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Fandom Danganronpa OOC (Closed)

Ship on ship action
QUESTION; We did not use honorifics in the last rp, will be using them in this one or naw?
If we use honorifics then we'd probably have to refer to characters by their last names too and knowing me I'd probably screw up sooner or later with that.

However, one of the good things about it is that I might be able to see all the other characters try to decipher what honorifics to use for Hamasaki...I'm pretty neutral about it.
If we use honorifics then we'd probably have to refer to characters by their last names too and knowing me I'd probably screw up sooner or later with that.

However, one of the good things about it is that I might be able to see all the other characters try to decipher what honorifics to use for Hamasaki...I'm pretty neutral about it.
-san sounds pretty good

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