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Darkness Finds the Light[Fawn and I]


One Thousand Club


Darkness Finds the Light

Fantasy/Medieval | Fiction | Romance | Anime/Drawings

Light Elves and Dark Elves have always been enemies.. it's just natural, right? Well, yes; however, the Dark Elves are cursed to forever be with Light Elves. They have an unnatural desire to be with them, to touch them, and if they happen to fall in love with one, their desire only grows. If they merely brush their skin against one of them, they feel alive; and if they kiss one, they feel stronger; superhuman(superelven?). These Elves, kings of disguises, have found this to be their solution to winning wars and taking countries. However, the Light Elves are protected by their Royal seal. They are few in number, as most are Royalty, and do not wish to ally with the Dark Elves. Angered, the King plans something evil. . .


Party A is a young, Light Elven Princess in their kingdom who is betrothed to their cousin. Party B, Party A's body-guard, is secretly a Dark Elf who has been with Party A since they were twelve. While they were visiting a neighboring country, though, Party A's country is attacked by the Dark Elves. Hearing of this there, Party A realizes that their fiance, and dear friend, is endangered; nevertheless, he is soon announced captured. This was something Party B was waiting for to happen. Party B then persuades Party A into going back to her home country; however, seeing her innocent, wholehearted trusting in Party B, he begins to have some doubts of their actions. At the rendezvous point Party B is supposed to meet the other Dark Elves, with Party A, they decide not to hand over Party A and instead tells the Princess that it is a trap. The two run away together, Party A still not knowing of Party B's secret, and decide to go to an even farther neighboring country, where they will be guaranteed reinforcements to drive back the Dark Elves.

Party B be able to keep his facade and uncontrollable desires in check before then, though. . ?

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