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Fandom Darkon's Dueling Academy

"I'm a lore major too, so let's head over there. Aouli." She turned to her twin, fixing him with a solid look that said all she wanted it to. At his nervous nod she let the serious expression on her face fall, moving into her usual smile, and waving Agnes over to her. "We've got Professor Tsukino, so down the hall and to the right. Music, huh? I want to be a lore writer myself, making stories of the possible pasts of Duel Monsters." And she started walking down the hall, moving slow enough that her (hopefully) new friend could catch up. "What do you want to do with the music?"

Aouli for his part shrugged, turned around, and walked down the other hall for the Holographic Engineering part of school, casting one last longing look at the holo-table before moving on. His sister had given him the get-right-to-work-and-then-come-to-me look, which consisted of a cold glare and serious, calm eyes, with one eyebrow raised and the smallest of frowns held until he acknowledged her. So he'd better be at the dorm first, he knew... which meant going in, taking the papers, and leaving as fast as possible.
"Oh, I was thinking battle music and theme songs...." Agnes said shyly, smiling at Tsukiko. "I play my violin, but I can play pretty much any instrument. I've actually composed some music with just myself playing various instruments..." She blushed again, nervously shifting her violin case to her other hand.

"And just imagine how wonderful a duel would be with proper musical accompaniment!" Agnes was starting to warm up to her topic, and began her usual rant along with waving of her case. "If someone played a rare card, like Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon, then the theme song would play out and everyone would know exactly what that card is!" She gushed out, her normal shyness gone.
"Oh, that sounds cool! Hey, maybe our professor will let you turn in music for your assignments! I've got mostly lore classes, and a few GE ones. So maybe we'll be in the same schedules?" She continued the conversation eyes lighting up in happiness and excitement as per par. After all, if she didn't get excited when someone was beign novel she'd be going through a phase of abnormal sadness or something.... that wasn't at all proper psychological techno-babble. She'd have to work on that.

On the other hand.... COOL! Music, she could work with that. Maybe make a whole lyrical based thing.... oooh, if there were monsters based on music.... ah, but were there? She was still new to the cards, after all, and not at all used to them. (Still, if she could get a deck like that working... one where there were a lot of musical cards... then she might be able to make a story about a tribe! Or or... no, that wouldn't work.)
Agnes smiled at Tsukiko, feeling rather proud that she had managed to make a friend so quickly. With her shyness and distrust, it was hard for her to really talk with people. But this girl just seemed so... Bubbly! It was hard not to talk with her. Sighing with a smile, Agnes just basked in the sense of having a friend.

After getting her paperwork and filling it out, meeting the Lore professor (another bubbly one), she decided to head to her dorm. Getting there (after some confusion with the boy dorms) she quickly settled down. It was better then any of the foster homes she had been in. With another smile, Agnes laid down in bed and decided to take a rest. Maybe this school wouldn't be as bad as the others.
Dr Tsukino

Uta had stood in her class, waiting... and got only two students. Why was everyone so against lore? It was an amazing subject, and so connected with Creativity! She rolled her eyes, handed out papers, and explained in her usual animated state that this section would practically be the hub of future projects in Duel Monsters, so long as it wasn't connected to the game! She went on like this for a while, but eventually calmed down enough to answer any questions they had. And then sent them to the dorms while she shrugged, went to her own apartment, as she'd nothing left to do for the day, and proceeded to type on her computer.


Tsukiko had enjoyed talking with Agnes. She was a bit shy, but that wasn't anything compared to Aouli's typical inability to keep focused on anything other than his enjoyment of mechanics, engineering, and coding. If it was connected to inventions... she shook that thought from her head. At the end of the orientation done by their professor she waved by to Agnes, heading to her own dorm. There was a spring in her step, until she found her brother... who was reading YET ANOTHER book on machines. She promptly confiscated it for the rest of the night. It was nice being the older sibling.
Dr. Palakiko

It was her first day as a professor at Darkon's, and she was so excited about it she didn't even sleep much if any, the night before. She was in her apartment getting her things together, eggs sizzling, toast toasting, tv on SportsCenter (her guilty pleasure) music blaring -Jazz of course- And her scrambling around trying to get herself together. It wouldn't be long before her mother called, and her phone began to ring it's little bitty head off in what seemed like long loud annoying...rings.

It could have been two things. One, her mother was calling to check up on how the twins were doing, or two, she was calling to cuss her out in Hawaiian about not having a husband. She was 34 afterall. The only reasons the Kids got the mother's name was to keep the Resort in the Family, but that's neither here nor there.

She took a chance and picked the phone up to the immediate sounds of her mother cursing her out. But it wasn't in Hawaiian, it was in a mixture of Japanese, Hawaiian, English,"OH MY GOD MOM." Lelilani started off before taking a huff,"The twins are fine, I have to go to work, no husband blah blah love you byeee.." and she hung it up.

With a deep breath, she sniffed the air smelling a burned smell before she ran slid in front of her eggs. She threw them in the sink and blinked a few time as a storm of fire shot up. It almost burned her, but she was far enough away that she just picked up her bag and walked to her first class, not even sotpping in her office. Life was too much for her at the time.....
The new morning, Wednesday, he having to take German. 6 Am, would be his alarm, as he'd go too use the facilities. This room was unfamiliar, very unfamiliar too him still. He'd missed his reclusive room in his parents house, & this one was more...alone. He could always hear his parents downstairs laughing to some comedy show of sorts, though this was a feeling he wasn't really acquainted too, not ever having to be alone truly, over a prolonged period of time. For this reason, it was why he'd chose an early morning class, too see someone, any familiar face for an extended period of time.

I simple shower, simple combing, simple brushing, with other various things one would do in the morning, the last would be a delicacy for him. Too read books. Books of the Arcane, of the Occult Arts, of the Tarot. Either way, he'd love reading about the explainable, the unnatural, even whilst heading to the schools Cafeteria to get something too eat. It'd be easy to walk & read, as just little to no one was awake at this time, mostly all choosing afternoon times. He'd appreciate the gradual sky becoming brighter, as the clouds break apart to show the blue.
Agnes was awake the moment the clock struck six, her instincts telling her to wake up wake up now fast quick OR ELSE-

She rolled out of bed, taking deep gasping breaths as she struggled to calm down. She no longer was in an orphanage, where no cared about the children and the "caretakers" could do what they wanted. Wiping a hand over her forehead, she knew she wasn't going back to sleep this morning... So she got up.

All her daily functions done (shower, teeth brushing, hair brushing, etc, etc), she carefully donned her uniform and collected a few notebooks and her violin case. That would be everything she needed for class, really (the pen being held behind her ear). Tiptoeing out of her dorm room to avoid waking anyone else, she headed outside to breathe in the crisp fresh morning air and laid down her items, opening up her case and taking out her most prized possession - her violin. Then, slowly, she began to play.



Wednesday morning. The twins were hyperactive, getting dressed, grabbing their decks, and moving out the door quickly. Very quickly. Aouli, as always, payed little attention to his appearance aside from wearing his uniform and brushing his hair, and he had all of his stuff save his laptop in his backpack. Tsukiko, of course, had a book in her hand and had brushed her hair until there wasn't a single kink in it. They rushed, and planned on arriving an hour early.

It was their sister's class, after all, and though they hadn't heard from their parents... it really wasn't said parent's fault. They hadn't called the night before, too tired from trying to memorize their decks and cards effects. The limited skills of Tsukino's made that relatively easy, but Aouli had only gotten through a few of them, as he tried to link them together, rather than just reading through them a few times.... and then he'd noticed an assignment from Dr. Armia... and they'd lay forgotten on his lap until he remembered them. They arrived at the room, out of breath from running, and caught said breath before they opened the door... and said in unison "Good morning."
He'd heard an early morning tune, past the birds usual speaking during these hours. A tuned violin, playing what his brain categorized as a sad song. He'd had classes, but wasn't particularly late, only taking a few minutes to get ready, leaving him time to listen to at least one song. He'd wander over too the music, just letting his ears guide him, his eyes still never leaving the book. Once he'd found himself sitting near a grass & stone incline, liking the spot, along with the music.

She'd be sitting above him on the incline if anyone looked. He'd just be sitting, casually looking to his wrist for the time every so often, so as too not be late, then also giving one very quick glance too Agnes, just to match a sound with a face. Not her voice, but the music behind it. This was more relaxing, maybe, or saddening because of the song. Still, it was something to listen too, to make him feel not very alone at the moment. Something Beautiful.
Akio had never managed to find his room and had ended up falling asleep under a tree in the grass in one of the more isolated parts of the school. He was still and peaceful, he had actually woken up 20 minutes ago but he had no reason to move yet, enjoying the silence. When he hadent moved a few curious animals had been exploring him threw out the night and and day.

Two squirrels chatter above his head on the tree and a stray cat that had stopped by halfway threw the night was curled on his chest. While to some he would seem to be asleep to those who were observant would see the irregularity in his breathing as he thought about different things tiredly.
She ended on one long drawn out note, releasing a sigh as all of a sudden she sagged down now that the music was no longer buoying her up. She carefully packed away her violin, hands still trembling from the release of emotion that she had poured into her music. Music was her soul.

Shakily she stood up, collecting her notebooks and picking up her case. It was only when she turned around did she notice that someone was there, and had been listening to her. "Eep!" She squeaked and dropped her case in surprise. Hastily stooping down to pick it up again, She managed a small smile of greetings before rushing off. She didn't want to be late to class on her first day!
Dr. Palakiko had realized in her rush to get off the phone, she had actually gotten to school a bit earlier, an hour or so. Which is actualyl when she planned to get there, so, IT ALL WORKED OUT. She smiled as she clicked her way down the hall, before her ears twitched,"That..those...are they?" she blinked and thought for a second,"Oh no no no..!!"

She sighed a bit depressingly, "I need more coffee." She placed a finger on her lip and thought for a moment,"Oh yeah right..the Twins." She looked over to the classroom, and peeked her head in to see her two little siblings,"Hey...brats..HI! Also, Mom called. Also, you're an hour early..to an empty class...so there's that. Um, go to breakfast with big sis?" 
Carina Rossi

It was 0800, two hours before her first class, but she was outside up early in the morning reading the instructions for a complicated board game. She was going to learn it, remember it, and deal out several strategies for several situations. It would just be another game she dominated, like the many other board games and video games she had already. This is what she did in her free time, and the headphones on her ears were proof she was focused.

She walked outside, not wearing the uniform her school requested she did, but wore a simple tshirt, a black hoodie, and a pair of black athletic shorts with athletic sneakers. She began to walk, before she stopped raising a brow,"Why are you so friendly with felines?" she questioned music blasting preventing her from actually hearing anything, so her voice was a bit louder than she intended.
The cat looked up ears twitching at her loud voice letting out a small hiss but Akio opened his eyes lazily petting the cat which began to purr. He grinned at her with a lazy smile and a small wave for his hand.

"Well I couldnt find my room so I slept here and we had most of the night to get acquainted." He said his hand moving subcounsiouly across the cats back. "Not to mention I've always been good with animals so this is usual. And how are you today." He said knowing she read his lips.
She watched his lips move, and shrugged her shoulders a bit,"You're a tad weird you know." She had started to turn before she recognized that he kept going and so she stopped,"It's 8, cosa ne pensi?" Her Italian accent was strong when she spoke Italian, begging the question on why it never showed when she spoke English.

There were a lot of things that Carina particularly cared to keep secret about herself, and her Italian background was one of them, despite the fact her name was Carina Rossi, something she couldn't deny. Yet most people would assume she descended from Italians, so it'd be a little be easier.

Noting her rather blunt, rhetorical inquiry she managed sigh picking up on Akio body language and demeanor,"Well I assume you're hungry, come. We can go get something eat from somewhere on Campus, but not the Cafe. My treat."
He raised a eyebrow when he heard her accent. "Your Italian." He said as a statement of fact, not offended by her bluntness. Of course she could be simply be descended but the accent was pretty strong for that. He stirred hearing her say her next part.

"Your treat? Alright then." He said getting up slowly and the cat got off his chest and he petted it a few more times before standing and letting it run off. He got up and looked at her happy for the free meal. "Alright, if its your treat." He said teasingly.
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She sighed a bit and didn't respond to his statement about her being Italian. Instead, she brushed herself off a bit before looking ahead of her and shrugging her shoulders,"Of course." That statement was more so her thinking aloud than any real true response to him. She figured free food would get anyone's attention, particularly a college student. A piece of her hoped he politely refused though.

Dah well. She began walking towards where she remembered somewhere she enjoyed since being in the United States,"There's a place called the Broken Yolk on campus, they do breakfast. I went on Orientation day, so the one on this campus suffices. Is that okay with you?" she asked, but this time making it more known she didn't want an answer. It was free food, he'd accept or leave her be.
The two twins, who had been slightly put-out that their big entrance was cut off by the empty room, sighed but stood up. And then turned around as they heard their sister... and the first one to say anything, unusually, was Aouli. "Breakfast would be nice." The sound of a growling stomach escaped him. Absently he put one hand on it, and gave his sisters a blank look, almost daring them to say anything. This got an exasperated sigh out of Tsukiko, who grabbed his arm, shaking her head and smiling even as she grumbled about it.

"Sure, Big Sister. Ummm.... where do we go to eat?" She'd dragged Aouli, who shortly started walking after her, all the way to the door, only to realize she didn't know that just yet. Maybe staying in their room all day the day before had been a bad thing.... in which case she would have to apologize to her twin whenever they got caught up in things such as finding their rooms when they didn't know where said rooms would be... or otherwise getting lost.
While Akio was certain she was Italian but he'd leave a deeper part of that inquiry for another time. He walked with her nodding when she mentioned the place, Akio had never been really picky about food regardless. He walked with her looking at some of the students also walking the halls. They probably gathered some attention due to him beating an intrusctor and her beating him.

He didn't speak much at first contiplating the girl in front of him. His rival in any ways and teacher, while she wasent in a direct rival he knew if he wanted to reach the top he'd come by her eventually. "What were you reading back there?" He asked as they walked.
Dr. Palakiko

"Joy joy..." she stopped and placed a finger on her chin before thinking for a while,"Um..wait..what do munchkins eat?" she inquired before smiling a bit. She shrugged her shoulders and thought about what was on campus,"We can't get like..some eggs..or something.Oh God, I love eggs! Ohana! Eggs, let's go!" She nodded raising her hand in the air and pointing at the sky.

She nodded to herself before turning her attention back to her siblings,"Aouli-chan you should eat more!" she told him with a chuckle before taking in a deep breath and continuing to walk,"We'll go eat at this little breakfast cafe. "

Carina Rossi.

Carina had actually turned the headphones down so that she didn't have to look at him everytime he spoke, and rose a brow when he asked what she was reading. She shoved the book into her pocket, and sighed gently,"Just game manual and rule book to this extremely complex board game."

She wasn't going to tell him why, that was her business, and none of his. Though she couldn't help but think he would asks more questions about it. So, she lowered her headphones around her neck, and lifted her hood over her head.
"Board game? So you running to become the champion at something else to?" He asked thinking about he attitude. "Or are you one of those people who can't stand being beaten at least for long." He asked hands in his pockets.

He was surprised that she was bothering to pay so much attention to him when he saw her shrug her hood off. Then again he hadn't expected a free meal etheir and it made him wonder if she wasent as aloof as he first thought. Though blunt was defiantly certain.
Duncan had made it too his class after he was done playing, not noticing the greeting while he needed to rush too his own class as well. German, a way to understand a European language. It was for a good cause after all, his mentor having too always try & pick his words too translate. It'd be easier to have a conversation with the Good Doctor, & a way too broaden his range if he'd decided to sell medicine in Germany. Either way, it was a good skill too have in either sense. Yet, something was wrong, it'd been an hour correct? At least, then why was he so, incredibly, bored?

This was strange, he'd been in classes, very long classes like this before. Though not like this, it was eating at him, how could he be this bored. What the teacher was describing, the basics of Prefix & Sufix in the German language, and for his eyes, it was apparently interesting, glaring intently at the board. Though, for his mind, it seemed all very, bland. He understood it very easily, in fact, easier than the rest of the class seemed too, the notes flying from his pen onto the peace covered notebook he'd picked for this class.
It was only when Agnes arrived to an empty room did she realize that she was an hour too early. With a soft sigh she sank into a seat at the back of the room, resigning herself to wait. However, that didn't mean She had to wait idly. With a quiet hum she pulled out some music paper and began to mark down notes, creating a little tune that she hummed as she wrote. It was happy and merry compared to her earlier song.

She occupied herself with this for about a half hour, editing and erasing and adding until she was satisfied that the tune was everything it could ever be at This point in time. And then she began to write words. This song needed lyrics. And just like with her humming, she began to sing quietly, just to hear the words.
Carina took in a deep breath as she turned to cut her eyes at the boy who was walking with her,"Watch it." she said to him gently, removing her off hand from her pocket, and revealing her cell phone. She made a few gestures on her phone before hiding it back into her hoodie.

With a yawn, she looked at the restaurant as they finally arrived. She opened the door and walked through the walkway and took a seat in one of the open tables. After that she opened the menu and began to look over it.
He saw her turn to him and he matched her gaze. You know what she didnt yell or act angry it was really hard to tell when she was actually angry or if there was something else he was missing. He walked with her looking at her phone wondering if she was contacting someone or just changing the music.

He looked at the restaurant as it came into view and followed her to one of the tables sitting down heavily, still a bit tired. He opened his menu's looking over the options to see what kind of food they served here, he had never been to this place.

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