>>==Dark Hunters))=>

Astaroth Suzumiya]Cassiopea "t-t-thank y-y-you" she said with a kind smile to her days in the human world no on have ever treat her kind and now she have this is nice to see people like this all day as she walk beside him she remember her curst and frown a little but keep her smile up ... she dont want him to worry of her. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30543-supermegabrenda2/ said:


He whistled loudly, Yer'Sat diving in from the skyes. He landed gracefully, and Ammax spoke up.

"We're using him, its a few ways from here."

He hopped onto Yer'Sat, the lion looking straight ahead.

Ammax held a hand out, meaning for her to take it, and he would help her up.​
(edit by a good friend of mine @Jeda Teq)

Smiling Cassiopeia blushed as the treatment the horseman was giving her. "Th-thank y-you..." She said as gently placed her hand in his. She felt safe as he helped her mount the might feline. She let her fingers brush through the soft fur of the might lion. It felt nice and reminded her of the blankets she slept in at Olympus.

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Astaroth Suzumiya]Cassiopcassiopea smile "t-thank y-you" she saud as she blushband take hus hand and sit in the lion and smile at him [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30543-supermegabrenda2/ said:


Ammax would smile back, Yer'Sat taking off. The wind blew strongly, and Ammax turned over to hold Cassi so she would not fall. He hugged her softly, one hand behind her head and the other across her back. He hummed quietly, and if she were afraid of heights, she would calm down a bit.

A while later, Yer'Sat would slow down a bit, the soaring through the sky. He stopped hugging her, and smiled.​

  • A Mysterious Man

    The Yacht arrived at the docks. The party had come to an end. The tall man who had orchestrated the even continuously laughed under his mask. "Really, That old lady actually trapped a deity? Woo~" He caught his breath and let out a huge sigh, "Last night sure was an active one. Maybe next time I'll actually send her an invitation."

    Chatter about demons and gods could be heard as the people who wore masks and robs got off the yacht spoke. The capture of a goddess was exciting news to them. Exciting to most but not to all. Beneath the cheerful attitude the young man was quite serious and solemn. "I'm not sure i'm ready for the world to end just yet..." he spoke to himself underneath the mask.



From the yer'sat speed in the air Cassiopea gasp and placw her hands in her eyes when Ammax hold her and she twitch a little and she look at him ... no one have comforted her like that before when she is scared as she blush feeling embarras.yer'sat calm down in the air he let go "t-thank y-y-you" she said as she was still blussing.
If it weren't enough to encounter yet another host of Rage. Who was a wizard none the less, now any warnings were being outright ignored."Fine little Goddess! Get kidnapped for all we care! Don't come crawling to us when you're in trouble again though! I don't care if it gets me in trouble either!" Marius yelled at her as she left the bar. Not the wisest to yell at a goddess but he was tired and grumpy at this point. They couldn't do anything in the daylight. So hopefully the guy she left with would protect her now.

"I'm headed back to the basement. I'm done with this day. Every little thing is pissing me off right now and I need sleep if I'm going to be any help at all tonight. Assuming we'll be getting to tracking down the old man's stomach?"

@Beowulf @HumphryOmega @kyaleesaurus @Comet @Jeda Teq
((Again. No one liners and just tag people. The quoting their responses is just distracting from the posts with so many in a row.))
Alpha felt an almost gravitational pull towards the door from his now white sleeve. If he knew any better, he would think it was alive... but sadly him being the thick headed person he was, he just brushed it off and turned to Marius. "You can't save everyone, but I'm sure she can handle herself for the most part. She is a 'goddess' after all." He said, putting quotations around the word "goddess." He glanced up at the hole in the door and squinted his eyes "Someone should really fix that before one of us ends up in ashes and swept into a dustpan." He said following Marius to the basement "Do we have much of a choice in the matter?" he questioned, brushing past him and opening the door going down into the basement

@Axel1313 @Jeda Teq @Beowulf @kyaleesaurus @Comet
@HumphryOmega @Axel1313 @Jeda Teq @Beowulf @kyaleesaurus @Comet

Dead eye

After a long travel to the forest Dead eye watch thw scene that is happening with the goddess the hunter and the littlw divil. He always wonder that he can make an armore and a suit on the devil as it would be a delicate prize but enough of that he needed to be with his hero's the dark hunters.

He enter the Neutral bar and look at everyone with a smile... hunters such nice imortal sh1ts he tought as he take a step forward walking to them "hey" he said to his soft voice thag can make someone attracted to it as he hide his dagger on his bag and look at them "can i come in now?" He said pointing to their room and grab a bread and eat it.

Dead eye such a foolish child who never experience having a family to be with and trying to survive and being with the hunters to hunt some deimons everything and everyone cannot be trusted and all that he could trust is himself . Only himself.
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Ammax would smirk.

"My pleasure."

They would soar through the sky, Yer'Sat glancing down once in a while to see if they where getting close.

A short while after, a few minutes to be exact, Yer'Sat began going down softly, landing infront of a breaking down Storage-like place. He would hop off Yer'Sat, and put his hand out to help Cassi come down.​

@Astaroth Suzumiya

Cassiopea smile never have someone treated her so kindly back in olympis everyone never realy was nice to her... he parent never even got time to her as they all just do their jobs beig a god but as she saw to Ammac he was differently nice as she took his hand and jump down with a smile "t-thank u so m-much" she said as he very long hair cover up the half of her hace as she look up at him.
Astaroth Suzumiya] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30543-supermegabrenda2/ said:
Cassiopea smile never have someone treated her so kindly back in olympis everyone never realy was nice to her... he parent never even got time to her as they all just do their jobs beig a god but as she saw to Ammac he was differently nice as she took his hand and jump down with a smile "t-thank u so m-much" she said as he very long hair cover up the half of her hace as she look up at him.


Ammax smiled. He walked over to the warehouse (yes I remembered the name xD ) and kicked the door open. It swung open. The warehouse was big, and had cemented floors. There was a beaten up coutch in the corner, with a small TV infront. There were a few beds in the back of the warehouse, and a big, old closet right in the middle of the warehouse. It was pretty empty. He walked in.

"Make yourself at home."

He pointed at the nicest bed, near the door.

"You can sleep thee if you want..."​


Cassiopea smile "oh its wonderful" she said. the place doesnt look like Olympus back in her home but she already feel at home. As she walk inside she remember her curst and frown then she look at Ammax and hold her hands together "ammax why r u so kind?" She ask him with curiosity.
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[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]ammax why r u so kind?

((Watch out for the text talk there if you can. Avoid it as much as possible))
Astaroth Suzumiya] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30543-supermegabrenda2/ said:

Cassiopea smile "oh its wonderful" she said. the place doesnt look like Olympus back in her home but she already feel at home. As she walk inside she remember her curst and frown then she look at Ammax and hold her hands together "ammax why r u so kind?" She ask him with curiosity.


Ammax would shrugg

"I know what its like to be treated like crap, and to not have anything. Not even affection."

He would turn to her and smile.

"I try to be kind to those in need."

He would skip over to the closet, and swing it open. Instead of clothes, fruits came tumbling out. He looked down.

"Uhhhg. Not again."

He would begin picking up the fruits, meanwhile saying.

"Would you like some?"​


Cassiopea giggle as she look at him and nodded and respond "just one will be fine" she said as she walk close to him and help him up. Ammax. Such a nice guy. He remind her of someone special to her but the Gods know were he might be now and hope that the God of death take good care of him.
"It would help if they actually listened to us for once." He replied snarkily. Plopping down on the small couch in the basement with a heavy sigh and taking the entire thing up too.

"And yeah...if we didn't do this humans would be in trouble and Ash would have our a$$es and probably Artie too."

He turned to glance as the child now in the room with them. This kid....oiy. He seemed to like constantly dogging them. It was annoying yet adorable to him. He always did have a soft spot for kids. "Course kid, you know you're always welcome here. I'd avoid upstairs for a while though, Mama Lo is reaaaally mad about that hole in their wall."

@HumphryOmega @Jeda Teq @Beowulf @kyaleesaurus @Comet @Astaroth Suzumiya

kyaleesaurus said:
Although Titus couldn't see Cassius's face from his position behind the leader, he could very well imagine the pure and unfiltered fury that was evident in the crease of Cassius's eyebrows, the red flush of his neck, and the glinting steel that hardened and made you feel like, hey, the world could do without my pathetic presence. Titus had been on a fair few of those angry screams when he had been younger and cockier, but it seemed like the last 100 years or so Titus had been the one screaming in anger.

"I am stripping you of your rank and title Draven. Your room will be stripped to the bare essentials until you make up for this major screw up! Understand? I'll even make sure Titus does the honors of it all since you seem to love disrespecting him!" Instantly, Titus perked up, not dissimilar to a child who had been told that they were having sugary food for dinner.

-time skip to Cassiopea's kidnapping-

Titus knew that something had come through the damn door, why the holy hell hadn't he investigated thoroughly?! The bright light had blinded the ancient daimon, and even now with his vision rapidly clearing - there was still the dark spots spattering across his eyes. He saw the goddess being yanked back by some invisible force, and then... hold the fucking horse - they disappeared.

"Titus! Draven! Anybody do something!" Cassius shouted, and Titus blearily saw the two other daimons stumbling towards where the goddess and invisible force disappeared. Titus however stood still, allowing his eyes to adjust - but he wasn't just letting it happen. Quickly the metal balls floating around Titus stretched into thin snakes and began to thoroughly search the area, poking and prodding everything.
((Iiiii admittedly completely forgot to respond to this. Sorry @kyaleesaurus ))


"After her or them or whatever the Hell it is!" He shoved Draven out of the way as he charged after the goddess. Idiot hadn't guarded himself at all and was screaming in agony at the burning in his eyes. Unfortunately he wasn't quite fast enough. They had slipped right through his fingers.

"Grrr....As soon as night falls I want as many as possible out and tracking whoever did this! I think I have an idea who it was, but I'm going to have to ask a few of my...resources. Titus, do you mind assisting me once you're done with Draven?"
Dead eye

"Names Dead eye sir" he said as he added with a grin and walk inside as he take a deeo breath. Finaly he saw his hero's and its like a dream come true for him as he look at all of them with wonde. he then look at the man talking to him as he nodded " yes i saw what happen and its quite rare even to see" he said with a smile and continue eating his bread as he take a seat on a chair
Astaroth Suzumiya] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30543-supermegabrenda2/ said:

Cassiopea giggle as she look at him and nodded and respond "just one will be fine" she said as she walk close to him and help him up. Ammax. Such a nice guy. He remind her of someone special to her but the Gods know were he might be now and hope that the God of death take good care of him.


Ammax picked up an apple, and tossed it at her, hoping he catches it. If it hit her, or she failed to catch it, he would chuckle. He whent on setting the fruits in the cabnet correctly, and picked up a nice-looking cabbage.

He ate it as he headed for the coutch.

"So, why'd you leave Olympus?"​


Cassiopea frown as she look at the fruit that Ammax gave her "w-well i l-leave Olympus c-cuz i wanna travel the w-world like t-them"she said as she take a deep breath and added "i w-want to be free L-like them and i w-wanna teach some lesson to h-humans like them" she then grip her hands together and tears fall down her eyes "b-but i t-thought i-ill be s-safe i-instead i got taken b-by so me d-diamon and some w-witch for sacrifice... i t-then got s-save by some d-demon then a w-warlock c-cursed me" she said trying not to sound like she was crying.
Astaroth Suzumiya] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30543-supermegabrenda2/ said:

Cassiopea frown as she look at the fruit that Ammax gave her "w-well i l-leave Olympus c-cuz i wanna travel the w-world like t-them"she said as she take a deep breath and added "i w-want to be free L-like them and i w-wanna teach some lesson to h-humans like them" she then grip her hands together and tears fall down her eyes "b-but i t-thought i-ill be s-safe i-instead i got taken b-by so me d-diamon and some w-witch for sacrifice... i t-then got s-save by some d-demon then a w-warlock c-cursed me" she said trying not to sound like she was crying.


Ammax looked up at the girl. He, honestly, felt bad for her.

"Hey, hey... Don't cry..." He said, as he walked up to her and hugged her. Since he was tall, her face was burried under his chest.

(Or on it, i dunno)

He held her head with on hand, and the other was in the middle of her back.

He hugged her tightly, and began humming a bit, trying to calm her.

(He is humming: MGSV Quiet's song.)​
Astaroth Suzumiya] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30543-supermegabrenda2/ said:

Cassiopea rested on his chest as she calm down from crying. Moments later she have fallen asleep on his arms and her head on his chest.


Ammax smiled a bit, and carried her to her bed. He set her down, and placed the sheets up to her waist.

He sighed, and plopped down on the brown bed beside hers.

He rubbed his temples, and watched her sleep.

Astaroth Suzumiya] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30543-supermegabrenda2/ said:

Cassiopea rested on his chest as she calm down from crying. Moments later she have fallen asleep on his arms and her head on his chest.
(No one liners please. and could you two slow down on the posts a bit? At least until others have a chance too? Or go to a pm if you're just solely going to be working on a romance or relationship with them right now.)
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Axel1313 said:
(No one liners please. and could you two slow down on the posts a bit? At least until others have a chance too? Or go to a pm to build their relationship?)
Sure. Ill slow 'm down a bit xD

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