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Fandom Darkon's Dueling Academy

Leilani blinked and stared at the two siblings in front of her and looked over to them and grabbed them both tightly,"No..eggs..meat no..." tears started to stream down her face as she held them closely,"I can't do no meat then. I need meat!" she turned back to the McDonalds employee,"I take it back give me all of the sausage and eggs on it. I don't care I don't care, I need meat."

The employee stared and took in a deep breath and said how much it was and Leilani paid it before looking over to Aouli and nodded,"Good. We will make sure you get all of the food you've been missing. And if you met any friends you can invite them here too! I might invite a student I just made my T.A....hmm."
"Brofist." He said incredulously obviously holding back a grin. "Their is a legit called brofist." He said smirking while pouring syrup on his pancakes. "Seriously what kind of dangerous deck can you show me based on brofist?" He said trying to keep a straight face. Meanwhile he dug into his pancakes while waiting for her answer.

"You use darkworld deck, i saw that much. Is that the only deck you use or do you use multiple decks?" He asked looking at her, some duelist highly specialized using one deck then sort of slacked with others.

((i was using my black garden deck earlier))
"I can show you better than I can tell you..." she said ignoring his slight satire when referring to the name,"Brotherhood of the Firefist is an archtype, short name for it is Brofist." She took in another bite of the Pancakes, before moving on to the loco moco and eating the burger covered in gravy.

"I can use more than darkworld, it'd be foolish to only know one archtype with new builds and rules coming out almost bimonthly. I prefer Darkworld because it entertains me," she said in honest tone before daking deep breath,"I can beat you with a lot more types....."
The two twins rolled their eyes, Tsukiko patting her back awkwardly. She mouthed an apology at the employee, wincing slightly to show her sympathy... and then Leilani was sitting up again and talking. This was strangely normal for them, even though she seemed to be putting it on a bit thick... really? Who didn't know that eggs were technically animal meat, being poultry and all.

"Your TA? That's the girl, right? The... young one who beat her opponent with a dark world deck." Aouli seemed to completely ignore his sister's breakdown, debating whether he should tease her about it later. It might be fun, but... nah, he was too... Oh, he could maybe ma- Tsukiko had seen the slight faraway look in his eyes and grabbed his arm, shaking her head no.
Leilani nodded slowly as they were handed there bevarages and she distributed through the twins as appropriate and kept her orange juice...and coffee. Because coffee is important to the start of the day, or not. Her ear twitched a bit when Aouli began to speak and shrugged her shoulders,"Yeah, she's very clever. I looked into her profile last night. Though Dark World is her most consistent deck, she's only won a regional tournament with a Geargiano Karakuri build..that is similar to the one I gave you..."

Leilan's tone had changed at this point, it was a bit more serious and a lot less bubbly. She shrugged her shoulders grabbing the bag with their orders and handing it to them,"That girl has some serious skill.....but she thinks too much."
"They perhaps when we have time, we should duel. I need to test decks and ill be able to learn not only the decks i use but the ones you are. Ive never been one to sit down and learn in a sort of class experience. I learn from experience so you can help me make a few decks for me to test out then i think i can learn easier." He said looking at her.

But it was not only that, he didnt like getting defeated so easily even if part of it was his deck. He had never been fond of losing and that certainly hadent changed now, but he would lose as many times as it took to improve, he had a promise to fulfill and besides he truly did believe she could teach him a few things.
Tsukiko and Aouli took their selected orders, keeping an eye on their sister. She was, of course, always bubbly... save a few things. For example, now... dueling always got her to act serious, other things worked just as well, though. They held back the desire to ask her more, class would come soon enough anyway, and wait... wasn't that something they had to get to soon enough?

"You can think too much in a duel?" Tsukiko asked, forgetting their consensus right after she came up with a question. Aouli refrained from facepalming, but she just tilted her head curiously. "What, can you make a mistake by thinking too much or something? Seems kinda counter-intuitive."
"Did you not watch my duel yesterday?" she questioned as she took a sip of her coffee -after placing creamer and sugar in it- and started to walk back towards class,"I'll let you all eat in class today, because I will be, but that will be the last time. " She didn't smile, what she was saying was stout and finite. Instead, she closed her eyes,"I over thought. I pretended I was playing against me, giving too much credit to my opponent when I should have stuck to my gameplan. sometimes, the best thing to do is just do what you already were."

It was wise words from a former world champion. She took in a deep breath before returning to her bubbly self biting into her sandwhich,"Oh my God how could I ever give up meat? It is so good..." she smiled and let her hair flow..

Carina Rossi

She thought for a moment..trying to find a reason to say no, but she really had none. She had a lot of fun decks she didn't really use, but the archtypes were formidabble, plus she'd like to try out a new build of dark world just to see how it worked and if she rather run that one,"sounds good to me..I can help you out don't worry."
He nodded. "Im pretty sure you can considering how easy i lost, i have a lot of room to improve." His voice betrayed just the tiniest bit of frustration at his lack of ability. "I used to think i was pretty good but now i realize i lack ability." He said with a sigh just a bit disappointed even threw his lazy attire.
She listened to him and smiled, eating the last few bites of her relatively large meal. She made sure her headphones were on her ears, placing a fifty dollar bill on the table before getting to her feet. She wasn't concerned if he was finished or not, she just was ready to get out,"well we can go duel now if it please you. It's still a minute before my first class of the day...I don't even remember what it is to be honest."
The twins nodded, so that was the truth of the matter. Aouli hadn't noticed, of course, and neither had Tsukiko, but... still. There was a reason why they needed to learn from their sister. Perhaps they were just too weak at the moment to pick up on what the other two had been doing... not that it, well... mattered all that much. If they wanted to improve practice and training were necessary, so best to learn all they could at the time.

Of course, she switched back to normal quickly enough. As always, Tsukiko mused. "I guess we're going to be late, since it's almost classtime." she managed to smirk slightly, "Though as we're with you this morning there's no reason for us to be counted as absent, is there?" Rare though it was... she felt like being mischievous.
"Eh." she said trailing off, almost skipping in her bliss of the sandwich she was biting into, somehow managing to juggle eating that, holding her bag, and carrying her two beverages. "No one is getting marked absent on the first day, registration is technically still going on." she said as she stopped in front of her office,"Now you two run off to class, I'm going to get my stuff for class ready so you know..and stuff..kay bye love you guys!"
"Ok, Sis! Love you." They managed to not look amused by her antics just long enough for her to get out of sight... and then they broke into giggles. Something about watching their sister always brightened someone's day, at least when she was acting bubbly. Shaking their heads they moved on to going to the classroom, each trying to calm down.

"You know, I'd expected more people to be interested in this school... given how famous Duel Monsters is." Tsukiko's musing broke Aouli's concentration once more, preventing him from getting into his groove where he would try to make a... what was it again? Argh, the idea was lost, so he glared at her, and she asked "What?" Just as they opened the door.
Agnes had devoted herself so completely to the song, and the boy sitting next to her, that she hasnt even noticed the time until the door opened and other voices were heard. Startled out of her music, she looked up shyly, only to smile a little wider when she saw that girl she had met on the first day - Tsukiko, her name was. Hastily putting away her music notes, she didnt really want to share it with everyone just yet, Agnes waved her hand a little at Tsukiko.

"Good morning!" She said in the same quiet voice she had been using to speak with the boy at her said - just realizing that she had yet to learn his name. "I'm Agnes, just in case you couldn t remember... And you're Tsukiko, right?" She glanced at the other twin. "I'm sorry but I don't remember your name..." Then she turned to the boy next to her. "Those two are twins, and I'm sorry but I don't know your name...?"
Leilani had made her way in the office, and almost immediately downed the hashbrowns, sandwich and her orange juice. She saved her coffee, she would need that for the vast amount of freshman in her first class. She grabbed her folder for this class and began to walk into the class and stood at the podium placing her coffee on it and getting her stuff together. What class was this again? She peeked open her folder, she only labeled it by time and day on the folder, and so a quick peek inside gave her information on the class.

She nodded to herself again and closed the folder before taking a sip of the coffee.
"Aouli." She hadn't... oh, that's right, Tsukiko had been the one to talk to her. Which meant he was as always, ignored in the conversation. Not that it was a bad thing, he hadn't said anything that day. A small bow to the woman and man n' then he was walking towards a seat in the front. This was the class their sister was teaching, after all, and he wanted to do well in it. He had to prove himself worthy of her deck, after all.

"Agnes! You're in this class too? That's wonderful! WHy don't you sit next to me? We can talk and you can tell me more about your music and..." Tsukiko went on being more than helpful and bubbly. If she wasn't stopped she'd keep going, until someone interrupted her. Or her stomach, which picked that moment to remind her she hadn't eaten yet, and she turned pink from the sound coming out of it. She glared at Aouli's smirk.
Leilani didn't look up, she took another sip of her coffee. She glanced at the people in front of her and sighed gently looking to Aouli. She wasn't going to tell them to hush up, or none of the like. She was going to do something different. She signaled her little brother to come over to the front of the class and pointed at the dueling table. They were going to duel, and this was going to be how she started her first lesson of the day, and maybe this would get people to be quiet and observe.
He looked up at her a bit surprised at her smile. Never the less he grinned back showing a hint of teeth. When she got up he followed not caring much about his meal. "That would be fine, though since we have a lot to try and go over i hope you dont mind missing s few periods." He teased with a grin.
"Hmm?, Ah..." He'd been out of it for a while from the song, her singing truly was beautiful, & then beautifully broken apart & ended when the two would join us. A pair, of, well more so, just the one. The other seemed distant, in fact he'd probably not of noticed for the clear speech which ended her. After the song was also beautifully interrupted, he'd just about go into the same state. Unactive, uninterested in anything other than, well, information regarding their friendship, until he was dragged into it.

"May names...Kai." An alias, for a very odd reason, one that he didn't really much understand himself. So they wouldn't become attached too him, which he didn't mind, yet for some reason, something was wrong with this picture. Why was he here in the first place again, just too hear a song? "Sorry...not Kai, Duncan. How'd I get those mixed up huh?" A smile in order to counter the lie, hopefully not being seen as strange now, he'd get the urge to tighten the grip on his book.
Carina Rossi

Carina's eyes made sure to keep focused on his lips as they left the restaurant, considering she had her headphones on once again. She read his lips, and shrugged his shoulders,"I'm not even sure I have many classes today be honest, and besides it's the first week of school, not like attendance is too important."

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