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Fantasy Dante's School for Engineering and Wizardy [OPEN]


Hydro Dragon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)



What are you skilled in (Can be both):





Classes (Min. 4):

Appearance (Anime-only please):

Pets (Optional. Mechanical or Alive are okay):

Classes available

Engineering branch:

Tinkering - Here you will learn how to properly tinker with and improve already existing pieces of technology.

Mech Engineering - Here you will learn how to build and operate a Mech suit.

Augmentation - Here you will learn how to implement mechanical devices into the human body.

Airship tech - Here you will learn how to repair, build, and operate the console on an airship, as well as build weapons for one.

Wizardry Branch:

Medicines - Here you will learn how to concoct medicinal herbs to heal friends.

Elemental - Here you will leran the elements and how to control them.

Necromancy - Here you will learn to raise and control the dead.

Summoning - Here you will learn how to summon lesser Gods and Demons to help you in battle.
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Name: Lilli

Age: 19

Specialization (Be creative): Mechromancer (Is a skilled Engineer who specializes in Mech building and tinkering)


- A skilled Mech builder and tinkerer

- A skilled Engineer in general


- Flirty, if she sees someone she likes she'll drop everything and talk to them. Doing so causes her break Work in progresses.

- Shy

- Timid, doesn't like to fight.

- Has no magic ability whatsoever.

Bio: She grew in a bad neighborhood so she became shy over time. To make things worse the fact she found out she magical skill was a bad thing where she grew up in because everyone there had some sort of magic skill, so she got bullied for that too, but one upside is that she in an excellent engineer. Very Smart and Intuitive. To prove it she built her pet fox all by herself, the Foxes name? Jax.

Personality: Shy and withdrawn, she's hard to get through to but she can be the greatest person you'll ever meet. Funny, bubbly and overall awesome.

Classes (Min. 4):

- Tinkering

- Airship Tech

- Basics of Magic

- Medicinal Properties

Appearance (Anime-only please):


Pets (Optional. Mechanical or Alive are okay):

This fox follows her around it does nothing special so just leave it alone.


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Name: Morana Hekate Alderwich (Mora for short)

Age: 18

Specialisation: Necromancy and manipulation


- She is incredibly intelligent

- She is strong in both mind and body


- Overly apologetic

- understands nothing about other people

- cares too much about her ability and the people she can control


She grew up in a family of rich Mages. Her father was a necromancer and her mother controlled demonic spirits. Their home was stately, a manor far off in the English countryside. She was never cared for by her parents directly, more by nurses and maids who were employed simply to make her happy. As time went on and she grew, her father would come to her and teach her magic, while her mother remained in the shadows. It took her much too long to realise what had happened to her mother, until she finally saw what she had become. She had turned into what she controlled, and so was never allowed to see her daughter again. Because of this, she fears summoners, afraid for their future. She was sent to the school for both refuge and to further her abilities, now that her father had to be a part of protecting her mother from her fate.


She is generally kind, though can be cold and secluded if upset. She wishes not to hurt people, but doesn't understand their emotions as well as the ones she has control over, who often show their emotion explicitly. She is fun-loving too, if close enough to the ones who want to spend time with her.




It's not a pet really, more a small spirit that follows her around wherever she goes. It takes the form of a weird but cute cat demon.



- Necromancy

- Summoning

- Augmentation

- Medicine
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Name: Glimmer Blackwood

Age : 18

Specialization: Elemental Manipulator and Tinker


~ She's really flexible, fast and agile

~ She's a good spell-caster

~ She's a really good singer and actress


~ She's very delicate

~ She cries easily

~ She's really clumsy.


~ Elemental

~ Necromancy

~ Tinkering

~ Augmentation

Bio: Her mother is a famous worldwide singer, and her dad is a Hollywood movie star. She's always liked singing and dancing. But her dancing skills ain't the best. Her mother was secretly an elemental manipulator, and her father loved tinkering, they taught her everything she knows. One day she was kidnapped after one of her concerts, and it was three months before she came back. Luckily, she survived the fighting tournament by using her elemental manipulation. Her parents were relieved and impressed, so they sent her to this school.

Personality: Shes shy and defensive, when you meet her because of her horrible experience. She's normally super friendly and optimistic, even with her clumsiness. She's smart, smiles often, and very outgoing. More to be role played out...


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/large.jpg.4a4f8fffa430b59ed459a2ccadbc4952.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75000" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/large.jpg.4a4f8fffa430b59ed459a2ccadbc4952.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pet: Licorice is a vampire cat. He's just an adorable pet she's had her whole life, that follows her around.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.4178a8c73953adb614faa15758eb9987.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75053" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.4178a8c73953adb614faa15758eb9987.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Dandy Manuel, or as he likes to call himself "The Dandy man"

Age: 19


Elemental Golemancer (someone who specializes in Elemental golemancy,that is, the building, design, maintenance,and usage of golums created and manipulated using different elements.)


A skilled elementalist and mech creator.

A skilled engineer.

He is an extremely quick spell caster.

Genius level inventor.


His spell have a lack of accuracy (since he cast them too quickly)

He hates to fight himself (Hence why he makes golums)

He gets distracted super easily.

He is physically weak. (Once again why he makes golums)

Blind in his left eye.

He lacks.

He can't do even the basics of any other magic but elementalist magic.

Bio: Dandy seemed to have been given everything one could wish for in life, a rich family, a talent in magic and engineering and a loving family really the only thing he didn't get was a good name, really who names their child dandy still he adapted it never stating his last name to anyone and instead calling himself the Dandy man. Dandy really never had much trouble in life other than the strange injury that disabled his eye, somehow a small vain burst that was right next to his eye causing the blood to seep into his eye blocking any vision out of it completely, the doctors recommend getting the eye out (since it was useless and they was no way to get all the blood out) but Dandy insisted it stayed so instead they just cut the nerve connecting the eye to the brain while he can't see out of it he finds it pretty cool. Like most people he got bullied here and there due to his name but after a while (and a demonstration of his magic) the bullying would stop. He magic shone bright however brighter than his magic was his engineering skills proved when he made his first golum however he wasn't proud of it and so the tinkering began until he made his first elemental golum.His parents acknowledging the base skill he had sent him to Dante's school in order to farther improve his talents.


Dandy is a rather laid back individual, he never stress out and always seems to have a calm expression on his face even when the times are hard, he loved a good laugh and is called a social butterfly for a good reason, he isn't afraid to talk to anyone, anywhere even talking to strangers like he was their best friend or something.


Mech Engineering








While not really being a pet he keeps his first semi-successful attempt at a elemental golem that sometimes follows him around. Its only special thing is that it gives small electric shocks if Dandy orders it too and it has its hand on the target.

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Accepted for now @Bills352

Im gonna add caps so it may affect your CS, keep an eye on Overview for that
Name: Jake (Not from State Farm)

Age: 17

What are you skilled in (Can be both): Electromancer


~ Controls electricity

~ Can cause power surges by either drainin generators of energy or releasing an EMP blast

~ Can increase his power by absorbing extra electricity


~ His reserves are limited

~ The EMP Blast takes up all of his reserves

~ Absorbing energy sources can increase his reserves but foreign electricity can have a permanent effect on his body (Reduced Reserves and major electricity sickness) and also makes him HIGHLY unstable, meaning he can litterally explode if not properly drained of his excess electricity. (Much like a Pikachu absorbs excess electricity but suffers from a sickness)

Bio: He grew up a normal life but after surviving an Electromagnetic explosion from a nearby power generator he has always been able to control electricity. He bcame legendary in his town and soon all over the worl as "The Lightning Master" But he never really had any combat experience. Some legends say he is able eat lightning from the sky... but those have yet to be proven. He also wants to learn to control other elements bu that may prove troublesome because his electricity often gets in the way.

Personality: "Electrifying", joyful and Lonely are what describe Jake (Not from State Farm) like the very element he controls, he's also unpredictable.

Classes (Min. 4):

- Elemental

- Summoning

- Engineering: How to

- Necromancy

- Airship Tech

Appearance (Anime-only please):


(Except without the backpack and gloves)

Pets (Optional. Mechanical or Alive are okay): None
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Sally H. Sterling






-Engineering genius

-Excellent memory


-Glass jaw

-Knows no magic

-Doesn't actually have any training in combat

-Easily scared



Sally comes from a long line of engineers in a small village. Sally has been taught how to build stuff since her earliest memories, and has always put a lot of pressure on herself, being the youngest and weakest in the family. She worked especially hard because of that, and became the first person in her family to get accepted to a prestigous school like Dante's school.


Sally is very intelligent and has a good memory. She isn't very polite though, and often uses slang. She's very obedient and submissive, to the point of being a doormat, and is easily scared. She's very nice and kind, and has an unwavering loyalty. Sally is very bad at lying, so she's usually honest. Is very focused when working, and becomes very irritetated quickly if someones disturbs her. She's easily intimidated by other people, and usually puts herself below her peers. She's isn't used to having much personal space.



-Mech Engineering


-Airship Tech

-Medicinal Properties

-Basics of Magic


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/untitled_drawing_by_sdrawcabdaer-d9a1ebf.png.8411e84ed3ea9fab2c4f92d22e7778a4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75393" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/untitled_drawing_by_sdrawcabdaer-d9a1ebf.png.8411e84ed3ea9fab2c4f92d22e7778a4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name:Itsuki Matsumoto


What are you skilled in (Can be both):magic, but kind of interested in engeneering, but not as much as magic, still skilled at engeneering

Strengths:healing, using magic, necromancy

Weaknesses:fighting (he hates it), the dark (he's scared of it)

Bio: Itsuki showed magical knowledge from a young age. He always excelled in his classes, and usually got good grades. When he was around ten, he started to learn about engeneering. This became his fascination along with magic, though he preferred magic since he always knew about his powers. When he learned he was going to this school, he was thrilled.

Personality:kind, talkative, trustworthy, curious, smart (sometimes considered a nerd by the older students)

Classes (Min. 4):







Appearance (Anime-only please):

Pets (Optional. Mechanical or Alive are okay):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-29_14-24-52.jpeg.5a24fa465bbaf45572884272a5e12d4f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88405" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-29_14-24-52.jpeg.5a24fa465bbaf45572884272a5e12d4f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> name is Icarus




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Are you sure that your character specializes in healing and not necromancy? I've seen you do the latter a lot lately.

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