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Futuristic Dark Days


Six Thousand Club
It all started in the year 2098.

Much has changed. Humanity, with complete and utter disregard to nature, has expanded beyond any possible sustainability. Global stability collapsed around 2032, Sparking WW3. As with any war, people found new technologies to help people and hurt people like Augmentations, Medkits, and Solar power. After the dust settled in 2045, a new order was established, and people went back to whatever life they could. Corporations bought and sold whatever land they could get their hands on and abusing it for all it was worth under the idea of Protection and Survival, some even say that they dabbled in Human Experimentation. Soon enough, all the energy and resources they could obtain ran out. The Corporation for Human Expansion and Survival (CHES), a branch of the New United Nations, was researching new Trans-Dimensional Technology in order to combat this global crisis. The goal: Use any and all methods they could to find a sustainable universe to use and exploit. No one except the top brass knew of this this project. They only underwent 3 multiverse tests as far as we know. each one led to:

There was an outbreak of sicknesses across the world. Tales of strange mutations, Limbs growing on people, strange tumors, animals and other wildlife growing bigger, even the dead rising from the grave. The 'government' did what it could to stave off the invasion, until-
People all over the world had sighting of strange creatures wandering the area. Blank-faced Albinos, humans with no skin, weird blobs, houses and whole blocks disappearing. Cities turned to rubble, Wars were raged in the streets, and people invested in shelters, if they could afford to.
A series of giant explosions of CHES facilities erupted across the world, shutting off some energy stations and radio communications. And to top it all off, a series of monsters and otherworldly creatures flew out.

Years of utter chaos and otherworldly confrontation wrecked the planet. You are one of the few surviving human...things still alive on this planet. You have been wandering around the wastes, until all of a sudden, through one way or another, you hear of a place named Nirvana. The Safest place in the world.

Heed the call or don't. But there will still be DARK DAYS ahead.

So the Idea is based off of the game Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, A game where the goal is to just survive. You can be anything. A failed experiment, A mutated creature, anything. You can try to reach Nirvana, or just mess around.

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