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Fandom Darkon's Dueling Academy

He'd be the first to rush past everyone possible, squeezing through them easily too get outside. He'd love the open air, he'd feel the sun, everything would be alright, & it was. The campus was huge, yet wishing to get really into the meat of this place, he'd go too his dorm room first to unpack, wanting to get that out of the way, "Oh but the department chairs' He'd think to himself, so onward towards the Pre-Medical facility, in order to begin his pre professional career before going to his main majors & other core classes.

"This is for her." He'd softly mumble that too himself he'd be here. He's away right now, wont be able to see her for the longest, yet still, he trusted in them both. He'd also wish to start a club, though just a bit under, it'd be a while before any of this happened. The sub-building he headed into was that of pure white, with a green cross for Medicine, & Pre-medical professional programs. It also served as a campus hospital probably, so he'd not have to go far too experiment at all. Satisfied with the building, he'd walk inside.
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Dr Tuskino

Uta stood up as the duel ended, this one seeming rather one-sided. Unique, she supposed. But hone- Wow. That had been.... oh, she was going over to Dr. Palakiko's siblings. The elder, a woman, would be going to her classes, as a lore chair. The younger apparently was what she considered an engineering major, apparently he wanted to work on what was it... ah yes, new portable holographic technology. Which was just stupid... do that and tournaments loose all their prestige! and what if the holograms don't match the lore! THE POOR LORE! She coughed, turned around, and walked down the hall to her own spot. It was one of the only soundproof rooms on this floor, so she'd start ranting once she was inside.

The twins

"Oh hi!" A girl with a violin... oh, cool! Was she a lore-major? Tsukiko smiled brightly at her, holding out the hand not holding book and bag, and smiled brightly in greeting. When her brother wasn't doing the same right away, in fact he was staring at that table with what was slowly becoming dangerous interest so she stepped on his foot, "I'm Palakiko Tsukiko, and this is my brother..."

"Palakiko Aouli. Nice to meet you." Where she had been hyper he was calm, and spoke just slow enough to indicate that his mind wasn't completely there. IN fact he was looking at that table... he'd always wanted to take one apart, and the hold he had on his toolkit and book was getting frightening. Unlike his sibling he didn't offer the other hand, as that one held his laptop, but he did nod to her slightly.
Carin Rossi

She hadn't been in any particular rush to get to her designated place, but somehow expected the guy she dueled to be there. She was his mentor, he was a tier-1 first year, which all implied that he was here for dueling. Considering the fact, that meant he would probably be a Dueling Strategy major. She hated how perceptive she was sometimes, for it meant she was going to be a tad bit anxious on her walk which border lined on unhealthy. Yet, she eventually had made it to the appropriate place and found a seat in the class room. Her headphones were up, and she assumed they would all be waiting for "Siren."

Siren, on the other hand found herself in her office looking at the deck with a bit of a shrug,"A single round was a bit hasty, but it needed to be done to expedite things..yet....I still should have MST'ed Zombie World like I initially expected, I could have survived a Mirror Force or any other trap card, what was I thinking...." she sighed a bit disappointed in herself, and even doubting her skills a bit,"I read too much into him?"
Akio got to his class and without meaning too found his eyes searching for Carin and soon found her sitting in the classroom. He walked over to her and sat next to her setting what little he had down. Him and his family had left on bad terms so funds were low so he didnt have to many extra things, just what he needed to survive and that was earned off local dueling tournaments and such. He looked at her not speaking for a moment as if deciding something.

Then he spoke. "Hey teach, we both got an A in this class so are you gonna teach me or just kind of ignore me." He asked looking at her a bit curiously. He was suppose to learn from her but she might not even be a good teacher, being good at something didnt make you a teacher and he knew that from experience.
"Oh... I'm Mariski Agnes, it's a pleasure to meet you..." Agnes fumbled with her violin case, finally dropping it on the floor in the rush to get a hand free to introduce herself. A bit flustered, she finally shook Tsuikiko's hand with a shy smile. "I don't quite know where I'm supposed to be going right now, so I hope you could tell me...?" Her voice trailed off by the end and she flushed slightly.

"You see, I wasn't quite paying attention... and the orientation speech was quite small..." She looked at her hands, one clutching her rucksack with desperate strength while the other was nervously clenching and unclenching. She leaned down and got her violin case to stop showing her obvious nervous signs, still unable to look the other students in the eyes.
Akio had caught her attention, but she didn't hear a word he said because of the music blasting through her ears. She had managed to read his lips, and understood what he said,well most of it. She slowly pulled her headphones from her ears and back around her neck, readjusting herself as she was struggling to fit in the smaller chair that didn't seem to be designed for her posterior.

The struggle had caused her hood to fall down, and for her hair to fall over her face. She could only blow it from her face as best as she could before returning her attention to Akio,"I don't think it'd be in my interest to get in the good graces of a legend of Siren if I ignore my assignment...." she trailed off and shrugged her shoulders,"But you're not going to like what I have to tell you."
When her hood fell off he got the first good look he had of her face. He found himself unintentionally staring at it for a moment before he shook it off, there was something about her that seemed oddly entrancing. "I somehow dont think you mind being the bearer of bad news." He said attempting to distract her to at least half cover up his stare.

He found himself cataloging the girl like he usually did for people he met. She was very blunt to the point where some would consider rude so he somehow doubted she interacted with to many people. She hid her emotions well and had proved herself very strategic, he had no doubts she was already a top class duelist. He somehow couldnt imagine she was close to her family for some reason, she just seemed to blunt for it.
She scrunched her nose up a bit before looking at him in the eyes,"If you're going to be a top duelist, it won't be with that deck." She said a bit more crude than a normal person would admit was ok to say, and she turned to look off into the distance,"I've faced better builds of that deck, and I crushed them. They aren't competitive in this format, they're too slow, and rely too much on certain cards. That being said, the same could be said for my deck, but because of the draw power, it's rare that I care."

She looked over to him, and sighed,"If you aren't willing to change, then I can't help you. Just don't expect to keep getting A's in her class with it..." she slowly lifted her headphones back to her ears. She had noticed him staring a bit earlier, but she would keep that in her memory banks for her analysis of him if he were to ever duel with her again.
He knew this topic would come, he had been in some tight spots before because of the way his deck was built and made but he didnt think it would be so soon. When he had beaten the instructor he had almost gotten hopeful but here he was getting slapped in the face by reality. He caught her hand with incredible swiftness.

"Is it really impossible, even if i rebuild it and improve it is it really impossible to go any farther with that deck?" He asked showing some vulnerability for the first time. Then he realize what he did and let go of her arm. "Sorry.... Its just, that deck has some value to me..... I really need to know."
He had stopped her from putting her headphones on and gazed over to her when he began talking. She observed his face, his eyes, his body posture. She listened to his tone, the speed of his words. He was genuine, at least what she could tell from her expertise. He was showing a bit of vulnerability, to a stranger. Perhaps it was because she had earned his respect, or perhaps because he was just so afraid of a dream he had slipping away.

When he let of her arm, she pulled back to herself, and closed her eyes. She thought for a moment, sucked the air between her teeth,"I can help you make it better, and I can help get you better as a duelist, than most of the students here. With that deck, if it means so much. But I can't promise it'll be any more competitive than any other deck of the type. So if you want to be the top duelist up to you...I can only do so much."
The Director for this program, Miroslav Klose, had a somewhat light, serious voice when he'd speak. His German accent was think, though he had an unusual sense of medical humor. A man who seemed, mostly either confused or embarrassed with himself most of the time, it looked like his mind wandered, or as he'd say "V'ander'd" Through all the chemicals that'd happened. He'd be mostly just been pointing out random thing, then going off to side stories of how he'd got his medical license, of his childhood in Germany, & most importantly a weird experiment would slip out every so often.

Still, Duncan was very intrigued. Infact he'd taken a liking to the doctor, the stories he'd soak in, & even bring out random comments which would give the good director a laugh every now & then. He'd also bring him in, showing him his deck a bit. A mix of chemical & plant type monsters, arranged actually very sophisticated, making sure he'd always got what he needed. This deck was good in a pinch, which was what it was for, & after a short talk about intuition, years of the program, & finally a small question & answer session, They'd shake hands, & he would be in the program.
"It V'ill be nice 'eeing you for you for the vext 'ew years"
"It cant be most... I have to reach the top." He said sitting back now thinking, wondering if he should tell her. In the end he decided to, she had to know what she was asking for him to give up. "This deck wasent originally mine.... It was a friends. He always wanted to be a top duelist and was determined to reach the top. I just wanted to do something interesting, but he died before he could come here. It had always been been his dream to come here and duel with the best so i promised him i would do it for him. I thought, i thought i could reach the top with his deck."

He was silent for a moment, this was a lot to say especially to a stranger who's only interaction he had with her till now was losing a duel to her. But he did trust her to build his deck and improve his skill so he needed to know if it was impossible. "So is it impossible, is it truly impossible to reach the very top with this deck." He was simply aware this was the second time he asked this question but right now he wasent looking for a explanation, he just needed a yes or no.
She felt bad a bit for the lad, but she wouldn't add a filter to her mouth just because of his sob story. Besides, it wouldn't benefit her to lie to him, nor would it benefit him to chase a dream that was moot. Yet, she did feel bad which was a bit off putting,"In my beliefs, no. You can't reach the goal with that deck, but anything is possible. Who am I to say what you can or can't do."

That was a bit softer than she had meant to, and it was uncharacteristic of her to do such a thing. Perhaps she felt worse than she thought she did, or perhaps he moved her enough for her to try and soften a blow to a dream, a promise of sorts to a pass friend. She hoped Dr. Palakiko would walk in, so this conversation could end.
"No right now you are more experienced then i. I can learn how to use a new deck but i cant force my way to the top with something that wont likely work. I cant get stuck here, besides i somehow doubt if he was here he'd keep using the same deck if it wasent working. You took my deck apart far to easily, if i meet others of your skill i wouldnt be able to win no matter how hard i trained." He said reading the underlying tone.

"Still this is the only deck since ive started seriously dueling so im not sure what kind of deck i would be able to use.... Why did you just say no? When she asked you to train me you had no obligation to, so why did you?" He asked looking at her suddenly.
"Where to go?" Tsukiko's head tilted as she thought about it. Did the freshman not know her major? Well, that... would actually make sense, to a point. Since it looked like she'd been listening to music. Her brother almost stepped towards the virtual table, but she grabbed his sleeve again, smiled winningly, and asked her in a completely calm, completely not her way.... "Did you not hear? We go to our Department Chairs. WHat's your major?"

Aouli stopped at the resistance on his sleeve, looked down, and saw his sister. Of course, he shouldn't be moving around all that much. There was time to take it apart later... but first he had to figure out what to do with the knowledge that they had recording technology already built in. That had been good enough to... to.... right. Big Sister lost. And with that his mood dropped, though you couldn't see it on his face.
"Oh, umm..." Agnes lifted her violin case. "I play music... So I suppose a Lore major? I'm not quite sure. It's my first year here, you see, and I wasn't told much before being sent here..." She flushed and looked down at the ground, embarrassed by her own lack of knowledge.

Her music was really the only thing She was good at. She was alright at dueling, once she figured out all the rules. But her passion was in her violin. She wanted to play music for every duel! Wouldn't that truly make it an unforgettable experience? She could imagine it now, the battle music, a theme song trumpeting out as someone placed a rare card... And then back to reality, Agnes.
Carina Rossi.

She paused for a moment, before reaching her hand into her pocket and pulling out her cell phone. She tapped the screen a few times, and showed a picture of their Chair and her holding a trophy,"I'm not sure you know who she is, but that woman you dueled is the Siren. She won the World Tournament before, a feat that is hard on its own. She also wrote the book on psychology and dueling, literally." she smiled a bit, a rare sight, but she adored the woman.

She was a strategist much like the "Siren", someone who could read and calculate every movement. Though Carina manipulated her opponent often, a lesser form of the psychology the Siren used, Dr. Palakiko's vast knowledge made her far more dangerous than Carina was, or even could be for years. She couldn't wait to learn under her, but she knew the classroom wouldn't be the right place,"I'm not going to tell her no. That's literally crazy."

Dr. Palakiko

After a bit of sulking, Lala had finally got herself together. A folder of papers and packets she'd hand out, along with the course outline. Of course transfer students wouldn't have to completely fill out their Major course schedule if they had a dueling specific major, they'd have to meet with their advisers to gauge were they were as duelist and then they would decide how many hours left in the specific major they had.

She supposed that Carina girl wouldn't need much, she reminded her of herself, but a bit more cold and devoid of emotion. Ok, a lot more cold and devoid of emotion. That other one, wasn't much off from the girl personality wise, he was able to come from behind with a deck that wasn't much competitive. Given, bad draws led to her not being able to get her strategy in motion and not following her instinct, but the fact is he shouldn't have been able to win unless she just drew absolutely nothing the whole duel. So, all in all, he was still impressed. He would more than likely need to give that deck up, but that was him to figure out.

Carina would help him with deck building, and the two would more than likely help each other with the psychology of the game. There poker faces were strong, and they calculated well. That and with Lala's knowledge, they'd be able to become very good duelist.

This brought a genuine smile to her face. They were also good subjects to analyze. Soon, she had made her way into the class room and stood in front of everyone,"Aloha! Welcome to the class. As dean of New Students, and Chair of the Dueling Strategy Department, I'd like to say welcome to all you aspiring World Champions. We're technically under the Division of Math and Sciences, in the School of Psychology in the Dueling Strategy Department. That means you'll meet the Dean of Psychology and the Dean of Match and Sciences! Isn't that wonderful news! Ok, I'm going to pass around packets. They're divided into First Year, Second Year, and Third Year so please take the year you are in!" And with that she handed it to a student who was near.
"Biology to be next." Though he'd first all around this facility, seeing the the dueling equipment wasn't all they spent a massive amount of money on. Just even being in the same room with some of those got his stomach turning from excitement. Or was it hunger? Either way, he'd be fangasming over the small things such as this before heading too the other side of the School of science in order to take his next two majors, then finally picking a Core in either Literature or History.

He'd be having a ball in here, already seeing class sizing dimming once all the students left, seeing that Science though popular, wasn't filled with the kind of people you'd expect. A nice change for him, yet still he would have too pick his other cores, so he'd technically be doing 5-6 classes, though it was worth it too him, just to be able to say he can start to support her in anyway possible, so he'd be off too go meet the Dean of Math & Sciences for his acceptance (Hopefully) into the department, wishing to choose either Chemistry or Biology.
He a moment he forgot to hold back his surprise and his mouth hung open in shock for a moment before he closed it. That instructor he beat was not only a instructor but world champion. "Wait.... She's a world champion?" He asked utterly shocked by this revelation. Then suddenly without waiting for an answer he bursted out laughing right before she walked in. "So i beat a world champ with my zombie deck even if she wasent using her main deck, and even if she may or may not have messed up in more ways then one. But i beat a world champion, well i guess that was a decent run for a zombie deck." He said smiling.

He noticed her smile and his smile grew slightly wider, "Your fond of her arent you." He said looking at her, of course she was probably more then worthy of that respect. But still getting something out of her like a smile gave him the irrational need to tease her. He went after to go get a folder.
She took a nod to him, before her cheeks flustered red. Wait, she was blushing? How did he make a woman so calm and collected, with such a stern poker face, blush? She decided to turn her face from him, and listen to when Dr. Palakiko had entered the room. She gave a short spiel, and then soon she found herself with a folder.

Dr. Palakiko looked at them all and nodded,"Fill out the paperwork. You all will be taking one of my classes and I look forward to meeting you. Today, only last names A-N will meet with their advisers, so that means after the Dean speaks O to Z can go to your dorms. "

Carina only nodded to what she said, filling out paper work. It was simple things, name, major declaration minor selection, contact info. IT didn't take Carina long before she was finished.

Lala's phone vibrated in her jacket pocket, and she pulled it out and took in a deep breath and shook her head,"Nevermind, the Dean won't be coming you all may leave when you turn your papers in."
He watched her turn away, well he won that round. He looked down at his folder his face resetting back to normal though he was still grinning to himself inside. For him as well filling out the folder wasent difficult and he finished a minutes after Carina and that was because he had wasted sometime wondering what class she was in despite that being completely irrelevant right?

After he finished he waited for the dean to show up only for him to be told that he or she would show up at all. He scoffed lightly, apparently they werent worth the time or something came up. Still he looked over at Carina, "So what are we gonna do now?"
"I don't know what you're going to do," she responded to him getting to her feet. She removed her Golden Jacket, showing her Tier-1 Third Year status, because it being over her hoodie was over heating her a bit. She managed to look at him and shrugged,"But I'm going to my dorm room and sleep. Or maybe read, I don't know."

She shrugged her shoulders again and started to walk towards where the dorms were located. She remembered the map from looking at it earlier, and would get there easily. She remembered how the dorms were separated by years and gender, so she figured she wouldn't see him again. She didn't have her stuff, she was waiting on it to be sent, but she had her headphones and that's all she cared for currently.
"Sleep, sleep sounds nice." He said thinking about the two previous duels. With that he got up and started walking to the dorm rooms, their paths didnt seperate yet but they would soon. He rubbed his eyes once he hadent slept in awhile. He hadent slept the day before he came here, he wondered where was his room. "Well make sure to tell me if and when you decide to train me."

With that they reached the fork in the road and he left giving her a slightly tired wave before going to find his room. However he soon found himself wandering, unable to find his room at all and too tired to go check about it, so he just wandered without thought,
During this day, he'd quickly visited both Chemistry & Biology deans, just randomly strolling through the halls, bumping into them both. They'd slightly heard of him, yet told him to just fill out the paperwork left in his dorm, & send it into the advisers office. That'd it'd be taken care of there, so after a good while, he'd head off too his dorm, wishing to see just what these would look like. Money from tournaments & being a tier 2 blessed him with a single dorm room, & thankfully it could be somewhat customized. His luggage brought over by his parents while he was in orientation, this would be a quick tune up of his room.

An artifact here, A drape there, & laptop that way, or maybe this way. For about 20 minutes, he'd be just moving things around. Finally getting it somewhat to his style without completely ruining it, he'd sit on his bed, filling out paperwork, then tweaking decks from the matches he saw, going into his side cards & adding or subtracting cards & effects he didn't really need to beat them. Focusing on everything he'd heard from the plays mentioned, cause him to think of new strategies, ones that could counter rushes & power monsters.
Carina nodded to young man once he split off, and she stopped turning on her heels. She pulled her headphoens over her ears and started to walk towards the campus commons. She would enjoy some fresh air, and would lay on the open grass. She hoped that it could possibly be a day of her just beingalone. Her music, and the sky, that was what she'd enjoy.

The school wasn't so bad at the moment, she didn't enjoy the forced social interaction she had to undergo at times, but it wasn't any different than her former School. Besides, she had the chance to work with Siren. That was enough to get her motivated. If she could gain her psychological knowledge, she'd be able to take on anyone.

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