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Realistic or Modern Darkwood High-School (Open)

Albert couldn't help thinking about that clearing, knowing he'd most likely break curfew to see it again he decided not to tell Jaime in case the other tried to stop him, his eyebrows furrowed for a moment before he stopped at the top of the stairs and looked around, feeling a little lost. He turned to ask Jaime where to go but found that the other was looking back, as if to check if they were followed and so Albert crossed his arms and waited for the attention of his room mate before speaking up, "Is anyone even here? They might be in the common rooms of the dorms... I mean if no one is here we can wander around the school right?"

Jaime jumped slightly, quickly walking up the last couple of stairs. “Yeah, we can if you want.” He smiled “You might be right about the common room thing, which made this entire journey entirely pointless,” Jaime internally groaned at this realisation, “So we have the rest of the school to ourselves, it seems. Where you like to see first?” He asked, leaning on the wall at the top of the stairs. “Sorry about before, I was checking that the forest thing didn’t follow us. We don’t know anything about it, so I wanted to makes sure.”

Shadow scanned the room for a moment. "I guess everyone is wandering the school or something." Shadow sat down in one of the chairs and smirked to himself. "While we wait you can meet Shade." Then suddenly Shadow transformed into Shade, who seemed slightly surprised. "Shadow..." She grumbled under her breath. Because Shade never liked to be out in the first place Shadow would sometimes do this against her will. She glanced at Achan. "....Hi...."

"Hopefully someone else will be there so that we aren't just sitting there by ourselves." Robin giggled to herself. She also hoped no one would upset her as well, as she knew that her other form coming out wouldn't be the best first impression.
"I'm really glad you're the person they chose me to room with." Albert spoke kindly but seriously before he turned to look around, his gaze moving over everything he could see before he spun on his heel and started to walk down the hall way with a bounce in his step, "You should feel safe since I'm here to protect you from things that go bump in the night. Like me." An imitation of an evil laugh rises from the young vampires lips and he sends a playful wink in Jaimes direction before opening random doors to peer inside.

“Yeah, that would be awkward.” Agathe laughed, excited to meet new people. “I hope they’re nice.” She thought out loud as they walked towards the common room.


Jaime laughed quietly as he followed Albert, allowing him to do what he wanted. It was nice to have a friend, not something he’d had much where he used to live. He allowed himself to relax, sure that whatever creature had followed them in the forest was not following them now. A couple of the rooms he recognised from his timetable, and he memorised where they were so he knew for the next day. He wasn’t sure whether Albert would have the same classes as him, but if he did it would be helpful to remember that they didn’t have to travel through the forest. When Al winked at him he winked back, grinning. “I’m glad you’re here to protect me, and I’m here to protect you as well.” He replied.
While Albert did enjoy this time spent with Jaime he wasn't exactly sure how he was going to deal with this year, it was either going to be the best year or worst year. And either way he was going to be spending it all with the kind young man who had promised to protect him. Albert couldn't help but get a little red in the face and he lifted his hands to cover his cheeks before he opened another door and stepped inside the room before realizing it was the student common room, he took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around his stomach before he found himself crouching and taking deep breaths, the sudden thoughts exploding in his head making him feel overwhelmed and he hoped that Jaime wouldn't look inside before he could compose himself. His eyes closed as he focused on not screwing up his reputation or new friendship.

Jaime waited for a few moments for Albert, before stepping inside to check that the other was alright. When he saw Albert he knelt down, his face showing pure worry, with a hint of fear for his new friend. “Al, are you alright?” He asked frantically. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” He was consumed with anxiety for his new friend, but he had to remind himself that he couldn’t panic, that Al needed help. He jumped up and looked around for a first aid kit, finally seeing one in the corner of the room. He grabbed it just in case, but realised that this didn’t seem like a normal injury that you can bandage up. It looked more like a panic attack, or something mental. He strained his mind back to the stuff the doctor had told them to do for his younger sister, who suffered from panic attacks. Calm him down, that was what the doctor had said. So much for being obvious. He crouched down next to his friend, and started murmuring quietly “It’s ok Al. There’s nothing to hurt you here.”

Trying to focus on his friends voice, Albert took deep steady breaths, surprised at how he could go from being happy and exploring one moment to straight back in the woods in another. He opened his eyes to look at Jaime, his lips parted before he spoke, "I'm sorry." He could feel himself slipping deeper, hating that Jaime had seen him like this before he reached out as if to grab his arm but pulling his hand back just before he was able to, shaking his head he spoke again, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.." He winced at his own voice, "I was so nervous... I didn't sleep... And then that thing," he closed his eyes again, still being able to recall the tightness in his chest from the last few moments in the woods, "I'll be fine."

Shade looked over and saw Jaime and Albert enter the common room, but noticed Albert was freaking out a little. She didn't get up though, and only shrunk into her chair more.

"I'm sure they will be." Robin closed the door after they left the room and walked towards the common room.
Agathe skipped along happily, examining the halls as she went. The school was incredible to her, and she felt privileged to be able to attend.


Jaime wrapped his arms around Albert, rubbing his back to calm him down. “There’s no need to apologise, you’ve done nothing.” He said soothingly, his fear being drained away and instead he was completely focused on making sure his friend was alright. He looked around quickly, seeing that a few people were already in the room, but ignored them and instead focused of Albert, wondering he thought it was his fault. He hated whoever told him so, but that was a topic for later. Now Al needed help, and Jaime was intent on helping him calm down. He remembered his sister being like this all those years ago, and felt the need to protect his new friend, especially from the thing. It was clearly dangerous to go into the woods, so he would stay away for now, and make sure that Al did as well.

when Jaimes arms wrapped around him, Albert froze up before he took a deep breath and relaxed a bit, not wanting to draw too much attention from the others he shook his head and let out the deep breath, turning his head to hide his face, extremely embarrassed at his actions as he calmed a bit more and he mumbled only just loud enough for Jaime to hear "I'm not weak I promise." And he shivered a bit before he pulled back from the safe feeling of arms around him and he tried to smile. "I'm sorry that you had to see that, I honestly was trying to hol it in for as long as possible.."

Jaime released him, allowing himself to breathe out a sigh of relief. “You don’t need to be sorry. You don’t need to hold it in either. And you most certainly aren’t weak just because of this, nor am I going to think so. So don’t worry. I’m just glad you’re ok now, and that I know so I can help you deal with it in a way that isn’t destructive.” He remembered that from the doctor as well. Holding it in is worse. Jaime stared Albert in the eye, making sure he could hear him. “You don’t need to hold this in. I’ll help you get through it, I promise. What kind of friend calls you anything horrible after that? You are the strongest person I know, and don’t forget that.” He didn’t care if the others were watching, hell, he didn’t care if the whole bloody school heard, he just knew that Albert needed to hear this.

Achan looked with suprise at the ease with which Shadow switched to Shade, and then at the two other that entered the common room quickly after Achan and Shadow got there. Achan saw the emotional state that they were in and, with a curious thought to what caused it, decided it best not to bother the two. Emotions never were, and never would be the nephilim's strong suite.

Instead he turned to Shade, the girl had curled in tight on the chair, and she seemed unhappy with the swap. I wonder why, after all, why knowingly cause someone else, especially someone so close to you, pain? Achan filed the actions of Shadow away, and decided to think about their ramifications later. Now he looked back at Shade, ignoring the conversation in the background. "Hi, I'm Achan, I met Shadow already, but I haven't had the honour of meeting you yet." Achan extended his hand, hoping the peaceful offer would calm Shade down some.

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Albert stayed frozen as Jaime spoke, hearing his words loud and clear but it took a few moments for them to click, and when they did he practically launched himself forward, arms outstretched to wrap tightly and protectively around this compassionate person, his eyes squeezing tightly shut as he hugged the shapeshifter tight enough to cause discomfort. He was practically back to normal, but the shifting of someone else in the room made him jump away from Jaime, cutting the physical contact short once more that day. He didn't want to give off the wrong impression and sure as the sun shines he didn't want to burden Jaime with watching after him, his voice was hesitant as he simply responded, "You're my room mate, not my babysitter. I really appreciate all the kind words but I'm afraid depending on you like that could leave me in bad shape if something ever happened. I wanna be your friend, not your luggage." He almost immediately regretted saying it but didn't back down, his eyes never met the gaze of Jaimes, in fact he seemed to take great interest in his shoe.

Shade glanced around at everyone in the room before quickly shaking Achan's hand, or what you could barely call a handshake. She then drew her arm back close to her. She knew she would have to get along with Achan as he was her roommate, but she didn't know how to feel about anyone else. Because they both shared the same body she guessed this was the only way Shadow could mess with her.

Robin walked into the common room with Agathe and saw most of the other students there already. "Great, most of them are here." She glanced back at Agathe. "Good thing we don't have to wait around."
Agathe smiled at all the people in the room, ignoring the two boys on the floor. She then turned to Robin, smiling “Yeah, that is really good.” She addressed the rest of the group. “Hi, I’m Agathe!” She waved happily at everyone, grinning.

@pythor229 @everyone

Jaime nodded, visibly deflated. “Ok, if that’s what you want...” He said, looking away. He was glad that they could be friends, and he was still flushed from the sudden hug. Still, he was upset that Albert didn’t seem to trust him. Jaime shook his head slightly. “No, he was being selfish. He shouldn’t make Albert feel guilty about not trusting him, that would only serve to worsen the problem at hand. Instead he stood up holding a hand out to Albert. “Do you want to find somewhere to calm down?” He asked quietly.

Shade did a barely noticeable wave towards Agathe, then looked away. She could just walk back towards her dorm room, but then everyone would think she was weird, and Shadow would probably scold her. So she remained in her seat, even if she didn't really want to.

Robin walked over to the couch and sat down, patting the empty spot next to her. "Sit next to me Agathe. Then we can chat with everyone."
Not taking any notice of anyone else, Albert took Jaimes hand to stand up and let go after a moment before giving a short nod and stepping out of the room, not bothering to look at anyone who may have been sitting in there, his hands pushing as deep into his pockets as they could go before he looked both ways down the hall, checking for someone or something, sighing softly in relief when there was nothing to be found. "Do you think the cafeteria is open?" still feeling ashamed he tried not to look directly at Jaime, glad that his room mate was safe but upset that he had witnessed that.

“Ok!” Agathe sat down next to Robin, looking at everyone curiously and trying to work out their personalities. Many of them seemed nice, except for one girl in the corner who looked as though she would rather be anywhere else.

Jaime nodded. “Most likely. The headmaster probably wants to let us do what we want today. Would you like to head over there?” He smiled slightly, but he was still worried about Albert. His friend still seemed unhappy, and that made Jaime unhappy as well. “Look, don’t worry about what happened before.” He said quietly, so that Al could barely hear it. “It wasn’t your fault.” Jaime truly didn’t think it was Albert’s fault, and wanted to make sure he knew that.

Robin looked curiously at Achan before beaming a bright smile. "Hello, my name is Robin, and this girl right next to me is Agathe, my roommate." She noticed the other two boys left but decided not to say anything about it.
He nodded before finally lifting his gaze to Jaime's, his fingers curled against his palms in his pockets before he listened intently and shrugged before looking away quickly, getting a little flustered near the end of his words and he spoke up immediately, almost cutting Jaime off. "A lot of my apologizing was because you had to comfort and at one point deal with me hugging you... I don't feel like I'm allowed to have that comfort and I'm sorry." swallowing roughly he cleared his throat before he began walking towards the cafeteria, keeping his gaze strictly ahead, "I'm thirsty."

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Achan smiled up at Robin, as, like he was starting to get used to, the girl was quite a bit taller than him, luckily the other girls, Agathe was shorter than him. He extended his hand for a handshake with them. "My name's Achan, and this here is Shade, but I think she'd prefer it if we don't bother her." He smiled softly at Shade, noticing how overwhelmed she looked. It was surprising to him quite how different Shadow and Shade really were.

@pythor229 @FictionalReality
Shade stood up from the chair, looking towards the exit of the common room. "I'm....I'm going to my room..." She said in a quiet voice before walking out of the common room. She didn't need to care about what others thought of her. When she got to her room she sat down on her bed, crossed her legs and began reading one of her many books that she owned.

Robin watched Shade leave, feeling a little sad. "Yea, I know Shadow and Shade, this isn't our first time here. She still isn't even comfortable with me, so that just shows you how bad her trust issues are..."
Achan looked at Shade's back before turning back to Robin. "Everyone has issues, and having someone else in your head at all times must make it harder to trust outsiders." He pitied Shade, slightly. From how Shadow was behaving he mustn't be the easiest to live with at all times, let alone for such an introverted girl.

"Yea, Shadow isn't the easiest to deal with. He treats Shade like a sister but is kind of weird towards other girls..." Robin trailed off, remembering a time when she got to her limit and changed into her other form, after that Shadow treated her normally. Probably because he was a little scared of her other form. "But you being her roommate will help her a lot. Your calm personality will do better for her then some hyper party person being her roommate."

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