim anything regarding me however actions will be taken in consequence." absently dismissing him in general as she turns to keep walking now with far more interesting things upon her mind.
David Thomas - Hallway - Interaction:@PlusUltra
Listen here, “David’s tempest was being ignited by this, “If I know one thing. I am never wrong. So why don’t you hop off your high horse and come play with the people, real people.”
Max lifted a finger to point at her. The heat reached a breaking point, escaping through his finger, singing the hallway in front of him in a light show that lasted but a few seconds. A trail of burning hallway sat in front of him as there was a line reaching from the floor to the ceiling.
A bit surprised by the sudden powers manifesting, David kept his straight face.
I am not done with you yet. You want to walk away. Go ahead. Know that I know the truth you’re hiding from yourself and others.
David let his temper cool as he stood up to the lady.
Isabella Rodriguez

Isabella stopped pulling on the milk carton with her left hand and used then used that hand to place the cup under the milk carton. She picked the solvent container and was about to ask MJ for help in using the solvent when the milk carton just randomly fell out of her right hand. She looks down at the milk carton seeing no signs of any adhesive having been used and then looks at her now empty hand and sees nothing weird on it. Confused she pokes her right hand with her left index finger after putting down the solvent container to see if it gets stuck, but lucky it doesn't. She noticed that sticky feeling in her hand was gone, but that doesn't explain why the milk got stuck her hand then random got unstuck.

She notices that Petra has returned to the table. "So do have any idea what happened with that milk carton? I know I picked it up a couple of times before it got stuck to my hand and usually things don't randomly stop sticking to something on their own after such a short amount of time". She begins to wonder if it's connected to all the other weird things that have been happening to her since she woke this morning, but that's impossible right??

Kaztastrophe Kaztastrophe
Princess Fisk
_Exodus_ _Exodus_ Ilikepie Ilikepie Kaztastrophe Kaztastrophe Darklord95 Darklord95 (Open)
Location: Open Hallway, Horizon High


The vibration intensified and before the girl knew it the hallway she had selected burst into light right after she had sidestepped into a storeroom doorway, the heavens seemingly opening as the school's fire sprinklers went off soaking the environment as we a sharp ringing echoing through the halls though fortunately by either planning or just luck the girl was spared the water in her new position the closet far too small to consider such measures. The moment the boy had raised his thinger his own senses were likely going haywire at the action and the danger posed, yet following through with it the reason was soon about to become clearer as the water was the least of his worries.

Her mouth was moving over the noise allowing the boy to make out the words, while internally the display had given quite a bit of shock she would not show such externally less their hand become weaker "I think I won't, you have yet to say anything of real worth, the real people can't hear you down there, and regardless of if you have finished or not I have...a sentiment I'm sure you will hear again in the future if you find such pity. You know nothing other than wild speculations and whatever it is you just did?" raising a brow before gesturing down the hall to the item she had been looking to earlier, a soft red blinking of the schools CCTV system was visible through the water streams "Just created a new kind of stupid, a open all the cages in the zoo kind of stupid, a damage you may now not be able to undo...kind of stupid. So please for once in this entire interaction do the smart thing...the light show was interesting, to say the least, so I may decide to keep this outburst to myself. The School on the other hand? well, there may be some very interested in that little outburst unless dealt with or covered up...something those with real power can do. So now we see the consequences, what are you going to do now?". Her voice showed no hint of worry, only confidence as she stood there as if she held all the cards in a game he didn't even know he was playing, her eyes set on him in her regal, calm and refined stance despite the chaos around her, this was likely why she gained the nickname "The Princess" with a look that could cause even the teachers to hesitate when bringing it to bare as she was right now. The sensation of danger was still going off and it was no telling how much more it could increase depending on his next action.

Within the Cafeteria, all the other spider enhanced youths likely got a similar sensation though far less intense, the water system turning on a few moments after causing frustrated yells, annoyance, complaints and those in their seats to quickly leave them in hopes of getting somewhere dry and/or the fire assembly point of the building.
David Thomas - Closet Interaction: PlusUltra PlusUltra
David was about to say some snarky comment. With the sprinkles going off and being shoved into a closet, it was an interesting thing that just happened. He would have to further investigate this later. Right now he had a woman to deal with and those were never simple problems.
I was wrong,“ Three words David thought he would never say to anyone.
Be on your way then; I have no use for you.
David pulled out his note pad and began to write down all the had happened leading up to the incident. He would have to explore this later when he was in the lab.
Flash quickly discovered that a single car was pretty easy to pick up, even one handed. Of course, the problem was finding a place on the car that didn't fall off due to the car's own weight. Without realizing it, Flash used his now-superhuman balance to lift two stacked cars upwards without the stack falling over. Even after setting four cars atop each other, he was strong enough to lift them up and had the equilibrium to maintain the stack. It was as he lowered the four cars back down that he experienced a tingle at the base of his skull. Despite his first encounter, he instinctively knew what that it meant danger, but he wasn't sure where or to what severity.

"Hey, what are you doing over there?" a voice came from behind Flash. Without a second thought, he dropped the cars causing them to wobble before falling over. The freshman bolted away from the voice, going deeper into the junkyard. The man who'd called out to him was far enough away that the toppling cars were, luckily, not going to fall on him, but he gave chase anyways. He wasn't trying to catch the boy, he wanted his autograph. Whoever he was chasing could squat four cars, he had to be some sort of superhero. This would be a story he'd tell for years. Of course, the super-freshman was much too fast to be caught by a normal, slightly-overweight human being, so Flash scaled one of the walls at the back of the junkyard and stopped about a quarter mile away, hiding behind the corner of a building.

"Wow, I think I might be faster than before too," Flash said aloud to himself, as he gave himself time to catch his breath. He didn't even realize that he wasn't breathing hard. It was then that he realized there were alarms going off inside the building that he was standing next to. He was about to bolt again when he heard some voices around the corner.

"Where we going?"

"Horizon High."

Flash heard the name of his school and peaked his head around the corner, realizing that he was standing next to a fire station. He watched as the firefighters got in the truck, started the sirens and then peeled out of there in a hurry. He was curious about what was going on at his school to cause a fire truck to rush over there. Once again interested in testing himself, Flash decided to race the firetruck and ambulance to school, but he didn't want people to know he had super powers, so he quickly swapped his jacket for his hoodie and mask. He then ran after the truck.

With sure feet, Flash stepped off the sidewalk and ran as quickly as the cars next to him. He even gave a slight wave to a child as he rushed past its car. Some people swerved as he went pass them, others honked. He just enjoyed all of it and quickly caught up to the firetruck which slowed heavily at each intersection to ensure no accidents occurred. As they came to one, Flash ran just inches beside the firetruck as it slowed, its sirens telling people to stop so that the truck could go on through. Flash moved right past the truck before once again feeling that tingle in his skull, however, this time it was much more harsh. Instinctively, Flash jumped, his feet pushing off the asphalt, leaving slight impressions and cracks behind as the car that had been hurtling down the freshman zoomed right underneath him. Flash looked downward, seeing the car's red hood where he'd moments ago been. He looked back towards where he was going as he realized that he was still going upward.

Without any means of avoiding it, Flash's knees crashed into the cable which held the traffic signal. As the wire altered his trajectory, Flash thought it was oddly similar to being tackled in football. His bottom half slowed and his top half kept going forward. But this time, as he began going forward, he instinctively leaned forward, causing his lower body to continue over his head. His forward rotation seemed almost perfect, as if he'd somehow planned the whole maneuver and his feet lightly touched the asphalt once again, about 25 feet beyond the traffic signal. Unfortunately, another car was heading right towards him as he'd accidentally landed in oncoming traffic. Whipping out one of his old football moves, Flash spun to his right and never slowed down.

He used a fire escape to get a better vantage point of the school, seeing tons of students rushing outside, most of them wet. He watched as the slow firetruck pulled in, the fire fighters getting out to take charge of the situation. The freshman quarterback wondered what was going on in there, but couldn't make any solid conclusions from where he stood.
After the fire alarm went off the school was evacuated. When the fire department couldn't discover any signs of fire, Principal Modell dismissed classes until whatever the problem was could be fixed.

Petra & MJ were both soaked to the bone. They went home to change then they went out into the city. Petra went to the public library to study. MJ went with her for a while to but she eventually had to leave for her after school job.

Norman Osborn who provides a good chunk of donations to Horizon High was not happy one little bit. He went to Modell to demand answers. While Norman was reading Modell the riot act a security guard came in after reviewing the security tapes for the hallway that set off the fire alarm and blurted out there was a mutant in the school. Norman was even more pissed at that. He withdrew Harry from the school and cancelled all plans for future donations.

After Petra left the library to head home some punk nearly ran into her going the same direction as her. Some guy yelled for her to stop him. Petra didn't even try. She was planning on stopping by Aunt May's floral shop, but there was a big crowd outside it. When she got closer she realized the crowd was there gawking because someone killed May. Ben was in the back when it happened he came out just after it happened. He was talking to a cop when he saw Petra, he ran to Petra and they just held each other. Petra wouldn't leave his side, she was barely aware of anything around her until they got home. Ben did his best to hold it together while he was Petra but once home and Petra was in her room he broke down. Petra wanted vengeance. She downloaded a police scanner app and found the killer was in a standoff with the cops by the docks.

She snuck in through the back and confronted him. She caught him by surprise and knocked him unconscious. When she finally noticed his face she recoiled in disgust & shame. "I could have stopped him, I could have prevented May's death." She left the warehouse vowing to do better, to be better.
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Jacks' foster mom was an over-night cop, she let him use a spare police radio she had to listen to whenever he wanted, they were talking about this thief turned murderer being found unconscious after a standoff at the docks. That's when he realized he still had his gloves on, he pulled his gloves off easily, then he slowly put a finger on a piece of paper on his desk, and nothing happened. "Huh, ok, weird." 'What's going on' he thought 'nothing like this ever happened until that stupid field trip' he then had a realization 'wait, Oscorp!' He went to get on his computer to do some research, but the second he touched it, his vision changed, suddenly he could see every game, file, and website saved on his computer right in front of him, he freaked out and let go of the computer, and suddenly he was back in his room. 'What the crap just happened!' he moved back to his computer and slowly touched it again, and he was back in that world, 'Ho-ly-crap.' He discovered that he couldn't just see what was on his computer, if he concentrated, he could see his neighbors' computer, the dash cams in the cars outside, the algorithms the traffic lights used, it was almost like he was connecting them to him. He didn't know what was going on, but then he heard something on the police radio, he let go of his computer and listened. It was just as he feared, his mom and 4 other officers had been killed by members of a gang calling themselves 'The Goblins'.
Princess Fisk "Golden Recluse"
Location: Skyline, New York


Closing the door after saying her piece Princess leans back against the door to tap away at her phone for several moments to give the boy the time needed to flee from his mistakes and for her to replay the events in her mind to try and grow towards certain conclusions. Her movements were almost effortless, the moment she had chosen to step away, the hallway chose and even the location she found herself in now were all chosen with practically no thought but fell into perfect line for her goal, a string of luck that was far too much to be a simple coincidence...the scene plays out once more from memory and the vibrations stood out as drawing her towards those directions, guiding her not only away from a potential threat but also to the best possible outcome. This may play into the spider rambling the moron had been going on about...something she would need time to study herself, while potentially useful he had proven her thoughts of a liability correct, far too ego-centric, temperamental and the most crucial flaw, not half as clever as they think they are.

Plucking up a large tarp from the closet she exits out at a casual pace before throwing the drenched sheet to the side of the door to emerge dry amongst the soak student body, to review the chaos she may have been partially responsible for but as her father had mentioned such was also the breeding ground for opportunities, and one such opportunity was slowly coming to mind, and later that day with the announcement of the pulled funding a second rose its head as well. The first thing she needed to do was understand precisely how she had changed and for that, a secure yet discrete location would be needed, a simple task for her resources and she can link in the second idea as well while acquiring it, making use of the car ride back home to set the groundwork.

The departure of Oscorps support at the school left a vacuum, for a short while at least with a few idle comments towards her father over dinner soon changing that with Fisk Industries investments into a new venture allowed for an expansion of influence within the city as well as a publicity blow against a rival, the spun change with enough finesse to likely worsen Osborns mood even further while also somewhat negating the point he had been intending to make in the first place. Somewhat unfair? perhaps but a positive change with all parties benefitting, it was simply good business in the end though she did wonder how much her father knew regarding her bringing it up, he had seemed quite prepared for such but it was difficult to tell if that was from the quality of his people or from a preplanned idea suddenly moved ahead at the opportunity.

This also served as a slight distraction, however, ensuring an extra meeting or two to iron out the details for her father while leaving only whatever watcher she had assigned to deal with, which was quite the simple task, she simply needed to state she required a few select yet hard to procure items and watch them run to the tuneless they upset their bosses daughter. Now with time to openly experiment she could begin and enter into a further world of possibilities as just what had changed become more and more apparent beyond what she could have possibly imagined, now all that remained is to figure out what to do to the world of opportunities this twist of fate had granted her. The first thing she had decided was amenity was paramount, a way to separate her actions from both her father and his company's reputation, both to prevent damage and to ensure she had the freedom to act rather than need a watcher. For this the answer was elementary, a costume...after all there had been stories of other unusual individuals and it served not only to conceal an identity but also draw attention, show off and cement an alternate persona alongside the obvious functional benefits of the designs chosen. The initial material choice was given to her during the prior training, the web-like emissions proving that while soft like silk to be also incredibly durable, the strange attraction powers as well ensuring it would remain secure if fitting tightly, a minor issue to turn into an advantage. The material would be good, but she could do better, mixing in several dye packets with metals allowed for them to weave something both eye-catching and functional, to the point the longest task in the entire process had been the several day's research with a sketchpad and fashion magazines.

She now had the tools for as much freedom as she wanted but the question still did remain what to do with it, she could secure something from a museum but that would be pointless...Afterall there was nothing there that could not simply be purchased with a flutter of her eyes, and what she really wanted was a few thrills, something to get attention while she figured out another step. The entire thought process at the moment, however, had been taking place entirely inverted at the side of the building, she had practiced these abilities so she may as well start off by acquiring a live test, so releasing her grip and beginning her descent she plans to do just that.
David Thomas - Running away
David sighed. How could he have been wrong. Unless this power of his wasn’t based on finding people like him. Frustrated beyond belief, David took the chance to escape the school. While he had missed classes, he was pretty sure that wasn’t the main to do on his list.

One place came into mind as he ran from the school. An old friend who would be able
To figure out what was happening to him. Making his way through town, David looked up at the large industrial building his friend worked at. Only one way to get in. People bustled you and from within the lab of a building. No one took much notice in the boy who entered and made his way to the elevator. 27th floor, David repeated to himself. A ding alerted him to the opening of the elevator on the desired floor.

David walked in and immediately the ice was there again telling him to duck. Following its words, a small gas bomb flew over his head and into the elevator.
Watch out!” David shouted, though it didn’t mean much since he was already clear.
Only testing my new gas grenade. It is suppose to subdue any person regardless of size within minutes,” A man called out form behind a series of lab equipment.
It’s good to see you again David.”
It’s good to see you too, Doctor Connors.”
Please, call me Curt. What brings you to
My lab?

Well Doc you might want to sit down for this.
David began to recount his story of all that had happened since the lab, including the show of powers.
Interesting. I believe if what you say is true, you are gaining powers that similar to a spider. This could be revolutionary!” Curt took a sample of blood and began to examine it.
“Have you told anyone
No one, but this girl in my class.”
Curt gave a concerned look, but disregarded it.
That may prove fatal, but for now you need to not tell anyone or the government will surely make you a weapon.
For the next few hours, they began to test David limits as to what he could do. At the end of e day, they had a general idea of what the man could do.​

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